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di marco
11-09-2006, 21:21
Filming today: Episode 1103 Tx: 06/11/06
BILLY: Smells blinding. I'm salivating like a dog.
HONEY: It's beef bangingong. We had it when we went to Fargo's one time. Remember? We hadn't been going out long.
BILLY: When you said lunch I thought you meant beans on toast.

di marco
13-09-2006, 08:05
Filming today: Episode 1103 Tx: 06/11/06
DAWN: You've actually invited people? You're not just winding me up?
MICKEY: Course not.
DAWN: Well... I suppose anything's better than a "Meet the Millers" family tea. I'll ask him.

di marco
14-09-2006, 08:41
Filming today: Episode 1104 Tx: 04/11/06
MICKEY: Alright if I put the beers in the fridge?
IAN: Why don't you have a kip in my bed while you're at it.
JANE: Take no notice Mickey. Course you can.

di marco
15-09-2006, 08:33
Filming today: Episode 1106 Tx: 10/11/06
BRADLEY: Uh, who is it runs a clothes stall? Supposed to know this stuff...
STACEY: Yeah, for other people. Anyway, it's alright for you, Mr "black suit or dark grey one".
BRADLEY: Or jeans...

18-09-2006, 21:14
Filming today: Episode 1111 Tx: 21/11/06
PAULINE: I'll bring you a bacon sandwich. Oh and it's stew and dumplings tonight -
MARTIN: D'you owe me money or something?
PAULINE: Martin, if you don't stop giving me lip and go to work, I'll change my mind and you'll have bread and dripping for your tea...

here ya go

EE Rocks
18-09-2006, 22:26
Pauline being miserable as per usual.:eek:

18-09-2006, 23:01
Filming today: Episode 1111 Tx: 21/11/06
PAULINE: I'll bring you a bacon sandwich. Oh and it's stew and dumplings tonight -
MARTIN: D'you owe me money or something?
PAULINE: Martin, if you don't stop giving me lip and go to work, I'll change my mind and you'll have bread and dripping for your tea...Not long left for you now. :p :D

20-09-2006, 20:10
Filming today: Episode 1109 Tx: 16/11/06
PEGGY: It's about time you found yourself a decent woman.
PHIL: And it's about time you minded your own business.
PEGGY: I know she's not your usual type, but at your time of life you should be looking for something a bit more meaningful.

:sick: WHO in the WORLD would fall for phil!!!:sick:

27-09-2006, 21:26
Filming today: Episode 1122 Tx: 08/12/06
CHELSEA: I ain't bothered. Certainly didn't fancy the idea of ruining another pair of shoes.
LIBBY: What's it like being you?
LIBBY: Living your life under such narrow horizons...

27-09-2006, 21:27
Filming today: Episode 1109 Tx: 16/11/06
PEGGY: It's about time you found yourself a decent woman.
PHIL: And it's about time you minded your own business.
PEGGY: I know she's not your usual type, but at your time of life you should be looking for something a bit more meaningful.

:sick: WHO in the WORLD would fall for phil!!!:sick:

That solicitor. Wat's her name? Stella?

27-09-2006, 21:48
Apparently the webcams are switched off for secret filming.

30-09-2006, 13:01
I'm guessing that's Pauline's death then as it is supposed to be explosive and they were on the 12th December the other day.

30-09-2006, 13:05
Filming today: Episode 1119 Tx: 04/12/06
MO: After all that, you don't eat it.
BERT: Eyes must have been bigger than me belly.
MO: Not like you to waste all that cholesterol.

EE Rocks
30-09-2006, 20:13
OMG! I am sure they have been filming Ruby/Jake exit or Paulines, something big being going on these last couple of days. Why is the albert sqaure one switch off, i wonder? I cant believe they,ve put up the X-mas tree already.:eek:

di marco
02-10-2006, 23:01
Filming today: Episode 1119 Tx: 04/12/06
MO: After all that, you don't eat it.
BERT: Eyes must have been bigger than me belly.
MO: Not like you to waste all that cholesterol.

oh great, berts back again, i thought wed got rid of him!

18-10-2006, 15:09
Filming today: Episode 1127 Tx: 18/12/06
KEVIN: So what'd you find?
KEITH: Dirty mag. He's obviously having, you know... urges...
KEVIN: He's fifteen! He's probably been having urges for quite a while now. It's nothing to worry about!

darren has a porn mag :lol: keith will make good use of it :rotfl: :rotfl:

EE Rocks
23-10-2006, 13:27

Filming today: Episode 1125 Tx: 14/12/06
DOT: Oh Darren, you are a good boy, thanks ever so. There's all sorts here. Where'd you find all these?
DARREN: On the net. That's... er... let me see...
JOE: We weren't expecting to pay for them!
DOT: We could've downloaded them from the net ourselves for nothing!

I wonder what there on about!! Darren has been in a lot of these snippets recently.

EE Rocks
23-10-2006, 20:53
Filming today: Episode 1129 Tx: 21/12/06
MAX: What weight?
TANYA: Don't pretend you haven't noticed.
MAX: You are perfect darlin'. Any weight you got is in all the right places. I wouldn't re-distribute an ounce.
TANYA: What am I, a bag of mince?

24-10-2006, 21:48
Filming today: Episode 1132 Tx: 25/12/06
JANE: Pauline.
IAN: She's never going to wear that.
JANE: Course she will. It's lovely. It's cashmere.
IAN: It's pink.

25-10-2006, 11:02
Filming today: Episode 1132 Tx: 25/12/06
JANE: Pauline.
IAN: She's never going to wear that.
JANE: Course she will. It's lovely. It's cashmere.
IAN: It's pink. I've just been on and its censored filming

EE Rocks
25-10-2006, 17:54
Yeah, the albert Square webcam was censored for a few days but now its back to normal.
The tree looks lovely, ahh that christmas feeling.
Oh dear that snippet is for x- mas, pauline.:eek: :eek:

25-10-2006, 19:22
I've just been on and its censored filming
Must be to hide the awful pink jumper Ian and Jane were talking about.

25-10-2006, 19:29
Yeah, the albert Square webcam was censored for a few days but now its back to normal.
The tree looks lovely, ahh that christmas feeling.
Oh dear that snippet is for x- mas, pauline.:eek: :eek: thats a nice picture! i bet they recording the carol singing!

26-10-2006, 10:20
Filming today: Episode 1132 Tx: 25/12/06
KEVIN: I got a DVD, pair of designer sunglasses.
DENISE: He looks like something out of Reservoir Dogs.
KEVIN: What I really want is a holiday.
KEITH: Modern disease. Buy a ticket. Get on a plane. Run away. Christmas in the Bahamas. Why bother? You're better off at home. 18 hours of pukka entertainment. No cost. Sitting on the sofa. Best place in the world.

Well that would be Keith saying that! So they finally dragged him out of the mothballs.

EE Rocks
26-10-2006, 11:29
Ha ha. Thanks, only keith eh.......:rotfl:

Nigella harman
26-10-2006, 12:45
I looked a bit earlier and all 3 cameras were off for secret filming!.

EE Rocks
26-10-2006, 14:38
Again? It only came of that censored thing yesterday?:eek:

26-10-2006, 16:34
I bet all we get is almost an hour of Pauline, which is why it is censored so much.

26-10-2006, 16:40
I reckon they will be filming late into the night as well it would be good if Pauline died on Arthurs bench.

26-10-2006, 17:15
I don't really want to be watching Keith Miller on xmas day.

27-10-2006, 15:10
Filming today: Episode 1134 Tx: 26/12/06
DARREN: What's the matter with you? How many gorgeous birds you got buying you Christmas presents?
MICKEY: That's not the point.
DARREN: None. Zero. Zilch.

