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di marco
03-07-2009, 07:38
Perhaps she was/is in hospital? Why are Tanya and Jack with her? :hmm:

maybe, hospitals do smell funny! maybe he just came to see her if she is in hospital, she is his niece afterall

di marco
03-07-2009, 20:47
Filming today: Episode 3860 Tx: 17/09/09
SYD: You loked pretty close at the party.
BRADLEY: She had something to tell me... in private.
SYD: You just don't get it, do you? We're together now. Shouldn't be having private little tete a tetes with your ex...
BRADLEY: It wasn't like that.
SYD: Tell me then. What's the big secret?

04-07-2009, 06:26
He was obviously talking to Stacey. Wonder what about that Syd is getting upset

di marco
04-07-2009, 12:38
yeh its obviously stacey. maybe something to do with her bi polar which is why he doesnt wanna tell syd?

di marco
05-07-2009, 20:54
Filming today: Episode 3859 Tx: 15/09/09
TANYA: You should try and eat something Abs
ABI: I'm not hungry.
JACK: It's the shock.
ABI: It's the smell. It's in my hair.

wonder whats happened? the only thing i can think of is a fire but i dont think its that?

Perhaps she was/is in hospital? Why are Tanya and Jack with her? :hmm:

maybe, hospitals do smell funny! maybe he just came to see her if she is in hospital, she is his niece afterall

i was thinking, maybe she fell in a pond or something, or got something thrown over her pretty bad? i cant think of anything else which would involve smelling and shock!

di marco
05-07-2009, 20:55
Filming today: Episode 3869 Tx: 02/10/09
SYED: Well? You're not going to ask how it went?
CHRISTIAN: How what went?
SYED: It's alright, we're alone. Aren't we?
CHRISTIAN: Yeah, we're alone.
SYED: They bought it. Hook, line and sinker.

di marco
07-07-2009, 10:05
Filming today: Episode 3858 Tx: 14/09/09
JANE: Can you imagine what they'll be like if we don't get anything?
MASOOD: Can you imagine what they'll be like if we do?
JANE: Half of me wants to turn tail and run right now.
MASOOD: Don't you dare. You are not leaving me alone through this.

07-07-2009, 10:14
What is going on :hmm:

di marco
07-07-2009, 20:27
Filming today: Episode 3864 Tx: 24/09/09
PAT: School ain't coming to you, sweetheart, get a move on.
LIAM: Ready?
TIFFANY: Thought you'd be happy.
LIAM: "We'll see" don't mean that Tiff.

di marco
10-07-2009, 08:05
Filming today: Episode 3862 Tx: 21/09/09
TANYA: You can't say that. She's my mate.
MAX: I'd be safer shacking up with a man eating lion.
TANYA: You're still the lucky one.
MAX: Yeah well, I'll go hide in the cupboard with the kids til it's over.

di marco
11-07-2009, 10:56
Filming today: Episode 3863 Tx: 22/09/09
BRADLEY: How did he take it?
SYD: I'm still building up to telling him.
BRADLEY: Longer you leave it and all that.
SYD: It's just not that easy turning his world upside down every five minutes.

di marco
14-07-2009, 17:16
Filming today: Episode 3866 Tx: 28/09/09
JANE: Is it me, or is he just the tiniest bit excited?
IAN: He's obviously forgotten about the sleep deprivation and financial ruin...
JANE: Ian...

15-07-2009, 06:11
They are obviously talking about somebody becoming a father, but who? :hmm:

di marco
15-07-2009, 09:48
Filming today: Episode 3867 Tx: 29/09/09
HEATHER: Go on. He's in a bit of a funk and I'm trying to perk him up...
PAT: With ritual humiliation?
HEATHER: They don't call him Snake-Hips Trueman for nothing.
PAT: Really?

di marco
15-07-2009, 09:51
They are obviously talking about somebody becoming a father, but who? :hmm:

thats what i was thinking. maybe the dad of heathers baby? but i dont really think most of the characters who could be the dad would be that excited about it

some people on ds think it could be bradley cos of this quote:

