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Thread: Tyrone and Fiz

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    Exclamation Tyrone and Fiz

    Coronation Street's Tyrone Dobbs and Fiz Stape are to fall for each other again, a report has claimed.

    Romance will blossom for the old flames as Fiz continues to support Tyrone (Alan Halsall) through his domestic violence ordeal in the coming months, according to The Sun.

    Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) recently discovered that Tyrone's fiancée Kirsty Soames has been beating him up, and she will soon play a bigger role in the story by encouraging the mechanic to stand up to his violent partner.

    Reports suggest that Tyrone and Fiz start an affair as the plot progresses, but their passion could end in tears if Kirsty (Natalie Gumede) finds out.

    Viewers can expect a busy few weeks ahead for all three characters as Kirsty is expected to face police questioning for injuring Fiz at Underworld later this month.

    Tyrone, meanwhile, has been tipped to set a date for his wedding to Kirsty, but only as part of a scheme to finally secure parental responsibility of his baby daughter Ruby after being left off her birth certificate.

    Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on ITV1.

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    Kirsty will kill them both

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by tammyy2j View Post
    Kirsty will kill them both
    I certainly hope not! There's been enough murder on the Street. A happy ending for Ty would be nice.

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    Coronation Street's Fiz Stape gets a frightening glimpse of what Kirsty Soames is capable of next week when the unstable mum hatches a nasty plot to injure her at Underworld.

    As Kirsty (Natalie Gumede) grows increasingly annoyed over Fiz meddling in her relationship with Tyrone Dobbs, she attempts to warn her off by making sure that Fiz's hand gets jammed in her machine at the factory.

    Fiz is rattled when she realises what Kirsty has done, but will it be enough for her to take a step back from their feud?

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Jennie McAlpine, who plays Fiz, to hear her thoughts on the storyline and what's to come.

    Tyrone, Kirsty, Tina and Tommy were initially the main players in the domestic abuse story. Are you glad Fiz is getting more involved now?
    "Yeah, it's wonderful to be involved. I think it's fabulous that Corrie are tackling this storyline with Tyrone and Kirsty. Obviously these things do happen in real life, so we're highlighting it here and I think it's been done really well. We've got a clever team and writers putting it all together, and on top of that Alan Halsall and Natalie Gumede have been so brilliant.

    "Everyone feels for Tyrone and he's a perfect character to tell this story with, because he's so loved and no-one wants him to be treated like that. And particularly Fiz doesn't want him to be - she's got a bee in her bonnet about it now."

    It must be especially nice to film as Fiz and Tyrone have a lot of history together!
    "Yeah, it's been great because we've been doing more and more scenes together again. It's really weird because it also reminds me of how long I've been here at Corrie. When I first joined, Fiz and Tyrone were joyriding and nicking cars - that was over 11 years ago now so there is a lot of history there. Tyrone was going out with Maria at the time, but Maria had him on a diet and Fiz tempted him with some chips. That's how I got him!

    "It's great that they're exploring that history again. I love doing scenes with the old gang. Fiz really cares about Tyrone and they've got a good friendship. Tyrone has always been lovely to her and now she's desperate to help out her friend.

    "She likes justice, our Fiz. That was definitely cemented when she was wrongly sent down for murder! She likes things to be right and once she gets it into her head that she wants to get things sorted, she won't stop."

    Fiz usually gets on with people, so is it a nice change when you get a new nemesis like Kirsty?
    "It is nice - we've had some really good barneys! When Fiz hates someone, she really hates someone. I've given Sally Webster some slaps, and Rosie too! It's mainly women, which isn't good for the sisterhood!

    "I think in Kirsty's case, Fiz is quite justified in her hatred for her. But it's been brilliant - I love a good fight! Fiz is a nice character but if you did a tally of how many slaps she's dished out, I bet it'd be quite a few."

    What can you tell us about how the injury storyline begins?
    "Well, obviously Kirsty is really jealous whenever Tyrone speaks to anyone else - particularly Fiz, who she knows is his ex-girlfriend. Fiz is trying to do what Tyrone has asked and keep away from them both, but she finds it very difficult and she's worried about him.