EE Rocks
29-10-2006, 20:53
Filming today: Episode 1134 Tx: 26/12/06
LAUREN: Okay. Now click. Click. Now. Not like... I don't believe it. You've done it again.
ABI: What's an illegal action? Why's everything shutting down?
LAUREN: Because it knows you're a complete div.

Aww, sisterly love!!

di marco
30-10-2006, 21:56
Filming today: Episode 1133 Tx: 25/12/06
PHIL: What would you like for Christmas?
GARRY: Scarlett Johansson.
REBECCA: A cardigan.

30-10-2006, 22:01
Why is Rebecca in the same scene as Garry & Phil?

di marco
30-10-2006, 22:23
Why is Rebecca in the same scene as Garry & Phil?

lol i dunno thats what i thought too

04-11-2006, 13:00
Filming today: Episode 1136 Tx: 28/12/06
LUCY: Alright?
LAUREN: Like why are you talking to him?
LUCY: He's okay.
LAUREN: If you're into losers.

di marco
04-11-2006, 13:02
Filming today: Episode 1136 Tx: 28/12/06
LUCY: Alright?
LAUREN: Like why are you talking to him?
LUCY: He's okay.
LAUREN: If you're into losers.

lol wonder who theyre talking about lol!

04-11-2006, 13:02
Why is Rebecca in the same scene as Garry & Phil?

I'm guessing that Pauline has locked herself in the house and is still there by then, so Martin would want to keep Rebecca from knowing that Pauline has depression, which would explain why it looks like Rebecca is in the Vic or something.

di marco
04-11-2006, 13:31
Filming today: Episode 1136 Tx: 28/12/06
LUCY: Alright?
LAUREN: Like why are you talking to him?
LUCY: He's okay.
LAUREN: If you're into losers.

i just read another spoiler and i think theyre talking about darren!

EE Rocks
04-11-2006, 13:34
Yep, I think they are. Apparently, they are going to get closer, well Lucy develops a crush on him.:angel:

04-11-2006, 14:01
Yep, I think they are. Apparently, they are going to get closer, well Lucy develops a crush on him.:angel:

Typical EE. Younger girl falls for older boy. *yawn*

06-11-2006, 20:47
Filming today: Episode 1136 Tx: 28/12/06
PREETI: I said to Tanya, I mean some people are meant to be together.
STACEY: What, like Ant and Dec?
PREETI: Somewhere out there, there's someone for everyone isn't there?

lol! I wonder if Preeti will be Staceys new Ruby?

06-11-2006, 21:05
Filming today: Episode 1136 Tx: 28/12/06
PREETI: I said to Tanya, I mean some people are meant to be together.
STACEY: What, like Ant and Dec?
PREETI: Somewhere out there, there's someone for everyone isn't there?

lol! I wonder if Preeti will be Staceys new Ruby?

Who is this Preeti anyway? Maybe she will, and it causes Ruby to leave? Unless it is down to Sean and then Stacey makes friends with her because she doesn't have anyone?

Nigella harman
06-11-2006, 21:16
Filming today: Episode 1136 Tx: 28/12/06
PREETI: I said to Tanya, I mean some people are meant to be together.
STACEY: What, like Ant and Dec?
PREETI: Somewhere out there, there's someone for everyone isn't there?

lol! I wonder if Preeti will be Staceys new Ruby? Maybe,or she could be at the salon and Preetis doing her hair/nails!and wittering on!:lol:

06-11-2006, 21:21
lol. Stacey cracks me up. Preeti seems quite a bit older than Stacey, but a friendship could work. She seems a bit fiesty.

06-11-2006, 22:32
Who is this Preeti anyway? Maybe she will, and it causes Ruby to leave? Unless it is down to Sean and then Stacey makes friends with her because she doesn't have anyone?
Ruby leaves in less than 3 weeks though. These snippets are probably for episodes around xmas/New Year time, long after Ruby has gone.

slater girl
07-11-2006, 09:31
I reckon preeti is talking about bradley to stacey as she mentions that preeti has mentioned it to tanya and preeti is possibly saying her and bradley are meant to be as kate harwood said they would have a rocky road ahead for the young lovers and it would be a rough patch, so i reckon bradley and stacey has discussed the abortion and are still together and stacey is talking to preeti about bradley and how bradley makes stacey feel around him as stacey said to ruby before that around bradley that stacey get's butterfly's in her stomach and when bradley broke the stereo in half this week it showed that stacey still loves him very much and did you see the look of love on stacey's face as well.:) :thumbsup:

So i reckon it is about bradley as preeti said they is someone out their for everyone and why is preet telling tanya all of this anyway especially if it is a member of the branning family and it is bradley and preeti and tanya reckons that bradley and stacey are meant to be together and have been talking about them, but stacey cannot see it yet that her and bradley are meant to be together yet and a right for each other as stacey made a joke about couples who are meant to be together to preeti as stacey did say to bradley before that they fit together did't she:) :thumbsup:

15-11-2006, 16:45
if you look on the webcam now - there is an ambulance in george street - any ideas?

di marco
16-11-2006, 23:10
if you look on the webcam now - there is an ambulance in george street - any ideas?

im guessing for paulines exit maybe?

03-12-2006, 12:23
Filming today: Episode 1152 Tx: 23/01/07
DAWN: Skiving off work to go shopping?
ROB: Something like that.
DAWN: Boy after my own heart.

What is going on there - I would have thought she'd be completely blanking him by then?

slater girl
14-12-2006, 08:16
Filming today: Episode 1163 Tx: 12/02/07
STACEY: What? You think you can rubbish my taste in movies? Just because James Bond's cool all of a sudden?
BRADLEY: He's always been cool. "The name's Bond. James Bond."

Here is a snippet from the eastenders cam in february, i reckon stacey still wants bradley as a friend or they are drifiting slowly back together as a couple, what do you think.

15-12-2006, 23:11
Filming today: Episode 1160 Tx: 06/02/07
MICKEY: What do you reckon women get up to in there?
KEITH: I'm still figuring it out, son.
DAWN: I'm coming!
MICKEY: It's not as if they look any different when they come out.

im guessing the beauty salon their talking about.

18-12-2006, 17:01
Filming today: Episode 1160 Tx: 06/02/07
MICKEY: What do you reckon women get up to in there?
KEITH: I'm still figuring it out, son.
DAWN: I'm coming!
MICKEY: It's not as if they look any different when they come out.

im guessing the beauty salon their talking about.

Or the bathroom :rotfl::rotfl: I can't imagine Mickey and Keith outside a beauty salon

EE Rocks
24-12-2006, 11:36
There'll be no more snippets now as they,ve stopped filming, but they start filming again in the new year. Yeah Slater girl i reckon they'll develop a friendship and get together again, otherwise why are they still talking in Febuary?

03-01-2007, 21:03
Filming today: Episode 1166 Tx: 16/02/07
TANYA: Want to put the kettle on while I take a shower?
MAX: I'll scrub your back if you like?

the stacey /max affair still not revealed yet.

05-01-2007, 09:21
Filming: Episode 1171 Tx: 26/02/07
SEAN: Thought they'd never leave...
SEAN: Starsky and Hutch - what d'you mean who? Charlie and Mo! What is up with you?

Interesting! Stacey's mind is clearly on something or someone else- question is is it Max or Bradley?

Nigella harman
05-01-2007, 10:01
Filming: Episode 1171 Tx: 26/02/07
SEAN: Thought they'd never leave...
SEAN: Starsky and Hutch - what d'you mean who? Charlie and Mo! What is up with you?

Interesting! Stacey's mind is clearly on something or someone else- question is is it Max or Bradley?