Filming today: Episode 3863 Tx: 22/09/09
BRADLEY: How did he take it?
SYD: I'm still building up to telling him.
BRADLEY: Longer you leave it and all that.
SYD: It's just not that easy turning his world upside down every five minutes.

though i hope its not. i hope that ones more to do with bradley moving in or something

di marco
16-07-2009, 21:39
Filming today: Episode 3868 Tx: 01/10/09
JEAN: What's wrong? What's he done to you?
STACEY: He followed me home. He... I'm scared of him, mum.
JEAN: Love, why?

di marco
17-07-2009, 21:25
Filming today: Episode 3869 Tx: 02/10/09
LUCY: When did you ever turn down the chance to glam up and have people applaude? You can't fool me.
CHRISTIAN: Honestly, its fine.
LUCY: Well, I'm your fairy godmother, and you, Cinderella, shall go to the ball.
CHRISTIAN: I thought you were supposed to be meeting Peter and Lauren?
LUCY: And play gooseberry? No ta.

miss delage
18-07-2009, 16:13
ahh its seems like christian's planning on another session with syed :)

miss delage
19-07-2009, 20:25
Filming today: Episode 3872 Tx: 08/10/09
RICKY: I'm trying to encourage her to get out there. Make something of herself.
BIANCA: Wake up Ricky. She's fifty percent silicon. She's a train wreck.
RICKY: You know what. Let's just not talk.

20-07-2009, 06:58
Who are they talking about? Sam? :hmm:

di marco
20-07-2009, 20:46
Filming today: Episode 3866 Tx: 28/09/09
ROXY: That's what comes from having kids. I tell you, figure, kaput. I wish I was twenty again.
RONNIE: Well you're not. Help me with this barrel will you.
ROXY: What? No way. It's my night off. I only came back to get changed.
RONNIE: Please. Big favour.

di marco
21-07-2009, 20:15
Filming today: Episode 3871 Tx: 06/10/09
PEGGY: Yes but - I mean, Danielle. It's not that long and...
RONNIE: I've moved on.
PEGGY: Have you darling? Really?
RONNIE: I'm trying. And let's be honest. Time's not on my side.
PEGGY: That had crossed my mind as well.

22-07-2009, 06:01
Ronnie obviously feels that her biological clock is ticking away rapidly :(

di marco
22-07-2009, 20:16
Ronnie obviously feels that her biological clock is ticking away rapidly :(

yeh im guessing its something to do with her still trying to get pregnant (or her actually being pregnant if the rumours are true)

di marco
24-07-2009, 10:41
Filming today: Episode 3871 Tx: 06/10/09
MASOOD: What's up with your mother?
SYED: How should I know?
MASOOD: You think it's the bad boy thing?
SYED: I'm sure it's nothing.
MASOOD: This is your mother. It's never nothing.

di marco
26-07-2009, 08:08
Filming today: Episode 3870 Tx: 05/10/09
STACEY: Where'd she go?
STACEY: A little girl just came in here?
PATRICK: Less I had a little too much of the rum, she's not been in.
STACEY: She was just in here.

di marco
28-07-2009, 09:20
Filming today: Episode 3874 Tx: 12/10/09
HEATHER: What's up?
SHIRLEY: That jumped up, self-important little toad...
HEATHER: What's Ian done now?

miss delage
29-07-2009, 10:42
Filming today: Episode 3874 Tx: 12/10/09
ZAINAB:You think I want him stuck in a dead end job?
ZAINAB:Maybe ending up a cabbie or a postman like his father?
TAMWAR:Mum, you can't say that...
MASOOD:You really want to know what I think?
ZAINAB:Not particularly.

di marco
31-07-2009, 08:17
Filming today: Episode 3875 Tx: 13/10/09
PATRICK: If you had to say three qualities you looked for in a man, what would they be?
PAT: Present company -
PATRICK: Excepted. Yes.
PAT: Number one. All his own hair. Number two. Sense of humour. Number three. Lots of dosh. You?

di marco
04-08-2009, 07:35
Filming today: Episode 3879 Tx: 20/10/09
PAT: Give me a bad boy any day of the week. Sometimes I look at Jack Branning and think... if I was five years younger...
PEGGY: He wouldn't stand a chance!
PAT: I like 'em muscly, see. A bit of attitude about them.
PEGGY: So how did you end up with Frank?

di marco
04-08-2009, 21:26
Filming today: Episode 3878 Tx: 19/10/09
ARCHIE: You're both young and attractive... it just seems a bit of a waste, that's all.
JANINE: Why would I want the distraction?
ARCHIE: Why indeed?
JANINE: The goal's in sight Archie.

