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01-01-2006, 17:29
The old thread was getting large, a new thread for a new year...

di marco
01-01-2006, 17:31
good idea! :)

01-01-2006, 18:26
thanks for the congrats Ditchgirl, Ritchie lecturer and lollymay! :)

01-01-2006, 18:27
sorry dutch girl lol

01-01-2006, 20:56
Good idea, the other one was getting too crowded by Dennis's death discussion.

01-01-2006, 21:05
Congratulations, leanne27:D

01-01-2006, 21:39

01-01-2006, 21:56
i may be stupid but why are we congratulating leanne congratulations for whatever it is anyway cant wait to watch the next episode of eastenders i wonder what it will start like

01-01-2006, 22:04
Thats what i was wondering...:searchme:

01-01-2006, 22:06
Ah i just tracked down the post...lol.... your pregnant! Congrats! Although, this should really be discussed in the pregnancy and family forum :) You should start a thread!

01-01-2006, 22:39
NEW THREAD YAY!! :cheer: :p

ok was reading the other thread and someone mentioned that sean who was gonna beat up peggy ... sudden thought occurs to me - sean, stacey's brother - gangster sean - maybe the same person??

01-01-2006, 22:40
Good point!

01-01-2006, 22:41
i may be stupid but why are we congratulating leanne congratulations for whatever it is anyway cant wait to watch the next episode of eastenders i wonder what it will start like

I think it will start with Sharon crying in her flat.

01-01-2006, 22:59
Go in the Eastenders Pictures Thread - preview pics there :)

02-01-2006, 10:27
I think it will start with Sharon crying in her flat.

or the milfloat going around the square...as always! :D

02-01-2006, 10:51
:thumbsup: So we'll talk here in the new year see you all !

02-01-2006, 15:29
i cnat wait for the eppie tonight i hope it dosent start with dennis body i think it should start with sharon in the morning like the did the night after dens murder thats pobzs what they will do

02-01-2006, 16:00
Btw the old thread is placed here (http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=32179) .

02-01-2006, 16:12
Btw the old thread is placed here (http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=32179) .

text talk! :nono: :p

02-01-2006, 20:15
What has happened to Johnny's CCTV? How come the tape with Chrissie's confession had sound on it yet the one with Dennis smacking Johnny about has no sound?

02-01-2006, 20:29
What has happened to Johnny's CCTV? How come the tape with Chrissie's confession had sound on it yet the one with Dennis smacking Johnny about has no sound?

I dont understand why any businessman would leave his security recording device on open view where a wannabee robber could commit the crime and remove the evidence :rolleyes:

02-01-2006, 20:38
Phil is really beginning to scare me now. The guy is crazy, talking about wanting Ruby to be a broken, empty shell.

Not sure what to make of Deano. I did laugh at Ian's reaction to finding out he was a Wicks but he was a bit too Alfie Moon-like for me. The cocky, smmoth talking charmer who managed to con a room for the night. Still, I'll give him a chance.

02-01-2006, 20:39
tonights epi was ok not as good as i thought it was going to be, loving deano, think he will be brilliant.

02-01-2006, 20:40
yeah tonights was quite boring really.

02-01-2006, 20:41
tonights epi was ok not as good as i thought it was going to be, loving deano, think he will be brilliant.yeah he was really funny tonight poor sharon :(

02-01-2006, 20:42
deano reminds me of darren ^_^

02-01-2006, 20:43
Phil is really beginning to scare me now. The guy is crazy, talking about wanting Ruby to be a broken, empty shell.


yeah i didnt like that bit! poor ruby

02-01-2006, 20:43
I dont understand why any businessman would leave his security recording device on open view where a wannabee robber could commit the crime and remove the evidence :rolleyes:
cause this is eastenders lol

02-01-2006, 20:44
What has happened to Johnny's CCTV? How come the tape with Chrissie's confession had sound on it yet the one with Dennis smacking Johnny about has no sound?

Plot device, Florijo. Plot device. :p

It didn't record sound that time Ruby was watching Juley and Johnny on it either. And with Chrissie it was amazing quality, which the tape of Dennis didn't seem to be.

I quite like Deano -- bit young looking, so I don't really see him as a 'heart-throb', but he was quite funny, and not a bad actor. Made me laugh with him repeated the speech to Pauline and then Pat.

The episode didn't actually feel as empty as I thought it would. I thought there was going to feel like there was a hole in it labelled "Dennis should be here." But it kinda felt like he'd never been there, if that makes sense? I don't mean that I didn't like Dennis, cos I do. But like I said, it felt like he'd never been there.

Um...Phil has gone past panto villain. I'm not sure what lies beyond that, but whatever it is, he is there. Sharon's grief bored me -- I do feel sorry for her, and I'm glad it was half an hour of weeping and wailing, but it was just...dull. Dot's grief felt more real to me.

I'm warming to Juley now. But Ruby "What if they kill me next" Allen can just go and die. I would say this not everything is about her, but unfortunately this entire plot has centered around the trials and tribulations of that selfish brat, so I can't. :angry:

02-01-2006, 20:45
yeah i know i also didn't like the bit where sharon thought Phil was Dennis so she started cryin or she had tears in her eyes that was sad.

02-01-2006, 20:46
i didnt think it was very good at all because i think dennis was glossed over a lot and not many people seemed to care about it

02-01-2006, 20:47
i didnt think it was very good at all because i think dennis was glossed over a lot and not many people seemed to care about it

i thought there wouold be more about dennis than there was!

02-01-2006, 20:49
If the entire episode had been focused on Dennis then people would have said it was too depressing. In my opinion they got the balance just right.

02-01-2006, 20:50
There's something fishy about Deano! :hmm:

02-01-2006, 20:51
If the entire episode had been focused on Dennis then people would have said it was too depressing. In my opinion they got the balance just right.

I agree. I think they got it right -- the people that were close to Dennis was upset. I don't think it would have felt to right to have say, the Millers in mourning seeing as they hardly knew him.

02-01-2006, 20:51
i think dennis was glossed over a lot and not many people seemed to care about it

Bit like here then :lol:

02-01-2006, 20:53
There's something fishy about Deano! :hmm:

Yea there is rather!

02-01-2006, 20:55
Bit like here then :lol:

yep true true

02-01-2006, 21:08
Poor Sharon, (she looks better without the orange glow though). And Dot aw she does feel bad about the whole thing. And Phil too late!!! Should have thought about his devilish harassing of Dennis sooner.

02-01-2006, 21:12
my mum was going turn off his oxygen while phil was in the hospital with johnny

02-01-2006, 21:17
haha so was i

02-01-2006, 21:18
i loved that episode!

it had me entertained from the start...so many storylines going on! I can see how Eastenders are starting a new year...slowly introducing new characters and tying off the loose ends of the old storylines!

i must admit im growing to juley, hes finally been given a storyline...and he no has a purpose on the show! i think phil's ungoing vendetta against johnny is going to have me glued over the summer! :D

and i think deano is going to be a fantastic addition to the cast! he is funny! and the spoiler that ive heard of him means he is just going to be fantastic! :cheer:

eastenders on top form!

moving on from the horrid era of the wooden dennis! :cheer:

02-01-2006, 21:40
deano is erm a bit of an idiot ... but not that bad actually, lol - i thought i'd hate him

02-01-2006, 21:44
Quite a good episode, but I do agree that Dennis was taken out of the limelight somewhat. A few people mentioned him but there didn't seem to be much genuine upset. The only people who showed any sadness was Sharon and Dot really. Maybe that's the way it should be shown, because he wasn't someone who was cared about by everyone, like Sharon is. But I was surprised that Pat didn't mention him, considering she practically manages the bookies for him. They've become quite close.

