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12-08-2005, 18:03
turpin road:
wonder whats going on here?

Did anyone notice yesterday or the day before there was heavy equipment in Turpin Road? It was like a driveable cherry picker or a bucket truck or some sort of scissor jack. Any thoughts?

13-08-2005, 20:22
maybe digging den up?

13-08-2005, 21:16
i hope it is

14-08-2005, 23:16
Filming today: Episode 877 Tx: 10/10/05
MARTIN: Is there something different about you?
MARTIN: Yes there is. Is that a new overall

Hey if you look at the webcam now their lots of people in the square they are fliming cant tell wot going on though :)

Carrie Bradshaw
15-08-2005, 13:53
Filming today: Episode 877 Tx: 10/10/05
MARTIN: Is there something different about you?
MARTIN: Yes there is. Is that a new overall
Who is Pauline trying to impress??

15-08-2005, 13:54
It that new guy the builder he isnt on our screen yet though i think his name is ray

15-08-2005, 13:54
Who is Pauline trying to impress??

Might be that new guy ??? I dunno:searchme:

15-08-2005, 14:23
It that new guy the builder he isnt on our screen yet though i think his name is ray

But he is coming on the show soon isn't he ??? So who knows.. I am sure it wasnt the Salsa dancer she pulled some time back :lol: :moonie:

15-08-2005, 14:34
Yeah he is he probalary filming at the mo and it take six weeks for them to be on screen?

15-08-2005, 15:11
Joe (the new builder guy) arrives on Friday I think -- Pauline meets him at salsa.

15-08-2005, 15:28
Yeah he is he probalary filming at the mo and it take six weeks for them to be on screen?

Angel thanks for clearing that up I was wondering how much time it took between the time they film it until it hits our screens thanks :)

15-08-2005, 15:52
cool bout time

15-08-2005, 16:51
Yup that is what I thought tto, hope so.

16-08-2005, 00:51
Hope Pauline gets herself a b/f she sure could use one :rotfl:

17-08-2005, 09:09
Filming today: Episode 878 Tx: 11/10/05
DENNIS: You've got to be smarter than that.
BILLY: Smarter how exactly? Sitting around doing nothing except look moody?
DENNIS: Just leave it to me, okay?

I wonder what is going on in George street i can see people on the floor with and people with their hands up :lol:

17-08-2005, 10:47
the day after my birthday

17-08-2005, 21:02
Filming today: Episode 879 Tx: 13/10/05
CHRISSIE: She needs telling. You need to tell her.
CHRISSIE: Yes, you do.
JOHNNY: Or what, Chrissie? What are you going to do?

Or what Chrissie you gonna whack me over the head with paulines FruitBowl? :rotfl: No seriously i wonder what they are talking about and weather its before or after den's funeral?

Carrie Bradshaw
17-08-2005, 22:07
Filming today: Episode 879 Tx: 13/10/05
CHRISSIE: She needs telling. You need to tell her.
CHRISSIE: Yes, you do.
JOHNNY: Or what, Chrissie? What are you going to do?

Or what Chrissie you gonna whack me over the head with paulines FruitBowl? :rotfl: No seriously i wonder what they are talking about and weather its before or after den's funeral?
It must be after the funeral, isn't it next month or something?
Maybe Chrissie is giving Johnny advice about Ruby? or Tina? :searchme:

18-08-2005, 13:00
i wonder what it means

18-08-2005, 14:01
i wonder what it means

Or how to avoid going down for murder ???:searchme:

18-08-2005, 14:18

18-08-2005, 14:28
heres the latest one (i think:)):
CHRISSIE: She needs telling. You need to tell her.
CHRISSIE: Yes, you do.
JOHNNY: Or what, Chrissie? What are you going to do?
wonder who shes talking about hmmmm.........

18-08-2005, 15:15
It must be after the funeral, isn't it next month or something?
Maybe Chrissie is giving Johnny advice about Ruby? or Tina? :searchme:
Yes this latest script is for October so they're bound to have had the funeral by then!

18-08-2005, 15:18
CHRISSIE: She needs telling. You need to tell her.
CHRISSIE: Yes, you do.
JOHNNY: Or what, Chrissie? What are you going to do?

My guess is maybe Johnny is looking after Peggy Mitchell and Chrissie is telling Johnny to stop her from doing whatever it is Peggy is doing.

This is after the funeral and after Chrissie will have been pushed into Den's grave so maybe there's been some bad blood with Peggy and Chrissie since and Peggy has been hassling Chrissie.

18-08-2005, 18:33
Yes this latest script is for October so they're bound to have had the funeral by then!
So where is Sam in all of this,,, that means by the time they get to this aformentioned script Chrissie is still NOT A PRIME SUSPECT :searchme: Oh man
Ok they find stinky den the end of this month, the funeral is in Sept ????
I realize Den isnt going any where but why so long before they bury him( i know it takes a while for an autopsy and inquest but that normally takes up to 2 weeks,, if there is nothing suspicious )Oh well I guess I will have to be patient like every one else:eek:

Bad Wolf
19-08-2005, 08:16
Filming today: Episode 880 Tx: 14/10/05
JOHNNY: How can you even ask me that?
RUBY: I need to know.
JOHNNY: Look at me. Do you honestly think I'd do something like that? What sort of man d'you think I am?

Ruby's back!!!!!

Bad Wolf
19-08-2005, 08:17
maybe referring to danny's disappearence???? she did fancy him

19-08-2005, 08:42
Yeh she is back!! I think shes found out about Johnny doing what he did to jake and Danny!

