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01-06-2009, 12:22
Link to previous thread here (http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=30515)

08-06-2009, 19:28
Why have they ruined Andy so much? Its shocking how much his character's changed.

08-06-2009, 19:53
Blame the old Producer, with the whole wife-beater storyline, I think the writers didn't know how to redeem the Character after that.

He has totally lost the plot now, I really felt sorry for him last week, you could clearly see he is on the brink.

The new producer has stated that he will hit rock bottom this Summer, he will lose the Farm. He is diagnosed with Clinical Depression, a family member is supposed to get through to him.

08-06-2009, 20:02
I thought he might be suffering from Depression, its starting to become obvious now the way he's not interested anymore.

09-06-2009, 12:49
Its time for Andy to leave

09-06-2009, 13:04
What can one say about Andy he has gone from the cute kid to a violent man in a matter of years. I can't see how his character can survive it could be time for him to wave 'goodbye' to the dales :(
If he goes can he take Katie with him!

11-06-2009, 19:24
Why is Maisie after Cain? Surely she saw how he was with Andy :confused:

BTW i dont like Maisie or Nathan

11-06-2009, 19:26
Hes a bad boy and I get the feeling that she likes bad boys.

Maisie is alright, cant stand Nathan though, he is the most annoying older Brother.

Cain and Maisie's fling wont last long as he is supposed to get with Lexi

11-06-2009, 22:18
Maisie and Nathan are just spoilt kids with a little bit of money and nothing else. Nathan tries to shift his weight around because of his money and Maisie is a little bit too free loving :(

Chloe O'brien
11-06-2009, 22:46
The only one who can bring Andy out of his depression is little Sarah he has nothing else now he has lost custody of her. Maybe he takes a breakdown and Debbie takes Sarah to visit him in secret to help him recover.

12-06-2009, 16:06
Sorry but who owns the pub again? Is it still Diane and Val or it is Maisie?

I dont like Maisie or Nathan at all

12-06-2009, 17:16
Maisie does not own the pub. Val and Diane still do.

12-06-2009, 20:24
I hope little Sarah can help Andy as he is so lost- he is a broken man :(

12-06-2009, 21:14
I hope Sarah helps him through his depression aswell, but from the spoilers it looks as if

Andy doesn't remember he has a kid and that Jack is dead, as he still thinks he is married to Katie and Katie knows that there is something is seriously wrong with him

15-06-2009, 21:43
Punching Cain is not a good move for Mark :nono:

15-06-2009, 21:54
It wasn't much of a punch though, it looked like a tap.

The old Cain looks like he is back.

I heard starts an affair with Lexi

15-06-2009, 23:09
I dont mind Maisie much but Nathan just irritates me so much

15-06-2009, 23:55
Have we any idea when Charity returns

16-06-2009, 00:10
Have we any idea when Charity returns

She returns

Late Summer, maybe October

16-06-2009, 22:27
Have we any idea when Charity returns

She returns

Late Summer, maybe October

thats ages away :(

18-06-2009, 16:01
Have we any idea when Charity returns

She returns

Late Summer, maybe October

thats ages away :(it'll soon come round!

18-06-2009, 20:51
It better and she better end up with Cain and get him away from Maisie with her dodgy teeth and foundation

18-06-2009, 21:06
Cains using Maisie, Jeff said in an interview on This Morning.

It's pretty obvious that Charity and Cain will get together, whether this is long time or just a fling is unanswered.:hmm:

19-06-2009, 06:14
They are good together!

26-06-2009, 19:31
Since when did Andy have dogs and cats on the farm? Never seen any of them before. I hope somebody is going to look after them because Andy certainly is not by the look of his cows and sheep. :angry:
If I were in Katie's shoes, I would have reacted rather different to finding Andy in the state she did, calmly, if a little tearful, telling Diane that he is acting strange. I would have the doctor out there pronto.

07-07-2009, 23:24
Could someone explain to me how Mark can offer to divorce Natasha. He isnt actually married to her. He is a Bigamist and is therefore legally married to Faye.

Just what experience does Pollard have to open a Funeral Parlour.:rolleyes:

08-07-2009, 06:02
I have been thinking that too. I wonder whether that fact will ever be mentioned :hmm:

08-07-2009, 14:14
Ive missed a lot lately but can someone explain why Natasha's got it in for Faye? I don't actually see what Faye's done wrong?

08-07-2009, 14:16
She basically sees her as a threat, although she has nothing to be worried about on Marks/Daniels part, because he has made it clear there are no feelings between him and Faye. Faye still loves him, but is hurt at the fact he faked his own death.

08-07-2009, 14:35
I think Natasha might also be worried about Faye possibly being able to have any claims on assets she and Mark have worked hard for. Ryan certainly will have a claim as Mark's son.

