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Thread: Karl and Susan

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    Neighbours star Alan Fletcher has revealed that his character Karl Kennedy will soon be confronted with someone from his past.

    Fletcher explained that the new storyline will enable him to make more frequent trips to London, where is doing a pantomime later this year.

    Speaking on the Hawksbee and Jacobs show, Fletcher said: "Someone comes back into Karl's life very soon and as a result of that, he makes a commitment to visit London at least twice a year."

    There are no prizes for guessing who this person could be, with a recent picture showing a new addition to the portrait at the Kennedys' home, supporting the theory that Karl's daughter Holly might pay a visit.

    Holly is the result of Karl's relationship with Izzy Hoyland. Izzy was last seen in 2007, when she gave birth to Holly in episodes that saw some of the Neighbours cast visit London.

    Fletcher recently praised the ongoing changes to the show's set.

    Neighbours airs weekdays at 1.45pm and 5.30pm on Channel 5 in the UK, and weekdays at 6.30pm on Eleven in Australia.

  2. #12
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    so what age is holly meant to be?

  3. #13
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    born in 2007 she would be 6/7 now

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    born in 2007 she would be 6/7 now
    Wow, has it really been that long?! I suppose she is old enough to come and visit for a while and it would be good to see how they cope with it now that they're back together. Susan isn't the type to blame or want to be mean to a small child when it's not her fault, but it would be hard for her.
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  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    born in 2007 she would be 6/7 now
    Wow, has it really been that long?! I suppose she is old enough to come and visit for a while and it would be good to see how they cope with it now that they're back together. Susan isn't the type to blame or want to be mean to a small child when it's not her fault, but it would be hard for her.
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    'Neighbours' Jackie Woodburne: 'I want all of Karl and Susan's kids to return'

    It has been over 4,500 episodes since much-loved Neighbours couple Susan and Karl Kennedy turned up on Ramsay Street.

    Digital Spy recently chatted to Jackie Woodburne, who plays Susan, about her show highlights, her on-screen children and what is coming up next for the Kennedys.

    Did you ever imagine you would be in the show for this long when you first started?
    "I know, that is an extraordinary amount of episodes. We were talking about it today and realising how old we are! It is quite daunting. But of course, we came on the show initially for 12 months so anything above that was just a bit of a bonus really. It is a very long time."

    The show must have changed quite a bit since you started back in 1994. What would you say are the biggest changes?
    "Yes, I think the whole point in something like Neighbours is that it reflects what is happening in the world. Any family, or any neighbourhood, or any situation develops over 20 years, and so obviously 20 years' worth of change has occurred on the show. It has changed a lot."

    There have been lots of changes on Neighbours over the last year with new sets and new families. Is this exciting?
    "Yes! It's great. We have gone back to what is fundamentally Neighbours which is about small moments within families, so the fact that we have got two brand new families with varying ages of children on board, I think is great because it does take us back to the roots of the show which is to tell stories about normal people in their normal lives and how they interact with each other and kids growing up and how they relate to their parents. I think we have gone back to basics which is great."

    What has been your favourite storyline of Susan's so far?
    "I keep coming back to the Karl, Susan and Izzy love triangle because it was such a profound story for all three characters. I think for the viewers, it threw Karl and Susan into an area they have never explored before and to have the Izzy character on board, we all got to do things that our characters had never done before and they were just really great stories."

    What storyline would you say has been the most challenging?
    "Maybe the MS one - that was pretty challenging. A lot of care was taken to get the facts of the story right but at the same time we had to still be a drama and still tell engaging stories. It was trying to bridge that gap between a real situation and what would be a compelling dramatic situation. That was pretty challenging."

    Do you think we could see Susan's MS be revisited again?
    "Well, in a story that won't have aired over with you yet, Susan has had a very small relapse. It is a chronic condition and I think it will remain as a condition that does affect their day-to-day lives but in a fairly off-the-radar sort of way but occasionally it will really inform much bigger storylines."