    "Because Tyrone isn't going out of the house much, Fiz suggests to him that he should go along to a toddler group. But when Kirsty gets wind of the fact that he's going and that Fiz suggested it, she doesn't like it and won't budge."

    What happens next?
    "Afterwards, Kirsty is plotting what she can do to Fiz to scare her off. Then when Fiz has a dodgy machine at the factory, Mr Donovan asks her to try fixing it herself. Fiz agrees to give it a go, which is not good because obviously she's not a proper professional! She asks Julie to switch it off at the wall while she sorts it out, but then the audience will see that Kirsty switches it back on.

    "I've not seen the scene but I've heard it's quite gruesome when Fiz then gets her finger trapped in the machine. You can imagine it would be - a needle going through your finger!

    "But Kirsty is the calmest person in the whole factory, because she knows what she's done. She takes control, gets the first aid kit, bandages Fiz up. She takes her to the hospital and Fiz thinks, 'Is this really the mental Kirsty I was arguing with before?'"

    What does Kirsty say to Fiz at the hospital that freaks her out so much?
    "When they're at the hospital, Fiz can't resist still having a go at Kirsty about Tyrone. That makes Kirsty riled and she says, 'Look, you better shut your mouth or next time it'll be a lot worse than your finger'. So Kirsty doesn't actually say that she's done it, because she's very clever. But it's the look in Kirsty's eye, and Fiz knows that she is responsible.

    "After that, it's Fiz's quest to get people to believe her. She decides to tell everyone, but nobody seems to listen to her. She's got no proof, you see. Plus, everyone saw that Kirsty was really nice and looked after Fiz, so it's not really adding up. So Kirsty is very clever - she's a manipulative person and she's set it up perfectly.

    "When it comes down to it, nobody will believe Fiz - and particularly Tyrone doesn't. If he doesn't believe her nobody will, because he knows what Kirsty is like."

    Will this have the desired effect and cause Fiz to back off from Tyrone?
    "Do you know what, Fiz is not really that easily scared. Yes she is rattled, and Kirsty rattles her even more in a couple of weeks after that. But I think if you'd want anyone in your corner, it'd be Fiz. She's not that scared of Kirsty. I've had lots more scenes with Natalie since then, put it that way!"

    We know you can't say too much, but we've heard you might be busy storyline-wise at Christmas this year…
    "Yes, I can tell you that - I am. Christmas is exciting, it's really good. And then there's more after Christmas at New Year. New Year is very eventful!"

    Is Corrie pulling out all the stops for Christmas this year then?
    "I think so, and it'll have everything you'd want to watch. You need to be able to watch a little bit of someone being miserable on Christmas Day, I think. When Corrie comes on, it'll be the evening and most people across the country will have tried with their best intentions to have a lovely Christmas, but there's probably been an argument in most households. Probably over something frivolous, but it will have got heated!

    "There'll be a lot of fights across the country by the time Corrie is on, so it'll be nice for people to see a bit of angst. But there's also a bit of happiness and it'll make people smile."

    Will Fiz have more scenes with the wider Armstrong-Windass clan coming up?
    "Yeah, it's lovely. You'll see that we're all together at Christmas - we have a little get-together. Fiz gets a little bit tipsy, so I can tell you that as an exclusive! (Laughs.)

    "They're lovely those scenes with the extended family, because that is most people's family in the world today - people coming from all sorts of places, with loads of different kids. I love that there's always someone in that house and Anna's always got the kettle on. They're brilliant scenes."

    Do you think Fiz and Tyrone are meant to be together?
    "A lot of people are saying that to me. I'm getting a lot of comments that they should be together and that it should be the next step. People say they're made for each other and they've both had terrible partners. But Kirsty would batter me!"