11-07-2009, 12:29
Faye I am growing to like as it's the first time I have seen anyone get under Natasha's skin. Usually she walks around looking all smug, Faye's news has brought her down to earth!

Chloe O'brien
18-07-2009, 00:28
Loved the quote tonight from Jimmy when he discovered Nicola hiding in the pub:

Jimmy: Mark, Diane oh look and there's my birthing partner leaving raisins all over the villiage. Bless them they are going to make great parents. :lol:

18-07-2009, 01:30
does viv find out about gennie and bob?

does anyone know?

18-07-2009, 06:29
She will find out - no secret affairs in soapland for long. I guess Terry will be blabbing about it to her

18-07-2009, 20:56
i quite liked the new family, i think they could be good. Andy is really getting on my nerves now.

19-07-2009, 07:22
I like what I have seen so far from the Barton family and I felt sorry for Andy which is a first.

21-07-2009, 19:24
I am not sure I like Betty's make-over, her wig does not look right :nono:

23-07-2009, 21:34
How good was tonights episode, it was weird watching a cliff hanger, but its like Corrie on Monday and Friday.

John Barton was great tonight, loving the new family they are fitting in well in the Dales.

Felt sorry for Aaron, which makes a change as I usually hate him, but he was trying to stop an accident but gets the blame.

23-07-2009, 22:13
I wish someone would punch Nathan :angry: I really dislike him and his airhead sister

I like the new family the Bartons - one of better cast additions in a while

It would be better if one of Doug, Leyla or Ryan had died.

Has the actress who plays Chas some work nip tuck?

23-07-2009, 22:26
Thats exactly what me and my dad said about Nathan, he is such a pain, i want to give him a smack in the gob.

It was very Emmerdale, everyonje mucking in to save the people trapped. I enjoyed it, and i enjoyed the two parts as well. Didnt get bored like i did when it was on for a full hour on a tuesday.

Still don't Like Aaron, but i think thats the actor, he went to my school and i never liked him.

25-07-2009, 18:35
I thought Doug was going to die I can't see , much point to his character :(

25-07-2009, 21:10
He is Laurel's dad, enough reason to be around as far as I am concerned :)

25-07-2009, 21:12
Not in my book I find him very moany and he doesn't really play much of a part within the soap to be missed.

03-08-2009, 19:55
Is Lily gone for good now?

I'm glad Edna said goodbye

Poor Nicola - she was trying to help Carl and Lexie

03-08-2009, 20:38
I think Lily is now gone for good but for ONCE I felt sorry for Nicola she has only been trying to help

04-08-2009, 17:05
I feel sorry for Lexi, which makes a change she is hurting and Carl won't be honest with herabout not being in love with her. You can see he still loves Chas the other day when they were talking, it was as if they never broke up.

Lily has left, at least she left in style. I felt sorry for Edna.

Nicola has proper grown on me since her and Jimmy became a couple.

07-08-2009, 10:36
Nicola in labour and Jimmy was very funny :lol: one of the best couples ever in Emmerdale i'm just love them together and Nicola is so much more tolerable and likeable

07-08-2009, 15:55
Nicola headbutting Jimmy :rotfl:

I do agree they are a great couple

I dont know why but i keep thinking Ryan will be gay and try and kiss Nathan :rolleyes:

08-08-2009, 08:39
Nicola and Jimmy are good together!

08-08-2009, 20:41
Poor Lexi Carl is being horrible to her he needs to be honest

Nicola to Jimmy: ""get your big head outta the way thats really what the baby needs to see :lol: there are so funny together i hope they get married

12-08-2009, 10:41
Debbie's new fella Michael looks the same age as her dad Cain :cheer:

Eli needs to wash and eat he is so skinny

12-08-2009, 10:42
Who is Michael?

13-08-2009, 22:57
poor Lexi i really felt for her tonight

13-08-2009, 23:05
That was Lexi's exit tonight

14-08-2009, 05:38
Yes no more Lexi I really thought he would kill her but now he has his own punishment living with all the bad things he has done and living alone!

19-08-2009, 14:05
No doubt once Paddy is gone Chas is going to cheat with Carl

19-08-2009, 14:18
Right I havent watched it in ages, can someone fill me in please?

19-08-2009, 15:00
Right I havent watched it in ages, can someone fill me in please?

Lexi left after Carl told her didnt love her so now he is chasing Chas again and Paddy is worried and doesnt trust Chas so he wont go on a veterinary course

Nicola had a baby girl Angelica

19-08-2009, 15:30
Aww when did she have the baby?

20-08-2009, 20:44
No doubt once Paddy is gone Chas is going to cheat with Carl
Do you think she will?

20-08-2009, 22:19
she had the baby last thursday i think it was Abbie, it was definitley last week sometime, not sure of the day.

I am wenjoying the new family especially the father and the son, the teenage girls are quite annoying but they may grow on me.