    Could you give us any idea of what could be coming up for Susan and Karl storywise?
    "I think at the moment they have just been finding their groove again. Susan is back as principal at Erinsborough High and there are all the dramas associated with that and several other characters. But I think at the moment, they are just finding their groove. My hope is that, not too far away, we will get a couple of teenagers in the house again which always makes a good story. Karl and Susan have had so many wayward children come through those doors that I wouldn't be surprised to see some other ones waiting in the wings."

    They seem happy at the moment - could we see their marriage run into trouble again?
    "I hope not, I really hope not! I don't think Fletch (Karl) or I have got it in us anymore. We have been reunited two or three times now and I think and hope that they are on very solid ground these days. I suspect that they will be together quite solidly for some time."

    Do you prefer it when they are together or do you prefer them being apart?
    "It is funny because I think Alan and I prefer it when we are together because we have such a comfortable way to work together. We have a short-hand and we have a lot of fun. But obviously on the other hand, the stories that are the most dramatic and the most challenging are when they are separated and they have had long periods of separation where they have operated as single people very successfully. I think that the chemistry they have together is a lot of fun though."

    Why do you think Susan and Karl work so well as a couple?
    "I think their relationship is very much centred around the fact that they are best mates. I think anyone watching that can relate to it – whether it is your spouse or another kind of best mate – I think people recognise that deep connection with another human being and that is at their core really."

    Susan and Karl have become known for great comedy but also great drama. Do you have a preference between the two?
    "Fletch and I both enjoy the comedy very much and we will always try to find a moment or perhaps a little section of a scene that we can try and find a lighter side of. I think when the show works best it is that balance of the elevated drama and those lovely familiar moments of comedy and I think that is what the audience enjoys as well. We always try and find those comedy moments because I think we both just like having a laugh really."

    Benjamin McNair has returned for guest stints as Mal in recent years. Would you like to see Libby or Billy return as well?
    "Yes definitely – any of the kids! I would love to see them all come back. That would be great. A Kennedy family Christmas maybe – that would be a good story, wouldn't it? Anne and Billy have a few kids now. We Skype with them occasionally and we will begin a scene with us signing off, saying 'OK Billy, OK Anne, see you, bye', just to keep those connections alive. They have got the twins and I think they have got one other, so lots of grandchildren!"

    Karl's daughter Holly came and stayed with them earlier in the year. Could we see her again?
    "Wasn't she great?! She was the most adorable kid and she was so good. Occasionally you get child actors on the show and sometimes they struggle a bit or they are just trying a bit too hard, or it isn't instinctive to them, but that little girl, she was just fantastic. I think she captured that character so well – she even had a bit of an English accent going on. She was so sweet. It would be wonderful to have her back."

    What about Rachel and Zeke?
    "They are living in Europe at the moment in the story and again, we Skype them from time to time! They were both terrific and I think Caitlin, the actress that played Rachel, is doing an LA thing and I think Matthew (Zeke) is doing his acting back here in Australia, so perhaps they could return in the future. Who knows?"

    What do you hope the future holds for the Kennedys?
    "I enjoy Susan working at the school as principal. I like those stories and I like working with the kids – I think it's great. I think the Kennedy house really buzzes when there are some teenagers on board though so if we could have some kids in the house again, then that would be terrific. Otherwise, Karl and Susan can keep doing their older couple comedies. I think that would be fun too!"

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    'Neighbours' Alan Fletcher teases Kennedys' anniversary, future returns

    It has been over 4,500 episodes since the Kennedys turned up on Ramsay Street and 2014 will mark Karl and Susan's 20th anniversary on the show.

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Alan Fletcher, who plays Karl, to hear about how their anniversary might be marked and whether viewers can expect Izzy Hoyland to make a return in the future.

    It has been 4,500 episodes since you first started on the show. Did you ever imagine you would be in it for this long?
    "No, I was on a one-year contract and I thought that would be nice. Then they asked if I would like to do one more year and I thought 'Two years? Wow. I have never done two years on that same job before. That will be very cool'. And then before I knew it, it was 19 years!"