Maybe this is around the time Bradley tells Tanya,and she knows the whole square is about to find out what shes done!:ninja:

05-01-2007, 19:48
Filming today: Episode 1160 Tx: 06/02/07
MICKEY: What do you reckon women get up to in there?
KEITH: I'm still figuring it out, son.
DAWN: I'm coming!
MICKEY: It's not as if they look any different when they come out.

im guessing the beauty salon their talking about.

Or the bathroom :rotfl::rotfl: I can't imagine Mickey and Keith outside a beauty salon

No way - the hairdryers are far too powerful!

05-01-2007, 20:01
Filming: Episode 1171 Tx: 26/02/07
SEAN: Thought they'd never leave...
SEAN: Starsky and Hutch - what d'you mean who? Charlie and Mo! What is up with you?

Interesting! Stacey's mind is clearly on something or someone else- question is is it Max or Bradley?

Hmm, does everyone think Charlie and Mo are leaving permanently, or just that they are going on holiday and Stacey and Sean wanted the house to themselves?

05-01-2007, 22:49
Probably just on holiday, travelling the world in Charlie's Fat Cab.

12-01-2007, 20:37
Filming today: Episode 1160 Tx: 06/02/07
CHELSEA: Yes! Beyonce rules!
CARLY: I love this track -
PREETI: The woman is a God.

15-01-2007, 17:54
Filming: Episode 1172 Tx: 27/02/07
JANE: On the house. You did all that extra clearing round the chippie. You're a diamond.
BERT: If you don't want it, lad....
JANE: You ain't getting any. No offence.

17-01-2007, 17:20
Filming today: Episode 1173 Tx: 01/03/07
PAT: What you got there then? The whole of Walford library?
LIBBY: Doing a project... Better get going.
PAT: Funny kid. I was more into boys than books at her age.


I thought Pat was like that at any age!:D

19-01-2007, 20:41
Filming today: Episode 1173 Tx: 01/03/07
IAN: Shouldn't you be piping that cream?
JANE: They might not look as pretty as yours Ian, but they'll taste just as good.
IAN: Detail. That's what stylish entertaining is all about.

22-01-2007, 21:59
Filming today: Episode 1175 Tx: 05/03/07
SHIRLEY: Oh, sorry, handsome.
MAX: S'alright. No harm done.
SHIRLEY: Not yet.

Ewww. There was me thinking all the sicky stuff was over.

23-01-2007, 22:18
Filming today: Episode 1176 Tx: 06/03/07
PATRICK: She reads books. Goes on about Recommended Daily Allowances. I tell you, I had a takeaway the other night when she was out. I had no idea something like that was so dangerous.
PEGGY: Because of what they put in it?
PATRICK: Because of what Yolande would do if she found out.

28-01-2007, 20:55
Filming today: Episode 1178 Tx: 09/03/07
PAT: I don't play board games. Not anymore.
PAT: Because.
DEANO: Because what?
PAT: Because they don't bring out the best in me.

What did she used to play, strip monopoly? She wouldn't get very far, seeing as she spends all her money on cocktail bars and dangly ear-rings. :rotfl:

28-01-2007, 21:48
Pat and games go back a very long way, but not in the board game sense....

31-01-2007, 18:51
Filming today: Episode 1180 Tx: 12/03/07

DEANO: Mo? Do us a favour, would yer?
MO: Have you got a mirror?
MO: Cos I must've got 'mug' written across me head!

03-02-2007, 13:25
Filming today: Episode 1181 Tx: 13/03/07
MO: Lend something off the stall. Long as you're careful with your deodorant.
STACEY: Everything I've got's off the stall. Cos it's missing a button or it's got a hole in... I'm sick of it, Nan.

03-02-2007, 21:14
Filming today: Episode 1181 Tx: 13/03/07
MO: Lend something off the stall. Long as you're careful with your deodorant.
STACEY: Everything I've got's off the stall. Cos it's missing a button or it's got a hole in... I'm sick of it, Nan.

Anyone else think this could be part of Stacey and Bradley dating again. I guess she thinks she needs to get something new and a bit less revealing in order to be a bit more like that Lydia.

07-02-2007, 18:40
Filming today: Episode 1195 Tx: 09/04/07
BRADLEY: Discovering leadership potential...
JIM: Oh yes? 'Aligning individual and corporate goals... building and maintaining motivational skills...' In the words of the prophet Isaiah - what a load of old tosh.
BRADLEY: Least it gets me out of the office

08-02-2007, 22:05
Filming today: Episode 1189 Tx: 29/03/07
HONEY: Am I interested... does the Pope ride a bicycle?
JANE: Does he?
MO: No, that's fish - live in Rome.
JANE: Do fish live in Rome?

What this is I really don't know... National impersonate Honey week?

12-02-2007, 20:36
Filming today: Episode 1191 Tx: 02/04/07
JANE: Excuse me?
LUCY: When I fail my GCSEs, I'm going to say it's cos I'm from a dysfunctional family.
JANE: That girl...

I think she may be starting to get involved with Darren...

13-02-2007, 20:49
Filming today: Episode 1191 Tx: 02/04/07
MO: That wasn't a very good start.
DARREN: For the great salesman, there's no such thing as failure; just further incentive to succeed.
MO: Where'd you get that one from?

15-02-2007, 17:27
Filming today: Episode 1195 Tx: 09/04/07
YOLANDE: Just thought I'd give the place a bit of a clean.
DOT: What you are regarding as dirt, Yolande, I think you will find is in the nature of the pattern on the work surface. I'm very particular in regard to my sanitary standards and if I needed help, I'd ask for it.

16-02-2007, 17:26
Filming today: Episode 1191 Tx: 02/04/07
PREETI: What if he picks his nose?
DARREN: You have to train him not to - that's the whole point.
PREETI: Or only wants to talk about football with his mates.

I'm not even asking

17-02-2007, 02:05
Hmm, I'm thinking Preeti is dating Mickey, given the way Darren has tried to outsmart Mickey in the past; you can just imagine his tone. Wouldn't have thought that storyline would ever happen, though.

19-02-2007, 17:11
Filming: Episode 1191 Tx: 02/04/07
IAN: All very well to mock...
JANE: Is there going to be a coat of arms over the door? Haddock crest? With chips rampant? Little motto? 'He served so that others might eat?'

19-02-2007, 22:42
A new lease of life at Beales Plaice? That hasn't been seen in ages!

20-02-2007, 08:55
Probably not since Sam chucked the chips at Andy. What are the writers doing? Ian is not one to act religious.

20-02-2007, 08:59
Filming today: Episode 1191 Tx: 02/04/07
PREETI: You know, you've got lovely thick hair. You should maybe think about being a little more adventurous with it one of these days.
STELLA: Oh yes?
PREETI: You'd suit a bob.

20-02-2007, 11:57
Probably not since Sam chucked the chips at Andy.
Late 2004. Blimey. :eek:

What are the writers doing? Ian is not one to act religious.
He's probably had lessons from Dot, or (in typical EE fashion), he's had a personality transplant. :rolleyes:

23-02-2007, 16:10
Probably not since Sam chucked the chips at Andy.
Late 2004. Blimey. :eek:

What are the writers doing? Ian is not one to act religious.
He's probably had lessons from Dot, or (in typical EE fashion), he's had a personality transplant. :rolleyes:

It was Early 2005, but not that that makes a great deal of difference. Hasn't he told her to shut up with her religious talks before?

24-02-2007, 01:02
Filming today: Episode 1192 Tx: 03/04/07
PHIL: Stella's making dinner.
MINTY: Music, candlelight, oysters?
PHIL: Do you want a slap?