I like the fact that Deano's come into it. They close one chapter and they open another. I suppose it's to say to viewers, we are upset that Nigel Harman has left, but now we've got Deano's character and we are on the way up. I think they could be right!

Unlike a lot of people, I didn't like the Mike stuff. I don't like his character. And Dawn was very cheeky inviting him to stay at their house, without even consulting her mum. But Keith is so trusting, he's a sweet man.

I thought it was quite funny seeing the contrast between Ian feeling guilty about Dennis's death and Phil feeling guilty. Ian is very vocal in his thoughts, and Phil keeps it bottled up until he is consumed by it. I hope he has many a sleepless night over his latest mistake. I also hope Sharon sees him for the slime ball that he actually is.

02-01-2006, 21:46
I missed it! Sounds like a missed a good 'un though...

02-01-2006, 21:46
i dont like mike either i actually feel sorry for keith! i immediately liked the charcter of deano though :D

02-01-2006, 21:48
i must admit im growing to juley, hes finally been given a storyline...and he no has a purpose on the show!
i agree, i like him more. i know he's been really unfair to ruby, but he doesn't want her to get hurt. its just a bit stupid that they claim to love each other after...em...not very long

02-01-2006, 21:55
Loved Eastenders tonight! Emmerdale Corrie and Eastenders are all on top form at the moment imo. I like Deano wicks he was actually quite funny lol. Great addition to the cast 10/10 :)

02-01-2006, 22:02
Unlike a lot of people, I didn't like the Mike stuff. I don't like his character. And Dawn was very cheeky inviting him to stay at their house, without even consulting her mum. But Keith is so trusting, he's a sweet man.

I'm hating the Mike stuff and who does Dawn think she is? She disappears for years and then expects her mother and partner to take her in. I know she is family but she is supposed to be a grown up. She should get her own place nearby.

Keith might be a lazy man but he has a good heart. Dawn has interfered in their relationship, complains about the way her mother is treated but does nothing herself. The family are short of money and she invites her father to stay. Keith might need a kick up the backside, but Mike is a manipulative chancer, just like Dawn. I totally dislike the pair of them.

Liked Deano and I'm looking forward to the rest of the Wicks' arrival, especially Kevin.

02-01-2006, 22:05
I know i don't like Dawn and Mike either. They are very manipulative people. I feel sorry for Keith.

02-01-2006, 22:14
I dont understand why any businessman would leave his security recording device on open view where a wannabee robber could commit the crime and remove the evidence :rolleyes:

Speaking of this security system, it's funny how it has suddenly lost all its sound and fantastic picture quality, which helped snare Chrissie 2 months ago. :rolleyes:

02-01-2006, 22:18
maybe phil turned the sound down so noone would here what he was watching??????

02-01-2006, 22:19
maybe phil turned the sound down so noone would here what he was watching??????

You read my mind Debs :)

02-01-2006, 22:20
Oops just noticed Florijo made the same point earlier. :o

02-01-2006, 22:20
maybe phil turned the sound down so noone would here what he was watching??????thats what i think happend :)

02-01-2006, 22:21
You read my mind Debs :)

thats because im psychic :)

02-01-2006, 22:21
lol i cant be bothered to read through the whole thread on tonights episode

02-01-2006, 22:21
thats what i think happend :)

but is phil that clever to do that??:hmm:

02-01-2006, 22:22
Phil? Clever? nah!

02-01-2006, 22:23
I am so glad Phil didn't turn of Johnny's heart monitor thing in hospital because Phil is right Johnny needs to suffer!

02-01-2006, 22:24
but is phil that clever to do that??:hmm:

I know Phil's a bit dumb, but I'm sure even he can figure out how to operate the tv remote. :lol:

02-01-2006, 22:27
I know Phil's a bit dumb, but I'm sure even he can figure out how to operate the tv remote. :lol:

hmmmm :hmm: im not sure about that :rotfl:

02-01-2006, 22:31
this threads only just started and its already got 7 pages :cheer:

03-01-2006, 00:50
fantastic episode

03-01-2006, 00:51
I agree, from what I saw of it anyway.

03-01-2006, 01:01
I know Phil's a bit dumb, but I'm sure even he can figure out how to operate the tv remote. :lol:

Hes from the old school

If You cant eat it, drink it or s**g it then smash it. He seems like a bit of a technophobe to me

03-01-2006, 01:09
Lol. I thought he had the brains of the Mitchells'. Dread to think about Grant then!

03-01-2006, 13:48
i may be stupid but why are we congratulating leanne congratulations for whatever it is anyway cant wait to watch the next episode of eastenders i wonder what it will start like
She found out she was pregnant on Christmas Day too!!

03-01-2006, 13:49
text talk! :nono: :p
It's abbreviation actually..

03-01-2006, 13:54
Speaking of this security system, it's funny how it has suddenly lost all its sound and fantastic picture quality, which helped snare Chrissie 2 months ago. :rolleyes:
If you listened carefully there was actually sound on.. you could hear them moving around and stuff.. but the sounds was just kept low.

03-01-2006, 13:54
I am so glad Phil didn't turn of Johnny's heart monitor thing in hospital because Phil is right Johnny needs to suffer!
When he said that I thought he was actually quite scared to switch it off..

03-01-2006, 13:59
It's abbreviation actually..

erm yeah i knew that :rolleyes: and i sooo know what abbreviation is aswell! :rolleyes:

03-01-2006, 16:12
When he said that I thought he was actually quite scared to switch it off..

I thought that aswell, probably because Juley would know that it was him.

03-01-2006, 17:12
If you listened carefully there was actually sound on.. you could hear them moving around and stuff.. but the sounds was just kept low.

If there was sound on the tape, which I must admit I didn't hear myself, but if there was, then Phil would be able to hear who Johnny phoned...?

03-01-2006, 17:18
i don't think there was any sound on the tape and he could have phoned after phil had took the tape

03-01-2006, 17:22
If there was sound on the tape, which I must admit I didn't hear myself, but if there was, then Phil would be able to hear who Johnny phoned...?
Oh yeah!! But maybe they won't show that because the person who killed Dennis could be Phil's bouncer's if he has any?! :eek: :searchme:

03-01-2006, 17:28
Anyway, if I was Johnny, in the state he was in, I'd have phoned for an ambulance. Which reminds me, why didn't anyone see an ambulance going to the club???

03-01-2006, 17:51
Cant wait til tonights episode. I am taping it because i am going out but i might see it later if i am going out :)

03-01-2006, 19:50
poor sharon

03-01-2006, 20:02
Hah! :lol: I laughed so much at Ruby during the last scene. Stupid cow. I have no sympathy because she's been a moron throughout this entire storyline. She deserves it.

Kinda bored with the rest of the episode though to be honest.

03-01-2006, 20:14
Tonight's questions:

1. Why on Earth would Dawn tell Deano about Wellard?
2. Why did Pauline tell Phil about Sharon being pregnant?
3. How come Phil just happened to be looking out the window when Juley threw Ruby out?
4. Is it too late to send Ruby to acting school?