19-08-2005, 08:49
maybe referring to danny's disappearence???? she did fancy him

She briefly had a TEENAGE crush on him,, she was over it rather quickly, but they were good friends, he talked to her alot cos he drove her to and from school...so of course she will NOTICE hes gone,,,

19-08-2005, 09:55
ooooh Rubys back :D

samantha nixon
19-08-2005, 10:37
Filming today: Episode 880 Tx: 14/10/05
JOHNNY: How can you even ask me that?
RUBY: I need to know.
JOHNNY: Look at me. Do you honestly think I'd do something like that? What sort of man d'you think I am?

Ruby's back!!!!!

or could this be as ruby could wonder wheter the house was set a light cause of the people who done it last time

19-08-2005, 10:40
So where is Sam in all of this,,, that means by the time they get to this aformentioned script Chrissie is still NOT A PRIME SUSPECT :searchme: Oh man
Ok they find stinky den the end of this month, the funeral is in Sept ????
I realize Den isnt going any where but why so long before they bury him( i know it takes a while for an autopsy and inquest but that normally takes up to 2 weeks,, if there is nothing suspicious )Oh well I guess I will have to be patient like every one else:eek: We don't know how far into September the funeral is and we don't know what happens with the police investigation yet. They'll probably arrest Sam thinking they've got the culprit so they give the go ahead for Den to be buried and then they realise Chrissie is the real culprit :)

19-08-2005, 10:41
or could this be as ruby could wonder wheter the house was set a light cause of the people who done it last timeI don't think it sounds that serious!

19-08-2005, 10:41
ooooh Rubys back :DShe's back on the 23rd of this month :)

19-08-2005, 10:43
Filming today: Episode 880 Tx: 14/10/05
JOHNNY: How can you even ask me that?
RUBY: I need to know.
JOHNNY: Look at me. Do you honestly think I'd do something like that? What sort of man d'you think I am?

Ruby's back!!!!!They could be talking about Danny I suppose but it's taken a while for that conversation to crop up if she's only asking him in October. Maybe she doesn't discover who started the fire straight away then :searchme:

19-08-2005, 10:45
They could be talking about Danny I suppose but it's taken a while for that conversation to crop up if she's only asking him in October. Maybe she doesn't discover who started the fire straight away then :searchme:

Stacey has bound to have told her something,, she has such a BIG MOUTH,, remember she is a STATLER after all LOL

19-08-2005, 10:48
Stacey has bound to have told her something,, she has such a BIG MOUTH,, remember she is a STATLER after all LOL Stacey doesn't really know who started the fire though but she probably knows some of the surrounding details :)

19-08-2005, 10:50
Stacey doesn't really know who started the fire though but she probably knows some of the surrounding details :)

gotcha ... well it will be interesting just the same to see how much info Johnny volunteers to give her ...:p

19-08-2005, 11:25
gotcha ... well it will be interesting just the same to see how much info Johnny volunteers to give her ...:p Yeah Johnny and Ruby have a really interesting father/daughter relationship :)

19-08-2005, 12:23
Yeah Johnny and Ruby have a really interesting father/daughter relationship :)

I understand Johnny is trying to shield her from all the EVILS in the world ( how silly hes a killer and a mobster) but the problem is Walford is such a small town.. seems like every one knows every ones buisness.. think back when Minty and Garry had all that info and gave it to Dennis,, and oh our darling Dot,, the famous curtain twitcher LOL

19-08-2005, 12:34
I understand Johnny is trying to shield her from all the EVILS in the world ( how silly hes a killer and a mobster) but the problem is Walford is such a small town.. seems like every one knows every ones buisness.. think back when Minty and Garry had all that info and gave it to Dennis,, and oh our darling Dot,, the famous curtain twitcher LOL I know in real life if you had family problems you wouldn't tell people who lived down the street!

19-08-2005, 12:37
I know in real life if you had family problems you wouldn't tell people who lived down the street!
Oh my gosh I agree with u there,, :)

19-08-2005, 13:32
I don't even know half the people who live round my area!

Carrie Bradshaw
22-08-2005, 17:02
Filming today: Episode 881 Tx: 17/10/05

DOT: I've got a blocked u-bend and of course my Jim's gone and done a Houdini at the crucial moment...
JOHNNY: Sorry Dot, you'll have to excuse me. Like they say, time stands still for no man.
DOT: Well if you see Jim, can you tell him that?

22-08-2005, 22:26
Filming today: Episode 882 Tx: 18/10/05

GARRY: Rounding a few mates up later. Fancy celebrating?
MARTIN: What's the occasion?
GARRY: I've gone four hundred days without a woman.

22-08-2005, 22:29
Filming today: Episode 882 Tx: 18/10/05

GARRY: Rounding a few mates up later. Fancy celebrating?
MARTIN: What's the occasion?
GARRY: I've gone four hundred days without a woman.

:eek: :eek: Garry can count that high ?????/:lol:

24-08-2005, 11:45
Filming today: Episode 882 Tx: 18/10/05

ALFIE: You alright Nana?
NANA: Actually I feel better than I've done in years.
ALFIE: You look happy.
NANA: That's cos I'm a wanted woman Alfie.

Carrie Bradshaw
24-08-2005, 14:06
Filming today: Episode 882 Tx: 18/10/05

ALFIE: You alright Nana?
NANA: Actually I feel better than I've done in years.
ALFIE: You look happy.
NANA: That's cos I'm a wanted woman Alfie.
Awww!! Bless Nana.

lisa cullumbine
24-08-2005, 14:25

lisa cullumbine
24-08-2005, 14:28
Where I Live Its Like That Everyone Knows Everyone And Alot Of The Time You Know Each Others Business Not All Of it Some Of It I Try And Keep Mine Very Close To My Chest.

24-08-2005, 14:43
I think nanna moon is great!