05-08-2009, 08:59
Is Archie back for good now?

di marco
06-08-2009, 18:58
Is Archie back for good now?

i dunno, i thought he was only back for about 3months but it seems hes gonna be there longer

di marco
07-08-2009, 07:38
Filming today: Episode 3880 Tx: 22/10/09
MINTY: He nearly decapitated me with his window.
MANDA: He is only back for a couple of days...
MINTY: And he has taken his key? Do we know if he's coming home tonight?
MANDA: Can't you just be a little bit tolerant please? No, no. Do not do that strangled snort thing!

di marco
07-08-2009, 07:41
Filming today: Episode 3866 Tx: 28/09/09
JANE: Is it me, or is he just the tiniest bit excited?
IAN: He's obviously forgotten about the sleep deprivation and financial ruin...
JANE: Ian...

They are obviously talking about somebody becoming a father, but who? :hmm:

thats what i was thinking. maybe the dad of heathers baby? but i dont really think most of the characters who could be the dad would be that excited about it

some people on ds think it could be bradley cos of this quote:

Filming today: Episode 3863 Tx: 22/09/09
BRADLEY: How did he take it?
SYD: I'm still building up to telling him.
BRADLEY: Longer you leave it and all that.
SYD: It's just not that easy turning his world upside down every five minutes.

though i hope its not. i hope that ones more to do with bradley moving in or something

i think now that the first quote is about masood probably. i wonder if the bradley and syd one is about the canada job in the spoilers?

di marco
08-08-2009, 07:40
Filming today: Episode 3881 Tx: 23/10/09
ROXY: Is it me, or has the whole world got younger?
RONNIE: It's you.
ROXY: Well thank you, face-ache. Where's your twinkly bloke gone?
RONNIE: He isn't 'my bloke'.

di marco
13-08-2009, 09:24
Filming today: Episode 3885 Tx: 30/10/09
ARCHIE: All I require is a one word answer. Yes or no?
JACK: Yes.
ARCHIE: And have you got her where you want her?
JACK: I'll pop round later - we'll have this conversation then.

di marco
13-08-2009, 09:26
Filming today: Episode 3884 Tx: 29/10/09
RYAN: What would Archie Mitchell be doing, sending you birthday cards?
JANINE: A good boss likes to keep his employees happy...
RYAN: Yeah, sure...
JANINE: Then again, if he's like most men, he probably just fancies me rotten.

di marco
14-08-2009, 18:48
Filming today: Episode 3882 Tx: 26/10/09
IAN: Did the bed feel empty without me?
JANE: Not with Bobby sprawled across it most nights.
IAN: Well, the Beale machine's back - and looking to make up for lost time!

di marco
14-08-2009, 21:45
Filming today: Episode 3883 Tx: 27/10/09
SYED: Tamwar! Come back! We need to talk.
TAMWAR: There's nothing to say.
SYED: How could you do that?
TAMWAR: Nothing ever sticks, does it? Just slides right off. Up you come, smelling of roses.

16-08-2009, 02:11
Filming today: Episode 3885 Tx: 30/10/09
ARCHIE: All I require is a one word answer. Yes or no?
JACK: Yes.
ARCHIE: And have you got her where you want her?
JACK: I'll pop round later - we'll have this conversation then.

Damn, Archie is still around :thumbsdow

miss delage
30-08-2009, 21:22
Filming today: Episode 3895 Tx: 17/11/09

RYAN: Still playing pull a pensioner?
JANINE: I think he looks good for his age.
RYAN: What is that exactly - seventy-five, eighty?
JANINE: Jealous much?
RYAN: What of, the bladder weakness or the stair-master?

miss delage
11-09-2009, 20:58
filming today:Episode 3904Tx:03/12/09

IAN:Back to work for a living then?
MASOOD:Gets me out of bed in the morning.
IAN:Do you deliver anything other than bills?
MASOOD:I do court summons, divorces, rent demands. All the joys of life come out of this bag.

