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Thread: Hollyoaks Spoilers 10-14 May

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    Hollyoaks Spoilers 10-14 May

    2816: The Valentines agree to stick together
    Airs on Monday, May 10 2010 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Cheryl returns from Spain with tales aplenty but is confused by the atmosphere between Sasha and Lauren - especially when a jibe about Warren finds Lauren on the receiving end of a slap. Sasha admits to Calvin that she feels bad for framing Gaz and decides to retract her statement.

    Meanwhile, Cheryl's coming to terms with an agitated Lauren's 'pregnancy' and listens when she lambastes her family - all she wants is to be with Gaz. Sasha tells Lauren that she's retracted her statement in a bid to make amends but as the argument continues, Calvin interrupts with Gaz in tow.

    Lauren's thrilled by Sasha's decision but they're both still clearly angry with Calvin. However, they agree to listen to his pleas that they all stick together as a family. Buoyed by his sisters' reactions, Calvin's happier than he's been for a long time…

    Meanwhile, Duncan feels like an outsider in Ricky's life now Kris is helping out at home. At school, Kris is surprised to see Zak talking to Des and wonders what he's up to. Unaware that Zak's panicking about his attack on Tariq, Des lies that Zak's thinking of organising a five-a-side game but Kris remains suspicious.

    Looking to discredit Kris, Des overhears a disgruntled Duncan refer to him as Ricky's 'boyfie'. His mind in overdrive, Des admonishes Kris and states that staff should maintain a professional relationship with students.

    Kris is outraged by Des's inference but forgets all about it when Ricky confides in him about his falling out with Duncan. Putting a friendly arm around Ricky's shoulders is too much of a photo opportunity for a watching Des to miss, though…

    Elsewhere, Steph attempts to help Jake secure work and tells him about a gardening job at Hollyoaks High. Hearing that Jake has an interview at the school, Steph's optimistic that the job has hiss name written all over it.

    Waiting for his interview, Jake finds himself chatting to Leo who has no qualms in pointing out his past history… As Jake's paranoia grows, he flees the school, convinced he'll always be a leper in other people's eyes.

    Meanwhile, Cheryl's supportive when she hears that Jem found Steph's letter in which she declared her undying love for Gilly. Cheryl's vow to help Steph in her quest for love falls on deaf ears, though, as an agitated Steph wants to forget all about Gilly - or so she says…

    2817: Kris resigns
    Airs on Tuesday, May 11 2010 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Zak's unsure how to react to Des's revelation but Des has other things on his mind - he's keeping a close eye on Kris after becoming suspicious about his relationship with Ricky.

    Realising that Ricky's being bullied by other pupils because of their relationship, Kris is concerned about his role as mentor. He's further surprised when Ricky reveals that he plans to quit school to look after his father.

    With that, Kris makes it very clear to Des that he's got the wrong end of the stick regarding his relationship with Ricky and in a bid to protect Ricky and Martin's secret, Kris resigns…

    Meanwhile, Anita panics when Ravi reveals that Dom's turning up at Relish to check the accounts. Knowing that £300 is missing, she begins to worry. Anita makes out that Dom's trying to undermine Ravi but unfortunately for Anita, Ravi doesn't take the bait.

    As Dom checks the books, he notices there's a gap in the figures and informs Ravi that someone's been stealing from the till. The pair confront Anita and Ste, automatically assuming that Ste's responsible.

    Angry at being wrongly accused, Ste resigns and storms out. Afterwards, Anita finally confesses that she's the guilty party.

    Elsewhere, it's Cindy's birthday and Tony's arranged a special lunch. However, Cindy wants to do anything but spend time with Tony and tries to avoid it at all cost. When she realises that there's no way of escaping it, she goes along with the idea. For Tony, though, things don't go as he'd hoped.

    Cindy's distracted by Darren and when Ste asks Tony for a job, Cindy accuses him of using the lunch as a business opportunity. Tony storms out, leaving Cindy alone with Darren. Darren can't believe his luck, though, when Cindy propositions him. With that, Cindy goes home with Darren, leaving Tony at home babysitting.

    2818: Calvin guys a gun off Kyle
    Airs on Wednesday, May 12 2010 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Cindy wakes in Darren's bed. When Tony finds her hiding from him in Il Gnosh, he knows exactly what she's been up to and he's upset to see that she's not wearing her wedding ring.

    As Cindy tries on dresses in Cincerity, Darren returns her misplaced ring - and they soon find themselves in a passionate clinch. However, a devastated Tony catches them in the act and flips, punching Darren and storming out.

    Darren assumes that he and Cindy are back on track but she appears to have other plans - she's caught a glimpse of a future without Tony and decides that she doesn't want to lose him. Cindy pleads with Tony for another change and he eventually forgives her. For now, though, he's keeping his distance.

    Meanwhile, Carmel's mind is consumed by her wedding plans as the big day draws ever closer. Calvin, however, worries about the threats he's receiving and is instantly suspicious when a mystery supplier calls asking to meet him in a hotel.