25-08-2005, 15:51
Filming today: Episode 883 Tx: 20/10/05
STACEY: Why is it ancient people never want young people to have any fun?
IAN: Do as he says.
STACEY: Cos they're jealous - that's why... I'm glad you're not my dad.
IAN: Not as glad as I am.

25-08-2005, 18:50
sounds alright

25-08-2005, 22:42
Filming today: Episode 883 Tx: 20/10/05
STACEY: Why is it ancient people never want young people to have any fun?
IAN: Do as he says.
STACEY: Cos they're jealous - that's why... I'm glad you're not my dad.
IAN: Not as glad as I am.

Does any one know what the discussion Stacey and Ian were having ???:searchme:

25-08-2005, 22:43
Filming today: Episode 884 Tx: 21/10/05
JOHNNY: You never heard of the word respect?
RUBY: Only that it has to be earned.
JOHNNY: This what they taught you at that posh school of yours?
RUBY: I certainly didn't get it from you.

25-08-2005, 22:43
Nope will have to wait until it's on our screens.

25-08-2005, 22:47
Filming today: Episode 884 Tx: 21/10/05
JOHNNY: You never heard of the word respect?
RUBY: Only that it has to be earned.
JOHNNY: This what they taught you at that posh school of yours?
RUBY: I certainly didn't get it from you.

Uh oh...looks like the "honey moon" is over between Daddy Johnny and Ruby ?????:searchme:

25-08-2005, 22:51
Good. I'm beyond bored of "OMG Ruby's back, OMG Ruby left the house, OMG Ruby has a friend, OMG Ruby's results," and she's only being back two episodes.

25-08-2005, 23:00
Good. I'm beyond bored of "OMG Ruby's back, OMG Ruby left the house, OMG Ruby has a friend, OMG Ruby's results," and she's only being back two episodes.

OMG ruby is leaving again...:thumbsup:

25-08-2005, 23:25
I like Ruby, I hope somehow they keep her Character on in eastenders.

samantha nixon
26-08-2005, 13:08
OMG ruby is leaving again...:thumbsup: #

i thought she was staying well at least untill they decide whether shes going to stay or leave when billy murray is

26-08-2005, 19:39
me to

26-08-2005, 19:41
maybe her and stacey could get a flat together or wil kat leaving maybe charlie takes ruby in at the slater hotel

26-08-2005, 19:46

26-08-2005, 19:47
maybe her and stacey could get a flat together or wil kat leaving maybe charlie takes ruby in at the slater hotel

they could stay at rubys house

26-08-2005, 23:31
Yeah that would be great!

26-08-2005, 23:48
maybe her and stacey could get a flat together or wil kat leaving maybe charlie takes ruby in at the slater hotel

Neither Stacey or Ruby are ADULTS.. can't see Johnny allowing her to live in a flat,,,Charlie might consider taking Ruby in but not with out JOhnny setting up some rules,, Actually I do not see her staying unless something extremelly drastic happens with Johnny ????:searchme:

27-08-2005, 08:00

27-08-2005, 13:53
i think it may be possible that ruy couuld stay with the slaters , because at the moment her dad is letting have more say in stuff isnt he?

27-08-2005, 14:04
Not sure he would leave her behind though, I mean hes lost one daughter, he probs doesnt want to be far from his other

27-08-2005, 14:10
we (well i :)) dont know the reason he may be leaving yet so the way hes leaving may mean that ruby has to saty behind? just a thought ....

27-08-2005, 15:02
Not sure he would leave her behind though, I mean hes lost one daughter, he probs doesnt want to be far from his other

that is exactly what I thought as well.. can't see Johnny leaving her behind.. unless something AWFUL befalls Johnny before he leaves ????:searchme:

Carrie Bradshaw
29-08-2005, 10:34
Filming today: Episode 885 Tx: 24/10/05
IAN: Did you call me a plonker?
MINTY: When?
IAN: This morning. Well don't forget who pays your wages

Go Minty! :cheer: Someone had to say it!

29-08-2005, 10:40
Filming today: Episode 885 Tx: 24/10/05
IAN: Did you call me a plonker?
MINTY: When?
IAN: This morning. Well don't forget who pays your wages

Go Minty! :cheer: Someone had to say it!

Gotta luv Minty... Ian is so thick some times !!!!!:rotfl:

29-08-2005, 12:32
Filming today: Episode 885 Tx: 24/10/05
IAN: Did you call me a plonker?
MINTY: When?
IAN: This morning. Well don't forget who pays your wages

Go Minty! :cheer: Someone had to say it!

:rotfl: go minty! x

29-08-2005, 14:21
sounds good

Carrie Bradshaw
30-08-2005, 10:17
Filming today: Episode 887 Tx: 27/10/05

RUBY: Any style, we've got 'em all. Backless, strapless, from your itsy-bitsy to your teenie-weenie...
JOHNNY: Ruby! Enough's enough. You've made your point. Get home. You're embarrassing yourself and me.

Could Ruby be wanting to work on the stall?

30-08-2005, 10:18

30-08-2005, 10:18
that looks good!

30-08-2005, 10:35
I think maybe she found out that Johnny used to be a pimp, and all his other gangster stuff as well. :searchme:

30-08-2005, 11:38
Filming today: Episode 887 Tx: 27/10/05

RUBY: Any style, we've got 'em all. Backless, strapless, from your itsy-bitsy to your teenie-weenie...
JOHNNY: Ruby! Enough's enough. You've made your point. Get home. You're embarrassing yourself and me.

Could Ruby be wanting to work on the stall?

that is what i thought :searchme:

30-08-2005, 14:06
thats what i thought when i first read it x

30-08-2005, 16:09
With Stacey? A good idea really...