03-01-2006, 20:17
Tonight's questions:

1. Why on Earth would Dawn tell Deano about Wellard?
2. Why did Pauline tell Phil about Sharon being pregnant?
3. How come Phil just happened to be looking out the window when Juley threw Ruby out?
4. Is it too late to send Ruby to acting school?

Beats me!:searchme: Retorical or do you have an answer? For once I agree!

03-01-2006, 20:19
Tonight's questions:

1. Why on Earth would Dawn tell Deano about Wellard?
2. Why did Pauline tell Phil about Sharon being pregnant?
3. How come Phil just happened to be looking out the window when Juley threw Ruby out?
4. Is it too late to send Ruby to acting school?

1. Because Deano is an undercover member of Animal Liberation

2. Shhe was trying to explain Sharons increase in weight

3. Hes a peeping Tom

4. Fraid so

03-01-2006, 20:46
lmao you guys are so funny :cheer:

03-01-2006, 21:08
what was going on with Ruby at the end. Over reacting or what. Isnt she meant to be at school. Grow up for goodness sake.

03-01-2006, 21:16
tonights episode was well boring lol. the millers did my head in. so did juley and ruby, even though i like ruby. phill annoyed me lol and deano.

03-01-2006, 21:24
i didnt thin it was that good it was just average. The millers scenes were pointless. Loved Dawns comment about ian, beale the squele. Sharon had an even bette part tonight she didnt even have to sit up. Just lie there.

03-01-2006, 21:51
Well i am about to watch it on bbc 3 at 10pm but so far reading through your opinions, tonights episode doesn't sound that good.

03-01-2006, 22:01
1. Because Deano is an undercover member of Animal Liberation

well let's hope his explosive devices they use blow up in his hands.

03-01-2006, 22:35
It was an average episode i thought. The Miller scenes were pointless "Keith, have your chair back" Pointless! :rolleyes: and why the hell did Pauline tell Phil that Sharon is pregnant? :confused: It's none of Pauline's business. Sharon should tell Phil herself when she is ready. The rest of the episode was ok. 5/10 :)

04-01-2006, 09:42
Juleys acting was so funny when he was chucking ruby out,i thought it was dead funny.

04-01-2006, 10:26
For the record: I hate Phil and I am glad he feels really guilty about Dennis been dead.. he caused it... and the look on his face when pauline told him Sharon was pregnant, more guilt I am delighted.

04-01-2006, 11:01
okay i aint been in these board since dennis got stabbed/shot, but my gawd was i crying my eyes out. IT WAS SO SAD... i knew dennis was gonna die and everything, i braced myself up to watch the episode(and in true eastenders fashion it happens at 8.29pm just before the duf duf.. i mean we spent most of the epsiode watching Dennis struggle with his inner turmoil and talk about stars??? it was just the way they done the whole thing, how my lovely dennis was smiling one minute at his wife and the next gone just like that..... I HATE PHIL MORE THAN ANYTHING NOW, HE WAS ALWAYS A BULLY BUT NOW HE IS JUST PURE EVIL. but i must admit the episode was done very well, clever even and well thought out for eastenders i thought. they wanted it to be tragic and that what they achieved. BuT WHYYYY ... kill him off. i would've rather seen them go off to america, have their baby(a son obiviously) and live happily ever after, even if it means never coming back.

04-01-2006, 11:04
One question, because I've never understood this:

What's the difference between Dennis never coming back because he's gone to America and is staying there for-evah and Dennis never coming back because he's dead. Either way Dennis isn't coming back.

04-01-2006, 11:05
Either way Dennis isn't coming back. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

04-01-2006, 11:06
One question, because I've never understood this:

What's the difference between Dennis never coming back because he's gone to America and is staying there for-evah and Dennis never coming back because he's dead. Either way Dennis isn't coming back.

nothing is different it just that beloved dennis is dead!

04-01-2006, 11:09
okay i aint been in these board since dennis got stabbed/shot, but my gawd was i crying my eyes out. IT WAS SO SAD... i knew dennis was gonna die and everything, i braced myself up to watch the episode(and in true eastenders fashion it happens at 8.29pm just before the duf duf.. i mean we spent most of the epsiode watching Dennis struggle with his inner turmoil and talk about stars??? it was just the way they done the whole thing, how my lovely dennis was smiling one minute at his wife and the next gone just like that..... I HATE PHIL MORE THAN ANYTHING NOW, HE WAS ALWAYS A BULLY BUT NOW HE IS JUST PURE EVIL. but i must admit the episode was done very well, clever even and well thought out for eastenders i thought. they wanted it to be tragic and that what they achieved. BuT WHYYYY ... kill him off. i would've rather seen them go off to america, have their baby(a son obiviously) and live happily ever after, even if it means never coming back.
Phil is always badgering others, as bullies do! I hate bullies, they are scared of others and harras people they can push in order to feel better about themselves, it disgusts me!:sick: And now Dennis is dead:crying:

04-01-2006, 11:09
okay i aint been in these board since dennis got stabbed/shot, but my gawd was i crying my eyes out. IT WAS SO SAD... i knew dennis was gonna die and everything, .

WHY????????? :rolleyes:

He is not a real person you know :wall:

04-01-2006, 11:20
WHY????????? :rolleyes:

He is not a real person you know :wall:

yeah we know but it was still sad.. I cried me eyes out too.. I cried when Zoe left and I didnt' like her at all... it is just a soap and I know they are not really dead or gone but it is sad...

04-01-2006, 11:34

the diferrence is we had to watch him die!

him and sharon had such a hard time getting together at least they could have given them a happy ending.

he was one of the best characters to come out in the last couple of years

and the death toll in the past year has been disgusting if not over the top

Paul Trueman (took a taxi and was never seen alive again. His last appearance was on 23rd December 2004. Actual date of death unknown)
Andy Hunter (thrown off a bridge in greenwich by Johnny Allen, jake moon also witnessed this act)
Den Watts (murdered by his wife Chrissy Watts)
Leo Taylor (Demi Miller's boyfriend/father of her baby drug overdose)
Nana Moon (died peacefully in her sleep, i think...)
Dennis Rickman (stabbed/shot by an unknown attacker)
the old man ( died in his home discovered by sonia and martin, oops that might've been the year before not sure)

and last but not the least it was the day before my birthday.

04-01-2006, 11:45
he was one of the best characters to come out in the last couple of years

omg I didnt know he was gay!!!!!!!!! :eek:

04-01-2006, 11:52
:eek: Is there something Sharon isn't telling us? :rotfl:

04-01-2006, 12:15
One question, because I've never understood this:

What's the difference between Dennis never coming back because he's gone to America and is staying there for-evah and Dennis never coming back because he's dead. Either way Dennis isn't coming back.

I don't think Nigel Harman wanted to return to EE so he had to be killed off

04-01-2006, 12:26
I don't think Nigel Harman wanted to return to EE so he had to be killed off

Exactly. That's my point -- people are saying that they could have let Dennis live, but I don't see the point in that because he wouldn't have come back anyway.

04-01-2006, 12:49
And, moreover, Letitia Dean does want to come back. So it would have meant them having to break up or something which would seem a bit unrealistic given their general lovey doveyness.

