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08-06-2006, 11:18
Hey I personally am having a bad week and whatever I do goes wrong so I am going to make a stand because someone upstairs is having a good old laugh right now so im going to start a rant and it would be nice if people shared their thoughts.......

so if......you fail any exams,get dumped,getting bullied,late homework,moaning parents,no money,mates stand you up,cant revise,fancy someone out your league,feel inadequote,grounded,been kicked out of school,been sacked,your kids driving you mad,husband/wife getting on your nerves or whatever and its getting you down please feel free to join!!

My week began by me turning up late for an exam because My bus didnt turn up and I was told not to bother with my exam.....my friend and I had a huge bust up and no longer talk on the same day.

Then I get moaned at by my work for things I didnt do and I got the blame the next day.

And today I found out I cant go into next years 6th form and I cant resit my exam.

Not huge problems and ive had much worse but still its gets you feeling really low..anyone else wanna share their problems?

08-06-2006, 11:30
How was your day? is getting too big so I am going to make this the new one and close the other one...

08-06-2006, 11:31
ok thats cool....so how was everyones day?

08-06-2006, 11:44
i feel really ill and i have a really important exam this afternoon... so not good but i had german this morning and it was quite easy!

08-06-2006, 11:48
good luck on your exam......turn your mobile off someone made that mistake last week.....the teachers take that badly

08-06-2006, 11:49
although you must already know that im just saying....

08-06-2006, 11:54
i'm not taking it... i don't take it and i live pretty close so its okay. but thanks anyway :) the board can disqualify you from all your exams and in some cases for life! so you may never be able to get GCSEs if it is bad cheating!!!

08-06-2006, 12:06
oh dear...imagine that though your best friend texts you good luck or something then you fail your exam :crying:

can you not retake exams though in january for £50

08-06-2006, 13:53
Omg!! That was the longest thread in SB History as well.. maybe one for the gold?! My day was good.. hope it stays that way :D It's REALLY hot down here!! Took my lil fan and sunglasses in.. it helped :p x

08-06-2006, 14:10
Hmm how has my day gone ?? Hubby got a phone call that our new dog is ready to be picked up tomorrow :cheer: :cheer:
Father in law is in the hospital with a real nasty case of pneumonia .but the anti botics are kicking in so he should be feeling tons better soon ( hes 82 )
Went to the grocery store.. bought food for our new dog and treats,,( can u tell I am excited about the new dog LOL )and food for us as well:p
Gotta take mother in law to hospital to see her husband, I am not too fond of the hospitals ......:( I know it is extremely hard for her to have her life mate in the hospital,,( they have been married 52 yrs )
So how was every one elses day !!!!!!!!!!!!:searchme:

08-06-2006, 14:34
spend 10 till 1 in college doing law revision, the only thing i learnt was how much work ive got to do. It feels weird on the new thread, it was dufinatly long. Now planning on chilling some more listen to Colin and Edith then watch some Telly, Im going to class watching New street law as revision later, that will be fun.

08-06-2006, 15:55
i had english exam today again, it was really easy, hopefully ill get a good grade in it.

its so hot aswell, its lovely.

08-06-2006, 17:16
easy??? the one we had was bad. we hadn't done all that much on vultures and then the describe question was rubbish so :(

got french tomorrow and really nervous

08-06-2006, 17:41
easy??? the one we had was bad. we hadn't done all that much on vultures and then the describe question was rubbish so :(

got french tomorrow and really nervous

i got a french test tomorrow as well, probably going to do really badly as i havnt revised ....
also my aunty had a serious stroke and cant move the left side of her body:(

08-06-2006, 18:02
i got a french test tomorrow as well, probably going to do really badly as i havnt revised ....
also my aunty had a serious stroke and cant move the left side of her body:(

As long as it's not a GCSE or anything important, I wouldn't worry. I don't revise for the tests in subjects that I am not taking for GCSE.

08-06-2006, 21:21
My day was okay really. I got my end of year Spanish results back and I got 73%on my writing and 94% on my reading. I also came 4th in my class for French. Now of course all the teachers are going on about how we have one year till GCSE's and how in biology we have 2 weeks (2 hours as we have to go over a test aswell) to cover everything on blood! Then after work experience we get to disect a heart!
My hayfever has kicked in and I hate it. Plus McDonald's ran out of ice-cream :( I also just broke down crying watching Casanova (the one with David Tennant) so i feel really pathetic!
Anyway I'm going to get a hot chocolate and biscuits and watch big Brother in bed. Night

08-06-2006, 21:34
well done in your spanish!!

chocolate is the way forward tamzi!

09-06-2006, 07:53
Well more Law Revision today, lets hope i can actually do a little bit of it to day and not look like an idiot not being able to answer anything, Well scared about the real exam on Monday. Its also back to College on thursday so im going to have to start getting up early other wise ill never make my lesson on time.

09-06-2006, 11:22
i just got back from my french listening. interesting organisation from the MFL dept... put the higher students in the sportshall to roast for 40 mins whilst foundation does theirs then put them in an even smaller and hotter room and make them do it... it was so hot in there :(

but i can't wait till manchester tonight... shopping with my mate so wooo!

09-06-2006, 13:41
Todays revision wasnt that bad, I actually knew something today. Its so hot, going sailing later so im looking forward to that. Little wind at the minute so i hope it picks up a little bit.

09-06-2006, 13:52
its blowing a gale here katy, and we're on the other side of stockport so i think it'll pick up soon lol!

09-06-2006, 14:29
good good, i cant stand sailing with no wind, its a nightmare i always end up in the trees as you get no power.

09-06-2006, 19:37
hi god what an eventfull day ive had today! in the afternoon i was like boiling! anyway i went on the field and the grass had just been cut also we havve a little sandy bit on the field , this guy called sam followed us to the field then shoved grass in my hair and face then down my top! it was so itchy then he ran and got a load of sand then threw that in my hair so i have little bits in my hair! then he kinda wrestled me to the florr so i put grass in his mouth even though i was really itchy after cos the grass was like straw it was really fun oh yeh and after school i had a waterfight and got soaked the water was very cold :)

10-06-2006, 10:03
Last night was really fun, when we were in manchester we went to exchange square and watched the world cup on big screens and it was really cool... baking hot at past 7pm! then me and my mate went Urbis and made this cool ID card thingys and played on all the toys! but then we had to come home :( My feet sre killing today because i walked miles in my new flip flops and they were rubbing but ah well! I guess all of today will be revision as i have to go out tomorrow :(

10-06-2006, 10:11
Last night was ok, went to the summer fete at my primary school. They had hardly anything there though and it was hot. Oh well, saw some old faces while I was there.

10-06-2006, 16:08
went Urbis and made this cool ID card thingys

I did that there well cool, I have it stuck on my wall. It has a picture and then Likes and Dislikes.

My feet sure killing today because i walked miles in my new flip flops

I know how you feel, i did printworks to piccadilly in high heels, couldnt walk for like a whole week after. Manchester now i only ever wear trainers.

10-06-2006, 16:59
I know how you feel, i did printworks to piccadilly in high heels, couldnt walk for like a whole week after. Manchester now i only ever wear trainers.[/QUOTE]

owww!! erm.. Metrolink lol? but i get what you mean its a long way!!

10-06-2006, 17:35
well today i got my new prom shoes and in the process i managed to get sunburn yet again and this time i was actually wearing sun cream!!!!!!!

10-06-2006, 18:06
I've had a pretty rubbish day so far today. Had to go on and off the computer as it was getting hot, my auntie came over and really annoys me every time she comes, she had this Bill and Ben type hat on, and literally shoved it in my face asking me if I liked it, along with her new bag, which looks rather like she randomly pulled it out of a skip. Will probably not get to go on the boat tomorrow after all. :(

10-06-2006, 20:02
Had quite a good day went up the town shopping and my friend and i were handing out leaflets for her auntys shop and another of my friends helped us a bit too.It was so warm and most people do not take a leaflet some of them just total ignore you while some say no thanks i have a new found respect for people that give out leaflets and from now on will take one.Since i was walking about so much have got 2 huge blisters on my feet that are sore but luckily some how have not got sunburnt

11-06-2006, 00:20
Just got back from my friends' step sister's 18th Birthday party. It was ok until this other girl that my mate invited started messing up the toilets and wreaking havock, putting soap all over me, stealing my bag and popping a party popper into my eye. Even had a flat tyre on the way up.

samantha nixon
11-06-2006, 12:57
i got back of holiday yesterday and i got 42 autographs in 2 weeks which i thought i would have more as i sent of laods in the couple of months before i went and its lovely and hot her today aswell but i wish i was still on holiday except i missed my animals so today mums doing all the washing so ive come on here and later were going for a barbaque so that should be good

11-06-2006, 16:33
It is so hot, Got my final exam tomorrow, ill be glad when they are over. Been revising in the garden. The cat bought in some dead bird that hed found this morning so my mum was very cross. Had a bbq last night with mates so that was really really fun.