    What has been a highlight for you so far?
    "I think the biggest highlight has to be the marriages to Susan – I have had three of them now! One of them was obviously before we came onto the show, but there have been some amazing bust-ups and remarriages to Susan which have always been enormous fun to shoot because each one of them has been different. During one of the break-ups, they had counselling and I had to turn to Jackie, who plays Susan, and look her in the eye and say, 'I just don't love you anymore'. It was a really powerful thing to say and a really powerful scene to play as well. We were both sobbing away. It was an incredible moment and it will stick in my memory for the rest of my life because it was so powerful and so emotional."

    Do you find playing Karl a challenge still, or is it second nature to you now?
    "It is always a challenge and the minute it becomes easy, you know you have got some work to do. When you have played a character for a very long time, it is very easy to slip into bad habits and just give a surface performance, or a two-dimensional performance, almost as if you were playing a character of yourself. You have to be terribly careful to make sure you give as much as intensity, concentration and study into the scene I do today, as I did when I first arrived on the show. That is the biggest challenge."

    Karl can be very funny but he has also been involved in a lot of dramatic storylines over the years. Do you have a preference between the two?
    "My preference is that there is 48 weeks in the working year and I want 24 weeks of comedy and 24 weeks of drama - that would be my wish! The writers do help with that as well because often, I will go through a period of high drama and then suddenly some lovely comedy comes through and it makes the job so interesting because both comedy and drama require slightly different skills and require a slightly different touch."

    New addition to the portrait at the Kennedy house
    © Facebook / Neighbours
    New addition to the portrait at the Kennedy house.

    Next year will mark 20 years since Susan and Karl arrived in Ramsay Street. Will there be a big storyline for them to coincide with this?
    "I hope so! I can't imagine what it would be. Maybe this is the point we discover that Karl never actually qualified as a doctor? I am sure there will be a big story though. I would like to think that maybe some characters might come back from the past. I haven't spoken to the producers about it yet, in fact, I will take them out for lunch and make some suggestions. The head of our script department and our producer, Jason Herbison, is a person whose connection with Neighbours and his depth of knowledge about the show, is absolutely immense. His passion for the programme is extraordinary. I can't tell people what is going to happen for our 20th anniversary, but what I can say is that I know it will be full of Jason's incredible background and love of the Kennedys. I am sure it will be wonderful. "

    Can you tell us anything else about what could be coming up for Karl storywise?
    "Karl has got a few challenges coming up. His biggest challenge is probably dealing with Georgia. She has sort of a convoluted life as she took over his band, The Right Prescription, and Karl got pushed to the edge. Interestingly, Karl has taken on a very paternal, fatherly role towards Georgia which I think is a really nice fit, and he gets quite involved in her life. I can't actually discuss the details but there is a lovely contest that develops between Karl and Paul which has been a delight to play. Sheila becomes quite involved in that too and it has some great comedy as well as some good drama. We are just working on that story now so that might be one for early next year in the UK."

    Jackie Woodburne said that she hopes Karl and Susan don't split up again. Do you feel the same way?
    "Absolutely! I think we have worked the stories very well with them apart and breaking up and so forth, so I would love to see them stay together. That doesn't mean we can't do stories where their relationship is challenged but I don't think there would necessarily be much value in breaking them up. Certainly every marriage faces challenges and there is no reason why Karl and Susan's wouldn't. They have got such a wonderful fanbase and there are so many beautiful people who contact us through social media as well. I think it is gorgeous that so many people talk about Karl and Susan as 'Kusan' – it is a lovely name for the two of them!

    "That sort of connection with the fans is almost my favourite part of working on Neighbours. I spend a lot of time contacting fans and also meeting them like on the Neighbours bus tour and I love it. I think it is so important to get out and meet the people who love the show because we have such amazing connections through this programme and we don't have an audience when we make the programme, so it is fantastic to get out and actually have a sense of how much the show means to people."