And, as others have said, as he is not a real person, what difference does it make whether he doesn't come back because he's dead or because he's in America? We won't be seeing him again anyway...well, I will, because I'm going to see him in Guys and Dolls in February along with Mrs Curly...

Keating's babe
04-01-2006, 13:01
Where can I read the older soap discussion thread?

It's a shame that Sharon and Dennis couldn't have a happy ending. It seemed stupid that Dennis got involved in something that wasn't really anything to do with him (well until Johnny threatened Sharon). Phil should have done his own dirty work, but there is also the question as to why Dennis threw Johnny the mobile.

04-01-2006, 13:06
I don't think Nigel Harman wanted to return to EE so he had to be killed off

Hmmmm I presume that means all the other actors NOT EVER WANTING TO RETURN TO EE will be killed off ...just to make sure ??? So that means Spencer can come back, Janine, Mel Owens, etc ???? I just can not grasp the mentality of all this ... :confused: :searchme:

04-01-2006, 13:13
Hmmmm I presume that means all the other actors NOT EVER WANTING TO RETURN TO EE will be killed off ...just to make sure ??? So that means Spencer can come back, Janine, Mel Owens, etc ???? I just can not grasp the mentality of all this ... :confused: :searchme:

If the producers want to kill a character off they can. Sometimes they don't, and yeah that means those characters have a possibility of coming back.

With Dennis it was hard, because Letitia Dean wanted to come back while Nigel Harman didnt. So either Dennis and Sharon split because Dennis died, or because of another reason. The producers chose death.

04-01-2006, 14:10
omg I didnt know he was gay!!!!!!!!! :eek:

no silly, what i meant was best character to be introduced in the last couple of years.

04-01-2006, 14:24
Hmmmm I presume that means all the other actors NOT EVER WANTING TO RETURN TO EE will be killed off ...just to make sure ??? So that means Spencer can come back, Janine, Mel Owens, etc ???? I just can not grasp the mentality of all this ... :confused: :searchme:

lol tell me about. all i said was why did they have to kill dennis off, and now they are all shooting me. shane bleedin richie said he never wants to return..but nooooo i didn't see him getting killed off and now they planted another idiot in replacement of the 'deeply missed alfie moon'( although the new one is not as annoying)

04-01-2006, 14:25
lol tell me about. all i said was why did they have to kill dennis off, and now they are all shooting me. shane bleedin richie said he never wants to return..but nooooo i didn't see him getting killed off and now they planted another idiot in replacement of the 'deeply missed alfie moon'( although the new one is not as annoying)

I assume you mean Deano.. give him time!!!

04-01-2006, 14:47
[QUOTE=Siobhan]I assume you mean Deano.. give him time!!![/QUOTE

No i meant phil mitchell, of course i meant deano.lol i don't really mind deano, he at least brings some lightness into the gloom n doom of walford. heard he was gay.

04-01-2006, 14:47
[QUOTE=Siobhan]I assume you mean Deano.. give him time!!![/QUOTE

No i meant phil mitchell, of course i meant deano.lol i don't really mind deano, he at least brings some lightness into the gloom n doom of walford. heard he was gay.

In real life??? cause he was pretty much trying to wear dawn like a hat last night....

04-01-2006, 14:49
Anyone else finding Dawn an annoying character because i do, i actually feel sorry for Keith.

04-01-2006, 14:53
no not in eastenders, in real life? yep

04-01-2006, 15:00
dawns hair has a life of its own. and since When did Dawn Miller become interested in the fate of Wellard

04-01-2006, 15:56
Am I the only one who picked up on Honey in the pub the other night "if my billy was stabbed...." doesn't see sound just a bit too much like Mo!!!!!!

04-01-2006, 16:57
think i remember that! phil still my fav caracter:) what a great bloke! woooooo good episode! cant wait to see more phil horror campaign against johnny

04-01-2006, 21:56
Am I the only one who picked up on Honey in the pub the other night "if my billy was stabbed...." doesn't see sound just a bit too much like Mo!!!!!!
That's why I don't like her. :thumbsdow

04-01-2006, 22:25
I was so glad on Monday to see Ian blame himself!

04-01-2006, 22:44
Am I the only one who picked up on Honey in the pub the other night "if my billy was stabbed...." doesn't see sound just a bit too much like Mo!!!!!!

I noticed that too... EE is reinventing lil Mo in a different form,, sighhhhhh :wall:

04-01-2006, 22:48
I noticed that too... EE is reinventing lil Mo in a different form,, sighhhhhh :wall:

Are you surprised. Each and every EE character has been reinvented to suit the whims of the scriptwriters or to fill in a plothole or as an excuse to bring back the Magnificent Mitchells :rolleyes: :wall:

04-01-2006, 22:51
I know i don't like Dawn and Mike either. They are very manipulative people. I feel sorry for Keith.

Yes Dawn definetely takes after her father. But I think she's a good character. At the moment she's just finding her feet, once she settles in a bit more I think she'll learn to show a bit more respect. I also think Rosie and Keith need to stand their ground, Dawn's an adult but they have the right to say who can stay in their own house. And considering that Dawn is a grown up you'd think she would realise, inviting her dad to move in with her mother and partner, isn't a good plan. She's probably secretly hoping her mum will get back with Mike, and realise what a loser Keith is (not my view, hers). Ultimately I'm pretty sure Rosie will stick with Keith, because he's solid and dependable.

Keith and Rosie suit each other a lot better than her and Mike would have done. I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did.

05-01-2006, 09:25
Are you surprised. Each and every EE character has been reinvented to suit the whims of the scriptwriters or to fill in a plothole or as an excuse to bring back the Magnificent Mitchells :rolleyes: :wall:

Finally you see their brilliance Alan :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

05-01-2006, 09:35
Finally you see their brilliance Alan :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Every time I watch the show and see a scene i am like didn't this also happen with so and so ????:searchme: :rotfl: These EE script writers are insulting our intelligence:wall: :lol:

05-01-2006, 09:40
Every time I watch the show and see a scene i am like didn't this also happen with so and so ????:searchme: :rotfl: These EE script writers are insulting our intelligence:wall: :lol:

what makes me laugh more is other soaps using the same ideas from other soaps...

05-01-2006, 09:50
what makes me laugh more is other soaps using the same ideas from other soaps...

Well I do not have the other soaps to compare from :( But I take your word for it :D
Missed ya while u were on vacation kiddo !!!!!!!

05-01-2006, 09:58
Well I do not have the other soaps to compare from :( But I take your word for it :D
Missed ya while u were on vacation kiddo !!!!!!!

missed ya too... but was loving germany too much

05-01-2006, 10:13
I just hope that they start to give pat a good storyline now.

05-01-2006, 10:31
I just hope that they start to give pat a good storyline now.

I love Pat.. shes a hoot !!! Even with her big ugly dangly earrings I think shes great !!!! An old tart with a heart :rotfl:

05-01-2006, 11:05
I love Pat.. shes a hoot !!! Even with her big ugly dangly earrings I think shes great !!!! An old tart with a heart :rotfl:

yeah she is fab, she just needs a really exiting storyline. a new hunky man is what is needed!!

05-01-2006, 11:08
a new hunky man is what is needed!!Eww debs, disturbing images! :sick:

05-01-2006, 11:10
Eww debs, disturbing images! :sick:

lmao!!! yeah i know not nice!!