11-06-2006, 18:29
It's 27 degrees here and my exema is playing up something terrible. And I've still got more homework to do but I can't be bothered.

11-06-2006, 20:07
it was my cousins 21st today and we were out in the garden all day... it was really boring as the other side of the family knew each other better. i don;t know what temperature it was but i didn't get to revise :(

11-06-2006, 20:22
I had a good day today apart from i got burnt and it really hurts but oh well it will go brown

11-06-2006, 21:42
Had a barbecue this evening and it was lovely, until I was forced to eat a sausage containing pepper. Eurgh.

11-06-2006, 22:01
went to the cinema today o not really seen much sun. Watched the omen, it was ok but wouldnt pay to see it again. Afterwards I went home and spent the afternoon in the hot tub while my bratty sister tried to drown me

12-06-2006, 12:56
Pretty rubbish day today. Had a half day but got moaned at by the teacher and picked on by the kids in the graphics lesson, the RE teacher was annoying me as I arrived almost first to the lesson and she made a point of it, so she'll probably sleuth me if I turn up nearly last again. I'll have to hope the kids decide to mess around until I get up there again.

12-06-2006, 13:38
Finished my exams, im so happy. Back to college on thursday. Got absolutly drenched at the bus stop when it decided to have a bit of a storm, stupid weather now its sunny again. footie on later, how i love hte world cup.

Dr. Tangliss
12-06-2006, 15:07
Congratulations on finishing your exams, it's such a relief isn't it.:cheer: I'm surprised you was able to study in this heat.

12-06-2006, 16:18
i had a good day yesterday... went to go and see the chucklebrothers at weston playhouse it was really good and i got to meet them at the end!!:D
today was good in places, but got picked upon in my I.C.T lesson by 3 people all sitting next to me:(
but it was good because me and my friend got to play tennis in the sunshine:cheer: :D

12-06-2006, 16:52
its so humid here. its really dark cloud but also really hot and the wind isn;t very strong so it's really hard to breathe.

had maths and geography exams today and i think they went alright but the room was absolutely baking... it was too hot!

12-06-2006, 18:31
I think I had an okish day.
1) We've just been offered a French exchange at our school, in 2007, but my mum says I can't go as I am going on the Third Reich Tour (Germany, Poland and Czech republic to see things like concentration camps, where the rallies were held etc.) so I was a bit upset about that, but most of my friends aren't going on the exchange so it's okay.
2) I got a letter today telling me that I have been offered the chance to go to the shakespeare centre and hear a lecture all about shakespeare. I'm going to go to it as it will help with coursework and also it's being filmed by the BBC.
3) Grace is up for eviction in BB so that got me bouncing on my bed in happiness and the thought of her being evicted.
4) My friends and I have decided to create a world cup sweepstake so we are doing that tomorrow and we are also secretly creating a scrapbook for my friends birthday.
5) I got 78% on my chem exam when I thought I'd done terribly.

That was my day really. Ta-Da!

12-06-2006, 18:40
Oh my god, my back has been burning all day, i wish it would just go away.

12-06-2006, 23:43
Well my day has been fine apart from my sunburn but it's on my shoulder and on one of my burns and it is really sore and then to start off a terrible day was one of my friends being a right bi*ch to me which i was not happy about! I had pe and done short tennis which was a great laugh even through i couldn't be bothered doing it and we just stood around.

That's it my semi crap day:p

13-06-2006, 08:16
i knw im so relieved, i love the way i finish and then weather automatically gets cooler. Got to go into town and gt some lunch for later, hten i think a day on the compouter and maybe some football, Going out for a meal tonight though with my friends soi that should be good.

13-06-2006, 16:03
Had an ok day today, sneakily did some of my art homework on the computer in the lesson, so I don't have much more to do, but the stupid printer decided to cut it in half. Also started GCSE maths work today and the behaviour of my class has improved, and we did almost a full lessons work, for the first time in nearly two years:cheer:

13-06-2006, 16:07
Had an ok day today, sneakily did some of my art homework on the computer in the lesson, so I don't have much more to do, but the stupid printer decided to cut it in half

naughty naughty lol , i did the 800m today in p.e and finished it in 3 minutes 41 which is really good and came about 5th out of about 30 lol i felt like i was goinna faint when i finished luckily i had english next though and my teachers really nice whislt he reads us a story we can go to sleep so that was alright!

13-06-2006, 16:12
naughty naughty lol , i did the 800m today in p.e and finished it in 3 minutes 41 which is really good and came about 5th out of about 30 lol i felt like i was goinna faint when i finished luckily i had english next though and my teachers really nice whislt he reads us a story we can go to sleep so that was alright!

Well I can't do the work that we were supposed to do, I can't draw to save my life. At least I did something. Ah English, that reminds me. I was called out by the deputy head because I was a witness to this boy stealing a pair of glasses off of someone in my form, throwing them on the floor and kicking them, so I missed like half the lesson. Got to do a presentation in two days:(

di marco
13-06-2006, 16:14
had quite a good day, went shopping this morning and got this travellers credit card thing to use when i go on hols in the summer so that was good, also bought some new trainers which were only £15! (i love being able to buy kiddie sizes lol!) also bought some jewellery and a tshirt, was trying to buy a new top for the party im going to in a couple of weeks, but they either didnt have my size, i didnt like it once id tried it on, and the top which i did like and they had my size had a stain on the front of it! so i wasnt best pleased about that cos i need something new to wear lol! :angry: now i really should do some revision lol!

13-06-2006, 16:16
awww poor boy lol at least you missed the lesson!

13-06-2006, 17:17
awww poor boy lol at least you missed the lesson!

I didn't want to miss it, now I haven't got my work printed. Suppose I can put the presentation off, but I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

14-06-2006, 12:33
Played football last night at guides as its the world cup it was so funny, I was the referee and all the guides kept slide tackling me.

14-06-2006, 12:36
so far my day has been science exam and being on the internet and it doesn't look to get any better... the mate i want to go out with is revising and others aren;t here :(

14-06-2006, 18:46
I had a great day today it was one of my best friends birthday and it was relly funny cos we sang to her way too much hehe but its my birthday tomorrow

14-06-2006, 20:02
it's also my birthday tomorrow lol...

i can't wait and especially unitl my sleepover and meal!

14-06-2006, 20:14
im a lot happier today, finally got the internet fixed. 3 days with no msn. how did i survive?

14-06-2006, 20:16
it's also my birthday tomorrow lol...

i can't wait and especially unitl my sleepover and meal! hehe really cool! at the weekend im having a sleepover with 8 of my friends and tomo im going dancing as usaul than going out fo a meal

14-06-2006, 20:16
Haven't had that much of a good day today. I've been wearing a jumper all day and summer seems to be absent at the moment. Had to go to this health roadshow thing at school but enjoyed wiping the smile off the face of one of the girls that bullies me by answering like three quarters of the questions that were asked and she didn't have a clue what I was on about lol!

14-06-2006, 20:35
hehe really cool! at the weekend im having a sleepover with 8 of my friends and tomo im going dancing as usaul than going out fo a meal
i wanted to go kayaking but too late to organise.... i'[ll go another time! but sleepover and meal so its cool

15-06-2006, 15:56
Had a better day than yesterday. Have finally had some sun, but have now got tons of homework, had literally none yesterday. Had graphics first thing :angry: and sure enough the teacher found another reason to moan at me. Haven't even been doing it for two weeks yet and he hasn't taught one of our lessons, and it's driven me up the wall. Got slightly annoyed in Science because I was outside testing my solar oven and this kid from set 3 was out there too, and decided to start kicking my oven around just because someone from his class trashed his.

15-06-2006, 19:18
Flipping heck, had a bit of a shock today. Back to college and at Aquinas that means straight back to work. It was a little weird having ot get up at 7 in time for the bus. My geography lesson id usually still be in bed. Oh well, all back to reality.