26-02-2007, 16:53
Filming: Episode 1192 Tx: 03/04/07
SHIRLEY: The trouble with men is that they're like little puppy dogs. They lose interest quickly. So you have to keep them on a tight leash. Otherwise they end up peeing on your carpet. Or worse. And believe me, rubbing their nose in it after the event don't work. No matter what they say. By then, it's too late

01-03-2007, 17:46
Filming: Episode 1192 Tx: 03/04/07
BEN: Will you help me with my spellings tonight?
PHIL: What, you got a test?
BEN: When haven't I?


Erm, when Stella isn't around.

02-03-2007, 20:46
Filming today: Episode 1201 Tx: 19/04/07
PHIL: Bloke goes to the doctors, says doctor, I don't know what's wrong with me, can't stop singing the Green Green Grass of Home and Delilah. Doctor goes sounds like you've got Tom Jones Syndrome. Bloke goes, Tom Jones Syndrome? Is that rare? Doctor goes, it's not unusual.
MAX: That's taken about ten years off my life.


What does Phil think it is? A stag night?

08-03-2007, 22:44
Filming today: Episode 1208 Tx: 01/05/07
HONEY: Everyone needs a bit of relaxation Dot. Give yourself a chance to rejiggilate.
DOT: I don't need relaxation.

12-03-2007, 20:59
Filming: Episode 1207 Tx: 30/04/07
BRADLEY: Star Trek Three, The Search For Spock.
STACEY: Look out for the Daleks won't you?
BRADLEY: That's Doctor Who.
STACEY: Same difference.


Looks like they're back together, but don't know what to say to each other. They always seemed to do that when trying to occupy each other.

12-03-2007, 21:25
Looks to me like Bradleys off somewhere, perhaps the cinema or a DVD.

18-03-2007, 22:00
Filming today: Episode 1209 Tx: 03/05/07
IAN: Actually, he's inherited plenty of talent from me. For your information, he's the fastest boy in Walford over 400 metres. His PE teacher reckons he could make the Olympics.
PHIL: Yeah, real bunch of medal winners you are. And once again Ian Beale gets the gold for making a prat of himself.

24-03-2007, 16:01
Filming today: Episode 1209 Tx: 03/05/07
IAN: If the carpet bloke rings with a price, try and knock him down for cash... And don't forget the decorators are calling round tomorrow at nine.
JANE: ... I'll just clone myself, shall I?

There's censored filming, any ideas what's going on?

25-03-2007, 23:01
Ian finally has the Fowler house? Redecorating it I guess.

26-03-2007, 06:47
Wonder how the house will look,,, and if he is going to look for a FRUIT BOWL ???????:rotfl: :rotfl: Maybe that is the censored filming :lol:

02-04-2007, 01:16
Filming today: Episode 1217 Tx: 17/05/07
BILLY: That doesn't look right.
IAN: It's fine, just needs a bit of a stretch, that's all.

04-04-2007, 17:07
Filming today: Episode 1220 Tx: 22/05/07
MAY: That's me. A fully signed up member of one of the caring professions!
HONEY: Oh, do you have like a club?
MAY: No. We don't.

04-04-2007, 18:13
:rotfl: Trust Honey to think there actually is a club.

04-04-2007, 22:05
I'm surprised she didn't make herself sound even more foolish by referring to it as a band or something. Typical her though.

05-04-2007, 01:35
Filming today: Episode 1222 Tx: 25/05/07
MO: You hungry Bradley? I'm doing baked potatoes.
BRADLEY: No thanks. I had some scratchings in the Vic.

06-04-2007, 16:42
Filming today: Episode 1218 Tx: 18/05/07
LIBBY: I'll eat anything. I'm not fussy.
DARREN: Good, cos all we've got is a tin of dog food and some carrots.

26-04-2007, 12:58
Filming today:Episode 1227Tx: 04/06/07
BRADLEY:Buy you a cup of tea?

MO:All right.

BRADLEY:How d'you like it?

MO:With a cheese roll.

Mo cracks me up sometimes :rotfl::rotfl:

01-05-2007, 22:03
Filming today: Episode 1239 Tx: 25/06/07

MICKEY:I don't want my money back. I just want one that works.

MO: I can give you a blow-up animal. I got turtles, dolphins, sharks...

02-05-2007, 07:57
Just looked at the Webcam for the first time in a month or so and the Vic is being done up. Is this because of the rumoured fire do you think?

04-05-2007, 07:56
Hi was wondering if anybody knew why the web cam in albert square is being censored at the moment?:hmm:

05-05-2007, 00:25
I was wondering that myself. Something in the spoilers that come out next week or around then, I would think. With the current spoilers, we know the reason for the sightings a week or so back.

Filming today: Episode 1239 Tx: 25/06/07

BRADLEY:I thought she liked 'Gigi'?

JIM:She does. Only I read it wrong. It was something called 'Gigli'. But, well, we were there so I thought, why not?

07-05-2007, 23:19
Filming today: Episode 1237 Tx: 21/06/07

SEAN:Oh, here we go, any excuse for a rant and a rave, eh ladies? Want some evening primrose oil with your gin?

PHIL:Mind your mouth, you.

slater girl
15-05-2007, 21:11
Filming today: Episode 1241 Tx: 28/06/07
JIM:I thought you were bringing something back from the cafe.
BRADLEY:There wasn't anything I fancied.
JIM:What, they couldn't do you an 'am sandwich?

slater girl
15-05-2007, 21:12
Filming today: Episode 1240 Tx: 26/06/07

DOT:I'm sure Jim can entertain himself for an afternoon. He's very fond of 'exotic cinema'...
JIM:Now Dorothy, be fair.

slater girl
15-05-2007, 21:13
Filming today: Episode 1248 Tx: 10/07/07

TANYA:Jane was just treating us to a description of Ian Beale's mating ritual.

JANE:I was not!

TANYA:Apparently he warms up first, hamstring stretches, the works...

slater girl
15-05-2007, 21:14
Filming today: Episode 1249 Tx: 12/07/07

This is today's on on the bbc webcam right now on the website

MO:I'm telling you, that sausage bap was well crunchy, and not in a good way.

IAN:And I'm telling you, if you'd brought it back at the time, I might've been able to help you, but since you've eaten the evidence...

15-05-2007, 23:23
Maybe Big Mo had an Armadillo roll?

15-05-2007, 23:34
eaten the evidence :rotfl: lmao typical Ian.

18-05-2007, 14:55

Hmmm, who could them two be?

slater girl
05-06-2007, 20:26
Filming today: Episode 1249 Tx: 12/07/07

DOT:You know what a hangover is, don't you Jim? It's God's way of telling you to behave yourself.

JIM:I'll be alright... Nothing a bit o' hair of the dog won't fix.

slater girl
05-06-2007, 20:28
Filming today: Episode 1257 Tx: 26/07/07

JIM: C'mon Bradley... I'm bursting me boiler.

BRADLEY: Minute...

JIM: When I need to go I need to go. It's not a young bladder.

slater girl
05-06-2007, 20:29
This is today one on the eastenders webcam right now.

Filming today: Episode 1257 Tx: 26/07/07

JIM:Blimey, call the ambulance, the boy's been electrocuted.

BRADLEY:What? No. This is gel. Styling gel. What d'you reckon?

JIM:Looks like you've had a terrible fright. Which makes two of us.

08-06-2007, 18:46
Filming today: Episode 1259 Tx: 30/07/07 JIM:Sounds like a Miss Wet T-shirt competition...

DOT:I beg your pardon?

JIM:Oh... Dorothy. Nothing.


I wonder what is going on. Something similar has been dumped in Turpin Road at the moment, although it looks like an office chair and a trike, lol. It looks a bit empty on the road for them to be having a clear out.

slater girl
12-06-2007, 18:09
Filming today Episode 1262 Tx:03/08/07


"Simply the best. Better than all the rest." Come on, let's get that Beale Machine into first gear shall we and start revving up the engine?