30-08-2005, 18:08
I think maybe she found out that Johnny used to be a pimp, and all his other gangster stuff as well. :searchme:

Yeah anyway blackat where did you get your avatar from?

30-08-2005, 20:32
if you look on the cam now on the albert square one there is two people on it , got any ideas who it could be anyone?

30-08-2005, 20:33
IAN: If I show weakness now, they'll have the upper hand.
JANE: Oh right...
IAN: You just have to trust me on this.
JANE: Oh I do... And if it doesn't work out, we can use the hole you're digging for yourself as a swimming pool for the kids...

heres the newest one :)

30-08-2005, 20:35
i think it could either be martin or billy out of the guys but i dont know about the girl

30-08-2005, 21:23
Im trying to work out who they could be...hmm..

30-08-2005, 21:24
Someone in red

30-08-2005, 21:41
have grant and phil started filming there new scenes yet?

31-08-2005, 10:47
Their are lots of people in the square at the moment :)

31-08-2005, 10:58
Their are lots of people in the square at the moment :)

wonder who the guy is in the suit ?????:searchme:

31-08-2005, 12:43
hmmm whats going on with the webcam - one streets view is blocked - wonder what they're hiding - phil and grant perhaps?

31-08-2005, 13:03
I can see all 3 web cams ,, nothing going on on the square at the moment, but there is some one sitting on the curb ??? on George St... Nothing as usual on Turpin,,, I think I see rosie on George st ???? sort of reconize her hoodie :searchme: might be some one else Oh well

31-08-2005, 14:28
nothing ever does go on in the square

31-08-2005, 21:48
Night fliming by the looks of things and they are filming NOVEMBER how mean already that means Tracy-Ann will be leaving soon argh

Filming today: Episode 891 Tx: 03/11/05
JOHNNY: What you going to do?
DENNIS: Put my fist through his face.
JOHNNY: You'll be coming down to their level.
DENNIS: That's the level I'm happiest at.

3rd of November sobs sobs sobs

31-08-2005, 21:50
Night fliming by the looks of things and they are filming NOVEMBER how mean already that means Tracy-Ann will be leaving soon argh

Filming today: Episode 891 Tx: 03/11/05
JOHNNY: What you going to do?
DENNIS: Put my fist through his face.
JOHNNY: You'll be coming down to their level.
DENNIS: That's the level I'm happiest at.

3rd of November sobs sobs sobs

Wonder what that's all about? Sounds like Johnny's broken up a fight between Dennis and somebody :searchme: I didn't think those two got along. Perhaps it's something to do with Jake... or maybe it's the Mitchells!

31-08-2005, 21:56
I'd go for the Mitchells Johnny and Dennis getting on then wasn't sure that wuld happen

31-08-2005, 21:57
Lol, but they're equally as cool - it would make for a class partnership. I was really enjoying Johnny until Tina became somewhat of a permanent fixture... sniff, sniff.

31-08-2005, 22:43
Wonder what that's all about? Sounds like Johnny's broken up a fight between Dennis and somebody :searchme: I didn't think those two got along. Perhaps it's something to do with Jake... or maybe it's the Mitchells!

Or maybe he wants to beat the snot outta Grant for making a pass at Sharon ??? or Get into Phils pudgy face ????
Dennis never had a problem with Jake or Danny did he???:searchme:

31-08-2005, 22:57
i think they are talking about grant and phil

01-09-2005, 11:31
http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/8665/cam21hv.th.jpg (http://img353.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cam21hv.jpg)
can anyone make out these people! looks like a christmas tree has been dumped in the corner

01-09-2005, 11:46
http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/8665/cam21hv.th.jpg (http://img353.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cam21hv.jpg)
can anyone make out these people! looks like a christmas tree has been dumped in the corner

looks like Sam ??? on the right ( in the street) ?? :searchme: To summery looking for Christmas ?????:searchme:

01-09-2005, 12:34
hey, that looks like policemen on george st now......outside scarlets? hmm!

01-09-2005, 12:43
soz...meant turpin road!!

01-09-2005, 14:16
DENNIS: That's the level I'm happiest at.

Lmao!! :rotfl: Aww I love Dennis's quotes!!

01-09-2005, 15:26
[QUOTE=justjodi][b]looks like Sam ??? on the right ( in the street) ?? :searchme: To summery looking for Christmas ?????:searchme: i though the person on the left looked loke kat and the person on the right looked like sam

01-09-2005, 15:28
looks like Sam ??? on the right ( in the street) ?? :searchme: To summery looking for Christmas ?????:searchme: the person on the left looks like kat and the person on the right looks like sam

01-09-2005, 15:31
the person on the left looks like kat and the person on the right looks like sam

I think I see Patrick now on Turpin

01-09-2005, 17:37
i have bad eye sight so i cant make out whos on turpin street at the mo

01-09-2005, 17:38
sorry i mean road

01-09-2005, 22:17
Filming today: Episode 889 Tx: 31/10/05
CHRISSIE: Morning. Going to make breakfast, want some?
SHARON: No thanks.
CHRISSIE: Go on, sit down, it's no bother. Give Dennis a shout.
SHARON: He's not in.

Well Chrissie not caught by the Police?!

01-09-2005, 22:26
Filming today: Episode 889 Tx: 31/10/05
CHRISSIE: Morning. Going to make breakfast, want some?
SHARON: No thanks.
CHRISSIE: Go on, sit down, it's no bother. Give Dennis a shout.
SHARON: He's not in.

Well Chrissie not caught by the Police?!

thought she was already arrested ?????:confused: :confused: :searchme: :searchme:

02-09-2005, 08:04
thought she was already arrested ?????:confused: :confused: :searchme: :searchme:

They let her go tomorrow after questioning, and charge Sam instead.