16-06-2006, 16:52
My day was really boring today but now ive got 2 weeks work experience, oh yer it was birthday yesterday and i had a great day!!!!

16-06-2006, 16:55
today was rather rubbish, exam, people being evil and such... i've had enough of it. i don't wanna be 16 anymore. its been bad so far :(

16-06-2006, 17:13
Today hasn't been to good. My french teacher decided to pair me up with a different girl for our conversations so I had to start mine all over again. I had music and I'm like bottom of the class, we had this music listening thing and I am completely rubbish at anything non-academic so I resulted to copying off of this boy next to me by the end of it. I also got smacked round the head in that lesson:(

17-06-2006, 08:50
I have been having a great day! Yesterday I came on holiday and I am using the hotel pay computer thing so I will have to be quick :P Because I don't have much time left. Today I am going to Alton Towers, I don't know if anyone has been there but I am really excited about it! Although I do come home tomorrow but I dont mind, I will have to go my time is running out bye!

17-06-2006, 09:42
yesterday was fab. my last two exams in one day. ive only got 4 exams left to do now aswell, so im really happy about that.

17-06-2006, 10:39
i had my birthday sleepover last night and it was so funny. we made a structure out of coathangers, a castle out of books and i was a hawaiian clown. andwell that was at 2am this morning lol! i can't wait for meal tonight and its really hot out so i'll make the most of it and go shopping for fathers day as we are still all stuck! my mate has just gone as she had to go shopping to get my present because she's not been out for ages! but i'm pretty tired and i can't sleep!

17-06-2006, 12:47
Aww when was it oyur birthday. Happy Birthday anyway.

I have my birthday on Wednesday. Got double Geography, double psychology and Law. What a day!!!!

17-06-2006, 12:53
thanks :) it was on thursday.

lots of june birthdays, happy birthday for then!!

that sounds like a nasty day!

18-06-2006, 00:09
Grrr, lost my computer account, again. I can virtually store like 5 pictures without it corrupting after about three weeks, which is bad for making banners and such. :angry:

18-06-2006, 10:29
Got to go to the Raft Race later, why i didnt just say i was busy i dont know. flipping burgers all day sounds like great fun, and it looks like its going to pour down. Im going to be bored stiff.

18-06-2006, 12:41
im doing absolutly nothing today was ment to be going to a bbq but then dad decided that he was going to be a complete idiot and not take me so i gotta stay on my own all day.

18-06-2006, 12:56
im doing absolutly nothing today was ment to be going to a bbq but then dad decided that he was going to be a complete idiot and not take me so i gotta stay on my own all day.

Awwww my Dad's always doing things like that. It's so annoying, it always comes down to me not being old enough to drink.

18-06-2006, 15:18
i stink like a flipping burger van. Been selling burgers all day nearly, and hotdogs so now i smell like a greasy spoon. Next time i think ill volenteerr for the sweet stall, a lot less hard work. Oh well it was all for charity so i feel like ive helped in some way. And our raft game second which is quite good.

18-06-2006, 20:28
Im sooooo tired I had a big sleepover last night and i hardly got any sleep and i have work experience tomorrow

18-06-2006, 20:31
Awwww my Dad's always doing things like that. It's so annoying, it always comes down to me not being old enough to drink.

thats what my dad said youll end up drinking!!!!!!!

oh well i went to next doors bbq anyway so it wasnt a huge loss.

19-06-2006, 17:12
Been really good today actually, just been doing coursework in lessons and they didnt drag on. and My teacher for one wasnt in so we just all chilled listening to music which was nice.

My friend scared the life out of me as she was in a car crash i was realy worried about her but shes only a little bit bruished.

19-06-2006, 17:35
Saturday, did pretty much nothing.

Yesterday, went over to cousins for a party had a huge water fight.. it wasn't that hot but I dried off quickly and it was really good!!

Today, pretty much nothing.. Went to school and I'm here? Weekend went to fast :(

19-06-2006, 18:17
Had a pretty rubbish day today by all accounts. I had Music first thing, which I detest. We were on computers with no internet on because the network is completely messed up, which meant that the clocks on them were wrong, and at one point I thought we only had 10 minutes of the lesson left, only to discover that we had to languish in there for another half an hour.

Didn't any of my assessment done in Geography, 'cause the teacher won't risk using the computers, so I have to do more than I had originally planned to at home.

20-06-2006, 16:16
me being a thicko goes into colege all happy this morning go to music and think hmm, where is everybody. well id only thought it was monday i didnt have to be in till 11. quite good day actually as in Law (the only lesson i had on timetable) the teacher was in a really cheery mood and we just talked about all these cases.

Last day of me being 16.

20-06-2006, 16:25
My day was rubbish. Had Music, Art, DT, French and had to put up with people insulting me and making fun of me for most of the day. :(

20-06-2006, 21:59
today has been one of the best days of my life

my auntie had a little girl this mornig and she is the cutest little baby in the world - i love her to bits already.

21-06-2006, 18:17
today has been one of the best days of my life

my auntie had a little girl this mornig and she is the cutest little baby in the world - i love her to bits already. awwwwww Congrats

Well today was my third day of work experience and i really like it i dont want to go back to school lol, well at least i have another week to go.

21-06-2006, 19:31
where are you working at?

today i finished my exams so 10 weeks of ntohingness unless i find a job and i keep looking but nowhere yet!

21-06-2006, 19:45
where are you working at?

Im working at the college nearest me.

21-06-2006, 21:18
Had a really good birthday, and tomorrow we are all going out into town after my end of year concert, so that should be fun. Im liking being 17. Im pleased ive got my EHIC card sorted so it looks like once that comes through im all set for Barcalona, just need to did out the filing cabinet to get my passport.

21-06-2006, 22:48
i had a great day too today as it was my birthday! not quite as young as you though Cornetgal!
got some great pressies and a nice birthday cake.
my husband and daughter sang happy birthday to me!
went for a meal this evening, so all in all a great day!

22-06-2006, 11:14
my day has been fine.not going to be coming on soapboards much now cause i have left college and looking for a job

23-06-2006, 17:01
Haven't had a very good day today. Stupidly volunteered to do this english speaking improvisation, and we were being marked by tallys for hesitation, going off the subject or repetition. I only got one mark for hesitation, but it was embarrassing as I was shaking all the way through it and I apparently looked as if I was going to be sick.

23-06-2006, 17:23
i had a great day too today as it was my birthday! not quite as young as you though Cornetgal!
got some great pressies and a nice birthday cake.
my husband and daughter sang happy birthday to me!
went for a meal this evening, so all in all a great day!
Happy Belated Birthday Pookie!!!! Its the best day to have a birthday in my opinion.

Just been shopping which was fun, and last night had my end of year concert which i cried loads at as my friends were leaving to go of to uni, i always get emotional at the town hall its like a tradition. Just ordered a new City shirt which im really pleased about, going to get Kat 21 on the back of it.

23-06-2006, 19:40
Happy Belated Birthday Pookie!!!! Its the best day to have a birthday in my opinion.

Just been shopping which was fun, and last night had my end of year concert which i cried loads at as my friends were leaving to go of to uni, i always get emotional at the town hall its like a tradition. Just ordered a new City shirt which im really pleased about, going to get Kat 21 on the back of it.
i went and spent some of my birthday money today. i got reebok trainers and an animal bag for my holidays, so i had a good day as i always enjoy a shop!

24-06-2006, 10:32
Just got back from the local cafe, and so need a hairbrush as my Dad's mate drove us down there in a convertable peugeot and was deliberately driving fast to mess my hair up so they could all have a good laugh about it.

24-06-2006, 19:19
i've had a really tiring past 24 hours! last night was the 3days gig and it didn't finish till late so it was a late night. everyone was smoking and drinking, and i don;t understand why 13yrs olds get so drunk that they can't get up... it's just stupid and i don't understand why their parents don't intervene or something. the bands were great aswell! me and my mate shocked a lot of people by drinking and her smoking because at school normally we are like never breaking rules but suddenly drinking and its like omg.. wow! and it's like we aren't allowed a good time.

Today i went to Chester and i got everything for the prom... i just needed shoes and i found some. altogether the prom has cost me £55!!! so thats good! we sat by the river and had a good time and stuff which was nice.

di marco
25-06-2006, 08:32
and i don;t understand why 13yrs olds get so drunk that they can't get up... it's just stupid and i don't understand why their parents don't intervene or something.

i know theyre underage at 13, but why does it make it ok for 18 year olds to get so drunk that they cant stand up?

