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Thread: Hollyoaks Spoilers 18-22 May

  1. #1
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    Hollyoaks Spoilers 18-22 May

    2561: Zoe admits the truth about her film
    Airs on Monday, May 18 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Gov offers his support to Anita after hearing about Lauren's prank, but she insists everything is under control and she'll deal with it her own way. In school, Newt's concerned about Lauren when she confesses her fears that Anita will be out for revenge. Sure enough, she's soon in for a soaking when Anita launches a water bomb at her.

    Anita immediately regrets her actions and panics when she realises Lauren will never let this go. True to form, she exacts her revenge by planting a sanitary towel on Anita's chair, which everyone sees stuck to her skirt when she gets up.

    Called to see her dad, Gov apologises to Anita for accusing her of bullying Lauren and advises her on ways to cope with the situation. As Gov is called away, Anita notices that he's dropped the keys to the cupboard where the exam papers are stored. A revenge plot quickly formulates in her mind…

    An exhausted Zoe returns from a night filming and her lack of unwillingness to discuss her subject matter leads Zak to one conclusion - she's making a blue movie. As the boys embark on a quest to discover the content of the film, a reluctant Zoe refuses to let them see it.

    The boys sneak in to Zoe's room as she sleeps and steals her laptop. After watching the film, they're disappointed that it's not what they expected. They're in a heap of trouble, though, when Zoe catches them red handed. Livid that Archie could betray her, Zoe finally cracks and admits to plagiarising Mike's script.

    Mike and Ste have a run-in over Lucas' welfare and Mike informs Ste that he'll be taking care of him unless he hears differently from Amy. Confiding in Abi about his fears over Lucas' future, Ste is buoyed by her upbeat counseling. A niggling doubt, however, still remains.

    Abi pays Mike a visit and fills him in on how well Ste is holding his life together. Suggesting it could be beneficial for all parties to let Ste look after Lucas every now and then, Mike's left with food for thought. Seizing the moment, Mike calls in on Ste and they discuss the future. Ste makes a passionate plea to Mike that all he wants to do is the best for his son - he always be there for him. After hearing him out, Mike relents and gives Ste the chance to prove himself by looking after the children tomorrow.

    Dom's still angry about Tony's intervention in his love life and tells him that he's managed to ruin his happiness once more. Tony insists that he only had his brother's best interests at heart. However, Dom refuses to forgive him so easily.

    Manwhile, Tony's excited by the arrival of his son Harry, who's staying for the week. Tony asks Dom for his help in keeping him occupied, but Dom's fuming when he hears about Tony's lack of knowledge about his son's likes and dislikes. Further, when Dom realises that Tony's putting work before his son's care, he storms out. With Dom in control of the situation, Harry arrives to a room awash with presents. Having called Tessie to find out what Harry likes, Tony's grateful to his brother and thanks him for his thoughtfulness.

    2562: Abi reveals her cot death tragedy
    Airs on Tuesday, May 19 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Having stepped in to cover the careers officer, Russ is struggling to cope with a confusing and largely sardonic group of students. Lauren won't take the session seriously, causing Russ to issue her with a stark warning of her listless future if she doesn't listen. Anita confesses to Theresa that she's done something nasty to get her own back on Lauren but refuses to say exactly what.

    Later, Nancy convinces Russ that he shouldn't have gone off at Lauren and he eventually realises that he'll have to apologise. Meanwhile, Lauren can't stop panicking about her life and it takes a kind word from Newt to settle her down. A tender moment between the pair quickly turns into a kiss.

    Russ seeks out Lauren and apologises to her for shouting, but Lauren sees through it and quickly fobs him off. Later, Gov announces a random locker search and Anita begins to panic, having hidden exam papers in Lauren's locker. She realises that she has to get them back before Gov discovers them. Anita tells Lauren what she's done and decides to start a fight with her as a diversion. Fortunately, it works and Gov hauls them off to his office before the incriminating evidence is found.