02-09-2005, 15:23
Well everyone knows that they've filmed different exit's for Chrissie, so if its the one where she goes down for murder, how do they find out she did it if Stacey has given her and Zoe an alibi?

02-09-2005, 15:35
If you're not confused yet "you will be after the next episode of".....

lisa cullumbine
02-09-2005, 16:11
:searchme: yeah thats true she will be in trouble for giving false information
mind you i dont think she is old enough to be arrested yet.

03-09-2005, 15:57
will have to wait and see what happens!

04-09-2005, 20:15
KAT: Listen to me, they are not good people.
STACEY: They're a couple of slapheads.
KAT: Who given the chance will tear you in half.
STACEY: If they could catch me.

sounds like phil and grant have found a new friend

04-09-2005, 20:38
Yeah,this sounds good!

04-09-2005, 20:46
:searchme: yeah thats true she will be in trouble for giving false information
mind you i dont think she is old enough to be arrested yet.

Yup she is old enuff to be ARRESTED.. but depending on who is handling things she may NOT be tried as an Adult,, :(

04-09-2005, 20:47
Filming today: Episode 889 Tx: 31/10/05
CHRISSIE: Morning. Going to make breakfast, want some?
SHARON: No thanks.
CHRISSIE: Go on, sit down, it's no bother. Give Dennis a shout.
SHARON: He's not in.

Well Chrissie not caught by the Police?!

Do you think Dennis is up to something with the Mitchells? Maybe she's told him that something happened between her and Grant. I don't know if this is true, but it could be a reason Dennis isn't there.

Carrie Bradshaw
04-09-2005, 21:10
KAT: Listen to me, they are not good people.
STACEY: They're a couple of slapheads.
KAT: Who given the chance will tear you in half.
STACEY: If they could catch me.

sounds like phil and grant have found a new friend
I thought it must be Phil and Grant as well!

04-09-2005, 21:46
Do you think Dennis is up to something with the Mitchells? Maybe she's told him that something happened between her and Grant. I don't know if this is true, but it could be a reason Dennis isn't there.

Oh, there was a thing with Johnny and Dennis last day. Maybe Dennis did get into a fight with whoever they'd been referring to and hasn't been seen since and Shaorn's sort of sussed that he's lying somewhere. :hmm:

04-09-2005, 22:24
Oh, there was a thing with Johnny and Dennis last day. Maybe Dennis did get into a fight with whoever they'd been referring to and hasn't been seen since and Shaorn's sort of sussed that he's lying somewhere. :hmm:

Dennis is alot younger than Phil and Grant,, so he probably slugged one of them good,, probably for making moves on Sharon ?????:searchme:

04-09-2005, 23:01
Yeah, but Grant's still a greater build to him... they could easily take him if they ganged up together on him. He must have went for one of them and it was a sort-of ambush. Like the last time. Phil may be getting on a bit but he's certianly no pussy cat himself hehe.

04-09-2005, 23:04
Yeah, but Grant's still a greater build to him... they could easily take him if they ganged up together on him. He must have went for one of them and it was a sort-of ambush. Like the last time. Phil may be getting on a bit but he's certianly no pussy cat himself hehe.

Never said Phil was a puzzy cat,., but he is a bit PUDGY and out of shape ...he could afford to loose a few stone???? Get back in shape , work out,,, he could have done it in the lock up :searchme:

04-09-2005, 23:05
Doubt it... but extra weight would still be an advantage surely lol! If all else fails he could try and flatten Dennis. But I was mainly referring to Grant's strength. Phil holds him, Grant beats the crap out of him. They could so take him between each other.

04-09-2005, 23:08
Doubt it... but extra weight would still be an advantage surely lol! If all else fails he could try and flatten Dennis. But I was mainly referring to Grant's strength. Phil holds him, Grant beats the crap out of him. They could so take him between each other.

A BODY SLAM a'la WWF lol:rotfl:

04-09-2005, 23:09
LOL! You know what I mean.

04-09-2005, 23:10
LOL! You know what I mean.

yup sure do,, just teasing ya :)

04-09-2005, 23:10
And sure with Billy they're a force to be reckoned with! :cartman: :crying: :angry: = The Mitchells.

04-09-2005, 23:11
Guess which one's which dude...

We forgot Peggy: :banned: Let's pretend that means your barred from the Vic. :lol:

04-09-2005, 23:14
And sure with Billy they're a force to be reckoned with! :cartman: :crying: :angry: = The Mitchells.

Oh dear now i am quaking in my boots cuz I'm scared of billy :rotfl:

04-09-2005, 23:15
Guess which one's which dude...

We forgot Peggy: :banned: Let's pretend that means your barred from the Vic. :lol:

git out of my pub !!!! I can't do the proper "accent ":wall:

04-09-2005, 23:16
Hehe. Here I may go... nice chatting to you again though my Holland representative (I got that right, didn't I?)

Oh, we updated the site - got ourselves message boards now! :D

04-09-2005, 23:16
Guess which one's which dude...

We forgot Peggy: :banned: Let's pretend that means your barred from the Vic. :lol: Peggy is actually the force to be reconned with .. she is one scary lady when riled :p

04-09-2005, 23:17
git out of my pub !!!! I can't do the proper "accent ":wall:

Neither can I - I'm Irish.

04-09-2005, 23:17
Peggy is actually the force to be reconned with .. she is one scary lady when riled :p

Hehe... she is scary. I don't like her. She's nasty to all things Watts :mad:

04-09-2005, 23:18
Hehe. Here I may go... nice chatting to you again though my Holland representative (I got that right, didn't I?)