25-06-2006, 19:01
i know theyre underage at 13, but why does it make it ok for 18 year olds to get so drunk that they cant stand up?

it doesn't really but at least they are able to drink legally then

25-06-2006, 19:55
have had a good day today

went to HMS sultans summer show! lots of lovely sailors :D :D oh and a few firemen ( even better)

watched some jousting, motorbike stunts etc!

25-06-2006, 20:38
Today i went to Chester and i got everything for the prom... i just needed shoes and i found some. altogether the prom has cost me £55!!! so thats good! we sat by the river and had a good time and stuff which was nice.

Thats like how much i spent on my prom last year. I was speaking to a friend of mine who has spent up to 1500, its stupid for just one night. Had a good day today. Went to the sailing club to watch the game, and my mates from Sheffield came over so it was great to see them as i havent seen them for ages. Got to go to Manchester tomorrow morning so i am bound to get lost.

25-06-2006, 20:46
Thats like how much i spent on my prom last year. I was speaking to a friend of mine who has spent up to 1500, its stupid for just one night. Had a good day today. Went to the sailing club to watch the game, and my mates from Sheffield came over so it was great to see them as i havent seen them for ages. Got to go to Manchester tomorrow morning so i am bound to get lost.

£1500?? that's a lot! how?

today i went to my grandads and did weeding and went to the market. it's so relaxed there

25-06-2006, 20:57
i know i went to the Market no Friday afternoon i forgot how good it was. Me and my mates walked round it for 2 hours, i was well shocked when i looked at my watch and it said 4 00. I was so chilled out.

26-06-2006, 15:39
well i dodnt get to lost today only had to ask one person for directions whish is good for me. Manchester is quite a big place. Chilling out now listening to the great escape on CD, going to be singing it all day now, oh well. It was quite good today actually went to the crown court then got to come home about 1 so havent been in copllege all day.

26-06-2006, 15:49
Had a very dull day today, and it is raining here so that didn't help. Some of the people in a different set to me got their Maths SAT results today, and most are going around saying they got 6's and 7's, so I'm really dreading Friday now.

26-06-2006, 15:56
today has been okayish. this morning was fine but now this afternoon i feel all sad as i think i have picked the wrong college and stuff. i want to get a job but my form tutor disappears as soon as school ends so i can't go then :( I'll try again tomorrow

27-06-2006, 17:02
boo Wimbeldon meaning no neighbours. I was haveing a very emotional day today the slightest little thing made me cry even if it wasnt sad. I could tell i was going to have a bad day as soon as i got up. well tomorrow will be better as i dont have a lesson till two oclock, loverly long lie in.

27-06-2006, 17:33
today has been great - ive just finished my gcse exams!

no more school til september!

27-06-2006, 17:47
so far my day has been great.. I am out of here for the next 2 and half weeks.. will miss you all but hey, I will be in Germany and joining in the WC atmosphere over there.. Will be thinking of you all!! Maybe!!!!!! :rotfl::rotfl:

di marco
27-06-2006, 17:48
so far my day has been great.. I am out of here for the next 2 and half weeks.. will miss you all but hey, I will be in Germany and joining in the WC atmosphere over there.. Will be thinking of you all!! Maybe!!!!!! :rotfl::rotfl:

lucky you siobhan, hope you have a good time! :)

27-06-2006, 20:44
My day has been okay. My friend was shown the SAT results for my group, without the names by them (so that her group, the set 2, could see how far behind us they are.) She said the lowest result in my class was a level 7.2, so I'm not dreading Friday as much now.

28-06-2006, 10:26
thats good Kim, my little sister got a7.4 in Maths, little brainbox its well unfair i never do as well. Ah its now 10 30 and i dont have a lesson for another 3 and a half hours. Isnt life just great.

28-06-2006, 15:53
Found out my maths and science results, I got a 7 in both. They completely messed up my Science one and announced in front of the whole class that I got a level 5, and I was so sure it was wrong that I started crying, partly because I got a level 4 in year 6 without even revising, and guessing all of the answers. I revised loads for the year 9 ones and my teacher thought that it was wrong so two science teachers had to get my papers out of storage and count all the marks up again, checking that it had been marked correctly, and if something had been marked wrong that was right then they would have had to send them back of to the examiners.

Luckily the questions had been marked correctly, but the net total put up against the wrong tier mark scheme, but it turned out I had a level 7 so I was happy.

When I was on my way out of school, my maths teacher stopped me and told me I had a level 7, and I was so sure I'd got a level 6 so that was good.

28-06-2006, 17:09
aww well done Kim there really good results i got a level 5 for my SATS, Science wasnt my strongest subject.

went to college at two which was good only had one lesson.

My arm is killing me though, its all bandaged up as i have sprained it, fell down the stairs its really arkward to type one handed. Its getting better though already.

28-06-2006, 21:22
well done kim - thats really good

i got level 6 or 7s in my sats i think - i cant really remember at all.

28-06-2006, 21:38
I have been painting my daughters ceiling and skirting boards.
sorted out all her toys ( She has that many) ready to start wall papering tomorrow i hope..

28-06-2006, 21:47
Congratulations Kim! I did my SATs last year and got level 5 in maths and science and level 7 in english. :)

29-06-2006, 17:56
Man i feel dreadful, my body is aching all over i feel sick and my arm is all bandaged from falling down the stairs, its still hurting. went to the summer fair after college that was fun watched the teachers make a idiot out of themselfs.

Chloe O'brien
30-06-2006, 23:36
Well the school summer holidays began up here in scotland today, but the kids were I live face having to spend the next six weeks in doors as in the area where I live there is a man going around trying to entice young children into his car. So far in the last two weeks he has approached five kids. It has been on the news up here and police have visited schools to warn kids of the dangers of talking to kids. I know its unfair to keep children in doors when the whether is fine but I have a 7 year old daughter and she is already moaning at the prospect of having to stay inside unless she is outside with an adult but what else am I supposed to do.

30-06-2006, 23:43
Keep her safe Kath - thats the main thing.....Have mates over etc. Its a nightmare, but best be safe than sorry. Any clues on who it is yet??

Chloe O'brien
01-07-2006, 00:25
hopefully the police will catch the scumbag soon but I will have to watch her like a hawk. Its hard trying to tell them about the dangers of strangers without giving them nightmares. The only clues that the police are giving out is that he has ginger hair and is wearing a brazillian football top.

01-07-2006, 00:30
Nothing much to go by at all then!! If she doesn't understand, maybe you will have to tell her the truth (to some extent) about stranger danger. I'd be the same as you though - hawk eyes mcgraw. Lets hope they catch him quick....

02-07-2006, 09:03
Going to colwyn bay for the day today. Watched the world cup at my mums freinds yesterday it was hilarious, he had it on a preojector projecting it onto the wall so it was all big it was really funny. All our relatives and theres kept calling from Ireland saying the were praying to St jude (asint of the helpless) which made me laugh. It was a good day.

02-07-2006, 12:32
well its really hot agian today so i think i will do some sunbathing but ive got a ballet class soon so i'll have to wait a while:(

02-07-2006, 21:32
I have been camping with the scouts and got back today and now i am exhausted! I went on a camp called malvern challenge and we did a 6 mile hike called the cotswold challenge, we stopped at different bases while hiking and my team won the maze base so we got a trophy and a medal each. I also got up on stage and sang with a tribute band for the pussycat dolls called the pussycat babes, it was great fun!!! but i have been sweating buckets all weekend and now i am exhausted!!!

03-07-2006, 08:27
I remember after coming back off a camp i could never move for days after. It just reminded you of all the fun you had when struggling to walk up stairs. Glad you had a good time.

03-07-2006, 16:00
we had college intro day today, which was quite fun. we got to do lessons and stuff, but there wasn't much ventilation so it was really hot! buildings here aren't build for heat!!

04-07-2006, 07:45
lol, they had that at my collage as well so i got the day off as im not at a work placement got to work through UCAS forms. and i think its just classrooms in general. There was an English room at my old school which in winter would be about - 100 degrees but in summer about 230 degrees, it was a nightmare. did you enjoy your day yesterday?

Going shopping tomorrow for all my barcelona stuff left it a little late as im going on friday, only realised yesterday i didnt have any euros.

