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Thread: Brendan Brady (Emmett J. Scanlan)

  1. #11
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    Hollyoaks bad boy Brendan Brady remains one of soapland's most talked-about characters. Most recently, fans have seen the club owner fail to win back on-off lover Ste Hay (Kieron Richardson) and develop a new bond with mysterious Walker (Neil Newbon).

    With a big few months ahead for Brendan and a post-watershed outing in Hollyoaks Later on the way, Digital Spy recently caught up with Emmett Scanlan for a chat about his popular alter ego and his other recent projects.

    Now that Ste and Doug are together, do you think there's any hope for the future where Ste and Brendan are concerned?
    "I think there's a lot of fire and a lot of passion where Steven and Brendan are concerned. As I've said before, nobody plays with Brendan's toys without his permission. I could be wrong, but I can only talk as far as Brendan is concerned at the moment, and I can't really see anybody getting in the way of Brendan and Steven.

    "I think that if anyone is going to mess things up between Brendan and Steven, it'll be Brendan - it won't be Douglas. I can see a future for Steven and Brendan, I just don't know if it's a bright one!"

    There's been a lot of discussion online about whether a reunion for Brendan and Ste would condone domestic violence. Do you have any thoughts on this?
    "I think if people enjoy the 'Stendan' thing, they're interested in the tormented souls of two people. We're definitely not condoning domestic violence in any way, shape or form.

    "The only way I can talk about Brendan is coming from a non-judgemental point of view. I know that the way he goes about things is wrong and unacceptable, but for him it's just normal. It's just a different kind of love.

    "I'm hoping that people who like 'Stendan' are holding out some hope that maybe Brendan can change, because he's a tortured soul and people always have hope for a happy ending. They're not hoping for more violence, they're not hoping for Brendan to beat up Steven - they're hoping for that happy ending. What I love about the 'Stendan' fans is that there's a hope that this guy can change."

    What do you make of the huge reaction to the Ste, Brendan and Doug love triangle?
    "Well, I know that they've had a vote on E4 which has had nearly 80,000 votes of who's in favour of what! I'm totally thrilled and humbled by the reaction. For me, it doesn't matter whether the reaction is positive or negative - so long as it evokes some emotion. That's why we invest our time into TV shows, because we want to be saturated with storylines which give more questions than answers.

    "I've lucky to have been put in a storyline like this, because it's so controversial but yet real. They allowed the love between Steven and Brendan to evolve and people can see that it is real love - it's just tainted with various things. People have really invested a lot of time into it as well - the writers have, the crew have and the cast have. To be part of something that is controversial and thought-provoking is a great thing to have as an actor."

    What can we expect from you in Hollyoaks Later this year?
    "I won't spoil the storyline, because ultimately I want it to be a surprise. The last time that I was in a late-night episode was in King of Hearts, which was a great thing to be part of. And then to be asked to be part of Later this year was just fantastic. I'm very pleased to be involved, as something that I've always wanted is for Brendan Brady to be in a 10pm show where there is no censorship and no emasculating of any scenes.

    "If you slap Brendan Brady in a late-night show, knowing the person that he is, then you can forget about censorship - it's going to be him full-on. Brendan is going to change dramatically in the next few months, coming up to September when Hollyoaks Later is on. Episodes four and five of Later, from what I've read in the scripts, catapult the character into actions that you just wouldn't expect. I could be wrong, but I don't think it's been done on Hollyoaks before - I don't think it's been this graphic.

    "In Later this year, you've got myself, you've got Walker, you've got Joel and you've got Cheryl. It's going to be a massive, massive storyline which is just going to escalate. I was sitting on a train to London when I read the script for the last episode. When I read the last scene, I just said, 'Yep, this is the way it should be'. So long as they keep that going, then I'm a happy guy. I think it's going to be hard-hitting, right in your face."

    What's going on between Brendan and Walker? The kiss we've just seen shocked everyone…
    "Walker was in Brendan's life when he was in prison and helped him out. He came over and the criminal code is 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth', so Brendan paid him back. He then realised that Walker could be of more use and help him to play his game. Brendan likes a challenge and he likes to be unpredictable, so regardless of anything, he gets turned on by Walker's alpha male status.

    "When Walker told Brendan that he was like him this week, Brendan - like any child - wanted to play with his toy, pushed him against the wall and said, 'Nah, mate - you ain't like me, I'm like me!' He schools the new resident bad boy on how to be bad.