You want me to take me time? Ever heard of the Le Mans 24-hour rally?

slater girl
12-06-2007, 18:11
Filming today: Episode 1258 Tx: 27/07/07

PETER:What's feckless?

IAN:Sort of Phil Mitchell crossed with, I dunno, Sean Slater. Imagine if they had a son together...

PETER:That's weird, dad.

slater girl
14-06-2007, 10:00
Filming today: Episode 1271 Tx: 20/08/07

MICKEY:Are you thinking what I'm thinking...

KEITH:If the sun became a black hole, would the earth get pulled inside?

14-06-2007, 10:49
Filming today: Episode 1271 Tx: 20/08/07

MICKEY:Are you thinking what I'm thinking...

KEITH:If the sun became a black hole, would the earth get pulled inside?

Pinky and the brain :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: hard to decide which one is the brain

slater girl
15-06-2007, 11:54
Filming today: Episode 1271 Tx: 20/08/07

GARRY:What do you say to a trip over to Greenwich? Stuffed full of French birds apparently. And a bit of history to boot. Couple of drinks by the river... then mosey on down to some club.

MINTY:Don't you think we're getting too old for clubbing?

slater girl
19-06-2007, 20:41
Filming today:
Episode 1271 Tx:20/08/07


I thought everyone was out.


When it's just me in the house, I like to walk around naked. I find it liberating letting everything hang out.

slater girl
19-06-2007, 20:42
Filming today: Episode 127 Tx: 20/08/07


I take it a loan's out of the question?


All I can offer is my wisdom.


Then I'm screwed.

slater girl
19-06-2007, 20:43
Filming today: Episode 1267 Tx: 13/08/07

KEVIN:One of us break wind or something?


slater girl
21-06-2007, 09:39
Filming today: Episode 1268 Tx: 14/08/07

JIM:Call this a sandwich?

DOT:What's wrong with it?

JIM:Cucumber? That's not a sandwich. Where's the roast beef? Where's the cheese and ham? It hasn't even got crusts

slater girl
22-06-2007, 08:44
Filming today: Episode 1268 Tx: 16/08/07

IAN:Wireless speakers. All connected up. I put music on here, it comes out there.

MO:Can't you just turn up the volume?

slater girl
25-06-2007, 12:38
Filming today: Episode 1268 Tx: 14/08/07

DOT:It's refined, Jim.

JIM:It's salad, Dorothy

slater girl
30-06-2007, 20:32
Filming today: Episode 1270 Tx: 17/08/07

KEITH:That'll be wind.

GARRY:Oh, I thought that was you, Mickey.

slater girl
30-06-2007, 20:33
Filming today: Episode 1270 Tx: 17/08/07

JIM:Here. What's me whistle doing hanging in the hall?

DOT:It's airing. You're going to be putting it on in an hour or so.

slater girl
30-06-2007, 20:34
Filming today: Episode 1275 Tx:14/08/07


First prize in this year's Biggest Vegetable competition....

Go on.

They say the marrow's got no chance. But if you put yourself forward you'll walk it.

slater girl
30-06-2007, 20:35
Filming today: Episode 1275 Tx:27/08/07

Well, perhaps if my staff could talk up the virtues of haddock a bit better -

I'm your wife, Ian, I'm not staff.

Wanna bet?

slater girl
04-07-2007, 14:31
Filming today: Episode 1278 Tx: 31/08/07

KEVIN:That Mondeo's been sitting on the forecourt for weeks, haven't you got any ideas how we can shift it?

CARLY:Dunno, knock another hundred off?

slater girl
04-07-2007, 14:31
Filming today: Episode 1280Tx:04/09/07

What's going on here?

Nothing I can't handle.

slater girl
06-07-2007, 07:39
Filming today: Episode 1282 Tx:07/09/07


Bradley, this ain't a time to bandy words, just open your browser and get gurgling!

slater girl
06-07-2007, 07:40
Filming today: Episode 1281 Tx: 06/09/07

BRADLEY:Right, I'll see you later, then. Got to go in today.

DOT:No, well, your workplace, that's your place for work, ain't it?

17-07-2007, 09:42
Filming today: Episode 1283 Tx: 10/09/07
KEVIN:She doesn't know.


CHELSEA:You mean you haven't told her...

KEVIN:Course I haven't told her! I've still got all my limbs, haven't I?

slater girl
17-07-2007, 21:24
Filming today: Episode 1286 Tx: 14/09/07

BEN: It was the Russians won the war mainly. Along with the Americans.

PHIL: Who told you that?

Filming today: Episode 1286 Tx: 14/09/07

PEGGY: Oh no.

PHIL: Go away, mum.

PEGGY: This is just what I was dreading.

17-07-2007, 21:28
Glad Phil is spending some time with Ben, instead of putting himself first.

slater girl
23-07-2007, 21:11
Filming today: Episode 1289 Tx: 20/09/07

IAN:If this was a court, we'd be talking incontrovertible proof!

JANE:This isn't a court, you pig! This is me and you! I'm your wife!

slater girl
23-07-2007, 21:12
Filming today: Episode 1288 Tx: 18/09/07

IAN:I'm busy.

JANE:Doing what?

IAN:Making a list.


IAN:People who've got a grudge against me.

slater girl
25-07-2007, 14:53
Filming today: Episode 1289 Tx: 20/09/07

BEN:I know pi to fifty places... 3.1415926535 -

JAY:All right brainbox, no one's interested

slater girl
26-07-2007, 20:41
Filming today: Episode 1288 Tx: 18/09/07

BILLY:All right Yolande. Honey tells me you're having a bit of a problem with the door.

YOLANDE:Yes, it keeps sticking but -

BILLY:Have no fear, Billy The Builder's here.

29-07-2007, 22:20
Filming today:

Episode 1287 Tx: 17/09/07

DEANO:You never take me seriously.
KEVIN:Cos you're about as streetwise as a hobbit that's why.

04-08-2007, 00:54
Filming today: Episode 1293 Tx: 27/09/07


PETER:I wasn't fighting. I was defending myself.


Wasn't expecting to see anything like that from Peter, I thought he'd still be into his books and that Lucy would be getting into all of the trouble.

06-08-2007, 10:08
Filming today:Episode 1303Tx:15/10/07
PETER:'Around The World'.

PETER:'Classic Cars'.


are they renamed the car lot???

06-08-2007, 18:43
They must be trying to. I can't see the point of it though - it's had so many names with it being Deals on Wheels, I think it was; Evans and Son, Toucan Cars and now getaway cars, or whatever it is. I don't think many people would remember it as much beyond Evans and Son with it changing owners so much these days.

06-08-2007, 21:50
Oz Cabs with Ali was in there as well IIRC. "Oz Cabs Oz Cabs!"

slater girl
07-08-2007, 15:50
Filming today: Episode 1298 Tx: 05/10/07

STACEY:You're blushing.

BRADLEY:My ruddy complexion.

slater girl
08-08-2007, 07:50
Filming today: Episode 1296 Tx: 02/10/07

LAUREN:Why don't you do something useful and muck out that stinking rat of yours?

ABI:Done it already.

LAUREN:Go and get some sweets then.

08-08-2007, 08:53
Filming today:Episode 1303Tx:15/10/07
PETER:'Around The World'.

PETER:'Classic Cars'.


are they renamed the car lot???

When I read this my initial impression was that they were having a clear out. Maybe Kevin and Denise are moving and they are sorting through books.

08-08-2007, 09:00
yeah that would make better sense..