04-07-2006, 08:55
lol, they had that at my collage as well so i got the day off as im not at a work placement got to work through UCAS forms. and i think its just classrooms in general. There was an English room at my old school which in winter would be about - 100 degrees but in summer about 230 degrees, it was a nightmare. did you enjoy your day yesterday?

yeah, it was good thanks, and with it being hot there was a barbeque, with everything bbq'd to within an inch of its life!!! there are 2 days at cheadle and marple, so i think it would have been more enjoyable if we'd had today. i have a sunburnt scalp!!!

04-07-2006, 09:00
Glad you had a good time. Is that where you are definaltly going in September. I cant believe its been a year since i had my induction day thingy. Its weird.

04-07-2006, 09:12
Glad you had a good time. Is that where you are definaltly going in September. I cant believe its been a year since i had my induction day thingy. Its weird.

yeah, it is. it's the only place i applied to because Parrs Wood wouldn't let me do the combo i want and Xaverian is apparently "in a rough area" accoridng to my parents so i wasn't allowed to go there. I had been having doubts as to whether i should try and change but i think i'll be alright there :)

04-07-2006, 09:16
Yourll be fine, my freiend really enjoys it there. What are you planning on doing.

04-07-2006, 09:28
now i definitely know i'm not doing photography, i tried it yesterday but it was too arty. i'm going to do german, french, geography and ict but i don't know whether applied ict or not yet

04-07-2006, 09:55
They sound like good choices, im hopeless on languages.

04-07-2006, 10:10
i love them, i want to do spanish GCSE aswell next year, but i don't think i'd take that one much further

05-07-2006, 19:08
Got loads of stuff for Barcalona today im really excited now. going on Friday its so soon. Careers day at college tomorrow im going to have to get up early , grrr. But im getting my new city shirt so its not all bad.

05-07-2006, 19:29
Damp day so didnt do much apart from taking Connor for his visit to his new Big school.

he was ok, bit clingy thought i was going to go far away, but once explained that i was actually just sitting on the side he was great. met his new teacher, shes loevly and i think hell be really happy there!

although im dreading it, my bubba all big and off to school!

05-07-2006, 20:58
Watching the FA cup semi final. Having an argument with my dad as well he never listens to me and i am always right. The football seasons not even begunand were bickering over it all ready. Mum keeps saying he got a son he always wanted in me which im finding quite offensive.

06-07-2006, 22:24
My internet hasn't been working for 3 days so in those 3 days i have been watching TV and dvds lol.

Today though i helped at the school production and i helped with props, that was ok and my older brother helped as well and he does technical theatre at college so my drama teacher thought i would know everything about lighting and sound and that's why he wanted me to help! but the truth is, i am nothing like my brother so that annoyed me a bit but overall i enjoyed it!

06-07-2006, 22:35
my mate had a sleepover last night so we stayed up really late, but for some reason i don;t feel tired! just hungry! it's so hot still it gets kinda tiring after a while as it isn't fresh heat, it's the same recycled stuff! tomorrow i have to record stuff from the hard drive to dvd on the telly so that'll be great fun

09-07-2006, 15:00
Im so stressed out i have a ballet exam a week from tomo :eek:

di marco
09-07-2006, 16:01
Im so stressed out i have a ballet exam a week from tomo :eek:

good luck with the ballet exam abblette! :)

09-07-2006, 16:10
good luck with the ballet exam abblette! :) thank you so much and then lucky me (not) i have a tap exam the day after

di marco
09-07-2006, 16:19
thank you so much and then lucky me (not) i have a tap exam the day after

im sure youll do fine, and good luck for the tap exam too! :)

09-07-2006, 19:19
my day was quite good, i went to my mates birthday barbecue and we lay out in the rain, and played truth dare... and dodgeball it was so fun! it was some of the most fun i've had in ages, and cheered me up after a bad few days!

09-07-2006, 19:24
my day was quite good, i went to my mates birthday barbecue and we lay out in the rain, and played truth dare... and dodgeball it was so fun! it was some of the most fun i've had in ages, and cheered me up after a bad few days!

Aww i am glad you had a good time. :) I have been on here most of today, i did go over my friend's house for a bit though but we didn't do much. I have been revising for my french oral exam today as well. I got the exam tomorrow!

09-07-2006, 19:28
good luck, you'll be fine, just don't cry like i did because that really stresses you out :)

Chloe O'brien
11-07-2006, 15:28
Well I've had a crap day. The job I'm doing at the college is ending at the end of the month as there was only funding available for two years and they are almost up. The HR officer asked to see me last week as my head of department appplied to have my contract extended until october and initally the principal of the college agreed to this. HR contacted me again this morning to tell me that the principal has changed her mind about my contract being extended as there is other staff in the college who can assist completing the project. Instead there is a part-time post come available that I can have as its a permanant position but its a drop of grading from an AP1 to a GS3 and the post is only 17 & 1/2 hours, which means my salary will drop by about £6000 a year. I now have to sit down and work out my financies to see if it's worth my while taking the new job and I only have to Friday to make a decision.

11-07-2006, 16:11
Oh no Kath - just what you need. How are you supposed to make a decision like that in that short space of time!!

11-07-2006, 16:47
my day started off okay, i went to see pirates of the carribean and it was okay but i got bored, but then after we went for a walk and i know my mate loves her mates back in hungary and she's going on sat but i wish there was something else we could talk about. it's the prom on thurs and my mate is going to someone elses before hand but i never seem to get invited and it's getting frustrating her going on about them all the time. i'm now getting sick of having my mates a) being all around the country and b) the ones who are here don't know each other so i have to go out with each of them individually and i wish we were a big group. also, when i do try to arrange things with my friends from school not everyone can do the same day and i wanna see everyone!

11-07-2006, 17:37
My day's been alright!! It's activites week so :D Today we went go karting and bowling!! Took loads of pictures too :p It was good..

Going Southend beach and theme park thing so that's going to be the best of the week.. Fast rides again :D :cheer:

11-07-2006, 18:36
I've had a really good day - because my SoapBoards started working again :cheer:. Makes up for having to start two essays at school, I suppose.

x Amby x
11-07-2006, 18:40
I had quite a good day today, and i also realised how sad i was! lol Its Activities Week at our school this week and in our Maths activity we got given a A3 sheet of paper with Celebrities on it and we had to name every celebrity on there and My team got 68/70! lol and came first! There was a lot of EastEnders characters on there so me and my mate Imy were alright and it was funny because when we did the results everyone said the character names and go well no one knows their real names and my and Imy were like well we do lol! (Btw i should mention they had a piccie of Tracy-Ann Oberman on there looking very pretty! lol- Just a little something for all you TAO fans) Then we did a music quiz and we had to name artist and song and we got 19 and 1/2 out of 20! lol Anyway overall it was quite a good day! lol x

11-07-2006, 18:42
Today has been an ok day for me. I am feeling guilty at the moment though, maybe over nothing but my friend got punched in the face and mine and his friend has just come back off holiday and i decided to tell him what happened, but now i feel guilty because i feel like i should have let my mate tell our friend himself as he was the one who got punched and not me.

I had my french oral yesterday as well and i got 13/20 but i could have done better but i was still pleased with my mark. :)

11-07-2006, 18:49
Today has been an ok day for me. I am feeling guilty at the moment though, maybe over nothing but my friend got punched in the face and mine and his friend has just come back off holiday and i decided to tell him what happened, but now i feel guilty because i feel like i should have let my mate tell our friend himself as he was the one who got punched and not me.

I had my french oral yesterday as well and i got 13/20 but i could have done better but i was still pleased with my mark. :)

Well done Dave. I can't do orals in anything, people say I look as if I'm about to throw up.

di marco
11-07-2006, 19:24
well done davey! :) how come everyone gets activity week at school?

11-07-2006, 19:31
I don't get activity week. We only get to miss one lesson next tuesday to have an end of year party but as far as I am aware, it is only for year 9.