Oh, we updated the site - got ourselves message boards now! :D

I need to get off this thing too,,, I am an American living in Holland LOL :)

04-09-2005, 23:19
Nearly right! I'm Irish living in Ireland and... about to be exiled by the Ma and Da should they catch me on this at nearly half 11 on a school night. Bye!

05-09-2005, 15:03
omg ! do you think Sharon and Dennis will split up over this ? i hope not i couldnt bear it but she is kinda warming to him because in some of the sences the were holding hands and stuff so maybe they can pull through it can anyone tell me whats going on ?

05-09-2005, 16:15

What is this?

05-09-2005, 16:18

What is this? I haven't the foggiest idea,, maybe the British forum members can tell us Yanks what it is,,, JJ:cartman:

05-09-2005, 16:20
Hope so. For a minute I thought it might be a real fire or something, but now I am not so sure as everyone is standing around.

05-09-2005, 16:25
Hope so. For a minute I thought it might be a real fire or something, but now I am not so sure as everyone is standing around.
dunno if that is a fire truck or not,, looks werid doesn't it... yea ur right the ppl are standing around,, odd,, come on every one tell us what kind of truck/lorry that thing is,,, JJ:love:

05-09-2005, 16:35
It appears to be a large crane -- it might not even be part of a storyline, they might just be doing some work on the set.

05-09-2005, 19:05
Yeah, you're right we probably shouldn't take any notice...

05-09-2005, 19:16
it looks like a really old fire engine

05-09-2005, 19:27
I check the Webcams regurarly but never see anything happening, this is the first time I see anything out of the ordinary.

05-09-2005, 22:35
I check the Webcams regurarly but never see anything happening, this is the first time I see anything out of the ordinary.

hey gang is there another web cam thingie we can see other than the ones on the East Ender web site ???? Just wondering :searchme: :searchme:

05-09-2005, 22:39

What is this?night time!!

05-09-2005, 22:43
night time!!

every body is in bed or at the vic getting skunked LOL:rotfl:

05-09-2005, 22:45
night time!!

loving the sarcasm :p

05-09-2005, 22:50
loving the sarcasm :p


Carrie Bradshaw
06-09-2005, 12:27
Filming today: Episode 891 Tx: 03/11/05
JIM: If one embittered link breaks the cycle, others suffer.
IAN: Okay.
JIM: I'll leave it at that.
IAN: Right. I ain't got a clue what you're talking about - but fine.

Jim telling Ian off for being moody?? :confused: :searchme: :hmm:

06-09-2005, 20:27
Filming today: Episode 892 Tx: 04/11/05
JOHNNY: Why don't you come down to the club and we'll discuss it?
BILLY: Whatever it is, I'm not interested.
JOHNNY: Could be worth your while.
BILLY: Tell you what, you can stick your proposition.

07-09-2005, 20:26
Filming today: Episode 891 Tx: 03/11/05
JOHNNY: What you going to do?
DENNIS: Put my fist through his face.
JOHNNY: You'll be coming down to their level.
DENNIS: That's the level I'm happiest at.

07-09-2005, 20:27
Whos face could Dennis want to punch..?

07-09-2005, 20:28
Filming today: Episode 892 Tx: 04/11/05
JOHNNY: Why don't you come down to the club and we'll discuss it?
BILLY: Whatever it is, I'm not interested.
JOHNNY: Could be worth your while.
BILLY: Tell you what, you can stick your proposition.

I think this is probably something about Billy wanting to help Sam or something similar.

07-09-2005, 20:48
Filming today: Episode 891 Tx: 03/11/05
JOHNNY: What you going to do?
DENNIS: Put my fist through his face.
JOHNNY: You'll be coming down to their level.
DENNIS: That's the level I'm happiest at.

Must be the Mitchells

08-09-2005, 00:44
Must be the Mitchells

Most likely Grant :searchme:

08-09-2005, 10:59
I hope it is Grant they are talking about.

I can't wait for his return.

08-09-2005, 11:23
I hope it is Grant they are talking about.

I can't wait for his return.

does any one have an idea when Grant is supposed to be back on the square ??? cos ive never seen him before other than pictures,, dyinggggggg to see him

Carrie Bradshaw
08-09-2005, 11:34
does any one have an idea when Grant is supposed to be back on the square ??? cos ive never seen him before other than pictures,, dyinggggggg to see him
I think maybe early November because I know he comes back just before Sam leaves. Also, that is when these script snippets are for, so it fits!

Matty L
08-09-2005, 11:43
Phil and Grant are back in early october

08-09-2005, 11:45
Phil and Grant are back in early october Hope it is after Oct 7th :p Cause that is when I get back from the USA :moonie:

08-09-2005, 14:03
3rd i read somewhere

Matty L
08-09-2005, 14:07
It's in the TV Quick, Grant comes back for Phil's trial early October, they must both be on the square late October/early November when Phil gets out.

08-09-2005, 14:16
It's in the TV Quick, Grant comes back for Phil's trial early October, they must both be on the square late October/early November when Phil gets out.

Matty thank u I hope you are right cos I do not want to miss these two coming back,, :)

08-09-2005, 14:16
3rd i read somewhere:nono: :nono: can't happen then I am gonna go and :crying:

Matty L
08-09-2005, 14:21
Matty thank u I hope you are right cos I do not want to miss these two coming back,, :)

your welcome! No I have been waiting for Phil and Grant to come back, they are great when they are together. Can't wait to see em against Dennis and Johnny they will make mincemeat of them!

Keating's babe
08-09-2005, 14:39
Filming today: Episode 891 Tx: 03/11/05
JOHNNY: What you going to do?
DENNIS: Put my fist through his face.
JOHNNY: You'll be coming down to their level.
DENNIS: That's the level I'm happiest at.