05-01-2006, 11:35
lmao!!! yeah i know not nice!!

Hey us old ladies like a nice hunk:p now and then :rolleyes:

05-01-2006, 11:38
Hey us old ladies like a nice hunk:p now and then :rolleyes:
You called? :cheer: :rotfl:

05-01-2006, 12:03
You called? :cheer: :rotfl:

:crying: now parkerman is making fun of this old lady :crying: :rotfl: :lol:

05-01-2006, 12:34
Eww debs, disturbing images! :sick:

just cause your jealous... you want pat all to yourself :p

05-01-2006, 12:41
just cause your jealous... you want pat all to yourself :pShhh! Don't tell everyone :wub:

05-01-2006, 12:53
Shhh! Don't tell everyone :wub:

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_7_13.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZSYYYYYYYYNL) Pat and Birks sitting in a tree K I S S I N G :rotfl:

05-01-2006, 12:55
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_7_13.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZSYYYYYYYYNL) Pat and Birks sitting in a tree K I S S I N G :rotfl:lmao! :lol:I'd like to know how Pat would get in a tree in the first place! :hmm: :rotfl:

05-01-2006, 12:57
lmao! :lol:I'd like to know how Pat would get in a tree in the first place! :hmm: :rotfl:

:hmm: cut the tree down and let her sit on a branch??? :lol:

05-01-2006, 13:30
lmao! :lol:I'd like to know how Pat would get in a tree in the first place! :hmm: :rotfl:

she would get herself up there chris!! it beenages since she had a young man to snog!! beleive me shed be up there in a dshot

05-01-2006, 13:59
ok this is wired i came on to talk about the previous eastenders episode and what do i get ... 2 pages of people talking about pat evans and something about a tree lmao

05-01-2006, 14:27
ok this is wired i came on to talk about the previous eastenders episode and what do i get ... 2 pages of people talking about pat evans and something about a tree lmao

:rotfl: we do have some bizarre conversations on this board dont we!!

05-01-2006, 14:45
:crying: now parkerman is making fun of this old lady :crying: :rotfl: :lol:

I wasn't making fun...I was just hoping my luck was in... :thumbsup:

05-01-2006, 14:47
I wasn't making fun...I was just hoping my luck was in... :thumbsup:

:rotfl: woooooohoooooo parkrman and jodi up a tree LMAO

05-01-2006, 15:07
ok this is wired i came on to talk about the previous eastenders episode and what do i get ... 2 pages of people talking about pat evans and something about a tree lmao

I think you'll find the 'Dennis' conversation starts from page 1 actually. :cool:

05-01-2006, 15:12
ok this is wired ....

What?! Are MI5 spying on SoapBoards? Noooooooooooooo

05-01-2006, 15:19
no lol i ment weird not wired

05-01-2006, 15:54
Ok you folks let's see what will happen tonight, JJ and Parkerman up a tree or not?! Or the funeral of Dennis? Le me think.:hmm:I think the first.:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

05-01-2006, 16:11
:rotfl: we do have some bizarre conversations on this board dont we!!

Hey gang u gotta admit we do keep every body in giggles !!!! Me and Parkerman ... phffffttttttt.. I already have a boy toy at home :rotfl:
But seriously this is a fantastic group, we never are BORING !!! Crazy, bizarre etc, heck yea.
Pat Evans deserves a guy and he doesn't have to be old enuff to be her grand son or something,, shes a great character :D

05-01-2006, 16:12
no lol i ment weird not wired

I think some of us are WIRED too Shannis rules LOL

05-01-2006, 16:13
What?! Are MI5 spying on SoapBoards? Noooooooooooooo

Darn ot Richie the secrets out :p

05-01-2006, 16:14
I wasn't making fun...I was just hoping my luck was in... :thumbsup:

Well sweetheart, is that a gun in your pocket or are you really happy to see me ( Mae West to George Raft ) :rotfl:

05-01-2006, 16:48
Well sweetheart, is that a gun in your pocket or are you really happy to see me ( Mae West to George Raft ) :rotfl:

I'm not sure but it's fully loaded whatever it is... :D

05-01-2006, 17:12
Ok I'm blushing now!

05-01-2006, 20:04
good episode i liked it when deano was charming his way around that women hes so cheeky

05-01-2006, 20:31
Rebecca is the most adorable kid ever.

Martin and Sonia -- I have no idea what was going on. I mean, I know the basic Martin drove them to take Becky to school, Becky can now go home. But either I was half-asleep, or it just wasn't clear how Sonia felt about it. Was she happy that Martin was driving them? Did she like them being a family? Is she sad Becky's leaving or relieved the pretense is over? I just didn't get it, and I don't blame Natalie Cassidy because a conflicted look can mean anything. I think the script should have been more clear -- this is one of those occassions Naomi would have actually been useful cos Sonia could have talked to her, and I'd have known what was going on in Sonia's head.

Er...did I just say they should have spent more time on this boring thing. Okay, clarify -- If they are going to spend time on it, which obviously they are, they should do it properly.

Erm...I'm really liking Deano, still liking Dawn, still loving Jake.

Glad we got a respite from comatose Sharon and evil Phil.

Oh, and I screamed "Shut up," at Ruby a record number of times tonight. It's stopped hovering between boredom and dislike, and descended it "Oh god, get this girl off my screen now!"

05-01-2006, 20:55
Funeral tomorrow then?

05-01-2006, 21:02
Funeral tomorrow then?

No, it's on Monday. :)

05-01-2006, 21:09
tonight was a good eppie - i though juley would tell ruby but noooo grr! lol
liked the mike/rosie/keith stuff :)
deano is quite funny lol - like him now lol
the rebecca stuff was really sweet! :wub:

05-01-2006, 22:08
What an awful episode.

The Wellard stuff is dire, as is the Ruby/Juley nonsense.

Didn't like the Millers much either.

Can't really point the finger at the writer tonight. The storylines tonight were so poor nobody could make them decent.


05-01-2006, 22:19
tonights was dull again!

ruby is very annoying with her 'but i love im ' whine!! god someone shut her up

rebecca martin and sonia was sweet though

05-01-2006, 22:24
What an awful episode.

The Wellard stuff is dire, as is the Ruby/Juley nonsense.

Didn't like the Millers much either.

Can't really point the finger at the writer tonight. The storylines tonight were so poor nobody could make them decent.


At least we were spared the weeping widow :crying:

05-01-2006, 22:24
The episode was o.k, again hardly any mention of Dennis, and Sharon didn't even feature. It is quite boring seeing her sitting there doing nothing, but to cut her out completely, seems a bit unrealistic. We haven't even had the funeral yet, so you can't say they've been going on too long with it.

Anyway, I think it's a shame about Ruby and Juley, it's clear they care a lot about each other. Juley should just come clean, at least it would be over, one way or the other.

As for Dawn, she's really immature. I know when your parents split up, it's difficult to get over it sometimes, but she's been independent, when she went travelling. She has to learn to get on with her own life, and realise that everything doesn't centre around her.

I'm starting to really like Deano, it's a nice new edition to the square. I'm looking forward to seeing more of him. I like it when new characters come into it, and we are given the chance to get to know them, and they nearly always have a secret.