11-07-2006, 21:06
I don't have an activity week, i just got an awards ceremony thing and a charity talent concert.

di marco
11-07-2006, 21:16
lol! it just seemed like everyone was having one, and my cousins school has one too, but my school never did it! :(

11-07-2006, 21:35
lol! it just seemed like everyone was having one, and my cousins school has one too, but my school never did it! :( If its any consolation, my school never had proms or anything like that when I was at school :( Or activity weeks or anything like that - it was just a case of disappear for study leave, pop in for your exams and then that was it :(

11-07-2006, 21:51
I have had a busy day looking after two kids and cleaning my daughters bedroom carpet as i dropped 5liters of pink paint all over it last nite.. got most of it up but you can see it in places so looks like a new carpet..

di marco
12-07-2006, 08:06
If its any consolation, my school never had proms or anything like that when I was at school :( Or activity weeks or anything like that - it was just a case of disappear for study leave, pop in for your exams and then that was it :(

yeh my old school didnt give us a prom either, it was pretty rubbish there! :(

12-07-2006, 16:06
We've been told today that we will be having a year 11 prom in two years time. :) The rest of it was pretty rubbish, had rubbish lessons, got bullied and told off by some cover teacher for no reason.

12-07-2006, 21:14
It's been a busy day!! I have had to do maths coursework and it has to be handed in tomorrow!! so i have been working on that since 6pm today and have just finished now. :)

A normal school day for me really, my friend got back from Spain and gave me and my other friend a keyring. :)

12-07-2006, 21:37
That's just not fair. Giving you one day to do an assessment is bad enough but it's even worse when it actually counts for something in the long run.

12-07-2006, 21:41
That's just not fair. Giving you one day to do an assessment is bad enough but it's even worse when it actually counts for something in the long run.

Well i was given just over a week to complete it but i have been so busy with other school work, i had french orals to learn and i had to do french coursework as well. Also i had to do an individual talk in English.

12-07-2006, 22:01
Well i was given just over a week to complete it but i have been so busy with other school work, i had french orals to learn and i had to do french coursework as well. Also i had to do an individual talk in English.

Eurgh I hate individual talks. I had to do one a few weeks back and didn't stop shaking all the way through it. How much of a GCSE do individual talks account for?

12-07-2006, 22:04
ive been filling in application forms all day for a saturday job!

12-07-2006, 22:13
Eurgh I hate individual talks. I had to do one a few weeks back and didn't stop shaking all the way through it. How much of a GCSE do individual talks account for?

Well i think it's about 20% of your final GCSE but that includes group talks as well as individual talks. We are doing quite a few of them and the 2 talks that we get the best marks in, our english teacher will send the assessment off and that will be our 20%. I got a B for the individual talk i did. :)

12-07-2006, 23:53
A normal school day for me really, my friend got back from Spain and gave me and my other friend a keyring. :)

aww you will have to return the favour when you go away now:)

Chloe O'brien
13-07-2006, 12:04
Oh no Kath - just what you need. How are you supposed to make a decision like that in that short space of time!!

Well I have sat for the last three days weighing up the pro's & con's for this new job. and I have decided to accept the new post, basically because I have no choice, if I don't take it then I'm out of a job. I'm going to be possitive about it as it will be a new challenge in a new department.

The job I will be doing is working in the motor vehichle department for a new course that's being introduced, so I will be surrounded by men. The reason its only 17.5 hours at the moment is that the college have no idea how popular the course will be so the hours may be extended in the future so I am going to remain possitive about this.

13-07-2006, 12:06
Well I have sat for the last three days weighing up the pro's & con's for this new job. and I have decided to accept the new post, basically because I have no choice, if I don't take it then I'm out of a job. I'm going to be possitive about it as it will be a new challenge in a new department.

The job I will be doing is working in the motor vehichle department for a new course that's being introduced, so I will be surrounded by men. The reason its only 17.5 hours at the moment is that the college have no idea how popular the course will be so the hours may be extended in the future so I am going to remain possitive about this. Thats the spirit hun - think positive (especially with being surrounded by men - theres a plus side to everything :D )

Hopefully it will be popular and then your hours will increase again, and like you say, at least way you still have a job.

13-07-2006, 18:03
Today was ok, had graphics and these kids were taking the mick out of me but it got better after that as I had four lessons that I like.

13-07-2006, 20:42
ive been filling in application forms all day for a saturday job!
Oh cool, good luck :D Where do you get them from btw? x

13-07-2006, 20:47
I haven't had a very good day today, it was my granda's funeral so its been upsetting but pleased its over now

13-07-2006, 20:48
Southend was good yesterday!! Really enjoyed myself and tired myself out, fell asleep on the coach.. with my glasses so no one knew :p :cool:

Today went to the Science Muesum.. went to watch a :eek: Space film!! Omg :D It was sooooo good!! NOT!! =| It was so boring even though it was 3D.. I was being immature and trying to entertain myself and pretended to kick and poke the people :rolleyes: Sad I know :lol:

Tomorrow we are going to a safari.. doubt that be good but you never know!! :p

di marco
14-07-2006, 06:22
Southend was good yesterday!! Really enjoyed myself and tired myself out, fell asleep on the coach.. with my glasses so no one knew :p :cool:

Today went to the Science Muesum.. went to watch a :eek: Space film!! Omg :D It was sooooo good!! NOT!! =| It was so boring even though it was 3D.. I was being immature and trying to entertain myself and pretended to kick and poke the people :rolleyes: Sad I know :lol:

Tomorrow we are going to a safari.. doubt that be good but you never know!! :p

the science museum in london? we were going to take my little cousin there, ive havent been for ages, i hate the science part of it, just like messing around on all the game sort of things lol! dont you like animals/safaris then? i think they can be pretty good at times! glad you had fun though and hope you have fun today! :D

14-07-2006, 09:28
it was my prom last night, it was quite fun except this boy i like kept trying to avoid me, the food was rubbish so i felt ill! this morning my feet hurt like hell but i guess it was worth it because i was jumoing up and down all night!!!

14-07-2006, 12:23
Got back from Barcalona yesterday at 2 30, it was such a good holiday, so since then i have been catching up on my sleep as every night i was out in a bar and we didnt get to to hotel til about 2 in the morning. The travelling wasnt to bad either.. THe teachers who came with us were hilarious especially rick, one night he got really drunk and was just turning different shades of grey. Not watched like any TV though so ill have to catch up on Saturday.

Glad you had a good night last night Vikki. Where did they have it.

14-07-2006, 12:32
Got back from Barcalona yesterday at 2 30, it was such a good holiday, so since then i have been catching up on my sleep as every night i was out in a bar and we didnt get to to hotel til about 2 in the morning. The travelling wasnt to bad either.. THe teachers who came with us were hilarious especially rick, one night he got really drunk and was just turning different shades of grey. Not watched like any TV though so ill have to catch up on Saturday.

Glad you had a good night last night Vikki. Where did they have it.

barcelona sounds good, what subject did you go with, if any?

we had it at the "glamorous" location of duh dh duh... STOCKPORT COUNTY AFC!!!

14-07-2006, 12:58
it was with "Performing Arts" but basically any one could go. we did a couple of workshops on movement but the rest of time was bars pool beach abnd sunbathing.

We had our prom at the airport. Stockport countys meant ot be quite nice.

14-07-2006, 13:03
erm... the food was nasty lol. but i guess it was alright! it was quite easy for everyone to get to aswell, which is probably why they had it there!

14-07-2006, 15:29
erm... the food was nasty lol. but i guess it was alright! it was quite easy for everyone to get to aswell, which is probably why they had it there!

oh yeah it was your prom did you have a good time...what happened?:)

14-07-2006, 15:41
Woooo It's Friday. Had another boring lesson of French, we were running around like skivies in Science, just sat round listening to Music in Music, and watched these girls making prats of themselves jumping around doing the Macarena, and they couldn't even sing it. English was ok, as was History but I did not appreciate this stupid little boy adapting the barbie girl song to spassy girl and chasing me on the way to Science singing it at me.

14-07-2006, 15:51
oh yeah it was your prom did you have a good time...what happened?:)

erm... they boy i like totally ignored me, we danced, took photos... the usual! the music was kinda cheesy aswell... barbie girl!

14-07-2006, 15:58
erm... they boy i like totally ignored me, we danced, took photos... the usual! the music was kinda cheesy aswell... barbie girl!

you are joking...right!? barbie girl :rotfl: I thought they where meant to be treating you like adults in a few weeks you will all be at college,uni or at work so they decide to treat you with barbie girl and let me guess steps 5 6 7 8

the boy you liked ignored you aww thats mean of him but he might like you and he's shy or something

14-07-2006, 16:06
you are joking...right!? barbie girl :rotfl: I thought they where meant to be treating you like adults in a few weeks you will all be at college,uni or at work so they decide to treat you with barbie girl and let me guess steps 5 6 7 8

the boy you liked ignored you aww thats mean of him but he might like you and he's shy or something

there were other songs like that, and in barbie girl a mosh pit was formed!!! and that carried on into amarillo... no steps tho. we left in may, we are adults and well everyone thought the music was bad!!

i went up to him to say hi, he ignored me, and 2 of his mates were yelling vikki's here, and they both know i like him... he asked me to dance with him before then ignored me the whole prom. gabi tried to push me into him several times but he ignored me! i think he's shy but well...