LOL @ Dennis. :D :D :D

08-09-2005, 16:44
i swear on the square webcam i can see less has that tree always been there? there one blocking half the view

08-09-2005, 16:56
i swear on the square webcam i can see less has that tree always been there? there one blocking half the view they need to reposition that darn cam u are right that ding dong tree is blocking the view :wall:

09-09-2005, 11:09
Filming today: Episode 892 Tx: 04/11/05
MO: You promised us she'd be alright.
KAT: I thought she would be.
MO: You thought wrong didn't you?
KAT: I'll fix it.
MO: How? You going to wave a magic wand and make it all better?

09-09-2005, 11:32
Filming today: Episode 892 Tx: 04/11/05
MO: You promised us she'd be alright.
KAT: I thought she would be.
MO: You thought wrong didn't you?
KAT: I'll fix it.
MO: How? You going to wave a magic wand and make it all better?

Uh oh maybe something happened to Stacey :searchme: or Nana :searchme:

Carrie Bradshaw
09-09-2005, 11:50
Uh oh maybe something happened to Stacey :searchme: or Nana :searchme:
I think its probably Stacey.

09-09-2005, 13:30
has stacey been found out for lying???

09-09-2005, 14:13
has stacey been found out for lying???

I am thinking it has to be cos Kat said something like " I'll fix it".. so it has to be something to do with the LIE Stacey told for Kat,, orrrrrr it could be Nana cos Lil Mo and Kat are both close to her too,, but my bet is on something to do with the lie Stacey told to protect Zoe,,:searchme:

09-09-2005, 17:08
There are other possibilties, Zoe (Because Kat insisted to ehr family she wasnt in trouble and shes fine)
Stacey (For lying.)

But its probably Stacey.. yeah.

Carrie Bradshaw
11-09-2005, 20:42
Filming today: Episode 909 Tx: 05/12/05
MO: Patricia... You put your mind to it and you are one of the most hard-faced, two-faced, bitches I know...Alright?
PAT: Thank you.
MO: Welcome.

Filming for December already!!

11-09-2005, 21:36
hehe good old mo can't wait for that hehehe

11-09-2005, 21:37
p.s how far to they film in advance

11-09-2005, 21:51
p.s how far to they film in advance

6-8 weeks!

11-09-2005, 22:08
kk thanks

12-09-2005, 17:44
xmas already??? wow!!! its come so near!!! lol patricia!!!!!

12-09-2005, 17:51
Filming today: Episode 909 Tx: 05/12/05
MO: Patricia... You put your mind to it and you are one of the most hard-faced, two-faced, bitches I know...Alright?
PAT: Thank you.
MO: Welcome.

Filming for December already!!

those two are fun to watch,, sort of like watching Dot and Pauline,, :)

Carrie Bradshaw
13-09-2005, 10:33
Filming today: Episode 909 Tx: 05/12/05
IAN: I am not an unreasonable man, Jane, am I? I don't overreact. Name me one instance where I have overreacted unnecessarily...
JANE: Wellard, Peter and Darren, Charlie parking in your space yesterday afternoon, you treading in chewing gum last Wednesday...

Ian's obviously getting into the Christmas spirit!! :rolleyes:

13-09-2005, 16:58
lol yep!

13-09-2005, 17:55
Filming today: Episode 909 Tx: 05/12/05
IAN: I am not an unreasonable man, Jane, am I? I don't overreact. Name me one instance where I have overreacted unnecessarily...
JANE: Wellard, Peter and Darren, Charlie parking in your space yesterday afternoon, you treading in chewing gum last Wednesday...

Ian's obviously getting into the Christmas spirit!! :rolleyes:

Oh Ian you muppet !!!!!:rolleyes:

13-09-2005, 17:56
those two are fun to watch,, sort of like watching Dot and Pauline,, :)
But far mor edgier though, they used to be enemies when they were young, I thought that there would be sparks flying between those to when the Slaters were first introduced.:searchme:

13-09-2005, 17:57
Oh Ian you muppet !!!!!:rolleyes:
We all ready had fozzy bear for Alfie, what shal we call Ian?:hmm: Swedish chef!!!:rotfl:

13-09-2005, 20:16
lol!!! thats a good one!!!

13-09-2005, 20:20

14-09-2005, 15:25
STACEY: So he's staring at me, right? Fit boy's staring at me.
RUBY: Weren't you embarrassed?
STACEY: Course not. Gave him the eyes right back and then some.

14-09-2005, 18:33
wonder who the fit lad is?

14-09-2005, 18:44

14-09-2005, 18:49
it could be Deano wicks, it said on the EE website there here before the end of the year which is Deano Wicks and Frank butcher, and he's young and good looking, just a guess??

14-09-2005, 18:50
maybe :)

14-09-2005, 20:17
MO: Oy - you!
JOHNNY: You talking to me?
MO: Well I'm not striking up a conversation with the lamppost.

lol :lol:

Carrie Bradshaw
14-09-2005, 20:20
MO: Oy - you!
JOHNNY: You talking to me?
MO: Well I'm not striking up a conversation with the lamppost.

lol :lol:
:rotfl: You can always count on Big Mo to make us laugh!!

14-09-2005, 22:14
MO: Oy - you!
JOHNNY: You talking to me?
MO: Well I'm not striking up a conversation with the lamppost.

lol :lol:

Big Mo isn't hitting on Johnny is she :rotfl:

15-09-2005, 17:51

15-09-2005, 19:20
Big mo is great!

Carrie Bradshaw
16-09-2005, 11:21
Filming today: Episode 893 Tx: 07/11/05
IAN: Oy, you making insinuations 'bout my staff's hygiene?
MO: Insinyouwotsits? I was just having a laugh.
STACEY: Blimey, coming on a bit Victor Meldrew, aren't ya?