08-08-2007, 14:12
Maybe Tanya's left Lauren in charge of Abi and has gone for something to do with the baby.. I did read somewhere that she's rumoured to lose it.

slater girl
08-08-2007, 22:29
Filming today: Episode 1295 Tx: 01/10/07

PHIL:'Cactus Bite'. You think my punters are going to drink that?

ROXY:All the pubs in the City do it.

09-08-2007, 00:24
I hope we see her telling him about the way in which they were getting one over on Ian by changing the menu, then maybe he would lay off a bit and let her try out the Cactus Bite.

slater girl
09-08-2007, 20:29
Filming today: Episode 1301 Tx: 11/10/07

BILLY:Me next -

KEITH:I think you'll find I put my name down first.

GARRY:Don't matter who's next, you've got no chance, either of you.

12-08-2007, 02:25
More of Billy and Keith wanting something for themselves. The characters involved seem a bit repetitive, after Billy and Keith were both wanting to be the manager of Real Walford in 2004, but it seems to be about women, I think. I can't see Billy and Keith being interested in the same girl myself.

12-08-2007, 13:37
Maybe the pool table has suddenly reappeared!

13-08-2007, 00:58
Yeah. Maybe getting the punters off of Ian Beale in that way could become the Mitchell Sister's new tactic.


Filming today: Episode 1298

Tx: 05/10/07

MAX: What you doing?

TANYA: Baking a cake. Salon's quiet. Cheer everyone up.

16-08-2007, 22:55
Filming today: Episode 1302

Tx: 12/10/07

JANE:What did she say to you?


JANE:She must have.


More of Lucy with boys, I assume.

slater girl
21-08-2007, 08:23
Filming today: Episode 1299 Tx: 08/10/07

PAT:It was probably a misunderstanding.

JANE:He knew exactly what he was doing.

Filming today: Episode 1304 Tx: 16/10/07

ROXY:I thought we could head into town or something this morning.

RONNIE:Maybe later.

ROXY:Go down Bond Street and try on lots of dresses we can't afford.

Filming today: Episode 1306 Tx: 19/10/07

RONNIE:If we weren't in public, I'd slap some sense into you.

ROXY:Bring it on. Don't hold back on my account.

23-08-2007, 01:22
Filming today: Episode 1308
Tx: 23/10/07

HEATHER:You know what this is?


HEATHER:This is a 'moment'.

GARRY:I've got to go.


Well, I didn't expect to see Heather still pursuing Garry after the other day.

23-08-2007, 10:13
:cheer::cheer:Heather is going to be around a bit more.. I love her

23-08-2007, 10:30
I hope she gets her man in the end!

23-08-2007, 15:01
Yeah, at least she's not the type to use Garry.

23-08-2007, 15:11
I think she'd be better suited to someone like Minty

23-08-2007, 16:27
Good point, because Garry is still thinking that looks are everything, whereas as Shirley said, Heather has the personality.

28-08-2007, 09:50
Filming today: Episode 1309 Tx: 25/10/07
RONNIE:Rox. I've tried everyone. We need a miracle.
ROXY:You'll give yourself frown lines if you carry on like this.
RONNIE:You're up to something.
ROXY:Just because I'm not panicking?

29-08-2007, 10:28
Filming today: Episode 1309 Tx: 25/10/07
TANYA:Wine, Dot?
DOT:Seeing as it's a special occasion.
TANYA:Wanna do the honours Max?
LAUREN:Can I have some?

29-08-2007, 13:07
Filming today: Episode 1309 Tx: 25/10/07
TANYA:Wine, Dot?
DOT:Seeing as it's a special occasion.
TANYA:Wanna do the honours Max?
LAUREN:Can I have some?
TANYA and MAX:No.It looks like the affair is still not out!!

30-08-2007, 12:34
Filming today: Episode 1307 Tx: 22/10/07
BRADLEY:I'm worried about Mum and Tanya.
MAX:What do you want me to do about it?
BRADLEY:Oil the cogs. Build bridges. I know you can do it.

03-09-2007, 01:28
Filming today: Episode 1312

Tx: 30/10/07

JASE:Just do as I say. No arguments.

JAY:You been taking parenting lessons from Ian Beale or something?

JASE:Jay. Don't mess with me. Not today.

06-09-2007, 09:13
Filming today: Episode 1311 Tx: 29/10/07
DAWN:I don't know if I'm ready yet.
CARLY:If you fancy him you're ready. Here, get your courage up.

Wonder if thats Garry?

slater girl
12-09-2007, 19:18
Filming today: Episode 1310 Tx: 26/10/07

HEATHER: Just think. His sweaty foot was in that.

MO: Yeah lovely. Nice doing business with you.

HEATHER: Make sure they go to a good home, Mo.

slater girl
12-09-2007, 19:20
Filming today: Episode 1312 Tx: 30/10/07

JASE:Need a hand?

JAY:Nah. All done.

JASE:That was quick.

JAY:Yeah, well I'm one of them child prodigies, ain't I.

slater girl
12-09-2007, 19:22
Filming today: Episode 1313-14 Tx: 01/11/07

BRADLEY:They don't fit, I'm telling you. I've tried 'em on, they keep slipping down.

DOT:Maybe he's lost weight. What with the nerves.

Filming today: Episode 1311 Tx: 29/10/07

DAWN:I don't know if I'm ready yet.

CARLY:If you fancy him you're ready. Here, get your courage up.

Filming today: Episode 1312 Tx: 30/10/07

ROXY: Pint?

JASE: Like I said. I'm not stopping.

ROXY: Oh go on. I'm sure you've got time for a quick one.

JASE: It's a tempting offer.

slater girl
12-09-2007, 19:24
Filming today: Episode 1313-14 Tx: 01/11/07

MO: My wedding, I was half cut before I got out the door. Had to puke in my sister's hat in the car. It weren't pleasant.

CHARLIE: Do you know what the time is?

MO: Yeah, we're ready.

Filming today: Episode 1316 Tx: 05/11/07

JASE:You're not going.

JAY:It's just fireworks.

JASE:I don't care. You're not going and that's that.


slater girl
12-09-2007, 19:25
Filming today: Episode 1317 Tx: 06/11/07

LAUREN:Why do we have to walk anyway?

ABI:Because every time you drive a car a polar bear dies.

14-09-2007, 17:10
Filming today: Episode 1318 Tx: 08/11/07
IAN:And if you fail to impress me, it'll show in your wages. Well, that's wiped the smile off your face. Right then, back to your post. Chop chop.

BILLY:What gives you the right to talk to me like that?

IAN:I'm your employer. I have every right.

slater girl
17-09-2007, 08:15
webcam snippet today: dated 2/11/07

Max: Big park. Plenty of other places for you to be

Sean: You two together. Not a care in the world.

Tanya: What do you want, Sean?

slater girl
18-09-2007, 21:01
Filming today: Episode 1319 Tx: 09/11/07

TANYA:I'm her friend.

IAN:I'm her husband!

TANYA:Then start acting like one!

Filming today: Episode 1320 Tx: 12/11/07

GARRY:You're out of your chair, Keith. Surprised it ain't stuck to your backside.

KEITH:It does get a bit sticky with the perspiration sometimes.

GARRY:Too much information, mate.

slater girl
20-09-2007, 08:39
Filming today: Episode 1321 Tx: 13/11/07

PATRICK:Leave these ladies alone. The man you want isn't here.

YOLANDE:Patrick! Sit down!

PATRICK:I've had my fill of bullies.

21-09-2007, 23:56
Filming today: Episode 1328 Tx: 27/11/07


ROXY:You've been ages. Playing with your rubber duck again?

PHIL:I'd give it a minute if I were you. Biriani last night.

29-09-2007, 14:27
Christmas tree in the square..

Filming today: Episode 1330 Tx: 30/11/07 DAWN:How long you known her for?

ROXY:On and off ten years.

DAWN:You good mates then?

ROXY:She's here, isn't she?

14-10-2007, 22:36
Filming today: Episode 1331 Tx: 03/12/07

BEN:A very merry Christmas to each and every one!

PEGGY:Look what you've done to my mascara!

16-10-2007, 18:04
Filming today: Episode 1338 Tx: 14/12/07

ABI:But it's a miracle, if you think about it, like the baby Jesus.

DOT:Miracles come in all forms, it's true.

There is also a huge x mas tree in albert square!

16-10-2007, 20:31
Filming today: Episode 1331 Tx: 03/12/07

BEN:A very merry Christmas to each and every one!

PEGGY:Look what you've done to my mascara!

lol okay, I wnat to know whats going on here. Trust ben to say something like that

27-10-2007, 20:18
Filming today: Episode 1343 Tx: 24/12/07

LUCY:Old man... Dad...


LUCY:Since when did Spiderman have a walking stick?

I'm intreged by this obviously jane got her revenge but another accident came and she got ian instead.

05-11-2007, 12:43
Filming today: Episode 1353 Tx:03/01/08
RONNIE:We're not open.

JACK:Came to see you.

RONNIE:Well, I'm up to my armpits in egg mayonnaise, so make it quick.

di marco
07-01-2008, 22:28
Filming today: Episode 1386 Tx: 29/02/08
LAUREN: You're not Italian.
SEAN: Sicilian. Slightly murky history. Bit hush hush...
LAUREN: You are not!

08-01-2008, 09:25
Filming today: Episode 1386 Tx: 29/02/08
LAUREN: You're not Italian.
SEAN: Sicilian. Slightly murky history. Bit hush hush...
LAUREN: You are not!

I like this relationship.. Lauren needs someone to understand and to trust

di marco
09-01-2008, 07:32
Filming today: Episode 1383 Tx: 25/02/08
MICKEY: How come you're ordering us about?
DAWN: Someone's got to.
MICKEY: We get by.
DAWN: This place is a toilet.

di marco
10-01-2008, 07:55
Filming today: Episode 1385 Tx: 28/02/08
MO: Harmless flirting Charlie! That's what I said! And you go and grab her Queen Mum?
CHARLIE: I didn't touch her! Not like that! I didn't!

di marco
11-01-2008, 06:40
Filming today: Episode 1386 Tx: 29/02/08
STEVEN: That's your philosophy on life?
STACEY: That's life.
STEVEN: So, nothing ever good happens? Nothing out the blue?
STACEY: Let me think... Nope.

di marco
14-01-2008, 02:54
Filming today: Episode 1383 Tx: 25/02/08
IAN: But if you don't want to go out, and you don't want a meal, what else do you want me to... Oh.
JANE: And the penny drops.

14-01-2008, 11:47
Filming today: Episode 1383 Tx: 25/02/08
IAN: But if you don't want to go out, and you don't want a meal, what else do you want me to... Oh.
JANE: And the penny drops.
Saucy spoiler?

di marco
14-01-2008, 21:31
Filming today: Episode 1391 Tx: 10/03/08
BEN: 'The Sound of Music'?
PHIL: Girl's film, innit?
ROXY: It's a war film. About a grumpy old man who falls for a girl who just wants to have fun.

di marco
16-01-2008, 00:47
Filming today: Episode 1392 Tx: 11/03/08
MINTY: Thought I'd come and break the news in person.
GARRY: What news?
MINTY: You might wanna sit down.
GARRY: C'mon, don't muck about mate.

di marco
17-01-2008, 01:26
Filming today: Episode 1394 Tx: 16/03/08
IAN: Right then, how about some champagne?
JANE: You'd better check how much it costs first.
IAN: It's okay, I brought some with us. It's in my bag.

di marco
17-01-2008, 13:11
franks funeral? thats in march isnt it and it looks like hearse:


di marco
18-01-2008, 15:11
Filming today: Episode 1403 Tx: 31/03/08
CHELSEA: You know me, thick as a brick.
LIBBY: You're not thick.
CHELSEA: I'm useless with computers...
LIBBY: You just have to take things step by step, that's all. It's just logic.

di marco
21-01-2008, 10:45
Filming today: Episode 1403 Tx: 31/03/08
PAT: I don't get why we're doing this.
PEGGY: I do think you could have made a bit of an effort.
PAT: I changed my earrings.

di marco
21-01-2008, 10:46
also theres censored filming on the webcam, does anyone know what theyre filming?

di marco
22-01-2008, 22:41
Filming today: Episode 1393 Tx: 13/03/08
LUCY: What do you think of the Queen, Dad?
IAN: I think she's a marvellous figurehead of our country. A true friend of the British people.

24-01-2008, 09:45
Filming today: Episode 1394 Tx: 16/03/08
PETER: We've got to go on the new rollercoaster before lunch - everyone says that if you eat beforehand you'll just spew your guts out.
CHRISTIAN: And if you keep your teeth clenched it all comes out your nose.

di marco
24-01-2008, 22:12
Filming today: Episode 1404 Tx: 01/04/08
PEGGY: Get out of my pub!
PAT: With pleasure.

25-01-2008, 09:58
Filming today: Episode 1404 Tx: 01/04/08
PEGGY: Get out of my pub!
PAT: With pleasure.

cool, Peggy got her catchphrase back :lol::lol:

29-01-2008, 15:20
Filming today: Episode 1404 Tx: 01/04/08
DOT:So many of the people, so many of them gone... Kathy... Arthur... Ethel... Pauline...
PAT:So many of them gone...

30-01-2008, 10:21
Must be about Frank Butcher don't you think?

di marco
31-01-2008, 01:09
Filming today: Episode 1401 Tx: 27/03/08
CHRISTIAN: How about a banana boat with extra cream?
ROXY: I'm not five Christian.
JACK: I'd put another thirty on that.
ROXY: You what?

di marco
31-01-2008, 01:10
Must be about Frank Butcher don't you think?

yeh i was thinking that too

di marco
31-01-2008, 20:41
Filming today: Episode 1401 Tx: 27/03/08
LIBBY: You took it...
CHELSEA: Okay, I was desperate.
LIBBY: Chelsea!
CHELSEA: I'll pay you back.

01-02-2008, 12:28
Filming today: Episode 1401 Tx: 27/03/08
LIBBY: You took it...
CHELSEA: Okay, I was desperate.
LIBBY: Chelsea!
CHELSEA: I'll pay you back.

Hmmm me thinking piggy bank robbery

di marco
04-02-2008, 16:15
Filming today: Episode 1401 Tx: 28/03/08
ABI: Can we put chocolate buttons on it?
LAUREN: Since when did mobile phones have chocolate buttons on them?

04-02-2008, 22:03
Filming today: Episode 1405 Tx: 03/04/08
CHELSEA:He could be anything.
CLARE:Like a multi-millionaire.
CHELSEA:Like a psycho. A complete and total nutter.

di marco
06-02-2008, 18:51
Filming today: Episode 1408 Tx: 08/04/08
HEATHER: Alright, alright. You'll like this one... Knock knock -
ROXY: Who's there?
HEATHER: Old lady.
SHIRLEY: Old lady who?

07-02-2008, 12:23
Filming today: Episode 1410 Tx: 11/04/08
BEN: Will you hide these in your wardrobe for me? I'm scared dad'll find them in my bedroom.
PEGGY: Course I will darling. Our little secret.

di marco
08-02-2008, 01:22
Filming today: Episode 1408 Tx: 08/04/08
SHIRLEY: One man's newspaper is another man's loo roll as my mum used to say.
PHIL: Deep like that was she, your mum?