    Would you like to see Mal, Libby or Billy return at some point?
    "Yes, it would be fantastic! Jessie (Billy) of course is having a fantastic career out in the United States. I saw him just the other night on Chicago Fire, so he is having a wonderful career out there. I see Benji (Mal) a lot, as well as Kym (Libby). Kym is actually quite busy looking after her daughter and she is very focused on that and being a mum. Benji has three beautiful children as well and so we do catch up. Benji has actually come and done quite a few guest stints and I would love it if he came back quite often."

    Karl's daughter Holly Hoyland came and stayed with them for a little bit, earlier this year. Could we see her again?
    "She was terrific! I can't guarantee what they are going to write but I can't imagine that they wouldn't utilise her again. She was fantastic and she just did such a great job and I think it is a terrific dynamic to have, that connection with Izzy and London. I loved doing that storyline – it was really good. Acting with the young actress playing Holly was so moving – she was so connected to the thoughts of the character she was playing. It was such a joy. "

    Are there any plans to bring Izzy back? Would that be something you would like to see?
    "That would be at the top of my wish list – I would love to see Izzy back. The beautiful Natalie Bassingthwaighte, who played her, is a great friend of mine and I see her all the time. Her life has been very focused on raising her family and of course, she works here on the X Factor as a judge. That programme is shown on another network to the one in which Neighbours is shown. So, at this stage there probably isn't a chance of Izzy coming back but it would be at the top of my wish list."

    Karl obviously has family in London. Would you like to film there again one day?
    "Yes! When Jackie and I came over and filmed there with Natalie, we had the best time. That was Karl and Susan's wedding and we filmed it on the Thames. It was freezing and we ran out of light. We also got up very early in those freezing conditions for Izzy to give birth. It was an extraordinary time but we just loved it. It was a terrific experience and I would love to do it again one day - we will see!"

    Lucinda Armstrong as Holly Hoyland in Neighbours
    © Channel 5

    Will we be seeing any more of Karl's band 'The Right Prescription' or has it come to the end of the road?
    "It is not quite at the end of the road yet! As a person who plays in a rock and roll band outside of Neighbours, it gave me an enormous sense of pleasure to play Karl's songs as he is obviously considered quite cheesy and silly. Hopefully 'The Right Prescription' will keep going. I know a lot of people talk about it as being a very fun part of Neighbours so I hope it doesn't disappear. I know it is back because there is a script over the next couple of weeks where something happens."

    Looking into the long-term, do you plan to still be in the show for its 30th anniversary in 2015?
    "I never make any plans about the future because who knows what the future holds but I would dearly love to be there for the 30th anniversary. I was there for the 20th and the 25th and the wonderful thing, particularly about the British audiences, is the way that when they find a show they love, they really look after it. Coronation Street is now 50 plus years and EastEnders has been going for a very long time and I think that is absolutely marvellous. The fact that they have stayed with Neighbours has been a blessing for us here in Australia and we are very grateful."

    What do you hope the future holds for Karl and Susan?
    "A lot of fun - I really hope there is a lot of fun! We just adore doing comedy together and I hope there is a lot of family love and connections to the past. Also an involvement with the younger actors on the street. We have some fantastic young actors on the show, so as much interaction with them as Jackie and I can get. Neighbours throws up a new challenge everyday and we are very grateful for that."
    Last edited by Perdita; 24-10-2013 at 05:27.

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    Neighbours legend Jackie Woodburne dropped by This Morning today (May 30) to send a message to the royal family.

    It was revealed last year that the Queen Mother and Princess Diana never missed an episode of the long-running Australian soap, and Jackie wanted to pass on her thanks and ensure a whole new generation of viewers.

    "I'm so pleased you watch the show. I hope you let your children watch the show as they grow up, that would be wonderful," she noted.

    Maybe what Jackie was really after was some powerhouse royal backing to help her character Susan Kennedy, after this week's dramatic episodes see Neighbours villain Finn Kelly take over as Acting Principal at Erinsborough High.

    Finn (Rob Mills) has been plotting to steal Susan's job for weeks now, recently tampering with her MS medication as part of his evil masterplan, but while he tells her he's only taking her job temporarily, she's uneasy about his intentions.

    Karl Kennedy comforts Susan at the hospital in Neighbours
    © CHANNEL 5

    This leads to Susan collapsing during a road trip with Paige Smith and Piper Willis this week which prevents her from helping Paige when she goes into labour out in the bush, not helped by Piper's broken leg.

    When it rains, it pours as they say.

    Digital Spy

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    ‘Neighbours’ Jackie Woodburne Reveals Finn Kelly Storyline Spoilers, And Explains Why Ricky Gervais Would Be The Perfect Addition To The Cast
    ‘Finn’s manipulating everyone around him.’

    Having racked up 22 years on Ramsay Street, Jackie Woodburne is ‘Neighbours’ longest-serving female star. During that time, her character, Susan Kennedy, has been through it all – assisting her mother’s suicide, an MS diagnosis and fostering various teenage waifs and strays, not to mention innumerable splits and reunions with her husband Karl.

    Her latest storyline has seen Susan go up against the manipulative Finn Kelly – an ambitious teacher at Erinsborough High who is going to extreme lengths to oust her as principal. The latest twist has seen him swap her MS medication for strong painkillers without her knowledge, in an attempt to steal her job. Things step up a gear after Susan is hospitalised this week, but just how will she prove that Finn is up to no good?

    As the plot heats up, we caught up with Jackie during a trip to the UK to find out more about what’s ahead for Susan and Finn, where Jackie also revealed what she would do if her on-screen husband were to quit the show, and explained why Ricky Gervais would be her perfect Neighbour.

    How serious are things going to get for Susan in the coming weeks?

    She is in absolute danger. When Paige has her baby and Doctor Karl comes to the rescue and she’s taken to hospital, there are very high levels of opiates in her bloodstream. She can’t believe she’s been taking strong painkillers without knowing, so who is putting it there? Elly thinks it is Finn and Susan is now starting to believe there is something in her theory. She’s been reluctant to take Elly at face value given their history, but she realises something is going on there. Meanwhile, it gets worse when Susan comes back to school as she’s been diminished in front of the kids, the educations department, so Finn is appointed acting principal and she is told to take some time off.

    Could we really see her ousted as principal?

    Absolutely, yes. Finn’s in there manipulating everyone around him. He starts an MS fundraiser, which is a lovely, kind thing to do, but it shines a light on the fact the principal has health issues that could impact on her ability to do the job.

    You won huge praise for the MS storyline 10 years ago – are you pleased to be revisiting Susan’s health problems?

    It is. They didn’t lean too heavily on the MS because it was meant to be a possibility. It’s more about Finn’s manipulation of the situation and him taking his moment and work it to his advantage. At the same time, he’s trying to woo Elly and convince her he’s not the man she thinks he is. She’s lonely and vulnerable and she could be maneuvered.

    We’ve seen a dark side to him in an argument they had – is that going to be explored more in their dynamic?

    Elly is very mindful of the fact he has that anger in him. He is capable of violence and all kinds of things. He’s very clever, because on top of that he’s very charming, good looking and you want to like him and believe what he’s saying. He’s a really great sociopath.

    He’s also groomed Xanthe and it’s quite a dark storyline for ‘Neighbours’, given its G classification in Australia…

    It works so well because Xanthe is such a sweet, innocent girl. She is someone who could be groomed and manipulated because she is so trusting. She will be devastated when she finds out about Finn because he’s convinced her he has a life-threatening illness but doesn’t want anyone to know. But being a good little Cinderella, she wants to look after him. He convinces her to go away with him and it’s quite dangerous. We trod a very fine line of what we could show and what we couldn’t, and what we could imply with our young audience, and I think they’ve done it really well.

    If Susan is forced out as principal, what would you like to see her do next?

    Well, it’s Erinsborough and she did become a newspaper editor with absolutely no experience. Every journalist I know wants to know how she did that! But she was keen, a quick learner and she is an English teacher so she could spell! I’d like to see her in a power role. I love doing stuff with Stefan Dennis (who plays Paul Robinson) so maybe something with him, because they have this grudging respect for each other, which we really enjoy playing.

    Finn is the latest in a long line of arch enemies for Susan, but how does he compare to the likes of Sarah Beaumont and Izzy Hoyland?

    The stakes are different. With those two, it was her marriage and her life. It undercut everything she saw herself as – a wife, a partner, a mother. It hits you in your self-esteem about your appearance and your personality. With Finn, it’s her professional self. You would maybe try and come back from it from a more pragmatic place. Susan is a bit of a ninja, which has been a good plot device, as she has got to play him and hold her cards close to her chest.

    Susan and Karl have split up numerous times in the 22 years you’ve been on Ramsay Street but are they together for good now?

    I hope so! There will be ups and downs obviously, but I hope they keep us together. I think they’re at this stage in their lives where the scales have fallen from their eyes, certainly for Susan. She knows who this man is and she loves him anyway. They absolutely get each other and love each other, warts and all. They’re still very attracted to each other, as we know from the infamous blue box. The crew have a lot of fun with that blue box. I can’t tell you the stories as they’re pretty X-rated. Fletch (Alan Fletcher, who plays Karl) and I love doing old people comedy sex stuff. We love, love, love it! Dressing up as naughty nurses and dirty doctors. When people talk to us about stories, that’s what fans remember. We actually have a delicious one coming up off the back off this very dramatic story. They go away for a couple of weeks, but there’s a beautifully funny story they come back with. We could barely get through it for laughing when we shot it

    Is the mixture of comedy and drama the secret to the show’s success?

    I think so. We all pipe up when it’s been too long without a few laughs. You have to give light and shade and give people a laugh. All the characters have a sense of humour.

    Have you and Alan ever discussed what would happen if one of you decided to quit? Do you have some sort of pact?

    We’re very much of the thought of ‘do what’s right for you’. We’ve been together now almost 23 years and we both still enjoy the show and we both plan to stay on well into the future. I don’t think we’re going anywhere, but if one of us said to the other, ‘mate, I think I’m done’, the other would just say, ‘do whatever is right for you’.

    Could you be there in 22 years time still?

    Could you imagine! There would be walking frame sex stories. It would be quite horrific.

    One storyline that really got fans talking was the Dee Bliss storyline (it saw Toadie Rebecchi’s dead wife return 14 years after being killed on their wedding day, only for it to be revealed she was actually a con artist called Andrea Somers). What was your initial reaction reaction when they set it out?

    If you said your dead wife who you drove off a cliff with her blonde hair flying out the window, who was killed and we all mourned, was coming back, we’d all go ‘seriously, how are we going to sell that?’. I was like, right ok, but what those writers did was extraordinary, plus then the performances from Eve Morey (Sonya), Ryan Moloney (Toadie) and Madeline West (Dee/Andrea). Eve is one of the best actors in the world - she is phenomenal, and the other two absolutely matched her. Those of us working on the show, we see it everyday, but to see them step up and sustain that for 12 weeks… Incredible.

    Andrea is still out there somewhere. Could we see her return to Ramsay Street?

    Why not! Anything is possible. It has happened before… This is what makes me proud of the show. Yes, it’s a soap and reality is heightened, but it’s anchored in truthful performances from some bloody good actors.

    What do you think happened to the real Dee? Is she still dead?

    Maybe not… Harold survived. He managed to tread water all the way to Tasmania all those years later…

    Toadie and Sonya are currently separated after he cheated on her with Fake Dee – will they get back together?

    The weight of it has been helped by the fact the audience has known them for so long as a great couple who they love. Break it and people will care. Where they are now, it’s about regaining trust for Sonya, and for Toadie, it’s about clawing his way back in.

    We’ve seen the addiction side of her history come to the fore recently – will she bounce back from it?

    It will go on for a little while, but ultimately she will get her stuff together again, like she has in the past. She is an addict, but when she came to Ramsay Street, she had it together and she will again.

    Have you got a favourite storyline from your entire time on the show?

    The MS stuff I was really happy with the way that played out because a lot of people worked really hard. We wanted to get it right and not just be a soap version of someone being diagnosed with MS. It is a drama and we have to tell stories in a dramatic way, but we were authentic at the same time.

    Have there ever been plots you’ve disagreed with?

    Yes, the affair with the priest I struggled with a little bit because I thought it was a bit yuck. When they told me about that story, it just had a high yuck factor for me personally as I think there was a lot going on in the Catholic church at the time. And yet it was a really popular story.

    Are you all vocal in feeding that back to the bosses?

    Absolutely. They are great and will say ‘this is the story we’ve got coming. What do you think Susan’s reaction would be to that?’. They’re great about input and they’re very welcoming of it.

    The Kennedys have got their grandson Ben living with them at the moment – is there any chance of a return for his mum and their daughter Libby?

    I’d love to have any of the Kennedy kids back. There’s no chance with Jesse Spencer because he’s being a big TV star in the US. I love it when Malcom comes back, and Kym (who played Libby) was back in 2014 and it would be fantastic to have her return. I’d love to have the step kids, Zeke and Rachel Kinski, back too. Caitlyn Stasey is a ripper little actress but I think she’s living in LA now with a lot of other ex-neighbours.

    Just like Margot Robbie…

    She’s taking over the universe, as she should! She is ruling the world. She is the best girl, and with her, it was not a case of if, but when, because she could do it all.

    Neighbours’ holds such a special place in the UK’s heart, but were you surprised by the uproar when it was reported it could be leaving our screens? (Channel 5 are since said to have renewed their deal to air the show)

    Of course. You think there would be a bit of tweeting and a bit of stuff on Instagram, but huge responses like that, that was fantastic.

    And even Adele got involved!

    I know! She came to the Street. She didn’t let anybody know she was coming, but she took a picture outside the Kennedy house and Instagrammed it. Our publicity team flew into a frenzy and we all went down, but she’d long gone. We posted a little tribute online straight away, but it was extraordinary.

    Who is your dream Neighbour who you’d like to see move onto the Street?

    Ricky Gervais. I think he would shake it up brilliantly. But I imagine he would be looking at it like, ‘What’s she doing here? She’s meant to be dead!’ He would dissect it very well.

    ‘Neighbours’ airs weekdays at 1.45pm and 5.30pm on Channel 5.

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    Aug 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanked: 7707
    Digital Spy article:

    Neighbours is setting up a dramatic life-threatening storyline for Dr Karl Kennedy.

    Say it ain't so!

    Neighbours is going to be putting Dr Karl Kennedy's life in danger when he returns from London in an upcoming storyline.

    Takaya Honda, who plays David Tanaka, has revealed the shock storyline to Metro and explained that Dr Karl (Alan Fletcher) will be struck down with a life-threatening case of DVT (deep vein thrombosis) following his long flight.

    "It's a really really full on storyline for Neighbours at large. It's Dr Karl! He's in a very serious situation," Honda outlined.

    "The condition he has is very serious and it's great again that Neighbours is exploring this thing that isn't really talked about. It is kind of technical, the whole DVT situation. It can transgress into very serious things."

    The storyline will see David have to step up and help save his mentor's life and will see his standing in the hospital develop, but don't expect to see him overtake the legend that is Dr Karl anytime soon.

    "David could never replace Dr Karl Kennedy, and his run is not at the end by any means, but even if it were he's an irreplaceable character in that sense," Honda added.

    "David could never replace Dr Karl, but I guess there will be a change of guard at some point. David is a very competent doctor and anything he has thrown his way he's ready for."

    Earlier this month, Honda revealed to Digital Spy that he'd like the show to air a gay wedding storyline soon, after Australia's first same-sex marriages in late 2017.

    "Whether that's a David and Aaron wedding, or whether it's somebody else. I'm really hoping Neighbours gets the opportunity," he noted.

    Neighbours airs weekdays at 1.45pm and 5.30pm on Channel 5.

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