    Now that Alison King is back filming, is it nice to have Carla back in the factory again?
    "It is lovely to have Ali back, yeah. I think you need a woman running the factory. Michelle has been very good at keeping things in order, but she's not quite as ruthless as Carla when it comes to keeping things under control. When it comes to Rob, us factory girls can wrap these bossy men around our little finger. We're scared of Carla, but we're not scared of Rob, really!"

    Emmerdale producer Stuart Blackburn will be taking over from Phil Collinson in the New Year. How do you feel about getting a new boss?
    "It's always weird when anyone leaves here, and obviously Phil has been such a big part of the show with the 50th anniversary and everything else that he's done. He'll be missed and he's made a brilliant contribution to Corrie.

    "But there always has to be a change eventually, and I think that'll be nice. I've known Stuart for a while because he's worked at Corrie before, and we're very close with Emmerdale anyway. We always try and get together every now and again with Emmerdale, and we were so impressed with their recent live episode. It's nice that Stuart's had input into Corrie before - he knows how the thing works."

    Shobna Gulati has also announced that she's bowing out. Will you be sad to see her go?
    "I will, but Shobna is going to be here for a while yet. Her departure is a long time off, so I'm sure she's got time to get up to much more mischief! We'll miss her but she'll go on and be fabulous.

    "It's weird because Shobna is someone who I've known for years. All these people become your mates, and I'm still sat here in my dressing room waving them off! But I love it here and I like watching my old mates on new programmes too."

    Away from Corrie, are you still opening up your own restaurant this year?
    "I am indeedy! It's going very well. The restaurant is called Annie's Restaurant because it's near St Ann's Square in Manchester. We're opening at the beginning of December and we've got a few Christmas parties booked in already.

    "We'll have to have a Corrie get-together there, because they'll do anything for a free drink! We're really looking forward to it. Obviously I'm mad busy here at Corrie, so my partner Chris is the brains. I say I'm the silent partner, but Chris told me, 'Jennie if you're a silent partner, I'd hate to hear a noisy one!'"
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  7. #5
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    Coronation Street's Fiz Stape gets a frightening glimpse of what Kirsty Soames is capable of next week when the unstable mum hatches a nasty plot to injure her at Underworld.

    As Kirsty (Natalie Gumede) grows increasingly annoyed over Fiz meddling in her relationship with Tyrone Dobbs, she attempts to warn her off by making sure that Fiz's hand gets jammed in her machine at the factory.

    Fiz is rattled when she realises what Kirsty has done, but will it be enough for her to take a step back from their feud?

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Jennie McAlpine, who plays Fiz, to hear her thoughts on the storyline and what's to come.

    Tyrone, Kirsty, Tina and Tommy were initially the main players in the domestic abuse story. Are you glad Fiz is getting more involved now?
    "Yeah, it's wonderful to be involved. I think it's fabulous that Corrie are tackling this storyline with Tyrone and Kirsty. Obviously these things do happen in real life, so we're highlighting it here and I think it's been done really well. We've got a clever team and writers putting it all together, and on top of that Alan Halsall and Natalie Gumede have been so brilliant.

    "Everyone feels for Tyrone and he's a perfect character to tell this story with, because he's so loved and no-one wants him to be treated like that. And particularly Fiz doesn't want him to be - she's got a bee in her bonnet about it now."

    It must be especially nice to film as Fiz and Tyrone have a lot of history together!
    "Yeah, it's been great because we've been doing more and more scenes together again. It's really weird because it also reminds me of how long I've been here at Corrie. When I first joined, Fiz and Tyrone were joyriding and nicking cars - that was over 11 years ago now so there is a lot of history there. Tyrone was going out with Maria at the time, but Maria had him on a diet and Fiz tempted him with some chips. That's how I got him!

    "It's great that they're exploring that history again. I love doing scenes with the old gang. Fiz really cares about Tyrone and they've got a good friendship. Tyrone has always been lovely to her and now she's desperate to help out her friend.

    "She likes justice, our Fiz. That was definitely cemented when she was wrongly sent down for murder! She likes things to be right and once she gets it into her head that she wants to get things sorted, she won't stop."