21-08-2009, 11:56
Finally Emmerdale has a male hottie in the form of John Barton :wub:

I like idea of Jamie and Gennie as a couple but i'd doubt it would go well since she slept with his dad

21-08-2009, 19:36
John seems ok not the brightest new faces but seems ok

Gennie and Jamie together won't work as Jamie is bound to find out that Bob slept with her

22-08-2009, 11:32
Jamie and Gennie would make a nice couple such a shame he realised he liked her a little late after she slept with his dad :(

22-08-2009, 11:50
Its a shame as well as i think they would be a brilliant double act!

22-08-2009, 11:52
They are so well suited
Is it true that Louise is due to make a re-appearance soon?

23-08-2009, 11:28
Louise coming back? Why?

25-08-2009, 13:58
I hope Louise dont return

Aaron is some little devious brat

I hope Jamie and Gennie hook up soon

26-08-2009, 20:30
Jamie and Gennie? Would be fun but it can't last I just think its funny that Bob thinks so much of himself that he thinks Gennie is attempting to hook up with Jamie because its a younger version of him!

27-08-2009, 17:33
What age is Aaron suppose to be? Him and his mum Chas look around the same age :lol:

I'm glad Zak got Aaron to drop the charges against John

I hate Katie either she wants Ryan or she dont

28-08-2009, 20:55
Has katie ever know what she wanted?

Aaron isn't he around 17 or somthing?

29-08-2009, 16:44
Has katie ever know what she wanted?

Aaron isn't he around 17 or somthing?

Katie has never known what she has wanted, in life and with guys, I mean Ryan is basically running round in circles to get with her and she is playing hard to get, God she seriously annoys me.

Aaron is 16, but he is acting like a spoilt little brat all the time.

29-08-2009, 19:52
Aaron is just acting up as I feel he thinks that Chas puts herself before him and her needs.

As for Katie when will her character just settle down?

31-08-2009, 11:51
I'm glad Mark wants to get to know his son Ryan better - his other son Nathan is a a$$hole

31-08-2009, 11:56
Ryan seems like a nice guy he seems to have the good qualities of Faye and Mark. I feel sorry for Mark but he did cause all this hassle

02-09-2009, 12:26
Chas knew she couldnt resist Carl and she didnt even fight it

So Jimmy is going to be a house husband :lol:

02-09-2009, 19:59
It will suit him :)

03-09-2009, 21:36
so happy chas/carl mite get back together! want faye/cain together next and also gennie and jamie.

04-09-2009, 11:20
Ryan is an idiot for doing anything Nathan wants

I like that finally Chas and Carl will get back together but feel sorry for Paddy - Chas should have been honest with him

04-09-2009, 15:50
:( I missed this week!

Whens the omnibus?

05-09-2009, 07:13
I feel so so sorry for Paddy when he returns he knew that something could happen with Chas and Carl if he wasn't around. Aaron seems crushed that Chas is hanging around Carl again I wonder if he feels this way because for the first time in a long time he was starting to have a proper family set up?

Chloe O'brien
06-09-2009, 00:23
Aaron has seen Paddy as the first proper bloke who he feels safe and secure with and Chas has spoilt that by going back with Carl, which is a shame as Aaron would rather stay with Paddy than go and live with Zak and Lisa.

06-09-2009, 08:13
I do feel for Aaron but Chas and Carl in my eyes are meant for one another

06-09-2009, 13:09
I feel so so sorry for Paddy when he returns he knew that something could happen with Chas and Carl if he wasn't around. Aaron seems crushed that Chas is hanging around Carl again I wonder if he feels this way because for the first time in a long time he was starting to have a proper family set up?

Paddy will find out that something DID happen, their relationship was doomed from the start and I think Paddy and Chas knew this when they started. I don't think that the scriptwriters will ever put Carl and Chas together for good, which I think is what most fans would like to see. :thumbsup:

06-09-2009, 14:21
I like them both but I think the writers either need to put them together or not

07-09-2009, 07:35
I had to watch the omnibus edition over the weekend to catch up with last week's episodes and I am now left wondering why Ryan went to Cain for help when he found out that Nathan had him drive a stolen car. Why did he not just go back to where he picked Nathan up, he needed to collect his van anyway. :searchme: Stupid storyline in my opinion.

07-09-2009, 20:13
What was all that about? I watched the omnibus too and I was left wondering why was that scene even made!

08-09-2009, 12:47
I like the pairing of Cain and Faye

08-09-2009, 15:15
Bring Mandy Dingle back for Paddy, they were great together.