    "But there's a lot more twists and turns with these guys. A lot more stuff is going to happen and hit the fan. We've got a lot of good stuff coming up. Walker is a fascinating character, and Neil Newbon - who plays him - is a beautiful person. We get on very well and it's a pleasure to act with him, because he's an incredibly generous actor."

    Brendan fans seem very keen to meet his father, or other members of his family. Would you like Brendan's background to be explored?
    "There might be more Bradys in Hollyoaks Later. I do think it's important to introduce Brendan and Cheryl's family, whether it's the mother, the father or the grandmother - it doesn't matter which one. You can tell more about a character when you meet their family.

    "When I first arrived, they were bringing in various characters from Brendan's past. But to get to the core and the root of who Brendan is - and why he is the way he is - you have to get to his family."

    You recently filmed The Fall for the BBC. What was that experience like?
    "Superb! It was filmed in Belfast with actors like John Lynch, Simon Delaney and Gillian Anderson - actors that I've watched on TV for a long time and who always do thought-provoking projects. To be sitting at a table with these guys and working with them with beautiful, beautiful scripts was just a dream.

    "My role in it is a small part - well, there's no such thing as a small part, it's what you do with it. I play DC Glen Martin, who's part of a detective force with Gillian Anderson, hunting down a serial killer. During filming, I was flying back and forth to do Hollyoaks - being hunted myself as a sociopath.

    "Hollyoaks were totally selfless and accommodating in allowing me to do the show. None of this would have happened without their blessing. I said that I'd do whatever it took to make it work, and I think I worked out that I did 14 flights in 11 days at one point!"

    How does Glen Martin compare to Brendan?
    "I had to keep the 'tache for continuity purposes with Hollyoaks, but I had my hair brushed over to the side and I wanted to give it that Mad Men, '50s kind of style. He's a little bit better-spoken than Brendan and he's definitely nicer than Brendan.

    "You'd go out drinking with DC Glen Martin because he's a player - he's cocky but he's ultimately a good guy and he really wants to catch the bad guy. And then you have Brendan, who's the kind of guy you'd buy a drink for at the bar just to give you time to run out of the club!"

    Your film Charlie Casanova had a big reaction when it was released a few weeks back. Were you pleased with the response?
    "Absolutely. It's ultimately about being part of a storyline that provokes a visceral reaction. You want to make people think and you want to make people fight for your character, fight for their beliefs or fight for whatever it evokes in them. The film got anywhere from no stars to five stars - anything from, 'I absolutely hate this movie with every fibre of my being' to 'This is the best thing that I've seen all year'.

    "We knew that it was a divisive movie and we knew that it would split audiences. We knew that it wasn't a 'happy ever after' type of story and we knew that it wasn't your big blockbuster. It's an indie movie which was later released in cinemas across Ireland and in London once Studio Canal came on board, so regardless of any critique, I'm proud of what I've seen, the journey that we went on and how far we got.

    "Before the cinema release, Charlie Casanova was picking up awards all over the world - in Paris, Orlando, England, everywhere. It wasn't until it hit cinemas that a couple of Irish journalists tore it to pieces, but it really, really has no effect on me. I think it'll be a success when it goes out onto DVD. I think it's definitely a film that you'd pay £4.50 to watch on DVD at home with your missus or your boyfriend. Hopefully it will spark some debate."

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    'Hollyoaks': Emmett Scanlan talks Ste, Brendan reunion and future

    It's been a long wait, but this week fans of Hollyoaks duo Brendan Brady and Ste Hay finally got the moment they'd been hoping for as the pair reunited.

    Just when it seemed that Ste (Kieron Richardson) was about to commit to a future in New York with husband Doug Carter, he finally came to terms with what he really wanted and headed over to Dublin to get back with Brendan.

    To hear what the future might hold for the couple, Digital Spy recently caught up with Emmett Scanlan - who plays Brendan - for his first full interview about the 'Stendan' reunion and the next big challenge for his character.

    Are you pleased that Brendan and Ste have finally reunited?
    "I think it was needed, as there hadn't been any closure in the relationship. The public and the 'Stendan' fans out there had been waiting for it, and this company listens to its public and its audience. We had no idea when this adventure started that it would become such a cult relationship.

    "There was a lot of unfinished business between Brendan and Steven - a lot of anger and a lot of unresolved issues. They've been loving each other from a distance.

    "In order to be able to live with Steven, Brendan needed to be able to live with himself. He wasn't able to do that for a long time, so I think it was important for this to come along and for us to take the storyline full circle. Now we can hopefully see what it'd be like for these two characters to live together in complete acceptance of each other and who they are."

    How did you feel about filming the episodes in Dublin?
    "Well, I know that the reunion was a long time in the planning, and when I found out that the episodes would be in Dublin, it was extraordinarily exciting for me. To be able to go off set and on location to my home country and home city was great. It was an honour to be able to take Kieron and James [Sutton] there along with the crew and the director. Then when I was watching the episodes, to see those aerial shots of my city was a very proud moment.

    "I really hope we did it justice and that we paid the fans back for their unflinching loyalty. The fans stood by the couple through anything, regardless of any shortcomings of the characters. Myself and Kieron had a great time filming it and we had quite a few laughs.

    "It was definitely needed, because there had been too many questions left unanswered with these guys. If one character was to eventually leave and there had been no answers with the Brendan and Steven relationship, I think that would have been awfully frustrating. I know it would have been for me, anyway. I need to explore these different avenues with my character."

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    Did you have any free time in Dublin or was the filming schedule too busy?
    "What I did do was organise a club for everyone on the last night with a free bar. But filming in Dublin was also an opportunity to get home and have my daughter Kayla with me. She stayed with me for the whole four days that we were filming and was helping out behind the scenes, working on continuity and was even calling 'action' on a couple of takes!

    "Kayla really got involved and everyone was so, so beautiful to her. She's a wonderful girl and everyone made her feel welcome. I think she was even a passing extra in one of the scenes.

    "So my time in Dublin wasn't just to spur on the Brendan and Steven storyline and bring it to a new realm of excitement - it was also a chance to touch base with my family. I don't get enough days like that, so I latched onto that and grabbed it with both hands."

    There's been a big change in Brendan this year. What would you say was the turning point to bring about that change?
    "The main turning point was he realised that he wasn't infallible and invincible after all. He realised that he cared so much for Steven, even if that meant letting him go. He also cared so much for his sister, even if that meant going to counselling.

    "When Brendan lost his family, his sister and his lover, he was left on his own with an empire of dirt and he realised certain things weren't so important - he wasn't happy and he needed to make a change. The life-or-death drama with Walker was another factor that helped him to turn around and be the man he always wanted to be.

    "You think Brendan is going to get there now, you really do - and that's what I like about Brendan, there's always hope. But the devil himself has yet to appear in the form of Papa Brady…"

    © WENN

    Can Brendan and Ste have a normal and happy relationship?
    "Brendan is going to try to be the boyfriend he could never be to Steven, and he's not going to shy away. He's not going to hold hands and walk down the street, but he's not going to hide away either. If that means looking after Steven and being a father to Leah and Lucas, then it's something that Brendan can do. He was a terrible husband, but he tries to be a good dad.

    "Brendan has got heart and I think that is what's important for any likeable villain - they need heart, vulnerability and to be flawed. There needs to be hope, too. I think there is hope for Brendan and we're only going to find out in the upcoming months whether it's all going to be in vain or not."

    Are you enjoying working with the two child actors who play Leah and Lucas?
    "Yeah, as a father myself, I do like working with kids. The kids are fine and they're great little actors. You've got Ella-May and Reuben playing Leah and Lucas, and the two of them just watch and drink up everything that's happening so the reaction is pure. It's a great gift to have at that age - Drew Barrymore had that aged 6 on ET and she stole the show.

    "It can be frustrating at times for me because I'm in such high intensity scenes, and then cut to the next scene and I could be making a bug motel with Leah! It's difficult to go back and forth in that way, but that's the life of Brendan, really."

    Brendan's traumatic history with his father is very dark territory. Is it tricky to do it justice at 6.30pm?
    "I think we can do it justice. Let's make no mistake, we've done so much dark stuff anyway with the domestic abuse, the Danny Houston murder, and many more storylines. A lot of it has been implied rather than being shown because it's a 6.30 show, so you have to use your imagination. Will they be able to do it justice? Well, Hollyoaks have been doing it justice for 17 years, so I'm sure they will.

    "The guy who plays my dad, Fintan McKeown, it's like we've known each other for all of our lives. We're bouncing off each other like osmosis and taking on each other's characteristics on a subconscious level without even knowing it. When Brendan, Cheryl, Seamus and even Steven are on set doing a scene, it's very awkward and tense. There's a strange weirdness about it.

    "The character of Seamus Brady has been a huge character in Hollyoaks for the last two and a half years, and he's never once stepped into the village. He's always been on the periphery, but now you've got a face to the name and all that history to draw on, so you put all these guys into a scene and it gets dark."

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    Is Brendan still scared of his father?
    "Absolutely - it goes without saying. When you have a circus elephant and you tie the rope around this little baby elephant's leg, he can't break the rope and he can't get away. He grows up to be a massive elephant and he could easily walk away and snap that rope in two, but he's conditioned into thinking that he can't break it, so he can't even try. It's that kind of analogy.

    "Brendan is still the 8-year-old child who was raped by his father. He can take his dad in a fight possibly - but psychologically, forget about it. This man has owned Brendan and made him the man that he is - the identity that he's trying to get rid of right now. Brendan tries to stand up to him, but he falls back down. How do you get out of something like that? I don't know. His father sure as hell hasn't changed."

    Will there be more scenes between Brendan and John Paul when they're back in the village together?
    "I was talking to James and he said there's a couple of scenes coming up, which is good because we get on really well. We both have very different techniques with how we go about a scene, but I think they complement each other.

    "James plays John Paul flawlessly. I joke that he does it 'awesomely averagely', but he's very good and he's been doing this for years - longer than I have.

    "It was a good craic to be able to sit down at a table in a pub and do some scenes with him in Dublin, knowing that he was previously a big character in the show. To slap John Paul and Brendan in the same scene, let alone the same bed, I think is a stroke of genius. We had a lot of fun doing it and I'm sure we'll be dancing on set again."

    © Lime Pictures

    A lot of fans think Brendan and Walker have unfinished business. Would you like to work with Neil Newbon again?
    "Yeah, I'd like to work with him again. The Brendan and Walker storyline ended abruptly and it's not finished, not by any stretch of the imagination."

    We met Brendan's youngest son Paddy for the first time this week. Would you like to see the full family come over for a visit to the village?
    "Oh, of course - it brings out a different side to Brendan. But does that work with the storyline that we're doing? At the moment, they don't want anything to do with Brendan, and rightly so because he hasn't been there and he hasn't been the dad that he can be. As people and actors, they're fine company. But it's up to the scriptwriters - they'll know what to do with that."

    If Brendan does eventually leave the village, would you want him to be killed off or get a happy ending?
    "If I was going to go, I'd want to go out with a bang. I would like it to be epic - as would any actor who has a massive loyalty to his character.

    "I absolutely don't want him to leave in a taxi - I won't shoot that scene. If you write me a taxi scene, I'm not shooting it! You have to give justice to the character and the fans who've invested two and a half years of their lives into watching this twitchy fruitcake. God bless them for being so understanding - I really appreciate it."

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    Last edited by Perdita; 22-12-2012 at 07:20.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    EastEnders villain Derek Branning has been revealed as Kat Moon's secret lover in a dramatic episode of the soap.

    The long-running mystery was finally resolved this evening (December 20) as Derek (Jamie Foreman) was confirmed as the man who Kat slept with throughout the summer.

    After secretly following Kat (Jessie Wallace) to the bedsit on George Street in tonight's episode, Alfie demanded answers from his unfaithful wife over her affair.

    Although Kat was reluctant to divulge any information, Alfie soon discovered that her mystery man was one of the Branning brothers when he caught a glimpse of the tenancy agreement that had been left behind at the bedsit.

    Over at the Queen Vic shortly afterwards, Alfie furiously confronted the Branning siblings and eventually came to the conclusion that Max was the guy in question.

    However, when a frantic Kat announced that Max wasn't her lover, Derek and Jack were left as the remaining two suspects still in the frame.

    After Alfie urged Kat to give him an answer once and for all, she finally admitted: \"It's him - it's Derek!\"

    EastEnders kicked off the mystery affair storyline in July, originally lining up five Walford residents as suspects before whittling them down.

    Kat told Alfie about the affair in September without revealing her lover's identity, but the Moons only managed to get their marriage back on track for a short while.

    In a recent interview with Digital Spy, Shane Richie - who plays Alfie - confirmed that his character will embark on a relationship with Roxy Mitchell in the aftermath of tonight's episode.

    Speaking at the time, Richie added: \"I think Rita Simons is now playing a different kind of Roxy, as the character is seeing somebody who she could spend the rest of her life with.

    \"At the same time, though, Roxy is feeling a little bit insecure because this relationship has happened very quickly. Roxy worries that Alfie might be on the rebound and could end up going back to Kat.\"

    EastEnders continues tomorrow (December 21) at 8pm on BBC One.

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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    EastEnders villain Derek Branning has been revealed as Kat Moon's secret lover in a dramatic episode of the soap.

    The long-running mystery was finally resolved this evening (December 20) as Derek (Jamie Foreman) was confirmed as the man who Kat slept with throughout the summer.

    After secretly following Kat (Jessie Wallace) to the bedsit on George Street in tonight's episode, Alfie demanded answers from his unfaithful wife over her affair.

    Although Kat was reluctant to divulge any information, Alfie soon discovered that her mystery man was one of the Branning brothers when he caught a glimpse of the tenancy agreement that had been left behind at the bedsit.

    Over at the Queen Vic shortly afterwards, Alfie furiously confronted the Branning siblings and eventually came to the conclusion that Max was the guy in question.

    However, when a frantic Kat announced that Max wasn't her lover, Derek and Jack were left as the remaining two suspects still in the frame.

    After Alfie urged Kat to give him an answer once and for all, she finally admitted: \"It's him - it's Derek!\"

    EastEnders kicked off the mystery affair storyline in July, originally lining up five Walford residents as suspects before whittling them down.

    Kat told Alfie about the affair in September without revealing her lover's identity, but the Moons only managed to get their marriage back on track for a short while.

    In a recent interview with Digital Spy, Shane Richie - who plays Alfie - confirmed that his character will embark on a relationship with Roxy Mitchell in the aftermath of tonight's episode.

    Speaking at the time, Richie added: \"I think Rita Simons is now playing a different kind of Roxy, as the character is seeing somebody who she could spend the rest of her life with.

    \"At the same time, though, Roxy is feeling a little bit insecure because this relationship has happened very quickly. Roxy worries that Alfie might be on the rebound and could end up going back to Kat.\"

    EastEnders continues tomorrow (December 21) at 8pm on BBC One.

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    Hollyoaks favourite Emmett Scanlan has decided to leave the soap.

    The actor, who plays bad boy Brendan Brady, will make an on-screen exit in March after two and a half years with the Channel 4 show.

    Announcing the news and thanking his supporters, Scanlan commented: "To the greatest fans I could ever wish for - the time has come for me to sign out of Hollyoaks, to bow out as Double B aka Brendan motherf**king Brady.

    "It has been the greatest honour to share the stage with you and I could think of no better company to spend my evenings with. Thank you for your love and loyalty and please, let's dance again another time, another role."

    He added: "To the channel and Lime Pictures, thank you. A success built on surrounding myself with people who are better than me in every department, thank you."

    Scanlan first hinted that Brendan's story was drawing to a close late last year, but today (January 9) is the first time that his departure has been officially confirmed.

    While little is known about how Brendan leaves, Digital Spy has learned that show bosses want him to go out with a bang in a dramatic final storyline.

    Viewers will have to wait and see whether Brendan is killed off, makes a sudden escape from troubles in the village, or heads to prison as punishment for his past crimes.

    Scanlan joined Hollyoaks in 2010 and has since established Brendan as one of the most popular characters in the show's history.

    Brendan's major storylines have included his domestic violence and subsequent love story with Ste Hay (Kieron Richardson), explosive feuds with Warren Fox and Simon Walker, and disturbing encounters with his abusive father Seamus (Fintan McKeown).

    Away from Hollyoaks, Scanlan has expressed an interest in working with Lime Pictures again on other projects, and is already being linked to another drama currently in development by the production firm.

    Hollyoaks airs weeknights at 6.30pm on Channel 4, with first look screenings at 7pm on E4.
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  6. #16
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    Hollyoaks favourite Emmett Scanlan has decided to leave the soap.

    The actor, who plays bad boy Brendan Brady, will make an on-screen exit in March after two and a half years with the Channel 4 show.

    Announcing the news and thanking his supporters, Scanlan commented: "To the greatest fans I could ever wish for - the time has come for me to sign out of Hollyoaks, to bow out as Double B aka Brendan motherf**king Brady.

    "It has been the greatest honour to share the stage with you and I could think of no better company to spend my evenings with. Thank you for your love and loyalty and please, let's dance again another time, another role."

    He added: "To the channel and Lime Pictures, thank you. A success built on surrounding myself with people who are better than me in every department, thank you."

    Scanlan first hinted that Brendan's story was drawing to a close late last year, but today (January 9) is the first time that his departure has been officially confirmed.