    With the pressure building, Zoe runs into Adrian in the village and he reminds her that her film is due in tomorrow. When she bumps into Mike, he asks to see her film, causing her to really begin to panic - she's certain she'll be rumbled for plagiarizing his work. Zoe heads to the bar to drink away her worries and Adrian once again steps in to remind her that this really is her last chance…

    Ste's in a mad panic as Mike asks him to babysit Lucas and Leah. Ste realises that the flat's a tip, so Abi and Natty dash round to help him clean up and he's pleased as punch with their efforts. When Daniel arrives later arrives, he voices that Ste's a good person who only wants the best for his family. When Mike turns up, he's suitably impressed by the condition of Ste's flat and, for once, is happy to leave the children in his hands.

    Later, a livid Sarah spots Ste drinking a pint while having a picnic with Leah and Lucas. It takes Daniel's impromptu arrival to stop Sarah taking the kids away. Daniel can't believe Ste's idiocy and are forced to explain that their charity can only support well-behaved young couples - as long as Ste continues behaving in this manner, they won't get a penny.

    Sarah phones Mike to let him know about Ste's drinking and when Mike arrives on the scene, he's disappointed by what he sees. As Mike begins to collect the children's belongings, Abi pleads with him to give Ste another chance, revealing that she once had a child but it died. Mike's heartstrings are tugged and when Abi reveals the horrific details of her and Daniel's cot death misery, Mike realises that Abi and Daniel can be a good influence on Ste. Natty, meanwhile, struggles to convince Daniel that Ste deserves their help

    2563: Zoe makes a pass at Zak
    Airs on Wednesday, May 20 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Sarah and Mike continue to live in chaos, looking after both Leah and a constantly crying Lucas, while trying to juggle college. Sarah's surprised when Mike admits that he's starting to think Ste has good intentions, but Sarah can't bring herself to see anything good in him.

    Abi arrives not long after Mike leaves with Leah and seeing that Sarah is finding things hard, she offers to mind Lucas while She pops to uni. Ste meets up with Daniel who's still frosty with him after yesterday. However, it's the day of the charity day for KidzwithKidz so everyone's fairly preoccupied.

    When Sarah returns home, she's stunned to find an empty house and fearing the worst, she heads to the charity event. Daniel attempts to calm her down but everyone else is frantic until Abi strolls in with Lucas. Abi innocently tries to explain to Sarah that she simply took Lucas out for a walk, but Sarah refuses to listen and tells her to stay away from the family. Daniel's annoyed that Abi has been so stupid.

    With all the commotion is going on, Ste calmly takes Lucas and heads home. He later refuses to open the door to Mike and Sarah when they arrive searching for Lucas. Ste's just happy to be finally spending time with him.

    Zoe's still battling with her conscious about whether to hand her film in and she hates herself for betraying Mike. Unaware of what she's done, Kris and Zak egg her on, giving her their full support.

    Once she finally hands her film in, the gang, including Archie and Michaela, head down to the SU to celebrate. Zoe feels really bad for what she's done and quickly begins downing drinks. Zak's quick to realise that something's not right with Zoe, so he cancels his plans with Michaela to spend more time with Zoe.

    Back at halls, Zak attempts to find out what's wrong with Zoe, but she misreads the signals and tires to kiss him. Zak's shocked by Zoe's actions and kindly tells her that they're just good friends and that he's happy with Michaela.

    Meanwhile, Tony's trying hard to be a good father to Harry, but his attempts to impress fail miserably. Busy with the preparations for the KidzwithKidz charity event, Tony is flapping around in a state of panic. Tensions with Dominic don't help matters as the pair continue to argue.

    Fed up with the atmosphere, Dominic makes to leave but Tony pleads with him to stay as he needs his help. Jacqui turning up to the event with Max only adds to Tony's worry as he doesn't want her ruining his big day. However, everything goes to plan and the event is a complete success.