08-09-2009, 15:20
I agree, I would love to have her back again. Wonder what Lisa Riley is up to these days :hmm:

08-09-2009, 20:01
Mandy and Paddy again? I think they ran it's course

Paddy should of been wiser to Chas as everyone could see she still loved Carl

08-09-2009, 22:24
I like the pairing of Cain and Faye

so do I! :heart: :wub:

09-09-2009, 06:30
Cain and Faye won't work Faye loves Mark and I think Faye will only hurt and possibly use Cain

09-09-2009, 06:39
The only person who can hurt Cain is Charity, Faye is just a little distruction for Cain and it helps to wind up Mark and Nathan. Faye wants to make Mark jealous and I think it will work.

09-09-2009, 11:14
cain/faye are going to be involved more deeper than you think. watch this space...

10-09-2009, 15:07
Debbie is an idiot

10-09-2009, 18:56
COuldnt agree more about Debbie.

Chas/Carl/PAddy stuff is boring me greatly!

10-09-2009, 20:24
Marlon is very annoying and whiny - he should take a long holiday

Oh no Paddy knows expect fireworks

10-09-2009, 20:33
Does anyone think that Marlon deep down likes Moira?

And Chas really got her just desserts - I never know Paddy had it in him to get so angry!

10-09-2009, 20:44
"Backstabbing whore!" :eek:

10-09-2009, 20:58
The second episode was an amazing episode, especially when Paddy went all mental in the vet's surgery, after finding out about Chas and Carl.

Chas did get what was coming to her, she never expected Paddy to let everyone know what had happened.

10-09-2009, 22:11
Loved the puib scene with Paddy and Chas, made up for the boring cricket storyline!

11-09-2009, 06:08
Chas did not have many belongings at Paddy's, only two binliners with hardly anything in either of them. Wish they would do things a bit more realistically in soaps and films.
So will Carl and Chas get together now or will Aaron still manipulate Chas?

11-09-2009, 09:42
Oh aaron will still manipulate chas

Im so sick of hearing about cricket, every episode - hopefully thats it over with now

11-09-2009, 11:11
Go Paddy! :cheer:

12-09-2009, 07:21
Poor Paddy he does deserve a love interest
I thought that Gennie used to fancy him? Is this the case still or is she after Jamie?

12-09-2009, 10:04
Watching the omnibus now and I am glued to my seat.......

12-09-2009, 10:56
I didn't like the way that gennie spoke to chas saying that everyone hated her. gennie is acting like she has never made a mistake- when does it come out about her and bob?

12-09-2009, 12:47
I didn't like the way that gennie spoke to chas saying that everyone hated her. gennie is acting like she has never made a mistake- when does it come out about her and bob?

Gennie annoyed me aswell, I hated the fact that she made out she was high and mighty and had never made a mistake.

Next week her secret with Bob comes out, when Jamie finds out about the two of them.

Just shows they are sisters, they both make mistakes and feel guilty, but make out nothing is wrong.

12-09-2009, 13:26
Next week?

Can't wait!!!!!

12-09-2009, 13:35
I dont know when Viv finds out, but I suspect xmas will be when the revelation of Bob and Gennie, aswell as the Faye and Mark secret being found out by then.

12-09-2009, 14:35
chas will get with shadrach dingle hehehe

12-09-2009, 15:16
Come on now isn't that her own father:rolleyes:

13-09-2009, 07:24
this is absoulte bull I thought people posted things that were worth reading then far fetched?!

13-09-2009, 17:21
Gennie is a hypocrite - she slept with Bob behind Viv's back and she has the nerve to lash out at Chas for cheating :angry:

13-09-2009, 20:13
Gennie slept with Bob :eek:

13-09-2009, 20:42
Yes Gennie slept with Bob the night before Viv was released from jail

16-09-2009, 11:58
not too keen on the new family

16-09-2009, 12:32
I would like to know a bit more about them. Why they are setting up the factory in Emmerdale and why is Nikhil always so moody yet his brother Jai quite cheerful? Priya seems to be a bit of a slapper from what we have seen so far.

16-09-2009, 14:58
Well Emmerdale were starting to lose there slappers, I mean Katie is getting with Ryan, Chas is back with Carl (sort of), the new girl Holly is too innocent, Hannah is too young/innocent, Victoria has stopped for now (upcoming slapper in the works) and every other girl is too niave or just stupid.

So basically the new girl needed to fill the shoes of the previous slappers before her:rotfl: , plus Charity is returning, so she will have competition.

17-09-2009, 11:33
Gennie and Bob's secret session is found out by Jamie - Poor Jamie

Finally a scene with brother and sister Chas and Cain :cheer:

17-09-2009, 15:20
Felt sorry for Jamie last night, which makes a change as I usually hate his character. I actually thought him Gennie were going to make a good couple, as both of them had great chemistry and it would have made a great storyline down the line, as I find both of them irritating seperatly, but together not as much.

I know Chas and Cain in a scene together, I have been waiting months. They will have more scenes together, when Charity returns.