    While little is known about how Brendan leaves, Digital Spy has learned that show bosses want him to go out with a bang in a dramatic final storyline.

    Viewers will have to wait and see whether Brendan is killed off, makes a sudden escape from troubles in the village, or heads to prison as punishment for his past crimes.

    Scanlan joined Hollyoaks in 2010 and has since established Brendan as one of the most popular characters in the show's history.

    Brendan's major storylines have included his domestic violence and subsequent love story with Ste Hay (Kieron Richardson), explosive feuds with Warren Fox and Simon Walker, and disturbing encounters with his abusive father Seamus (Fintan McKeown).

    Away from Hollyoaks, Scanlan has expressed an interest in working with Lime Pictures again on other projects, and is already being linked to another drama currently in development by the production firm.

    Hollyoaks airs weeknights at 6.30pm on Channel 4, with first look screenings at 7pm on E4.
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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    Oh no he is the best soap actor around

  9. #18
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    Emmett Scanlan has revealed that he is leaving Hollyoaks due to fears that his character would stagnate.

    The award-winning Irish actor, who has played fans' favourite Brendan Brady since 2010, announced his exit today (January 9).

    Speaking to The Sun, the star reflected: "Hollyoaks has been a massive part of my life.

    "When I leave this world I want to leave characters behind who I am proud of. I have spent a good two and a half years inhabiting Brendan Brady.

    "There is a fear that staying too long you could start to repeat storylines - and that is not fair on yourself or the audience."

    Scanlan, who will make his on-screen departure in March, promised that Brendan's exit will "do justice" to the character.

    He further joked: "I am the only 33-year-old man in the world who still has a YMCA 'tache on my face."

    Of his National Television Awards nomination, he added: "You're always the underdog being on Hollyoaks. The fact this is a public vote makes it even more special."

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    Hollyoaks star Emmett Scanlan has promised that Brendan Brady's final storyline will be "epic".

    The actor recently confirmed that he will be departing the Channel 4 soap as Brendan Brady after two and a half years.

    Speaking about his final episodes, Scanlan told What's On TV: "It's going to be an epic storyline, there's going to be a lot of twists and turns.

    "Since I joined in May 2010 I've been spoilt anyway with storylines and this is no different, it's an honour. I want to do it justice, not only for the characters and the Bradys, but I want it to ring home for the audience."

    Scanlan also outlined plans to relocate to Hollywood following his final scenes for future projects.

    "That's where I started, that's where I was working on a show beforehand," he said.

    "I'm not going over there in the stereotypical 'Soap actor leaves Hollyoaks to go to Hollywood', it's got nothing to do with that.

    I'm going over there to stay with my manager, I've got auditions and meetings and stuff like that - they're already set up but predominantly I'm going over there to rekindle old friendships that I've kind of neglected over the last couple of years and to relax and take a break, and come back here as well.

    "[Hollyoaks producers] Lime Pictures have approached me with the possibility of working on another project, another drama, with me at the forefront of something like that. The ideas they have are very ballsy and make me very excited."

    Emmett Scanlan recently said that he decided to quit Hollyoaks before his character's storylines became repetitive.

    Brendan's final scenes will air on Channel 4 in March.

    Hollyoaks airs weeknights at 6.30pm on Channel 4, with first look screenings at 7pm on E4.
    Last edited by Perdita; 10-01-2013 at 19:20.

  11. #20
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    Emmett Scanlan has claimed that he will still tune into Hollyoaks after his departure.

    Scanlan confirmed that he would be leaving the soap earlier this month, after two and a half years playing Brendan Brady. He will film his final scenes this month.

    According to PA, Scanlan said that he will "miss" Brendan, commenting: "Two and a half years I've spent immersed in Brendan Brady. I spend more time with Brendan Brady than I do with Emmett - it's six days a week, 14 hours a day so when I get home to be Emmett I'm usually slapping on a box set and falling asleep.

    "But of course I'm going to miss him - he's a touchy, unpredictable fruitcake. It's hard to let go of characters you've invested in so much."

    He also revealed that while it is the "right time" to leve the soap, he will remain a fan. "I'll have [Hollyoaks] on Sky Plus because I've got a lot of friends that are about to hit some storylines that are dark, properly dark. The show no doubt is going to keep getting stronger and stronger," he said.

    Scanlan promised that fans will not be disappointed with Brendan's final storyline, which he described as "epic".

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