08-02-2008, 11:36
I would like Phil & Shirley as a couple, they seem to get on quite well together. Don't how Ben would would like mind.

di marco
10-02-2008, 18:13
Filming today: Episode 1407 Tx: 07/04/08
RONNIE: Oh come on. I am not going there again. How thick do I look?
ROXY: Quite thick. I've always thought you looked quite thick actually.
RONNIE: Yes, but that is because you are a dumb blonde yourself sis.

di marco
11-02-2008, 23:10
Filming today: Episode 1410 Tx: 11/04/08
RONNIE: He's a loose cannon. He doesn't know when to quit while he's ahead...
ROXY: You'd know all about that, wouldn't you?
RONNIE: What's that supposed to mean?

12-02-2008, 20:14
Filming today: Episode 1413 Tx: 17/04/08
MICKEY: What? I thought I was doing you a favour!
DAWN: Didn't you read the instructions?
MICKEY: What instructions?
DAWN: You idiot! It's ruined!

14-02-2008, 09:51
Filming today: Episode 1414 Tx: 18/04/08
IAN: Do everything I said?
STEVEN: Worked a treat.
IAN: Welcome to the brotherhood.

14-02-2008, 22:09
Filming today: Episode 1413 Tx: 17/04/08
LAUREN:Where we going?
TANYA:The park.
LAUREN:That's so random.
ABI:That's what you say about everything.

di marco
17-02-2008, 19:43
Filming today: Episode 1410 Tx: 11/04/08
TAMWAR: Fifty two weeks divided by twelve equals four point three weeks. You're losing out if you only charge four weeks per calendar month.
GUS: Right.
TAMWAR: Times your weekly figure by fifty two, divide by thirteen to calculate your true monthly figure.
GUS: Just eat your donut, yeah?

di marco
18-02-2008, 20:59
Filming today: Episode 1415 Tx: 21/04/08
MINTY: Proper little celebrities, ain't we?
GARRY: Posh and Becks must be quaking in their boots.

di marco
18-02-2008, 21:29
looks like theyre also filming this evening too

19-02-2008, 20:23
Filming today: Episode 1416 Tx: 22/04/08
PHIL:Come on, Mum. It can't be that bad.
PEGGY:Promise you won't get angry...
PHIL:Why don't I like the sound of this?

21-02-2008, 19:25
Filming today: Episode 1418 Tx: 25/04/08
IAN:Just because a girl lets you... you know.
JANE:Let's not go there.
IAN:All I'm saying is you don't have to fall head over heels for the first one who does, do you?

di marco
22-02-2008, 01:57
Filming today: Episode 1415 Tx: 21/04/08
RONNIE: You better not let me down, Roxy.
ROXY: That's me all over, isn't it? One big disappointment.
RONNIE: Are you alright, Rox?
ROXY: I will be.

26-02-2008, 18:05
Filming today: Episode 1419 Tx: 28/04/08
STACEY:Panda eyes. Your mascara's run.
STACEY:I guess if that's the look you're going for...

26-02-2008, 21:53
Filming today: Episode 1421 Tx: 01/05/08
JEAN:Here, Sean - guess what your old mum's going to cook for you tonight. Only your favourite. Only Sausage Surprise! You remember! In tomatoes and onions.
SEAN:What was so surprising about it? Used to have it about five times a week. Sausage Totally Predictable more like it.

28-02-2008, 10:14
Filming today: Episode 1419 Tx: 28/04/08
CLARE:We're going to have to reprogram you.
CLARE:Give you a Vulcan mind-sweep or whatever they do. Stop you thinking about all the negative stuff.

28-02-2008, 21:11
Filming today: Episode 1420 Tx: 29/04/08
JANE:I'm coming with you.
IAN:You stay here.
JANE:You're not going on your own, Ian. A disused building? This ringing any bells?

03-03-2008, 22:22
Filming today: Episode 1421 Tx: 01/05/08
JACK:'That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' Friedrich Nietzsche.
TANYA:You what?
JACK:Why is everyone surprised when I show even the slightest degree of intelligence?

16-03-2008, 22:02
Filming today: Episode 1430 Tx: 16/05/08
SHIRLEY: There some kind of riot going on?
HEATHER: Loads of scary-looking women tearing lumps out of each other. How long we going to be in here?
SHIRLEY: Looks like we got bed and breakfast.

18-03-2008, 19:43
Filming today: Episode 1433 Tx: 22/05/08
TANYA:What CD you got on?
ABI:Lily Allen.
TANYA:Sounds good.
ABI:Lauren keeps playing the ones with the swearing in and says I'm too young to listen to it.

24-03-2008, 21:13
Filming today: Episode 1429 Tx: 14/05/08
SHABNAM:He's young, fit, keen -
IAN:I don't need anyone.
SHABNAM:And he's cheap. Under eighteen. Lower minimum wage.
IAN:Come back at six.

28-03-2008, 09:34
Filming today: Episode 1436 Tx: 27/05/08
DOT: And just so I know, where are the lavatories?
JACK: Door over there.
DOT: Only one? But where do the little boys go?
JACK: Same one. It's unisex.

:lol: Poor Dot getting confused.

01-04-2008, 21:39
Filming today: Episode 1437 Tx: 29/05/08
RONNIE:You know how it is with us. Where Roxy goes, I go.
JACK:That's how it's gonna be the rest of your life, is it? Her leaving a mess, you clearing it up. Ron, she's a 30-year-old woman not a puppy!
RONNIE:And I'm no dog-sitter!

21-04-2008, 14:21
Filming today: Episode 1450 Tx: 20/06/08
ABI:Who's laughing now, eh?
TANYA:Yeah, you going to drink that or rub it in?
JACK:Very funny.

di marco
22-04-2008, 09:36
Filming today: Episode 1451 Tx: 23/06/08
IAN: You seem to have left the cake off this list, Dot.
DOT: That's 'cos I'll be making it.
IAN: But if you want the complete birthday package...
DOT: I'm sorry Ian, but I've always felt your sponge was something on the heavy side.

theres lots of filming going on as well

di marco
22-04-2008, 21:19
Filming today: Episode 1451 Tx: 23/06/08
RICKY: What're you doing tonight?
VINNIE: Ricky Butcher. Are you asking me out now?
RICKY: Forget I ever said anything.

23-04-2008, 11:14
Filming today: Episode 1451 Tx: 23/06/08
RICKY: What're you doing tonight?
VINNIE: Ricky Butcher. Are you asking me out now?
RICKY: Forget I ever said anything.

so Vinnie is still about.. shame.. I want Shirley and phil together

23-04-2008, 12:59
Filming today: Episode 1451 Tx: 23/06/08
RICKY: What're you doing tonight?
VINNIE: Ricky Butcher. Are you asking me out now?
RICKY: Forget I ever said anything.

so Vinnie is still about.. shame.. I want Shirley and phil together

Me too. It will be a long drawn out saga before they eventually get together at Christmas I reckon!

di marco
23-04-2008, 20:17
Filming today: Episode 1453 Tx: 26/06/08
PAT: You paid off the whole bill?
BIANCA: Not me.
PAT: Then who?

di marco
25-04-2008, 09:33
Filming today: Episode 1451 Tx: 23/06/08
JEAN: When did I get so old, Stace?
STACEY: You're not old.
JEAN: I used to have a good pair of legs on me...

di marco
27-04-2008, 21:31
Filming today: Episode 1454 Tx: 27/06/08
BRADLEY: Have a cup of tea.
STACEY: I don't want a cup of tea Bradley.
BRADLEY: We could talk.

28-04-2008, 10:35
Filming today: Episode 1454 Tx: 27/06/08
BRADLEY: Have a cup of tea.
STACEY: I don't want a cup of tea Bradley.
BRADLEY: We could talk.

Ohhhhhhhhhh, possibly talking things over