05-01-2006, 22:30
i thought tonights was a bit boring, i liked ruby (im one of the few i know :p)
i really dont like deano hes really annoying.
rosie/keith/mike was alright, i dont raelly like keith though so he spoilt it :p

05-01-2006, 23:21
No, it's on Monday. :)

Oh well then! Being glued to the box !:p

05-01-2006, 23:24
I wonder will the Dennis Obsessives accept his death when they see him being lowered into the grave

05-01-2006, 23:37
i really like deno now im starting to like dawn and juley:eek:

06-01-2006, 00:35
I wonder will the Dennis Obsessives accept his death when they see him being lowered into the grave
Obsessive Moi?

06-01-2006, 00:40
Are you in denial about the death of Mr Thickman???

06-01-2006, 01:18
I wonder will the Dennis Obsessives accept his death when they see him being lowered into the grave

Obssessives!!! You go on more about Mr. Rickman than most other people and he's not even in the show anymore. Methinks you must be a closet Nigel Harman fan in denial!!!! lol

06-01-2006, 01:25
Me thinks you need to come out of your closet and admit Mr Harman is your bit on the side.

06-01-2006, 01:41
Me thinks you need to come out of your closet and admit Mr Harman is your bit on the side.

Funny boy Rich :rotfl:

06-01-2006, 07:57
What exactly is the point of Deano's campaign. Everyone who remotely cares about Wellard will live in the Square, and everyone in the Square will have probably heard about it by now, so it can't be to make people aware. They can hardly use the money to bribe the judge or anything, and I doubt it really matters how many people support Gus and Wellard, if it's decided he's dangerous and should be put down I doubt a bunch of market traders being upset will make any difference. "Wellard's life is in your hands"?? What exactly is he expecting people to do?

06-01-2006, 09:21
was boring eppie last night

06-01-2006, 09:21
Another dire episode. Deano would be better employed selling T-shirts to raise cash to send Ruby to acting school in my opinion.

06-01-2006, 09:23
What an awful episode.

The Wellard stuff is dire, as is the Ruby/Juley nonsense.

Didn't like the Millers much either.

Can't really point the finger at the writer tonight. The storylines tonight were so poor nobody could make them decent.


totally agree!! it was a dire episode, doesn't look like next weeks will be any better

06-01-2006, 09:26
Another dire episode. Deano would be better employed selling T-shirts to raise cash to send Ruby to acting school in my opinion.
Parkerman ..... Ruby's acting is horrible,, what is with the eyes..do u ever watch how she uses her eyes and hands .
The truth is I agree with you and Siobhan.. that was one crappy episode,, :thumbsdow

06-01-2006, 09:29
Parkerman ..... Ruby's acting is horrible,, what is with the eyes..do u ever watch how she uses her eyes and hands .
The truth is I agree with you and Siobhan.. that was one crappy episode,, :thumbsdow

she is trying to be the next Rodger Moore (him of excellent eyebrow acting) except she is using her eyes to say it all :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

I am still not liking Dawn and Deano, what a waste of space!!!

06-01-2006, 09:33
I totally Agree I have no use for Deano and Dawn,, Looks like Darren,Demi and Dawn will not be bringing home any more fancy things now that Keith has found the last of the dosh...:p

06-01-2006, 09:39
What I want to know was how did they spend all that dosh so quickly. Also I just wanted to slap rubes and tell her to snap out of it. I am liking Deano a bit more now

06-01-2006, 09:41
I totally Agree I have no use for Deano and Dawn,, Looks like Darren,Demi and Dawn will not be bringing home any more fancy things now that Keith has found the last of the dosh...:p

He hasn't found all the cash. He caught them with £200 out of the stash, but they managed to keep the rest hidden.

06-01-2006, 09:42
Well its as I suspected. After the return (briefly) of the magnificent Mitchells :rolleyes: it appears that EE has lost its way again. Wanderining aimlessley through the soap desert. Inconsistent writing and jumbled up storylines seem to be its hallmark nowadays. Too much reliance on the Chavs and cheeky COCKERNEYS

06-01-2006, 09:42
What I want to know was how did they spend all that dosh so quickly. Also I just wanted to slap rubes and tell her to snap out of it. I am liking Deano a bit more now

sTACY SHOULD HAVE SLAPPED HER SILLY,, how can they blow 25k so quickly,, now Dawn yea she probably could buying all those pricey clothes and shoes, and Darren just lost his fancy trainers,, 200 pounds was all that was left out of the 25 thousand,,:searchme:

06-01-2006, 09:44
how can they blow 25k so quickly. 200 pounds was all that was left out of the 25 thousand,,:searchme:

See BlackKat's contribution above.

Jessie Wallace
06-01-2006, 09:45
Deano is kool, a bit refreshing with his (almost) charm. Ruby's storyline getting a little annoying, Johnny so wish Dennis had done a proper job and killed him. Want Dawn and Deano get get it on, that could be amusing. But as for Mike, who brought him in, can act, annoying storyline, please get rid of him.

06-01-2006, 09:46
I am beginning to wonder if Rosie and mike are going to get together again.

Jessie Wallace
06-01-2006, 09:47
They are bound to, just to add to my disliking of him.

06-01-2006, 09:47
They still haven't mentioned the fact that 20k of this money is completely imaginary. (Yes, that is really bugging me.)

06-01-2006, 09:50
They still haven't mentioned the fact that 20k of this money is completely imaginary. (Yes, that is really bugging me.)

Why do you say that

06-01-2006, 09:51
Well its as I suspected. After the return (briefly) of the magnificent Mitchells it appears that EE has lost its way again. Wanderining aimlessley through the soap desert. Inconsistent writing and jumbled up storylines seem to be its hallmark nowadays. Too much reliance on the Chavs and cheeky COCKERNEYS

I think I actually liked the show better before the Mitchells came back. There was one decent episode when Phil and Grant first came back but the rest was boring as hell, and everyone else was tossed aside to make the Mitchells seem even more wonderful. I don't give a toss whether they made the ratings went up or not. I hate them.

I enjoyed last nights episode mainly because bloody Phil Mitchell wasn't in it.

Jessie Wallace
06-01-2006, 09:53
I think I actually liked the show better before the Mitchells came back. There was one decent episode when Phil and Grant first came back but the rest was boring as hell, and everyone else was tossed aside to make the Mitchells seem even more wonderful. I don't give a toss whether they made the ratings went up or not. I hate them.

I enjoyed last nights episode soley because bloody Phil Mitchell wasn't in it.

Atlast someone else who has a much hate for the Mitchells as i do. The show is Eastenders not Mitchenders.

06-01-2006, 09:53
Why do you say that

The money is Jake and Chrissie's. They were using it to try and escape. Chrissie got some money from the Vic safe, but I doubt it was much. The rest of the money was from the cash Ian gave them from the Vic. The next week after the thing about Chrissie not really owning the Vic came out, Ian said he was down 5k. Meaning all the money they had was Ian's 5k, and whatever they got from the Vic.

Suddenly Jake comes back for the money, and it's 25k, and apparently has been 25k all along.

06-01-2006, 09:54
Is it worth me watching then as I sky +'d it last night and haven't had a chance to watch, but judging by the comments, it looks like I didn't miss much and would do better spending my time watching the episode of the Bill that I had missed :searchme: :D

06-01-2006, 09:54
I think I actually liked the show better before the Mitchells came back. There was one decent episode when Phil and Grant first came back but the rest was boring as hell, and everyone else was tossed aside to make the Mitchells seem even more wonderful. I don't give a toss whether they made the ratings went up or not. I hate them.