11-09-2009, 21:08
Filming today: Episode 3895 Tx: 17/11/09

RYAN: Still playing pull a pensioner?
JANINE: I think he looks good for his age.
RYAN: What is that exactly - seventy-five, eighty?
JANINE: Jealous much?
RYAN: What of, the bladder weakness or the stair-master? does janine pull archie?

14-09-2009, 10:46
They're filming today for an episode to be broadcast 10th December but the Christmas tree isnt up in the Square yet?

28-09-2009, 00:44
They're filming today for an episode to be broadcast 10th December but the Christmas tree isnt up in the Square yet?

Talking of Christmas, who do we reckon is going to die this year? Archie?

09-10-2009, 22:11
Filming today: Episode 3924 Tx: 01/01/10

ZAINAB:Is she ready?

TAMWAR:Thunderbirds are go.

ZAINAB:Where are your glasses, Tamwar?

TAMWAR:Contacts. Thought it was time for a change.

26-10-2009, 09:14
Thought this was funny :lol:

Filming today:Episode 3929Tx:11/01/10
MO:Come on boys, who's for a drop of Big Mo's Sex on a Bench?

JACK:It's Sex on the Beach, Mo...

MO:Not in Walford it ain't...

Max:Think I'll stick to lager.

28-10-2009, 20:50
Filming today: Episode 3931 Tx: 14/01/10

JANE:But why did you keep it?
IAN:I don't know. I wasn't thinking straight.
JANE:You have told me the whole truth, haven't you Ian?
IAN:What do you mean?

There's blue lights on the webcam at the moment; wonder if it's to do with Ronnie being arrested for Archie's murder.

28-10-2009, 20:53
Filming today: Episode 3931 Tx: 14/01/10

JANE:But why did you keep it?
IAN:I don't know. I wasn't thinking straight.
JANE:You have told me the whole truth, haven't you Ian?
IAN:What do you mean?

There's blue lights on the webcam at the moment; wonder if it's to do with Ronnie being arrested for Archie's murder.
I can picture Jan saying this. Hahahaha. Ian is like a small schoolboy around her.:rotfl:

04-02-2010, 16:45
These are now call Script peeks

On TV Mon 22 Mar

Phil:Think she'll like it?

Roxy:Are you kidding? She'll love it.

Phil:It's not too much?

Roxy:No such thing.

02-03-2010, 15:11
On TV Tue 20 Apr

Zsa Zsa: Cheese. Your ice cream has gone cheese-y.

Leon: That ice cream is meant for paying Darren Miller.

Fat Boy: Oh my days.

16-03-2010, 13:30
On TV Fri 7th May

Roxy:It's got to be several grand a week I would have thought.

Danny:Has he got medical insurance or something?

Roxy:No I don't think so.

Danny:Well they wouldn't be doing it if they can't afford it.

18-03-2010, 12:59
On TV Fri 7th May

Fatboy:Fatboy is licensed to thrill.

Leon:Thrill? You drove any slower we wouldn't have been moving.

Fatboy:She's built for cruising not chasing. I don't think I can take anymore of this tune blud, it's like party time at the old people's home.

26-03-2010, 16:31
On TV Fri 23rd Apr

Masood:Is this how it's going to be? We can't just ignore what we know.

Zainab:Why not? it's usually best.

Masood:For who?

Zainab:For all of us.

14-04-2010, 11:33
On TV Mon 31st May

Whitney:Urrh what's that........?

Fatboy:It wasn't me.

Peter:Quick open the windows.

18-05-2010, 14:46
On TV Thu 17th June

Lucas:Eh? You are coming arn't you?

Patrick:I'm way too young for that sort of thing.

Lucas:Be plenty of ladies there.

Patrick:I prefer a younger model if you know what I mean.