14-07-2006, 16:06
At my school they apparently are going to start treating us like adults in year 10, so I hope we don't end up with that at ours in 2 years time.

14-07-2006, 16:13
there were other songs like that, and in barbie girl a mosh pit was formed!!! and that carried on into amarillo... no steps tho. we left in may, we are adults and well everyone thought the music was bad!!

i went up to him to say hi, he ignored me, and 2 of his mates were yelling vikki's here, and they both know i like him... he asked me to dance with him before then ignored me the whole prom. gabi tried to push me into him several times but he ignored me! i think he's shy but well...

oh well things have a way of working out
A mosh pit wow thats a first for aqua:rotfl:

At my school they apparently are going to start treating us like adults in year 10, so I hope we don't end up with that at ours in 2 years time.]

ha lol if you suspect that they are volunteer to DJ yourself :lol: I went to a 21st birthday party once with music like that once even though I was like one of the youngest people there I was the first one to leave to be honest espcially after I heard steps,
but now if I was drunk and they played barbie girl or steps you try dragging me off the dance floor haha

14-07-2006, 16:20
oh well things have a way of working out
A mosh pit wow thats a first for aqua:rotfl:
yeah... and because they are clever they used water weights to weigh down the balloons. guess what happened

14-07-2006, 16:24
yeah... and because they are clever they used water weights to weigh down the balloons. guess what happened

:eek: oh you are joking, who actually organized this party a five year old?
Im surprised there was'nt a pin the tail on the donkey and hearty game of pass the parcel
I supose you can always say that you had a laugh having a mosh at a school prom not everyone can put that on their cv lol

14-07-2006, 16:27
:eek: oh you are joking, who actually organized this party a five year old?
Im surprised there was'nt a pin the tail on the donkey and hearty game of pass the parcel
I supose you can always say that you had a laugh having a mosh at a school prom not everyone can put that on their cv lol

haha lol... we are all into rock in our year, so when it was all dance and pop... people didn't like it!

i think senior management arranged it, so it fits that it was like that... seeing our deputy head leaping around to amarillo was funny.

14-07-2006, 16:33
haha lol... we are all into rock in our year, so when it was all dance and pop... people didn't like it!

i think senior management arranged it, so it fits that it was like that... seeing our deputy head leaping around to amarillo was funny.

well if I was in charge of the organzing I would of put a group of the most trusted students of they year to organize the music etc a middle aged man has no place trying to be "hip" as they put it lol

your deputy head lol o...k he sounds like he was'nt drunk at all:lol:

14-07-2006, 16:37
Our year organiosed our own which was quite funny when we had our prom last year. You have to have some of the classic cheesy pop though. When we were in this family bar the other night in Barcelona the whole group was singing and dancing to Wannabe and new all the words then Backstreett Boys, Steps, S Club 7 and Vengaboys Boom boom boom, do you remeber that song it was so mint.

Teachers drunk is the best sight ever.

14-07-2006, 16:38
yay its firday and only one more week till we break up for the summer and i really really cannot wait any longer!

14-07-2006, 16:38
Vengaboys Boom boom boom, do you remeber that song it was so mint.

Teachers drunk is the best sight ever. yeah I got it on my ipod

boom boom boom I want you in my room#

where did you go in barcelona then?what bar was that I might know it

14-07-2006, 16:44
It was the bar next to our hotel, Hotel Aromar. We also went to Lennons bar alot like every night they played good music in there.

Im a sucker for Cheesy pop music though i just love it.

boom boom boom boom i want you in my room to spend the night together forever and forever together in my room, lalalalala Ill be singin that all nigh now.

14-07-2006, 16:44
yay its firday and only one more week till we break up for the summer and i really really cannot wait any longer!

One Week!!!! i finished Yesterday. I thought everyone had finished now.

14-07-2006, 17:02
well if I was in charge of the organzing I would of put a group of the most trusted students of they year to organize the music etc a middle aged man has no place trying to be "hip" as they put it lol

your deputy head lol o...k he sounds like he was'nt drunk at all:lol:

it was a she! and yeah... old man on the decks!!

14-07-2006, 17:02
Teachers drunk is the best sight ever.
i just wish i'd been at school today. i've heard there were a lot of teachers with hangovers!

14-07-2006, 17:51
One Week!!!! i finished Yesterday. I thought everyone had finished now. really! lucky you i still have one last week which is just going to last forever i just know it

di marco
14-07-2006, 20:20
you are joking...right!? barbie girl :rotfl: I thought they where meant to be treating you like adults in a few weeks you will all be at college,uni or at work so they decide to treat you with barbie girl and let me guess steps 5 6 7 8

you have to have songs like that at parties lol!

yeah... and because they are clever they used water weights to weigh down the balloons. guess what happened

:eek: oh you are joking, who actually organized this party a five year old?

whats wrong with balloons?

14-07-2006, 20:27
[QUOTE=di marco
whats wrong with balloons?[/QUOTE]

i hate the stringy bit but water fights broke out with the balloons!

di marco
14-07-2006, 20:49
i hate the stringy bit but water fights broke out with the balloons!

that sounds funny lol! and i asked cos by what diamond said, it sounded like balloons are only for little kids

14-07-2006, 21:25
whats wrong with balloons?
i was just being sarcastic over their prom I didnt mean it to sound like balloons are for kids I meant only an idiot wouldnt suspect there would be a waterfall EDIT i meant waterfight

di marco
14-07-2006, 21:27
i was just being sarcastic over their prom I didnt mean it to sound like balloons are for kids I meant only an idiot wouldnt suspect there would be a waterfall

oh right, i sort of understand now lol!

14-07-2006, 21:32
It was the bar next to our hotel, Hotel Aromar. We also went to Lennons bar alot like every night they played good music in there.

yeah I think I know the first one but the lennons bar yes I do know that

14-07-2006, 21:37
oh right, i sort of understand now lol!

ok I take it you like balloons then?

di marco
14-07-2006, 21:39
ok I take it you like balloons then?

yep lol! who doesnt?! you have to have balloons at parties etc!

14-07-2006, 21:43
yep lol! who doesnt?! you have to have balloons at parties etc!

I like them providing I don't have to be around to watch them be blown up and as long as they don't pop lol!

14-07-2006, 21:55
I have had a good day today....i had an awards ceremony at school today and won a prize for best effort in science, i had to go up on stage to collect my award in front of my year and year 9 students. I was quite nervous and i was shaking as i walked up, i don't know why i was so nervous though!!

14-07-2006, 21:58
I have had a good day today....i had an awards ceremony at school today and won a prize for best effort in science, i had to go up on stage to collect my award in front of my year and year 9 students. I was quite nervous and i was shaking as i walked up, i don't know why i was so nervous though!!

I was like that when I won a girls' year 8 swimming prize. I think it was because of all the people though, and I was 13 at the time and there were some 18 year olds there.

14-07-2006, 22:22
I have had a good day today....i had an awards ceremony at school today and won a prize for best effort in science, i had to go up on stage to collect my award in front of my year and year 9 students. I was quite nervous and i was shaking as i walked up, i don't know why i was so nervous though!!

did you mess about on stage even I loved doing that

di marco
15-07-2006, 08:21
had a good day yesterday, went out with my mates, nothing that interesting, just wandered around to random different places, but the day was quite funny! also saw my best mate from my old school who i hadnt seen for a while cos we had both been busy so that was good :)

15-07-2006, 17:06
well today i had my second from last dance lesson before my exams and im just so nervous.

15-07-2006, 18:06
Just won a big trophy at the sailing club for coming forst im so chuffed i never win anything. I cant stop smiling im so chuffed. Going out tonight as well so that should be fun not going to get drunk or have too much sugar i swear the other night fizzy drinks had a worst effect on me than booze, i was shaking from the amount of sugar in my system it was weird. I think ill bne on the water all night though. It wont stop me dancing though.

15-07-2006, 19:23
Today started off good, it was the carnival and we did a Pirates of The Caribbean themed float, and i was a pirate, and the best thing was, our float won, so i was really happy! We drove our float round town and down to the carnival, it was great!

I then stayed at the carnival and i came back and a really old friend from primary school turned up and called for me and she's now living one door away from me so we really caught up and chatted quite a bit....but then my other mates came along and started embarrasing me in front of her and they kept chucking a football at my head and i stormed off!

I also bought Bad Girls series 1 on dvd today.

So overall a good day apart from my mates peeing me off!

15-07-2006, 22:21
Today was supposed to be fun as I went to the carnival but it turned out to be not very good. My friend and I went on the sizzler ride, and the people overcharged us twice. It was supposed to be £2.50 per car and the first time they charged us £4 and the second time £5. We complained but they wern't having any of it.

Almost won £20 on those coin machine things.

16-07-2006, 15:14
oh my gosh well i have just add my very last dance lesson before my ballet exam tomo and im so so SO nervous, oh my god!!!

16-07-2006, 15:33
Today has been along day i just got back from my holiday but the flight was meant to be 5 last night but there was a 12 hour delay so i was stuck at the airport from 2pm that day until about 5 this moring and had got up at 8 yesterday morning and have had only a couple of hours sleep since.The holiday itself was a disaster everything kept going wrong.

16-07-2006, 15:58
Aching all over cant move as its painful, didnt get up till 1 30 this afternoon and im still tired. I have found muscles that i dint even know existed.

16-07-2006, 21:08
I'm tired. Had to be up at 6.30 to go on the boat this morning, got back 10 minutes ago and now we are having a barbecue.

17-07-2006, 16:47
My day has been okay, didn't have to do much work at school and I found up that I am staying in set 1 for maths next year.

17-07-2006, 17:22
oh my gosh, i ve just got back from my ballet exam and im so glad its over

17-07-2006, 17:57
oh my gosh, i ve just got back from my ballet exam and im so glad its over

How do you think you did in the exam?

17-07-2006, 18:05
It's been an alright day today, i didn't do anything in school today, we just watched videos and talked in most of our lessons and in the afternoon, we did a drugs awareness thing and we went round in small groups to do different workshops.

I also got my school report today and i got all a's in effort and behaviour and my parents say that is all that matters so they are pleased. :)

17-07-2006, 21:04
How do you think you did in the exam? erm well i think it went very well i only made a couple of mistakes in the dance whoch wasnt that bad. all i have to do is my tap exam tomo.

17-07-2006, 21:34
erm well i think it went very well i only made a couple of mistakes in the dance whoch wasnt that bad. all i have to do is my tap exam tomo.

That's good then, I'd probably fall over in it lol. Good luck in the other exam.

18-07-2006, 12:01
Got a bbq tonight with guides so that should be fun. Its so hot though i feel minging.

18-07-2006, 12:25
have fun, and i hope it's cooled down!

i went out this morning and everywhere the roads are melting! it's awful

18-07-2006, 14:34
I love this heat - even though I am stuck indoors because of the boys and have the air con unit on to try and put some air through, I really do love it. I can get washing dry on the line, let the guinea pigs out in the back garden (although not at the moment as one of my neighbours many cats has decided they want one for their tea :angry: ) I can wear shorts (or even a skirt !! :eek: ) and everyone is walking round with smiles on their faces (sweaty smiles, yes, but smiles all the same :rotfl: ) Long may it continue (although maybe come down to the mid 20s as opposed to 32 that it is here at the mo)

18-07-2006, 15:47
yay my dancing exams are over i just did my tap exam and im so gald its over, its really hard to do them when its this hot.

18-07-2006, 18:08
Well I've never been so embarrassed, today literally the whole of the school found out who I fancy. Also had a commendation assembly and I got 11 commendations.

18-07-2006, 18:10
Well I've never been so embarrassed, today literally the whole of the school found out who I fancy.

that sucks, doesn't it. they still haven't shut up about it 4 years on! i'm sure they'll all forget over the summer

18-07-2006, 20:21
I had a really great day today! I went to Oakwood Theme Park with my school, it was so much fun! I screamed on most of the rides and went on all the rollercoasters. :)

Has anyone else been to oakwood park?

18-07-2006, 20:23
I had a really great day today! I went to Oakwood Theme Park with my school, it was so much fun! I screamed on most of the rides and went on all the rollercoasters. :)

Has anyone else been to oakwood park?

I haven't been. Was that on an end of year trip?

18-07-2006, 20:40
I haven't been. Was that on an end of year trip?

Yeah it was an end of year trip. :)

di marco
18-07-2006, 20:44
that sucks, doesn't it. they still haven't shut up about it 4 years on! i'm sure they'll all forget over the summer

lol! yeh people normally forget over the summer, or if not comments get less and if you can laugh along with them then people dont seem to make them in a nasty way (well from my experience anyway!)

di marco
18-07-2006, 20:45
Yeah it was an end of year trip. :)

wow cool, we never had end of year trips! :( ive never been to that theme park either, im assuming its probably quite a way from where i live

18-07-2006, 20:46
So unfair, we haven't had one since year 7. We had refreshments including cake after the commendations assembly today though which was nice.

19-07-2006, 11:03
I got put in charge of teh bbq last night so if there are 30 guides of school with food poisoning than its all my fault.

When everyone found out who i fancied me and the guy ended up going out for 3 years. So that was quite lucjky.

Ive never ben to Oakwood park my friend ahas though.

19-07-2006, 14:34
Not a very good day today, had to have 2 teeth out and 2 fillings under a general anaesthetic and ended up being sick because of it.

19-07-2006, 17:39
My day was alright.. Got a certificate for P.E.. outstanding effort :p I didn't go and collect it because I was too shy :lol: My head of year was like is... ?? Not in.. I was like hiding behind my hair going shhhh.. but my friend showed me up and he gave it to me :p.. I need to start learning to be more confidence because I'm taking Drama next year.. probably go hyper in that though..

Ermm... It's been really hot and we had a test and our Science teacher was being super annoying as always because she refused to let us open the door because one person spoke.. WTF!! :angry: It's 36-37 round here!! :angry:

Nothing much really.. Last day tomorrow and school ends at 1pm :D Getting reports and stuff too..

19-07-2006, 18:03
:eek: A test on the second to last day of term! We had a commendation assembly yesterday and that was pretty embarrassing. I don't finish school until 2pm on Tuesday :(

19-07-2006, 18:09
wow cool, we never had end of year trips! :( ive never been to that theme park either, im assuming its probably quite a way from where i live

Well it's in Pembrokeshire in North Wales. :) I had a great day today, we had our end of year charity summer concert and i am writing a newspaper and school newsletter article on it and the man in charge offered me to become part of the school newsletter team so i can write articles for it, so that was great news! My maths teacher wasn't too happy though because i missed my lesson with her....oops!

My last day of school tomorrow...it's half day too! wahoo! :cheer:

di marco
19-07-2006, 19:27
Well it's in Pembrokeshire in North Wales. :)

oh right, yep no where near me lol!

19-07-2006, 19:50
Nor me, although I have been to Wales before. That's great Dave, they don't even let students be part of something like that at my school.

di marco
19-07-2006, 19:51
Nor me, although I have been to Wales before.

yeh i went to north wales on holiday once

20-07-2006, 07:53
I had one of the best days ever yesterday for the following reasons

Me and Layne booked to go and see Nigel Harman touring with Guys and Dolls (our other two mates will be there aswell) ive never seen it but the other 3 have

Mum said i can go to Elstree in August with one of my mates and Layne if she comes to stay at mine

Me Layne and our 3 other mates are going to Alton Towers in August aswell and we were planning it last night (or should i say Layne and Emz were planning it i was looking at ride pictures and scareing myself)

20-07-2006, 09:41
that all sounds really good Vicky, I had my concert last night it went really well actually even if it was so hot. we wouldnt wear our bow ties as otherwise we would have like melted. Its all sad i cant beliee i only have one year left its weird. so today im just chilling out and recovering.

20-07-2006, 12:00
that all sounds really good Vicky

I cant wait till Guys and Dolls to be able to see my mates again and to be able to see the show i wasnt allowed to go to last year

20-07-2006, 17:36
Had a great day today, my school has finished for the summer holidays wahoo! I can't believe that i will be in Year 11 next year though and be sitting my gcses.