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Thread: Ryan Lamb (James Sutton)

  1. #51
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    Back to Hollyoaks then
    Happy New Year SoapBoards!

  2. #52
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    He really has become a pointless character now that his motheris leaving and Poshboy has left

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by alan45 View Post
    He really has become a pointless character now that his motheris leaving and Poshboy has left
    I wanted to see him with Debbie but that wont happen now but I guess once his mother was leaving there is nothing there for him

  4. #54
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    Yes!!! Woohooooo. Happy Days Are Here Again
    er...I mean... Oh what a shame

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris_2k11 View Post
    Back to Hollyoaks then
    Hollyoaks or Hollywood

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizann View Post
    Hollyoaks or Hollywood
    Definitely Hollyoaks!
    Happy New Year SoapBoards!

  7. #57
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    He could go to Corrie or Deadenders.

    Thanks to Vicky for my great new banner xxx
    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chloe O'brien View Post
    He could go to Corrie or Deadenders.
    More likey Deadenders as they generally employ folk for their totty factor as opposed to percieved acting abilities

  9. #59
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    More likely will end up on a reality show

  10. #60
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    © ITV
    James Sutton has revealed his reasons for bowing out of Emmerdale, explaining that he wants to "get cracking" with new career projects.

    The actor's character Ryan Lamb leaves the village in next Tuesday's episode, following in the footsteps of mum Faye (Kim Thomson), who also recently departed.

    Ryan has been a less prominent fixture on screen in recent months after the high drama surrounding the Wyldes and the Lambs came to an end in late 2010.

    Speaking to Holy Soap about his Emmerdale exit, Sutton commented: "I was thinking about it last year. Lyndon Ogbourne and Amanda Donohoe left and Kim Thomson said she was thinking about leaving, so my whole family set-up in the village was disappearing.

    "I came from Hollyoaks before that, so I've done five-and-a-half years on soaps now. I'm privileged to have had that training and experience, but I'm 28 and I need to know what else is out there. I want to see if a theatre fancies giving me a job, or perhaps do a drama or film.

    "I have a new agent, showreel and headshots, so I'm feeling really positive. I've never been that career-minded - I've bumbled along and always felt I got a bit lucky - but now I can put the work in and get cracking with my career."

    Ryan's final storyline sees him decide to move away after getting caught up in Cain Dingle's harassment of ex-partner Charity Tate, which leads to some awkward questions from the police.

    Sutton added: "The producers are leaving the door open for me, which is very sweet of them. They're not killing my character. When Ryan starts getting into trouble with Cain and the police come to interview him he thinks, 'You know what, I need to get away. I can't be around Cain, he's a terrible influence'. It's Ryan's choice to leave. He packs his bags and heads off into the sunset."


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