    Fiz usually gets on with people, so is it a nice change when you get a new nemesis like Kirsty?
    "It is nice - we've had some really good barneys! When Fiz hates someone, she really hates someone. I've given Sally Webster some slaps, and Rosie too! It's mainly women, which isn't good for the sisterhood!

    "I think in Kirsty's case, Fiz is quite justified in her hatred for her. But it's been brilliant - I love a good fight! Fiz is a nice character but if you did a tally of how many slaps she's dished out, I bet it'd be quite a few."

    What can you tell us about how the injury storyline begins?
    "Well, obviously Kirsty is really jealous whenever Tyrone speaks to anyone else - particularly Fiz, who she knows is his ex-girlfriend. Fiz is trying to do what Tyrone has asked and keep away from them both, but she finds it very difficult and she's worried about him.

    "Because Tyrone isn't going out of the house much, Fiz suggests to him that he should go along to a toddler group. But when Kirsty gets wind of the fact that he's going and that Fiz suggested it, she doesn't like it and won't budge."

    What happens next?
    "Afterwards, Kirsty is plotting what she can do to Fiz to scare her off. Then when Fiz has a dodgy machine at the factory, Mr Donovan asks her to try fixing it herself. Fiz agrees to give it a go, which is not good because obviously she's not a proper professional! She asks Julie to switch it off at the wall while she sorts it out, but then the audience will see that Kirsty switches it back on.

    "I've not seen the scene but I've heard it's quite gruesome when Fiz then gets her finger trapped in the machine. You can imagine it would be - a needle going through your finger!

    "But Kirsty is the calmest person in the whole factory, because she knows what she's done. She takes control, gets the first aid kit, bandages Fiz up. She takes her to the hospital and Fiz thinks, 'Is this really the mental Kirsty I was arguing with before?'"

    What does Kirsty say to Fiz at the hospital that freaks her out so much?
    "When they're at the hospital, Fiz can't resist still having a go at Kirsty about Tyrone. That makes Kirsty riled and she says, 'Look, you better shut your mouth or next time it'll be a lot worse than your finger'. So Kirsty doesn't actually say that she's done it, because she's very clever. But it's the look in Kirsty's eye, and Fiz knows that she is responsible.

    "After that, it's Fiz's quest to get people to believe her. She decides to tell everyone, but nobody seems to listen to her. She's got no proof, you see. Plus, everyone saw that Kirsty was really nice and looked after Fiz, so it's not really adding up. So Kirsty is very clever - she's a manipulative person and she's set it up perfectly.

    "When it comes down to it, nobody will believe Fiz - and particularly Tyrone doesn't. If he doesn't believe her nobody will, because he knows what Kirsty is like."

    Will this have the desired effect and cause Fiz to back off from Tyrone?
    "Do you know what, Fiz is not really that easily scared. Yes she is rattled, and Kirsty rattles her even more in a couple of weeks after that. But I think if you'd want anyone in your corner, it'd be Fiz. She's not that scared of Kirsty. I've had lots more scenes with Natalie since then, put it that way!"

    We know you can't say too much, but we've heard you might be busy storyline-wise at Christmas this year…
    "Yes, I can tell you that - I am. Christmas is exciting, it's really good. And then there's more after Christmas at New Year. New Year is very eventful!"

    Is Corrie pulling out all the stops for Christmas this year then?
    "I think so, and it'll have everything you'd want to watch. You need to be able to watch a little bit of someone being miserable on Christmas Day, I think. When Corrie comes on, it'll be the evening and most people across the country will have tried with their best intentions to have a lovely Christmas, but there's probably been an argument in most households. Probably over something frivolous, but it will have got heated!

    "There'll be a lot of fights across the country by the time Corrie is on, so it'll be nice for people to see a bit of angst. But there's also a bit of happiness and it'll make people smile."

    Will Fiz have more scenes with the wider Armstrong-Windass clan coming up?
    "Yeah, it's lovely. You'll see that we're all together at Christmas - we have a little get-together. Fiz gets a little bit tipsy, so I can tell you that as an exclusive! (Laughs.)

    "They're lovely those scenes with the extended family, because that is most people's family in the world today - people coming from all sorts of places, with loads of different kids. I love that there's always someone in that house and Anna's always got the kettle on. They're brilliant scenes."

    Do you think Fiz and Tyrone are meant to be together?
    "A lot of people are saying that to me. I'm getting a lot of comments that they should be together and that it should be the next step. People say they're made for each other and they've both had terrible partners. But Kirsty would batter me!"

    Now that Alison King is back filming, is it nice to have Carla back in the factory again?
    "It is lovely to have Ali back, yeah. I think you need a woman running the factory. Michelle has been very good at keeping things in order, but she's not quite as ruthless as Carla when it comes to keeping things under control. When it comes to Rob, us factory girls can wrap these bossy men around our little finger. We're scared of Carla, but we're not scared of Rob, really!"

    Emmerdale producer Stuart Blackburn will be taking over from Phil Collinson in the New Year. How do you feel about getting a new boss?
    "It's always weird when anyone leaves here, and obviously Phil has been such a big part of the show with the 50th anniversary and everything else that he's done. He'll be missed and he's made a brilliant contribution to Corrie.

    "But there always has to be a change eventually, and I think that'll be nice. I've known Stuart for a while because he's worked at Corrie before, and we're very close with Emmerdale anyway. We always try and get together every now and again with Emmerdale, and we were so impressed with their recent live episode. It's nice that Stuart's had input into Corrie before - he knows how the thing works."

    Shobna Gulati has also announced that she's bowing out. Will you be sad to see her go?
    "I will, but Shobna is going to be here for a while yet. Her departure is a long time off, so I'm sure she's got time to get up to much more mischief! We'll miss her but she'll go on and be fabulous.

    "It's weird because Shobna is someone who I've known for years. All these people become your mates, and I'm still sat here in my dressing room waving them off! But I love it here and I like watching my old mates on new programmes too."

    Away from Corrie, are you still opening up your own restaurant this year?
    "I am indeedy! It's going very well. The restaurant is called Annie's Restaurant because it's near St Ann's Square in Manchester. We're opening at the beginning of December and we've got a few Christmas parties booked in already.

    "We'll have to have a Corrie get-together there, because they'll do anything for a free drink! We're really looking forward to it. Obviously I'm mad busy here at Corrie, so my partner Chris is the brains. I say I'm the silent partner, but Chris told me, 'Jennie if you're a silent partner, I'd hate to hear a noisy one!'"
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by tammyy2j View Post
    Kirsty will kill them both
    I think Fiz could probably handle herself against Kirsty,that would be one fight I'd like to see.

  9. #7
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    Fiz could handle herself but she now has a criminal record that Kirsty can use against her and she has Hope to think about. This will give Kirsty the upper-hand for a while but she will get her comeuppance sooner rather than later we hope.

    Thanks to Vicky for my great new banner xxx
    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  10. #8
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    Coronation Street star Jennie McAlpine has revealed that her character Fiz Stape's forthcoming affair with Tyrone Dobbs isn't just a fling.

    Fiz embarks on a secret relationship with Tyrone (Alan Halsall) later this month as she continues to support him through his domestic violence ordeal.

    Although Tyrone is still involved with his abusive fiancée Kirsty Soames (Natalie Gumede), Fiz knows that he is planning to leave her as soon as he has secured parental rights over his baby daughter Ruby.

    McAlpine told Radio Times of the upcoming scenes: "Because of the unique situation that Tyrone and Fiz find themselves in, I hope that viewers will not see them as cheating on Kirsty.

    "We have to remember that Tyrone doesn't want to be with Kirsty anymore and is only living this lie to gain parental rights to his daughter. Fiz and Ty have grown really close in recent months and they really are soul mates, so it is a serious relationship for them both.

    "I would hope that, having been through all this turmoil, there will be a happy outcome for them both. They just need to get Kirsty out of the equation."

    McAlpine added that Fiz is taking a big risk with her actions, especially as Kirsty has already targeted her once before by deliberately injuring her at Underworld.

    The actress said: "Yes, I think she is playing with fire. She loves Tyrone but she's trying to be with a man who's actually not available at the moment and Fiz is under no illusion of just what Kirsty is capable of, yet she keeps coming back for more.

    "I suppose if Kirsty was capable of murder, Fiz would be her number one target. But I'm not sure that she would go that far and I don't want to mention it in case it gives the writers any ideas."

    Coronation Street continues on Friday (December 7) at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV1.

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    Coronation Street has never shied away from controversial or violent storylines, and a current plot involving Tyrone Dobbs being a victim of domestic abuse is no different.
    In scenes due to be screened in the New Year, viewers will see the loveable mechanic try to make a hasty exit from his violent partner, ex-policewoman Kirsty Soames.
    However, before he and his lover Fiz McAlpine can escape Wetherfield with Tyrone's daughter Ruby, they are caught by police.

    You're nicked, son: Tyrone Dobbs is escorted to a police car after being found hiding in Wales

    In a chilling twist, Kirsty has alerted some of her old work colleagues that Tyrone has snatched their daughter, Ruby, and he is arrested and charged with kidnapping charges.
    He had hoped to whisk the child away to France where they could start a new life with his former flame and secret lover, frizzy haired Fiz.

    The pair are desperate to get out of Wetherfield and away from vicious Kirsty, whose inability to control her temper has seen Tyrone living in fear.

    Viewers have seen the troubled policewoman launch a campaign of violence against the big-hearted mechanic, and will be rooting for him that he finally escapes her clutches - and her fists.

    The couple begin their escape by heading to a remote cottage in Wales where they can fully plan their French exodus.

    However, the police are on high alert and storm their bolthole in the dead of night.

    In stills from the forthcoming episode, which will be screened next month, Tyrone can be seen being held by the collar of his coat and frogmarched towards a panda car by a burly policeman.

    Poor Tyrone wanted to escape his violent fiance and start a new life with Fiz in France

    Manipulative Kirsty recently told Tyrone that Ruby, who he is staying home to raise while she works in a factory, is not his child.

    She has even left the father's name on the birth certificate blank, and refuses to comply with a DNA test so he can not find out one way or the other if he is Ruby's dad.

    This means that he has no legal right to take her anywhere, and he can be punished under the full power of the law.

    Similarly, Kirsty's jealousy about her partner's friendship with Fiz has caused much of the couple's problems, and the spiteful ex-copper even sabotaged a sewing machine in a bid to maim her love rival.
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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    Corrie star Jennie McAlpine has revealed more details of Fiz and Tyrone's upcoming runaway storyline.

    The couple try to flee Weatherfield with Tyrone's baby daughter Ruby in early February, fearing it is their only chance of a happy future following Kirsty Soames's twisted schemes.

    Tyrone comes up with the idea after Kirsty falsely accuses him of domestic violence, and Fiz ultimately decides to go along with his plans.

    McAlpine, who plays Fiz, told TV Times: "She's in love with Tyrone and knows he's the innocent party here. When he says he wants to take Ruby, Fiz tells him, 'I think that's a bad idea but I'll come with you'.

    "It's because she can't live without him."

    She continued: "Kirsty turns his closest neighbours against him. People he regarded as his friends start saying, 'We thought we knew him but obviously we didn't'. When Sally Webster takes Kirsty's side, it destroys him."

    While viewers will have to wait and see how far Fiz and Tyrone get with their attempt to escape Weatherfield, McAlpine tipped the pair to stay strong and united.

    She said: "These two are destined to be together. They're the perfect match, or at least they would be if they were both free. Then they would just get married. However, Kirsty is the spanner in the works. As long as she's around, things are never going to go well for them."

    Coronation Street continues on Wednesday (January 23) at 7pm on ITV.

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