18-09-2009, 10:56
I liked the scenes with Aaron and Zak - he really was so mad at his mother, Chas did put Carl before her son even though i am shipper for Carl and Chas i think putting her with Paddy to start with was a big no no

19-09-2009, 10:21
Jamie my heart went out to him as I think he really had feeling for Gennie.
I never took to her character too much but I never expected so much trouble from her but she is a dingle afterall.

Is it me or does Mark have some feelings for Faye?

19-09-2009, 12:37
It's not just you Mark clearly still has feelings for Faye, but why did he leave her if he still loves her.

19-09-2009, 14:12
Maybe he couldn't handle being married so young and thought she would be better off without him but he didn't know she was pregnant when he walked out.

20-09-2009, 00:15
It's not just you Mark clearly still has feelings for Faye, but why did he leave her if he still loves her.

Yes i think he is jealous when he sees her with Cain so maybe he still has feelings for her i also think Maisie is jealous so she could still have a thing for Cain.

I think Mark left Faye and Ryan because they were poor and he wanted to make money and something of his life and then Natasha happened its strange that Ryan is older than Maisie he looks much younger and Maisie looks like Faye's age

20-09-2009, 11:49
But Mark wasn't aware of Faye being pregnant when he left her?

20-09-2009, 13:42
No, Mark did not know that Faye was pregnant when he disappeared out of her life

20-09-2009, 17:34
If he had known I think he may of acted differently

21-09-2009, 19:30
haha Katie being told to get over herself :D about time!

21-09-2009, 19:32
haha Katie being told to get over herself :D about time!

That was hilirious, her face was priceless, like she is above herself:rotfl:

Mark making it blatantly obvious that he is in love with Faye.:nono:

21-09-2009, 19:35
Debbie really needs to insist that Cain stays out of her lovelife, he is an interfering bullying thug :angry:

21-09-2009, 20:20
I think Faye and Mak may end up together!

21-09-2009, 20:26
I think Faye and Mak may end up together!

You can bet your bottom dollar on that :lol:

21-09-2009, 20:50
I think Faye and Mak may end up together!

You can bet your bottom dollar on that :lol:

By xmas they will probably be renewing their Wedding vows:lol:

21-09-2009, 20:52
Ha ha, like it :rotfl:

22-09-2009, 19:45
Debbie really needs to insist that Cain stays out of her lovelife, he is an interfering bullying thug :angry:

I think Cain is a good dad after all Michael is using Debbie as his bit on the side yes his methods are violent but he is looking out for her

I liked the scenes with Paddy and Aaron they could be good mates

22-09-2009, 19:51
Debbie is old enough to decide who she wants to be with, she knows Michael has got somebody else, if she wants to go down that road, it is up to her. No need for Cain to threaten Michael the way he did.
Nice gesture from Paddy to leave Clyde at his place rather than with the Dingles and now looking after Aaron. Wonder how long it will work out though.

22-09-2009, 21:03
I think Faye and Mak may end up together!

You can bet your bottom dollar on that :lol:

By xmas they will probably be renewing their Wedding vows:lol:

I hope so I'm getting bored of Natasha

24-09-2009, 19:26
Why did Debbie throw Cain out he was right about Michael :confused:

I could do without the airhead females of Gennie/Leyla/Katie/Maisie and their crap storylines

25-09-2009, 15:51
Marlon is jealous of Paddy's bromance with Aaron :lol:

Debbie is an idiot

26-09-2009, 16:35
Debbie is such an idiot I thought she would want someone decent around Sarah not someone like Michael. For once Cain did the right thing and everyone is coming down on him :(
Where and why does Laila need shoes of that expense? Is David that broke she can't ask him for some financial help?

26-09-2009, 17:40
David is broke himself, he had to spend a lot on the new contract with the Sharma's, buying all the cleaning stuff etc. But Laila always looked quite neat and tidy, why is she wearing blouses with holes in them all of a sudden? She is having an income, even if she allegedly pays a lot for her mother's care.

01-10-2009, 09:21
I know the story does not add up.

01-10-2009, 23:21
Welcome back Charity but boy is she selfish and uncaring for Debbie

Little Noah looked adorable

03-10-2009, 10:27
Great to see Charity back but whats happened to her acting? I think its been pretty dodgy these first couple of episodes! anyone agree?

03-10-2009, 11:06
She seems a little unsteady her timing is a little off

03-10-2009, 22:42
Is Charity's long hair real or extensions?

Whats the deal with Nathan and Layla? Does he know she stole the money? Do i sense an affair or indecent proposal with them?

04-10-2009, 04:27
Nathan knows Leyla stole the money, she told him. He will blackmail her into having sex with him, or else he will tell his mother, David or the whole village, I guess.

04-10-2009, 08:34
I can see Nathan blackmailing her for sex the question is whether she will do it or not

04-10-2009, 11:26
Cain and Charity still have great chemistry even when bickering

Leyla annoys me

04-10-2009, 18:39
Layla is annoying so dence and lacks substance. The sooner Nathan sleeps with her or does what he plans to the better. I can't stand the silly suspense

06-10-2009, 15:23
How is Aaron friends again with the Barton kids?

07-10-2009, 09:42
I wondered that too? They are very forgiving

07-10-2009, 19:40
The fight between Charity and Nicola, very entertaining :lol:

Nicola obviously has forgotten she married Donald for his cash rather than his looks and tried to kill him. I don't remember Charity trying to kill somebody

07-10-2009, 20:27
So is charity going to try her luck with the guy who part owns the factory?
I think that Cain still has feelings for charity he is not as tough as he makes out he has a heart deep deep down

07-10-2009, 21:19
There still is passion between Cain and Charity even when fighting - i hope they get together again

Nathan/Leyla/David love triangle is a boring storyline

Chas and Carl are back but not getting a great welcome home - Chas could be a bit more grateful and thankful to Paddy for taking Aaron in

08-10-2009, 06:16
Chas is just ungrateful and is never statisfied. Paddy has done so much for her!

09-10-2009, 10:07
I liked the scenes between Chas and Charity

09-10-2009, 13:55
yeah me too :D I really liked it last night, relaxing

09-10-2009, 21:36
Chas was hard on Aaron

10-10-2009, 13:41
What is Chas' problem? She used to be a cool character now is turning into a right bitch!

10-10-2009, 14:42
I think Debbie and Ryan would make a good couple.

I think Chas is being a horrible mother to Aaron, yes he isnt a great son but he is angry at his mum.

10-10-2009, 16:45
Debbies garage must be one of the busiest garage ive ever known of, she works there and then there is Ryan, Arran and Adam and Cain used to work there toobefore he left the village

10-10-2009, 16:52
Debbie and Ryan becoming a couple? No :( Maybe a one night stand but nothing long term

12-10-2009, 21:36
Debbies garage must be one of the busiest garage ive ever known of, she works there and then there is Ryan, Arran and Adam and Cain used to work there toobefore he left the village

I dont think Adam works there

13-10-2009, 01:40
Charity is acting very selfish, can't even spend more than five minutes with her daughter she hasn't seen for years.

13-10-2009, 06:04
Debbies garage must be one of the busiest garage ive ever known of, she works there and then there is Ryan, Arran and Adam and Cain used to work there toobefore he left the village

Adam works on the farm with his dad and Andy. But you are right, Debbie's garage must be doing really well to employ so many people

13-10-2009, 10:39
Who trained them as mechanics?

13-10-2009, 13:07
I think Lisa trained Debbie when she left school. Ryan was trained before coming to Emmerdale, Arron is supposedly being trained by Debbie and Ryan, obviously has not yet learned that brakes have pipes, not cables.

14-10-2009, 11:19
Debbie and Charity conning Maisie :cheer:

I do agree Charity is selfish towards Debbie but i do like their scenes together

15-10-2009, 14:17
how did they con her? was the jewellery worth nowt?

This Sally storyline is getting quite interesting, i wonder where its heading

15-10-2009, 14:44
The ring is quite valuable but Charity got Maisie to pay the full price which she would not have got from a jeweller.

15-10-2009, 21:25
how did they con her? was the jewellery worth nowt?

This Sally storyline is getting quite interesting, i wonder where its heading

Psycho Sally :rolleyes:

I'm finding the Sally storyline very boring

17-10-2009, 09:09
I am too I wish she would just do something instead of looking or attempting to look mysterious.

17-10-2009, 18:45
For a village pub, they have a lot of staff!!! Wish we had been that busy when we had our village pub and been able to have a chef, two staff, or sometimes three and Diane floating around as the landlady. Think my OH would have had something to say!!!

18-10-2009, 09:45
What the name of the woman who works with Marlon- the one he is always fighting with?

I keep thinking these 2 will get together........

18-10-2009, 10:08
Moira is the wife of the new farmer who took over from Andy Sugden. I hope you are wrong that those two get together. She seems very happy with her husband but that did not stop a newly wed girl starting an affair in another soap, did it?

18-10-2009, 10:09
Exactly. I don't know what it is between these 2 but I kind of think something could happen or Marlon could develop feelings for her. The other day when I watched it and saw how sorry Moira was about mentioning Marlon's personal life I felt she did care for him a little. I could be wrong, just that I think it's time Marlon had some kind of love interest as it has been ages since Donna.

20-10-2009, 13:22
I have just been watching the latest episode and I can't believe that Mark and Faye kissed:cheer:

21-10-2009, 10:49
Leyla didnt seem that drunk to sleep with Nathan :rolleyes:

21-10-2009, 12:31
She was not, she admitted this on This Morning. Just one big mistake, seduced by his attention and cash :(

21-10-2009, 14:17
Leyla and Nathan's scenes last night was kind of interesting as I could see them more as a couple then her and David. Nathan may have the money and the trappings of wealth but I think David truly cares for her which she should realise........

21-10-2009, 21:49
who was nathan talking about when referring to his little sis, when he said shes sound asleep sucking her thumb :searchme: , i thought for a second he could have talking about maisie and having a laugh on her behalf, but the next shot was the pub and she was serving lol

23-10-2009, 10:52
who was nathan talking about when referring to his little sis, when he said shes sound asleep sucking her thumb :searchme: , i thought for a second he could have talking about maisie and having a laugh on her behalf, but the next shot was the pub and she was serving lol

Will maybe

Cain's back again :cheer:

23-10-2009, 10:54
who was nathan talking about when referring to his little sis, when he said shes sound asleep sucking her thumb :searchme: , i thought for a second he could have talking about maisie and having a laugh on her behalf, but the next shot was the pub and she was serving lol

Perhaps Maisie used to sleep sucking her thumb when she was little?

23-10-2009, 15:29
Anyone else think Marlon and Moira affair might happen?

So Donna wants a divorce now

23-10-2009, 15:40
Moira certainly is taking a bit of an unhealthy interest in Marlon's affairs. I hope they don't get together.

23-10-2009, 22:49
There is something going on between these 2 where words are not needed.

23-10-2009, 23:40
When is the Emmerdale omnibus shown? Ive missed all this week's

24-10-2009, 01:49
saturday 8.10am ITV2

sunday 6.00am ITV2

24-10-2009, 07:00
And Saturday late morning/lunch time again too

25-10-2009, 22:30
I caught the omnibus, can't believe Charity chose the money! Its true she hasnt changed one bit :angry:

26-10-2009, 21:15
Charity will never change she loves money more then anything!

When Chris died who did all his money go to? Zoe? or Noah?

27-10-2009, 10:28
Poor little Noah last night! Can't blame Debbie for going off on one though, Charity is just a disgrace

27-10-2009, 20:41
Charity will NEVER change why did she come back? As I am starting to wish she never came back :(

28-10-2009, 05:47
We would not like her if she had changed and had turned into the stay-at-home mum. There would be no arguments with Debbie and Cain and the rest of the villagers, so quite boring. This is the Charity we all know and love. :D

28-10-2009, 09:09
Well I knew that'd happen with Sally turning up with a black eye, very predictable !

28-10-2009, 10:16
im hating this sally, ashley, laurel storyline

28-10-2009, 11:12
im hating this sally, ashley, laurel storyline

me too :thumbsdow

28-10-2009, 11:15
Laurel must be leaving shortly in the show, seeing she had her baby and is on maternity leave. I take it that she leaves after the church burning down incident.

28-10-2009, 20:58
How much longer before Laurel goes?

29-10-2009, 07:18
Late November, I reckon

29-10-2009, 11:27
Sallys tricks are not going to plan.

Charity is back, if I was Debbie i'd be showing her the door again.

30-10-2009, 07:59
omg psycho sally shotting a brick through the window :eek:

30-10-2009, 08:25
Tootsie looked mighty releaved though, not having to eat the biscuits Edna tried to force down her throat :lol:

31-10-2009, 09:41
Does Sally still want Ashley? What is her point or purpose of being around?

05-11-2009, 12:06
Is Cain testing Charity? Why did she get rid of Debbie and Sarah picture and put in her and Noah's picture :confused:

05-11-2009, 18:45
Does Sally still want Ashley? What is her point or purpose of being around?

Yes, it still seems like Sally wants Ashley.

06-11-2009, 10:14
Sally is really wrecking my head

09-11-2009, 19:36
Is it another two weeks before Laurel is leaving? She is looking huge now, despite her trying to hide her bump. How come that nobody is questioning Sally's stay with Ashley and Laurel? Surely she should have found herself a place to live, seeing Vincent is in Wiltshire (? I think that is what Sally said the other day). I know fellas are rarely aware of women upmanship so would not expect Ashley or Doug to think anything strange was going on. :rolleyes:

09-11-2009, 19:43
David crying :lol: Leyla cant act to save her life :thumbsdow

11-11-2009, 11:44
Nathan got punched :cheer:

11-11-2009, 11:50
Can't wait for Layla to knee him where it hurts :thumbsup: :cheer:

12-11-2009, 09:53
David last night .... in his undies :D :wub: :o

12-11-2009, 10:39
I wish Natasha had listened to Doug and Leyla instead of thinking Nathan is this golden boy :angry: i know he is her son and as a parent she dont want to think bad of him but he is a major a1 a$$hole

Is their something going to happen again with Katie and Andy maybe?