I enjoyed last nights episode soley because bloody Phil Mitchell wasn't in it.

Sorry you may have misunderstood me. The return of the Magnificent Mitchells :rolleyes: was overhyped tripe. They were brought back with the most implausible storylines and all their past misdeamours conviently forgotten. Of the three Grunt is probably the most likeable but I really cannot stand the poison dwarf and the beetroot dogger :sick:

Jessie Wallace
06-01-2006, 09:55
Is it worth me watching then as I sky +'d it last night and haven't had a chance to watch, but judging by the comments, it looks like I didn't miss much and would do better spending my time watching the episode of the Bill that I had missed :searchme: :D

Just have it on in the back ground when your doing somethingelse, or just fast forward to Deano's cheeky bit with the market inspector, about the only entertaining bit in it.

06-01-2006, 09:57
Well its as I suspected. After the return (briefly) of the magnificent Mitchells :rolleyes: it appears that EE has lost its way again. Wanderining aimlessley through the soap desert. Inconsistent writing and jumbled up storylines seem to be its hallmark nowadays. Too much reliance on the Chavs and cheeky COCKERNEYS

CONGRATS ALAN ,,,2,000 POSTS :cheer:

06-01-2006, 09:58
Sorry you may have misunderstood me. The return of the Magnificent Mitchells :rolleyes: was overhyped tripe. They were brought back with the most implausible storylines and all their past misdeamours conviently forgotten. Of the three Grunt is probably the most likeable but I really cannot stand the poison dwarf and the beetroot dogger :sick:Yey you did it Alan - and I have to admit to being a Grant lover, but can't stand Phil and the longer he isn't on screen the better!

Just have it on in the back ground when your doing somethingelse, or just fast forward to Deano's cheeky bit with the market inspector, about the only entertaining bit in it.Excellent - thanks for letting me know - I might not bother though if its only worth it for that...

06-01-2006, 09:58
CONGRATS ALAN ,,,2,000 POSTS :cheer:

He goes all pink now

Jessie Wallace
06-01-2006, 09:58
Sorry you may have misunderstood me. The return of the Magnificent Mitchells :rolleyes: was overhyped tripe. They were brought back with the most implausible storylines and all their past misdeamours conviently forgotten. Of the three Grunt is probably the most likeable but I really cannot stand the poison dwarf and the beetroot dogger :sick:

I think i may faint of shock, i actually agree with the whole of your post, i think i mus be ill or something! lol

06-01-2006, 10:01
They still haven't mentioned the fact that 20k of this money is completely imaginary. (Yes, that is really bugging me.)

I love the way there seems to be endless amounts of money in the Beale and Mitchell's BLACK HOLE SAVINGS account !!!!!
Did Darren ever really quote how much money he ACTUALLY found in the bag ????:searchme:

06-01-2006, 10:02
I love the way there seems to be endless amounts of money in the Beale and Mitchell's BLACK HOLE SAVINGS account !!!!!
Did Darren ever really quote how much money he ACTUALLY found in the bag ????:searchme:

don't think so but it was Jake who mentioned the £25K

06-01-2006, 10:29
I missed EastEnders last night :(

06-01-2006, 10:29
I missed EastEnders last night :(

no you didn't.. there wasn't much to miss at all

06-01-2006, 10:40
ruby whining about juley, keith rosie and mike and more wellard stuff you didnt miss a thing birks

06-01-2006, 10:46
ruby whining about juley, keith rosie and mike and more wellard stuff you didnt miss a thing birksSounds exciting *YAWN!* :D

06-01-2006, 11:05
The only possible place for the extra £20k to have come from, BlackKat, is the Queen Vic till. It was probably the takings from Jim that night!

06-01-2006, 11:38
Are you in denial about the death of Mr Thickman???
No need to get rude there! As I'm not, ofcourse have better things to do. Will be working next week and of then have no time to roam the boards during daytime.:angel:

06-01-2006, 11:40
The only possible place for the extra £20k to have come from, BlackKat, is the Queen Vic till. It was probably the takings from Jim that night!

Jim ??????? how does he figure into this ????:searchme:

06-01-2006, 11:41
I missed EastEnders last night :(

No u didn't sweetie,, u didn't miss a darn thing babes :)

06-01-2006, 17:19
The only possible place for the extra £20k to have come from, BlackKat, is the Queen Vic till. It was probably the takings from Jim that night!

He must have got Dot hammered on tomato juice to get that sort of turnover!

06-01-2006, 18:32
I missed EastEnders last night :(

Lucky you :)

06-01-2006, 20:25
Lucky you :) :lol:

06-01-2006, 20:47
Why is the show centring around Ruby, her disgusting ex-boyfriend, and his boring brother. Not to mention his boring brother's bloody dog.

Do not even get me started on that whole car lot storyline. Hey, Patrick, if you're incapable of running a business...don't buy a carlot! You stupid moron.

06-01-2006, 21:18
tonights was a little better than last nights, but still rather boring lol. ruby/juley/johnny stuff was alright i suppose. keith/mike/rosie stuff i liked. i dont like dawn, dont like deano. sharon stuff i liked. patrick stuff was bit boring. lol

06-01-2006, 21:34
tonights was a little better than last nights, but still rather boring lol. ruby/juley/johnny steff was alright i suppose. keith/mike/rosie stuff i liked. i dont like dawn, dont like deano. sharon stuff i liked. patrick stuff was bit boring. lol

there wasn't a steff in it, lol! i hope you mean stuff otherwise you're coming too obsessed with that girl :p

06-01-2006, 21:48
lmao i meant stuff :p

06-01-2006, 21:50
*points at keith and laughs*

06-01-2006, 21:53
lmao i meant stuff :p

sure.... :rolleyes:

07-01-2006, 11:51
ruby and stacey are both doing my head in,if i was ruby id tell stacey to get a life and stop butting in to my buisness

07-01-2006, 12:10
i liked the Sharon scene and The ruby/Stacey.Johnny scene it was good.

07-01-2006, 12:25
ruby and stacey are both doing my head in,if i was ruby id tell stacey to get a life and stop butting in to my buisness

If I was Stacey I'd tell Ruby it's about time she learned how to act if she wants to be on television...

07-01-2006, 12:39
I didn't think much of Sharon's scenes actually. She didn't look grief-stricken, she looked like a petulant child who's "not talking to you no more." I know she was supposed to be in shock or whatnot, but she looked like she was sulking.

di marco
07-01-2006, 12:44
ruby and stacey are both doing my head in,if i was ruby id tell stacey to get a life and stop butting in to my buisness

staceys only trying to look out for her though, but if i was stacey i wouldnt bother, i mean ruby only wanted stacey in the past month or so when she couldnt be with juley and now shes finished with juley shes come running back to stacey, i hate people that do that!

di marco
07-01-2006, 12:45
I didn't think much of Sharon's scenes actually. She didn't look grief-stricken, she looked like a petulant child who's "not talking to you no more." I know she was supposed to be in shock or whatnot, but she looked like she was sulking.

ive prefered watching dot more, she genuinely looks upset about dennis death, to start with sharon did look a bit upset, but i thought the same as you yesterday, that she looked like she was in a strop with someone and so was sulking!