20-05-2010, 16:37
On TV Thu 17th June

Danny:What? I got something on my face?

Roxy:When are you gonna get your hair cut?

Danny:Girls go for this.

Roxy:In your head maybe.

20-05-2010, 16:38
I don't understand this thread at all.

20-05-2010, 16:41
Ehhhh ?

20-05-2010, 16:41
I don't understand this thread at all.

On the BBC eastenders site it give little snip of scripts coming up.. they use to have a web cam but now these are call sneek peeks

20-05-2010, 16:48
Thanks Siobhan, I've been wondering about this thread for ages. I thought that "webcam updates and pictures" referred to Soapboards members pictures :o :wall:

20-05-2010, 16:50
Thanks Siobhan, I've been wondering about this thread for ages. I thought that "webcam updates and pictures" referred to Soapboards members pictures :o :wall:

I beg your pardon.. this is a family forum :lol:

20-05-2010, 17:08
On TV Thu 17th June

Danny:What? I got something on my face?

Roxy:When are you gonna get your hair cut?

Danny:Girls go for this.

Roxy:In your head maybe.

I hoped he'd be gone by then

20-05-2010, 20:45
I beg your pardon.. this is a family forum :lol:

:lol::lol: Now there's a damn good idea for a new thread!!

31-05-2010, 17:00
On TV Fri 18th June

Dot:I don't want him thinking... I'm sweet on him.

Liz:He won't think that.

Dot:I'm a respectable married woman.

Liz:And Patrick's an old-fashioned gentleman.

Dot:The man's a rapscallion.

19-07-2010, 13:43
On TV Tue 7 September

Phil:None of this is mum's fault.

Shirley:I didn't say it was anyone's fault. Tell me it wasn't you. It was, wasn't it?

Phil:It was an accident.....

22-07-2010, 09:57
On TV Mon 20 September

Heather:Have I done something?

Minty:No. No.... Heather, you are one hundred percent lovely. You got to believe it ok?


27-07-2010, 16:07
The BBC Walford webcams (http://www.bbc.co.uk/eastenders/webcams/)are back and they are bigger and in higher resolution. The one on the square currently shows the Vic and the Beale house behind tarpaulin. Presumably the Vic is being rebuilt after the fire.

28-07-2010, 09:36
The BBC Walford webcams (\\"http://www.bbc.co.uk/eastenders/webcams/\\")are back and they are bigger and in higher resolution.

On the downside, the picture now only updates every 5 minutes, I think the old ones updated more frequently. I also noticed that it was stuck on a daylight picture late last night, I wonder if it stops updating after a certain time.

28-07-2010, 13:36
On TV Mon 20 September

Darren:What are they doing in there?

Max:Plucking, Daz... Painting. Flossing. Talking about us and deciding we ain't good enough. You know... women's stuff.

Darren:I ain't good enough.

12-08-2010, 13:55
20 september;
Heather: ...new shoes, nearly. New dress, second hand. Proper nice dress it is, Shirl. Cause I think it was designed for someone a little bit posher. And a hat.
Shirley: You're wearing a hat?
Heather: Ain't you wearing a hat?

16-08-2010, 09:19
On TV Mon 27 September

Jean:I'll have a word with them if you like. Well I'll try.

Stacey:It's not really that...

Jean:You're a single mum, but so what. There's loads just like you. Men only get in the way.

06-09-2010, 19:06
On TV Thur 4 November
Kat: Well I'm going over the Vic to have myself a little piece of the party pie.

Jodie: You do that.

Kim: There's just not enough ugly out there.

08-09-2010, 13:08
On TV Thu 4 November

Jean:Charlie said people don't look well.

Mo:They don't. Got your running shoes on? In case it all kicks off.

Jean:It's not my fault.

Mo:Stay frosty Jean, stay frosty.

10-09-2010, 05:50
Script peek
On TV Thu 4 November

Heather:I've never been on a cruise. Always wanted to do one. Lying on the deck watching dolphins while some bloke in a Captain's suit gives me the eye.

Patrick:Then best you buy yourself a ticket girl.

Alfie:Get yourself one an' all.

13-09-2010, 07:31
On TV Thu 4 November

Christian:Hello mummy, I love you so much.


Christian:Chill. Was joking.

15-09-2010, 11:46
On TV Thu 4 November

Masood:You haven't seen me.


Masood:I was delivering post. That's all.

Kat:Grow some you hen pecked prat.

17-09-2010, 05:56
On TV Thu 4 November

Masood:You okay?

Kat:Yeah, yeah, I'm fine... OOH!

Masood:What is it?

Kat:I dunno...!

20-09-2010, 07:20
On TV Thu 4 November

Kim:I came for a party and I'm suddenly Florence Nighingale.

Denise:Take us home will you.

Kim:Let me have just one more drink.

06-10-2010, 06:46
On TV Mon 29 November

Julie:Will a sandwich do you?

Billy:Where did you get that?

Julie:Serves 'em right for not trusting me. Bunch of hypocrites.

12-10-2010, 08:26
On TV Mon 13 December

Jay:Nah, I'll get the train. Can buy me breakfast though?

Shirley:Hark at him, feet under the table already.

Phil:Come on then. Ricky can hold the fort at the Arches.

19-10-2010, 10:11
On TV Mon 13 December

Jay:And Ben?

Phil:What about him?

Jay:How does he fit in?

Phil:He don't.

23-10-2010, 13:26
On TV Thu 16 December

Phil:This party's gonna show what we're made of. You, me and the boys.

Shirley:Sure you're ok? Parties ain't the best place for winos and junkies.

Phil:You and your swet talk.

27-10-2010, 07:47
On TV Thu 16 December

Bianca:You talking to me again then?

Whitney:Yeah, sorry for calling you an old bag.

Bianca:I reckon I'm owed at least one night's babysitting.

02-11-2010, 07:46
On TV Thu 16 December

Ian:Ta da! When it comes to my brother, no expsense spared.

Peter:Saint Ian of Beale!

Jane:Where is he anyway? Ben?

Max:Yeah, where's the man of the moment?

03-11-2010, 14:25
On TV Thu 16 December

Jay:There's loads of booze in there!

Lauren:Yeah, that my dad and uncle are guarding like the crown jewels.

Peter:Come on Jay, It's your house.

08-11-2010, 06:28
On TV Thu 16 December

Phil:I've just got a few fingers in a few pies, that's all.

Ronnie:Anything dangerous?

Phil:I just needed a leg-up. Get things back on track. But you can't tell anyone. Roxy, Jack - it's too risky.

09-11-2010, 08:10
On TV Thu 16 December

Mo:Stupid thoughtless witch!

Alfie:Yes ok........

Jean:Did you see? She walked right in. Why would she just walk right in and do that?......

11-11-2010, 06:28
On TV Thu 16 December

Jean:I'm going on and I ain't got a nurse, Alfie.

Mo:She has......

Jean:No. She is a 'care coordinator', thank you.

Jean:She takes all my care and coordinates it... Like a fairy godmother with more tablets and regular talking...

15-11-2010, 11:05
On TV Thu 13 January

Carol:Yes... Yes. Exactly like that... Conor and... Whatever yo thought you heard or.... It wasn't really real. It was like the bear under Morgan's bed. Ok?


Tiffany:How thick does she think I am.

Liam:Pretty thick.

23-11-2010, 06:14
On TV Thu 13 January

Masood:I thought you'd be pleased. All those pretty girls...

Zainab:It is not like we are manhandling you blindfold into an arranged marriage in Pakistan, Tamwar.

Tamwar:It is not like either of you thought to talk to me like a grown up either is it mother?

08-12-2010, 07:34
On TV Thu 27 January

Ryan:About yesterday. I'm sorry.


Ryan:I just wanted to apologise.

Roxy:Get away from me you sleazeball.

12-01-2011, 15:45
He cracks me up

On TV Thu 17 February

Fatboy:Hey Mrs B.

Dot:Hay is for horses Aurthur.

Fatboy:I just got tweeted 'bout this rave later, innit, and...

Dot:I have no idea what you're talking about, but if it involves washing, answer's no.

03-02-2011, 13:25
a few peeks for next month


Ian: You're not going to make a go of that business if you spend half your days sneaking off with your girlfriend.

Fatboy:It ain't like that.

Ian: Single guy, wants to 'chirps' the single ladies.


Janine: It wasn't that bad.

Lauren:How can you say that? We've got to do something. Call the Police.

Janine: I told you last night - they won't do anything.


Mercy: Where did you get all this?

Fatboy: I have my suppliers.

Mercy: It's nicked isn't it?


Heather: And don't forget to talk. Things you like doing, things you don't like doing. Films, music. What they think of George Michael.

Jay: I'll remember that one.

Heather: And just - treat her nicely. Like she's special.

07-03-2011, 14:23

Masood:My first thought was to tear it up. But then I thought, no, you can do it. And I'll watch.

Zainab:Are you crazy?

Masood:Do it!


Christian:Am I getting old?


Christian:Not funny. Look, I'm getting wrinkles.


Max:Reach into that pocket, see if there's a map in there.

Abi:I thought you knew where you were going?

Max:I do. I do. I'm just checking.


Tanya: I said some pretty mean things. Let's forget about it.


Tanya:Yes, you're my mate, my best mate. Some little moment don't change that.


Lauren: Abi's not here.


Lauren:She's on her way. They got stuck in traffic.


Jack: You alright?

Kat:I think I'm gonna be sick.

Alfie:Told you. A night on the town, just you and the girls, do you the world of good.


Michael: Jack's worried about you.

Ronnie:Really? Well thanks for telling me because that completely passed me by.

Michael:Oh sarcasm..... suits you.

21-03-2011, 08:49

Mo:Try under C for churches.

Alfie:I know how to spell Mo.

Mo:So why you looking under P?

02-06-2011, 08:55
ON TV TUE 26 July
Eddie:You talking to me?

Rainie:like I'm some piece of dirt...

Eddie:Your words, love, not mine

ON TV TUE 12 July
Roxy:I think I'm going to be sick.

Christian:Don't even go there. We're in enough trouble with Sy as it is.

Roxy:How did we even get this up the stairs?

ON TV TUE 12 July
Eddie:You look knackered.

Kat:You don't look so hot yourself.

Alfie:Sorry, Ed. It's just Tommy ain't been sleeping too well at the moment.

ON TV FRI 12 July
Eddie:Just had a heads up about an antiques fair in Deptford.

Tyler:A lock-up of old junk you mean.

Eddie:What are you? Five years old!

ON TV FRI 12 July
Grace:But you have to fight this, Mercy.

Mercy:You know what, Gran. I'm done with fighting.

Grace:So what about Arthur?

ON TV FRI 12 July
Fatboy:Is everything alright, Mrs O?

Grace:Mercy's got something she needs to tell you.

Fatboy:You're going to have to hold that thought, Merc.

ON TV FRI 12 July
Jean:Upsetting our little neighbourhood...

Zainab:... they ought to be strung up.

Dot:I blame the schools.

06-06-2011, 08:20
ON TV TUE 26 July

Michael:I'd fix that sister-in-law of yours first.


Michael:In the Square, giving skunks a bad name. Surprised you can't smell 'er from here.

07-06-2011, 10:09
ON TV TUE 26 July
Michael:I'd fix that sister-in-law of yours first.


Michael:In the Square, giving skunks a bad name. Surprised you can't smell 'er from here.

ON TV TUE 26 July
Dot:You..... you alright dear?

Afia:Oh yes. Tam wants these tableclothes... and he's in a hurry for them.

Dot:Mind if I? My hip's gone and my legs is killing me.

10-06-2011, 07:32
ON TV TUE 26 July
Eddie:Okay, tell you what, we've clearly overstepped the mark.

Jean:No. Well... as long as you promise you won't sell it?

Eddie:'Course not. You have my word.

17-06-2011, 11:14
ON TV MON 22 August
Heather:Have you done the CD?

Shirley:It got swallowed up.

Heather:You're lying.

01-07-2011, 07:28
ON TV THU 1 September

Darren: Why's she summoned us?

Vanessa: Someone in this room's the murderer and she's going to reveal who.

Vanessa:Relax. It's nothing your big commission raise can't cover.

06-07-2011, 07:42
ON TV THU 1 September

Jack: Can't do thirteenth. Private booking.

Michael: It's the only date the fighter can make. Who by?

Jack: Doesn't matter who, The gym's booked.

08-07-2011, 07:55
ON TV THU 1 September

Eddie: Hang on a sec Ty.

Vanessa: You wouldn't turn away a damsel in distress, would you? I've lost an earring down Jodie's sink.

Eddie: How could I sleep at night?

15-07-2011, 06:32
ON TV THU 9 September

Carol: That looked cosy.

Eddie: Just a bit of business.

Carol: Lining up your next victim?

19-07-2011, 06:42
ON TV THU 9 September

Tamwar :He was my 'BFF'.

Afia: You'll get another.

Tamwar: You can't actually get another BFF. It's not the Best Friend Until Next Comes Along, is it?

10-08-2011, 06:12
ON TV THU 30 September

Michael: She's after your money.

Eddie: She'd have better luck checking down the back of the sofa.

Michael: That's all she's ever been after.

19-08-2011, 09:42
ON TV FRI 21 October

Tyler: Girls, I think I might just be your knight in shining armour.

Jodie: Why? D'you know anyone famous?

Tyler: Not exactly.

16-09-2011, 08:41
ON TV FRI 25 October

Dot: Reverend Stevens is not a man for 'pulling'.

Cora: We're talking your sister.

Dot: Half-sister. The Vicar - in my back bedroom?

12-12-2011, 06:32
ON TV THU 19 January

Patrick: You know... the problem with you people... is you never learn.

Derek: You people?

Patrick: Criminals.

29-12-2011, 10:02
ON TV FRI 17 February

Shirley:Call me good.

Heather:Call me bad.

Shirley:Call me anything you want to Baby.

Farewell Heav?

Well nice that it should end with a Wham song. I'm your man....

02-01-2012, 14:41
ON TV FRI 17 February

Tyler: Shut up.

Michael: Shut up.

Tyler: You shut up.

Good old EastEnders scriptwriters there.

09-01-2012, 12:18
ON TV FRI 17 February

Dot: What kind of film is it?

Shirley: Brad Pitt gets his top off. That's all you need to know. :D

20-01-2012, 06:26
ON TV THU 1 March

Jack: Nine hairs and a nit. That's what dad called him.

Max: Dad called me a lot. Not all of it was nice. Or fair.


17-02-2012, 06:39
ON TV MON 29 March

Alfie: You know me, I'd cut my arms off it meant I could keep things the way they were.

Kim: Except you wouldn't be serving no pints if you did.

24-02-2012, 06:31
ON TV FRI 20 April

Max: I can give you a few pointers if you like.

Tanya: Is that right?

Max: I can be very persuasive when I want to be.

13-03-2012, 06:31
ON TV THU 26 April

Bianca: Can I help you?

Cora: This sandwich smells fishy.

Bianca: Yeah, well it's prawn, what do you expect? :lol:

20-04-2012, 06:07

Zainab: Tell me. What does Ray see in you exactly?

Kim: What doesn't he see? I'm a glam little lamb.

Zainab: That's weird, because to me you're a bike on a bike. :eek:

09-07-2012, 06:39
On TV: Tuesday 28th August

Fatboy: She's into you mate.

Alfie: If I was a girl, I'd be in to you.

Fatboy: You're peng man. I'd fancy the pants off you. :lol:

10-09-2012, 06:22
On TV: Tuesday 30th October

Poppy: I don't remember any of Jack the Ripper's victims being from round here

Fatboy: It's one of his lesser known crimes. Before he got X Factor standard famous, you get me? :D

10-09-2012, 11:52
Fatboy makes me roll onthe floor with laugher

17-05-2014, 01:55
On TV: Thursday 18th June

Phil: Since when did you know one end of an ironing board from another, eh?

Shirley: I'm full of surprises me.

04-01-2015, 23:06
is this still on bbc eastenders page