12-11-2009, 20:10
Well done Leyla :cheer: best thing she has done since she has been on the show

How come only Zac went in to help Ashley and Lauren? Surely someone else would have tried to help

Sally was really anxious for Ashley not to go in i think Diana coped on to her

13-11-2009, 14:24
Nathan's nuts crushed :cheer:

This Sally storyline is irriating me and has Rodders the hots for her

13-11-2009, 14:59
Sally...........................has Rodders the hots for her

Well lets face it shes under 70 and female so its pretty much a certainty that Rooders fancies her:lol:

13-11-2009, 20:24

Go leyla, BAM! right in his nuts, haha, that was brilliant

15-11-2009, 09:47
Rodders has the hots for anything - there is no accounting for taste!

18-11-2009, 10:54
Nicola knows Sally *coughs* Mary Poppins :lol: is up to no good

18-11-2009, 11:01
Unfortunately Mary Poppins will be with us until at least the springtime according to teletext:crying:

18-11-2009, 16:47
Unfortunately Mary Poppins will be with us until at least the springtime according to teletext:crying:

She is a headwrecker :thumbsdow

20-11-2009, 13:43
It was good seeing Chas warn Charity about hurting her brother Cain (i sometimes forget there are brother and sister) :cheer:

23-11-2009, 10:01
I liked the scene too as for once she thought about someone other then herself

24-11-2009, 10:52
Poor Cain :( i thought he might have killed Charity at one point

Marlon is like a love sick puppy :thumbsdow

24-11-2009, 10:54
I thought it was sad between them two last night

26-11-2009, 10:26
I wish all immigrants would speak English as good as Olena, I often find it very hard to understand what they are saying.

26-11-2009, 12:22
I wish all immigrants would speak English as good as Olena, I often find it very hard to understand what they are saying.

How would you cope if you were an immigrant in some of the Baltic States.

01-12-2009, 10:25
I wonder will Natasha seek comfort with Nikhil once Mark's affair with Faye is out

02-12-2009, 21:26
hmm, yeah i thought that to tammy, they were getting rather friendly. Im getting into emmerdale at the minute, although the SAlly storyline is annoying me abit.

Im loving the Bartons more and more apart from the two female kids, there hopeless.

03-12-2009, 05:45
Sally actually admitted to Laurel that she is after Ashley and the kids :eek: Sadly she will get her way, for a while anyway. :angry: I hope that Ashley throws her on the street once he realises what an evil b*tch she is.

03-12-2009, 13:26
Sally storyline is going on far too long now

04-12-2009, 19:15
Laurel is huge now! they are not even trying to cover her up

04-12-2009, 19:28
Good acting from Laurel and Ashley tonight :)

05-12-2009, 11:20
Laurel was brilliant I saw her in a whole different way and Ashley as the weak man he always is!

Mark is annoying the hell out of me but I keep wondering will he fake his death again so he start a new life with Faye?

05-12-2009, 14:38
I think Natasha or Nathan or Maisie will do him in once they find out the truth, no need for him to fake his death :lol:

05-12-2009, 14:59
From the way that things are going with Ryan and Maisie Mark may need to disappear for a little while!

05-12-2009, 20:25
what right does laurel have to take gabby anywhere when she leaves ashley, she isnt her daughter biologically at least

06-12-2009, 07:20
Gabby regards her as her mum though and Laurel probably does not want Sally to look after her and hopes that maybe Ashley will realise what he is missing. Fat chance though, he is some thick geezer.

06-12-2009, 07:39
Ashley is so blind I think by the time he realises something is wrong it will be too late :(

With the actress Laurel due to be on maternity leave from the show - does that mean her and Ashley will be separated while she is away?

06-12-2009, 07:55
Yes, we shall have to wait for Ashley to wake up and smell the coffee for a couple of months now. Laurel should be back early next year though :)

06-12-2009, 07:58
Oh Ashley he is such an idiot at times always on his moral high horse!

07-12-2009, 10:07
Does Bernice actually see Gabby at all?

07-12-2009, 10:49
No, Bernice never had maternal feelings, that is why she left Gabby with Ashley. I am not sure whether Diane or Ashley took Gabby to Brighton once or twice to visit Bernice after she first left but Bernice has never made the trip to Emmerdale.

08-12-2009, 13:56
Ashley is really pi$$ing me off he is so blind to Sally

08-12-2009, 14:02
I know Ashley looks after all the strays, but surely his family comes first. Story line is running too long, it is now getting boring.:thumbsdow

08-12-2009, 14:04
They are all a bit blind, the whole village. Surely Sally should have gone once Vincent had moved to Wiltshire, there is no reason for her to have stayed with Ashley and Laurel after that and I am surprised that Doug is only now getting uptight about Ashley still being too friendly with Sally.