07-01-2006, 13:19
Wouldn't you be in a strop with someone if you knew he'd murdered your husband?

di marco
07-01-2006, 13:25
Wouldn't you be in a strop with someone if you knew he'd murdered your husband?

yes but she looked like she was in a strop with pauline and dot, she hadnt seen johnny!

07-01-2006, 13:31
Wouldn't you be in a strop with someone if you knew he'd murdered your husband?

Well I wouldn't say I'd be in a strop. I'd be angry, I'd hate them, I might even want to kill them. I wouldn't refuse to talk them and sulk on the sofa.

di marco
07-01-2006, 14:31
Well I wouldn't say I'd be in a strop. I'd be angry, I'd hate them, I might even want to kill them. I wouldn't refuse to talk them and sulk on the sofa.

yeh youd be annoyed with the person that did it and might not talk to them, but you wouldnt refuse to talk to everyone else, especailly people who are worried about you and are close to you

07-01-2006, 14:39
Grief affects people differently and in different ways. Who is to say how any of us would react to our partner being murdered just as we were about to make a new life for ourselves...?

07-01-2006, 14:47
Grief affects people differently and in different ways. Who is to say how any of us would react to our partner being murdered just as we were about to make a new life for ourselves...?that is true :thumbsup:

07-01-2006, 15:02
the scene that really got me out of my seat and shouting at the telly, was the one where johnny gave money to dot who then went and gave it to phil! talk about cheek from both phil and johnny. they are as bad as each other...wow they both annoy me!

07-01-2006, 15:24
Grief affects people differently and in different ways. Who is to say how any of us would react to our partner being murdered just as we were about to make a new life for ourselves...?

But Sharon is supposed to be so grief-stricken and shocked that she can't even speak. My point is I don't think Tish Dean is acting it convincingly -- she doesn't look like she's in shock, she looks like she's sulking.

07-01-2006, 15:32
the scene that really got me out of my seat and shouting at the telly, was the one where johnny gave money to dot who then went and gave it to phil! talk about cheek from both phil and johnny. they are as bad as each other...wow they both annoy me!

Johnny did the same with Andy. Threw him off a flyover, paid for the funeral and even attended. I don't think that Johnny paying for the funeral is him being cheeky, or rubbing Sharon's face in it. I think it's more that he's incapable of understanding the effect of Dennis's death. Logically he knows it will devaste Sharon, but he is incapable of empathising with that. He sees it as it was his right to kill Dennis, and he's now doing the respectable thing by helping with the funeral. He's cleaning up after himself you could say. Dennis is dead, the funerals sorted, everything can go on as normal now for Johnny.

I think this incapableness of understanding other people's emotions past the textbook "So-and-so is upset," is one of things they've actually managed to keep half way consistent with Johnny's character. He was the same with Tina -- he couldn't actually understand why his affair with Amy would bother her so much.

07-01-2006, 15:57
But Sharon is supposed to be so grief-stricken and shocked that she can't even speak. My point is I don't think Tish Dean is acting it convincingly -- she doesn't look like she's in shock, she looks like she's sulking.

Oh, right. That's a different point. You're probably right there. :)

07-01-2006, 16:11
But Sharon is supposed to be so grief-stricken and shocked that she can't even speak. My point is I don't think Tish Dean is acting it convincingly -- she doesn't look like she's in shock, she looks like she's sulking.yeah i guess, if she was in shock she wouldnt be moving about as much. shes just acting a bit moody :)

07-01-2006, 16:19
Grief affects people differently and in different ways. Who is to say how any of us would react to our partner being murdered just as we were about to make a new life for ourselves...?
Very good point parkerman!! Some just move on.. some hold on for months!!

07-01-2006, 19:58
Last night's was better than Thursday's, but still rather disappointing on the whole.

June Brown marvellous as ever. :)


08-01-2006, 17:23
Grief affects people differently and in different ways. Who is to say how any of us would react to our partner being murdered just as we were about to make a new life for ourselves...?

Exactly! And with Dennis, he didn't mean that much to anybody else on the square, rather than Sharon. A few others liked him, but Sharon is his wife. I'm sure she feels that nobody else understands her hurt. And you don't always want to talk about these things with other people, sometimes you feel it's best to shut everybody out and be on your own with your thoughts. What they had is between her and Dennis.

08-01-2006, 21:29
Exactly! And with Dennis, he didn't mean that much to anybody else on the square, rather than Sharon. A few others liked him, but Sharon is his wife. I'm sure she feels that nobody else understands her hurt. And you don't always want to talk about these things with other people, sometimes you feel it's best to shut everybody out and be on your own with your thoughts. What they had is between her and Dennis.

09-01-2006, 18:45
Looking at the picture above, does everybody see that Johnny is the only person that hasn't been murdered? they have done this gangster thing to death, haven't they?!

09-01-2006, 19:30
Looking at the picture above, does everybody see that Johnny is the only person that hasn't been murdered? they have done this gangster thing to death, haven't they?!
Well Phil maybe?

09-01-2006, 19:44
Looking at the picture above, does everybody see that Johnny is the only person that hasn't been murdered? they have done this gangster thing to death, haven't they?!

i've just relisead that

09-01-2006, 20:33
Does Johnny think that is the way to repay the murders, by going to the funerals? Hewent to Andy, now Dennis' Is that how he clears his conscience? Poor Sharon, she was so upset. Will she'll never be happy? Pretty good episode. Letitia I think was a little bit O.T.T at some points

09-01-2006, 20:34
Well so much for Dennis's funeral. What a load of tosh. The only good bit of tonights show was Johhny threatening the Beetroot Dogger

09-01-2006, 20:36
Oh god somebody please tell me Johnny dies a slow and painfull death! Or just that he dies at least! :thumbsup: i cant beleive how creul he is! He is an evil evil evil man!

He knew exactly what he was doing when he did what he did and yet he still did it. He knew Sharon and Dennis were going to have a baby... were going to be a family. I hate people who think they rule the world like that and can just punish people and take them out if they dont like what they've done. Phil is partly to blame for the death but Johnny is a whole lot more. Ok so if phil hadnt have interfered they would have left and everything would have been ok. but if Johnny hadnt have interfered they would have been able to stay in walford and live happily ever after (Or at least tried! as it is soapland after all!) I cant believe how evil he is it drives me mad! :angry:

Other than that great eppy but so sad!

09-01-2006, 20:39
Does Johnny think that is the way to repay the murders, by going to the funerals? Hewent to Andy, now Dennis' Is that how he clears his conscience? Poor Sharon, she was so upset. Will she'll never be happy? Pretty good episode. Letitia I think was a little bit O.T.T at some points

I think its horrible he oes to the funerals! It drives me mad and makes me so angry. I cant beleive him that he can actually do that. He's cold blooded for sure!! I thought Letitia wasnt ott. I thought she was amazing and quite realistic considering what she's going through.

09-01-2006, 20:40
that was really boring lol. sharon and johnny at the end was alright though.

09-01-2006, 20:45
Leatitia you go girl, awesome performance and June, she was so sorry for Sharon and her baby. Brill epi. Phil better watches himselve. Spilled the beans to mommy dearest.:sick:

Well that was it for Dennis, still a shame though, but please get a new hunk in there of the same age!:angel: