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Thread: Jane Beale (Laurie Brett)

  1. #21
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    is this supposed to be one of eastenders famous 'comedy storylines' cos i cant really see where this is going ..
    Happy New Year SoapBoards!

  2. #22
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    Exclamation Jane Beale (Laurie Brett)

    EastEnders reintroduces Jane Beale with a bang next week as she returns to Walford with the news that Bobby is missing.

    Jane drops the bombshell on her ex-husband Ian as she turns up on the Square unexpectedly.

    Although Bobby is later found safe and well, it's clear that he has been struggling much more than Jane thought when he is caught with a folder full of press cuttings about Lucy's murder.

    Here, Laurie Brett - who plays Jane - chats about her return to EastEnders and why her character is here to stay.

    What is Jane's mood like when she returns?
    "Jane is frantic because Bobby has gone missing. She is all the way up in Birmingham and he has pretended that he is emailing Ian in London, so she assumes that her little boy is up in London somewhere."

    When Bobby is finally found, we discover that he's been trying to investigate Lucy's murder himself! Why is he so fixated on it?
    "It's not elaborated on, but I tried to play it as a fault of Jane's. She took Bobby away when the funeral was going on because Ian was in such a bad place. She has always felt bad about taking him, even though he is her adoptive son. When they find a folder with press cuttings that Bobby has been gathering, Jane admits that Bobby tried to talk to her about the murder but she wasn't ready.

    "Jane just thought Bobby was busy playing on his Xbox, but he was collaborating the evidence and getting obsessive. She feels highly responsible for that and his angst. Bobby is also being bullied quite badly in Birmingham, because of being the brother of a murdered woman. So all of that is Jane's doing, really, even though she took him away for the best intentions."

    A frantic Jane tells Ian that Bobby is missing
    © BBC
    A frantic Jane tells Ian that Bobby is missing

    What kind of relationship has Jane had with Ian while she's been away?
    "Since Jane left from the funeral, they have kept in contact off screen because of Bobby. That's as two separated people who have a child - nothing else going on."

    What are Jane's feelings for Ian?
    "I think they never stopped loving each other, but there was too much water under the bridge for stuff to be fixed. I've been there myself - you love somebody but just too much stuff has happened and you can't get past that. It was always circumstantial what happened with them, apart from her sleeping with Grant - she was pushed to that!

    "It has never gone away. Even Jane and Ian sleeping together through grief earlier this year wouldn't have happened if there weren't feelings there. I don't think their feelings for each other are light, they are quite deep."

    Jane is also involved when Lucy's missing purse and phone are dug up by Denise next week. How does she feel about that?
    "It's a minefield. Jane is going to stay, so obviously she is involved in all of that. It is something highly significant and they don't know what to do about it all."

    Denise shows Ian and Jane Lucy's belongings
    © BBC
    Denise shows Ian and Jane Lucy's belongings

    Where does Jane live when she returns?
    "The Beales' place of course! At this point Jane is not working. She has decided to come back and look for somewhere to live with her and Bobby nearby. Jane and Ian do have a row, where Jane ends up telling him that she knows about Rainie. She tells Ian that if he thinks she is going to come back and sleep with him, he is sick! She storms off to have a word with Sharon, but Phil is there instead.

    "Jane and Phil end up sitting down and having a chat. As much as they have had their ups and downs, Phil and Jane have always strangely understood each other. Phil says, 'Don't be a hypocrite. I have two words for you - my brother. Why are you here if you don't feel anything?'

    "Phil is the one who asks the straight questions - why is she there if she doesn't care? After that, Jane decides to plot there at the Beales' while she finds somewhere, but she is not in Ian's bed."

    What kind of dynamic can we expect between Jane and Masood?
    "Jane goes and confides in Masood and he says she can stay with him, but he's quite playful. They have always been friends but Jane is like, 'No, naughty!' There is always something sweet and attractive about them, but it was always the Butterflies story that was supposed to go on - I felt it was a shame to make it something more. It should have been two people that sit in the park and talk. I would love to see that come back."

    Will Jane still have friendships on the Square?
    "Jane has always had semi-relationships with people on the Square because of working in the caff. I have said before that Jane is every woman with the two kids and feckless husband - I know many of them. She was always with Tanya and I miss that - on the lash to Bananarama! Maybe there is scope to have friendships. She has known Sharon since 2004 when she came in and also Sonia historically - she helped her get her daughter back, so perhaps we will explore that."

    Bobby returns home to a delighted Ian and Jane
    © BBC
    Bobby returns home to a delighted Ian and Jane

    How do you feel about the recent short odds on Jane being Lucy's killer?
    "I was quite excited. I have no idea why she would do it, but even though she is motiveless, if it is something that has gone wrong then anybody is possible to have done that. If it is Jane I can't wait to see how it came to be her. At the stage we are filming at, it could be any of us really. [Executive producer] Dominic always said when it is revealed everyone will go 'Ah', so yes it could be me."

    Who is your money on?
    "Four or five people. I have stopped trying to work it out. Adam on the other hand has not! With the things we are finding out, you think one thing and then think another."

    How do you feel about the show's upcoming live week?
    "Terrified. I have not done theatre for over 10 years. With the 25th anniversary live episode I only had a tiny bit, but sometimes that is worse - you are waiting for your bit and thinking 'What if you screw it up?' If I have a bit more this time it will be terrifying, but really exciting. I just hope I don't bump into the furniture and swear!"

    What's it been like to work with Adam again?
    "We bounce off each other so easily. We had that from my screen test - it just clicks and I know what he is going to do. It is quite a one-off working relationship. Adam makes it easy and is such a generous actor - he doesn't ever hog the camera. My mum used to say when I first started the show, 'They must really like you in EastEnders because they keep ending scenes on you.' I'd say, 'That is because Adam walks away so they have to!'

    "We love doing the emotional stuff. We love doing the stuff that almost borders on sitcom, throwaway scenes that are family life. We are campaigning at the moment to have the thermostat reinstalled in the living room, as he would walk in and turn it down and Jane would walk in and turn it up. Nobody would notice that but it happens in my house. Little things like that make it real.

    "That's what makes people believe you are a real family - that's what makes a viewer invest and that's what makes it kitchen sink drama."

    How does it feel to be back?
    "It feels like I have never been away. I started on September 8 and the first week was a shock. It is lovely because everybody was pleased to see me I think, and it is nice to be back in London."

    Will you stay on the show?
    "Even if I am the murderer, nobody said that I can't stay. I don't think I will be going anywhere in the next year or two and I know there is quite a lot of stuff ahead."

  3. #23
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    Will Jane and Ian now try and get Beth back as Cindy is gone?

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by tammyy2j View Post
    Will Jane and Ian now try and get Beth back as Cindy is gone?
    I'm not sure they can. I think Cindy officially gave Beth to her dad and his family, all legal and everything. So Ian and Jane wouldn't be able to get her unless they went to court and everything.

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    tammyy2j (18-08-2015)

  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by storyseeker1 View Post
    I'm not sure they can. I think Cindy officially gave Beth to her dad and his family, all legal and everything. So Ian and Jane wouldn't be able to get her unless they went to court and everything.
    I didn't know it was all made legal I thought it was just a hand over

  7. #26
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    I don't think there was any legal arrangement. It all seemed amicable between Jane and Terry. TJ is named on the birth certificate as the father if I recall. They would have just told the social worker that Cindy had decided to allow the child to live with her biological father and his family instead. They may have visited to check how they were getting on but presumably found no cause for concern.

    Jane and Ian could go to court if they wanted but they wouldn't get anywhere, unless TJ and Terry were eliminated viable as options to care for Beth. Ian and Jane are of no relation to Beth and have no legal claim to Cindy. If Peter were there, as a biological relative of the mother then their case would be a bit stronger, but the court would still likely see no reason to remove Beth from the care of her father and grandfather where she is settled (Tiffany and Rosie are almost teenagers so although it's a busy house, I doubt that Beth would not be getting the attention she needs.)

    TJ and Terry could of course decide to hand her back, but their chances legally unless there has been a change of circumstances at the Spraggan's end are nil.
    Last edited by Kim; 18-08-2015 at 12:58.

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  9. #27
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    EastEnders star Laurie Brett has defended her character's role in covering up her step-daughter Lucy's murder, arguing that Jane wouldn't say she "dumped" Lucy's body.

    Lucy's death on Good Friday last year sparked a huge murder mystery storyline before her half-brother Bobby was eventually revealed as the culprit.

    However, Jane has had a vital role in covering up the crime, starting with her decision to leave Lucy on the Walford Common in a bid to protect Bobby from what he had done.

    Speaking about the response since the reveal, Brett said: "I've had a brilliant reaction! You can say that she dumped her on the common but Jane would not say that.

    "Jane would say that she 'lay her down' on the common and it was a whole different ball game for her. She didn't just drag her and slam her in the middle of a pavement. She didn't do a good thing but she tried to do it in the gentlest way possible.

    "I think a lot of people are enjoying the darker side to Jane and I think she's a bit more interesting. The response has been pretty good."

    Phil wants to call the police over Bobby
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    Phil wants to call the police over Bobby

    With Jane willing to go to any lengths to prevent Bobby from knowing the truth, Brett has admitted that she isn't sure what the long-term future holds for the Beale family.

    She said: "When Dominic Treadwell-Collins asked me to come back and do this storyline, he said it would change Walford's original family forever. You can never really go back to playing half sitcom for a long, long time after this.

    "To be fair, they haven't just tried to forget what's happened. They said the Bobby reveal would be just the start of the story and I think they've been very true to that.

    "Where do they go from here? I do know quite a bit! We're not going to be playing Mary Poppins for a while, that's for sure - and rightly so. For people who have had trauma, there is a massive aftermath and years and years of recovery from it.

    "It hasn't made Ian and Jane crack yet which is a good thing. At the moment they are calling me Lady McBeal as in Macbeth, and it is quite Shakespearean. True to a relationship, one person is strong, the other person's weak. Where it goes long term, I don't know."


  10. #28
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    When is Jane Beale going to leave again? She is dreadful, so false unable to be any other emotion but troubled, what the hell Ian sees in her, is a total mystery to m
    We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged
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  11. #29
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    EastEnders star Laurie Brett has revealed that her character Jane Beale is frightened for her troubled son Bobby.

    Jane covered for Bobby after he killed his half sister Lucy last year but his volatile behaviour has become a cause of concern ever since.

    Upcoming episodes will see Bobby strike again when he pushes Jane down the stairs amid a row over him swapping rooms, and she will start to realise that his temper could be part of a bigger problem next week.

    Brett said: "They get into a bit of a struggle with the box of things and he just snaps. It's just unfortunate Jane was at the top of the stairs at this point - I don't think he intentionally pushed her down."

    ​Bobby and Jane fight over a box at the top of the stairs​
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    "I think she's in shock and a little bit frightened. His face just before he did wasn't quite right. It's not that Jane is just realising there might be something wrong with Bobby, I think she's just always been in denial. I think it's getting to a point where she can't ignore it anymore."

    While a distressed Jane remains in turmoil over what to do about her son's terrible behaviour, she makes an ally in the form of her mother-in-law Kathy, who is keen for her to address Bobby's anger issues

    "Kathy telling her there's something wrong with Bobby is just something Jane doesn't want to hear. She's been in denial for a very long time, it's not a revelation for her. This is someone who doesn't want to think of her son in that way."

    Kathy is shocked when Bobby tells her that Jane is hurt
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    Brett continued: "I don't think Jane is scared of Bobby, I think she's scared for him. I think she's frightened about what she's done and what the consequences of her actions were when she covered for him. This is where she starts to think 'maybe there is something wrong with our son'."

    Speculating on whether Bobby could kill again, Brett teased: "I'm pretty sure Bobby is quite damaged and I think there may be things coming up in the future that will be hard on him … but who knows how he'll react.Watch this space!"

    Brett has also previously suggested that Bobby might be aware that he killed Lucy.

    EastEnders will air Bobby and Jane's big row on Friday, December 4 at 8pm on BBC One.

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    Rear window (01-12-2015)

  13. #30
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    Why didn't Ian or Kathy take her to hospital or a doctor's clinic, she could have serious injuries from the fall, does she die?

  14. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to tammyy2j For This Useful Post:

    maidmarian (08-12-2015), Rear window (08-12-2015)

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