16-09-2005, 18:21
Something is going on george street but i dont know what :hmm:

19-09-2005, 16:36
Here's the latest preview:

Filming today: Episode 894 Tx: 08/11/05
STACEY: Well - she didn't film it, did she?
KAT: Film it?
STACEY: Well - I don't know...
KAT: What kind of a sicko do you think she is, Stace?

Carrie Bradshaw
19-09-2005, 17:29
Here's the latest preview:

Filming today: Episode 894 Tx: 08/11/05
STACEY: Well - she didn't film it, did she?
KAT: Film it?
STACEY: Well - I don't know...
KAT: What kind of a sicko do you think she is, Stace?
What is that all about? :confused:

19-09-2005, 17:44
hmmmmmmmm i donno some thing disgusting

19-09-2005, 20:40
The murder of den??? just guessing!

19-09-2005, 22:27
Is it just me or had the albert square picture not changed for days is this just another way of censoring filming

20-09-2005, 13:06
i thought that too they always seem to be the same picture!

20-09-2005, 18:41
they had the same picture last night about 1 in the morning

20-09-2005, 18:45
Its been like that for days

21-09-2005, 15:42
Their is action on george street at the moment

21-09-2005, 15:47
Here's the latest preview:

RUBY: You worried?
STACEY: 'Bout what?
RUBY: Him. sounded like he had something planned for you.
STACEY: Don't need to worry when you got Mo and Kat. Like having a pair of rottweilers on call 24/7.

21-09-2005, 16:14
Their is action on george street at the moment

Yeah george street and turpin road are ok but the albert square pictures havent changed in days

21-09-2005, 16:15
My turpin road dont work?

21-09-2005, 16:49
mabye just george street works then

21-09-2005, 16:54
yea, i went on it late last night and albert square was still bright and sunny, the other two were completely dark

Carrie Bradshaw
22-09-2005, 13:32
Filming today: Episode 899 Tx: 17/11/05

DARREN: You need to be like me Sis....
DEMI: A loser?
DARREN: One of life's winners. You've got to know how to enjoy life.

22-09-2005, 19:12
awwwww! thats sweet!

Jessie Wallace
22-09-2005, 19:45
bless him

22-09-2005, 21:37
its cute of them aint it. lol


Awwww he looks so upset in this piccy! cant wait to see that! :wub: bless him.

Jessie Wallace
22-09-2005, 21:39
That should be in tomorrow episode.

22-09-2005, 21:42
That should be in tomorrow episode.
cool cant wait!

Jessie Wallace
22-09-2005, 21:46
Yep, it should be a good one.

Carrie Bradshaw
23-09-2005, 11:30
Filming today: Episode 901 Tx: 17/11/05

RUBY: I'm off - I'll only be a couple of hours.
JOHNNY: Come back here a minute. What's with the lipstick?
RUBY: Don't start Dad.

Who's Ruby trying to impress??

Jessie Wallace
23-09-2005, 12:14
Oooo, i wonder if she got a man, or is she trying to get one. Glad to hear Ruby's still around and not gone back to school/college.

23-09-2005, 15:43
she could have

25-09-2005, 21:50
Filming today: episode 901 Tx: 21/11/05
Charlie: Do you have to do that now? It's like trying to have breakfast in a brothel.
Kat: Oh, lighten up. You're not afraid of a few knickers are you?
Charlie: A bloke should be able to start his day with a bit of dignified silence. Not thongs across his coffee!

:searchme: Wonder what's going on.... *please Kalfie back, please Kalfie back....* :lol:

Jessie Wallace
25-09-2005, 21:52
We wish, but i doubt it, not this early. Sounds funny tho.

26-09-2005, 01:54
Can Anyone Tell Me What Website The Webcam Is On

26-09-2005, 10:38
Lol, yeah it does! the webcam is on the eastenders homepage robben2005, go onto that then on the left where it says backstage click on albert square then click on webacm and there you go!

26-09-2005, 21:53
SHARON: Well, we're just going to have to prove her wrong.
DENNIS: I've got a penny, if you've got a jar.
SHARON: I'm worth more than a penny mate.
DENNIS: Quid then.

From today i looked at it about 2mins ago i find this funny Dennis being cheeky hehe.

This will be shown 25th November going to have to wait i while got it from EE site Webcam.

26-09-2005, 21:55
That cute :)

27-09-2005, 18:38
awwwwwwwwwwww lol

27-09-2005, 18:39
these are great- and funny! But its ages away 'til' they are shown!

27-09-2005, 20:09
Looks like flirty shannis

28-09-2005, 11:02
Albert square is really busy at the mo i wonder whats going :)

28-09-2005, 21:07
Fliming today:Espisode 906 TX:29/11/05

Dennis:What do you mean 'if you were car'?

Sharon:It's a game. I could've said 'if i was a fruit, what what kind of fruit would i be?

Keith:That`s easy- bunch of bannas.

something is going on the webcam in george street a bright light i can see

Carrie Bradshaw
29-09-2005, 14:58
A bunch of bananas???? :confused:

29-09-2005, 20:12
Ha!!! cool!!!

29-09-2005, 21:56
Filming today: Episode 904 Tx: 25/11/05
GUS: Going to ask you one question: are you really keen on her?
JULEY: Shut up, will you?
GUS: Cos if you're not, you should quit now, man.

29-09-2005, 22:20
Wonder who that is about. my guesses are Naomi, Dawn, erm cant think of no one else, unless its soem random starnger.

01-10-2005, 15:34
Have you seen the EE webcam, there getting into the christmas spirit already! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

01-10-2005, 21:40
What was on it?

02-10-2005, 09:32
theres some tinsel hung up.

03-10-2005, 09:33