    Fearing that he's about to come face to face with whoever is sending the threats, Calvin buys a gun off Kyle and heads off to the hotel. Entering the room armed with the gun, Calvin's stunned to find a scantily-clad Mercedes…

    Elsewhere, Anita stumbles upon a forlorn Theresa in the skate park, whose mind is clearly preoccupied. As Anita tries to comfort her, Theresa lets slip what is really bothering her - she's pregnant…

    2819: Mercedes suggests that she and Calvin marry
    Airs on Thursday, May 13 2010 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Following his night of passion with Mercedes, Calvin has a tough decision to make. Mercedes insists that if he really wants the threats to stop, he should do what his antagonisers say: not marry Carmel and marry her instead.

    Calvin's torn but eventually decides that he wants to be with Mercedes. With that, the pair head off to end their respective relationships.

    Malachy's already suspicious and when he receives a message from Mercedes insisting that they need to talk, he instantly knows that she's about to end their marriage. Determined to stay with her, Malachy goes out of his way to avoid the inevitable.

    Calvin can't bear to spoil Carmel's happiness and as they continue to plan their future together, Mercedes has no idea that Calvin's going back on his word. How will she react when she discovers that Calvin's going ahead with his marriage to Carmel?

    Meanwhile, Steph's longing for Gilly but she's awkward around him, not knowing whether he's read the letter she wrote, in which she declares her love for him. Steph's heartbroken when she discovers that Gilly's moving away to Thailand with Jem and seeing how much he means to her, Frankie encourages Steph to come clean about her feelings.

    Steph's reluctant at first, but buoyed by her mum's enthusiasm, Steph heads off to reveal the truth to Gilly. Steph's heart's racing as she comes face to face with Gilly in The Dog but she's mortified when she blurts out her feelings in front of everyone. Fleeing the scene, Gilly's gobsmacked by her revelation.

    Des encourages Zak to go ahead with their plan to put the frighteners on Carmel and stop her marrying Calvin. Zak's unsure that they're doing the right thing but when Des convinces him that it's in Carmel's best interests, he agrees.

    Before they can put their plan into action, Zak's roped in to helping Carmel and Tom with a family tree and feeling guilty, he forces Des to call off the attack.

    Elsewhere, a guilty Rhys tries to persuade Neville to drop the charges against Josh but he won't budge. Seeing Josh so downbeat, Rhys tries to help his brother by securing him a job in The Loft.

    Josh is thrilled as things are beginning to looking up for him, but Rhys is concerned when he sees his brother drinking on the job.

    2820: Calvin's gun goes missing
    Airs on Friday, May 14 2010 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Malachy stays out of Mercedes's way, knowing full well that she's trying to break up with him. Unable to cope, Malachy confides in his brother Kris. Gaz is left reeling when Calvin humiliates him on a night out and ultimately Gaz is goaded into attacking him. Before he knows it, Gaz is arrested and carted away by the police.

    Sasha and Lauren witness the whole situation and are infuriated by their brother's continued interference in people's lives. With that, the girls resolve that they want nothing more to do with him and refuse to attend the wedding.

    Mercedes is unsure if Calvin's called off the wedding and heads out to look for him. To her surprise and horror, though, she finds him sat drinking in The Loft with Carmel and Malachy - she's livid that he's chosen Carmel.

    Mercedes isn't about to let Calvin off lightly, though - she tells Carmel that she can't marry Calvin, before leaving the groom to explain why. Later, Calvin's panicked when he discovers that his gun has disappeared from the safe. Who has it?

    Meanwhile, Gilly's angry at Steph for trying to ruin the best thing that's ever happened to him by declaring her love for him in front of Jem. Confronting her, he demands an explanation.

    Steph insists he'll never understand but Gilly knows exactly how she feels and marches her to Drive 'N' Buy to prove it. Steph's overwhelmed when she realises that Gilly once felt the same but he doesn't believe that she really loves him and isn't prepared to jeopardise what he ha with Jem.

    Josh is crushed when Calvin catches him helping himself to shots from the optics on his first shift at The Loft. Furious, Calvin promptly sacks him on the spot. Rhys begs Calvin to reconsider but reminded of the danger that Josh put Sasha in with the car crash, Calvin's insistent that Josh isn't returning to work with him.

    Feeling responsible for his part in Josh's downfall, Rhys confesses to Calvin that he spiked Josh's drink on the night of the car crash. Thereafter, Rhys struggles to keep it together as the pressure from the past few months finally catches up with him.

    Elsewhere, Theresa and Michaela mess around trying on Carmel's wedding dress but they're horrified when they spill red wine all over it. They desperately try to wash it without being seen.

    After a number of failed attempts, the girls resort to desperate measures to get the stain out...

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to moonstorm For This Useful Post:

    lizann (04-05-2010), tammyy2j (10-05-2010)

  3. #2
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    Calvin's murder suspects are getting larger

  4. #3
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    What has happened to Des recently?! He started off as such a nice guy. But it's good that they are covering racism again as it is a big issue.

  5. #4
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    Des encourages Zak to go ahead with their plan to put the frighteners on Carmel and stop her marrying Calvin. Zak's unsure that they're doing the right thing but when Des convinces him that it's in Carmel's best interests, he agrees.

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