    At the end of the day, it's only Jacqui who remains and she offers Tony some advice on being a father. After a brief heart-to-heart, Jacqui and Tony's relationship appears to thaw slightly.

    Elsewhere, Russ is still angry and frustrated with Jacqui as she continues to refuse access to see Max. On his day off work, he sees her in the village with Max but she won't speak to him. Before he can head over to see them, Sarah stops him in his tracks in an attempt to convince him that the best thing he can do is let the situation calm down. She also maintains that asking Nancy to run away with him was a purely selfish request.

    A furious Russ becomes even angrier when he sees Nancy out with Charlie - he resents her for the access she's secured. An incensed Russ later tells Nancy that the biggest mistake he's ever made was staying in Hollyoaks for her.

    2564: Anita admits to stealing the exam papers
    Airs on Thursday, May 21 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Mike and Sarah are determined to do everything they can to get Lucas back from Ste but know they won't get very far without Amy's help. Ste's pleased with his progress but isn't happy when they turn up on his doorstep demanding to take Lucas home with them. However, he's not about to let them just walk away with his son.

    After speaking with Amy, Mike has resigns himself to the fact that Amy wants Lucas to be with Ste and realises that they both only want what's best. He's glad when Ste doesn't shut him out completely and gives him the opportunity to look after his grandson while he goes to work.

    Later, however, when the electric goes in the flat and he realises that he has no milk for Lucas, Ste gets some extra shifts in Il Gnosh to earn some extra cash. Abi's only too happy to help look after Lucas and adores spending time with him.

    Anita's filled with fear after overhearing her mum and dad talking about the missing exam papers and the fact that her dad could lose his job over it. In school, Gov addresses the class and gives the thief until the end of the day to put them back or face exclusion. When Lauren finds Anita sitting in the schoolyard, she can't believe she still has the exam papers. It's too late, though, as Gov arrives and accuses Lauren of being the thief.

    As Lauren's marched off to the office, Anita's forced to come clean and admits to her dad that she stole them. Anita can't face her mum after being sent home from school and her heart breaks as she listens to her parents talking about the shame she's brought on the family. But Anita's true feelings come pouring out when she's confronted by her parents and Gov's forced to look at his own actions…

    Zoe's mortified after making a move on Zak the previous night and feels terrible when he stops by to pick up his hoodie – he can hardly look her in the eye. When Zak later sees her drinking alone outside The Dog, he can't help feeling nostalgic about their friendship and heads over to talk. Zoe's fed up of ruining everything in her life but Zak manages to make her feel a little better, before heading off to see Michaela.

    Zoe spots a troubled Mike and, realising they're both feeling down, she asks him to join her for a drink. However, she soon sees that there's nothing left between them when he declines. Alone, Zoe's glad when Zak returns but she's left feeling bad when he insists that he gave up a day with Michaela for her yesterday and he's not doing the same today.

    Tony's looking forward to teaching Harry how to make fine cuisine and is brimming full of ideas, desperate to impress his son. He feels bad, though, when Dominic reveals that he's missing Loretta and spent his night sitting outside the club in the hope of seeing her. Dom finds Harry playing computer games in the flat and realises that he's not interested in learning to cook.

    Knowing how disappointed Tony will be if he doesn't turn up, Dom manages to win Harry round with some harmless fun at Tony's expense. Tony's grateful for Dom's help when he realises that he's been bigging him up to Harry and wants to thank him. But Tony's plan to help Dominic win Loretta backfires and Dom's angry that he's ruined any chance he might have had.

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to moonstorm For This Useful Post:

    lizann (14-05-2009), sam23 (13-05-2009), sykegirl1 (12-05-2009), tammyy2j (12-05-2009), willow (14-05-2009)

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    2565: The teens are reunited
    Airs on Friday, May 22 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

    Newt, Theresa, Lauren and Anita find themselves in an all-day detention on their last day at school before exams. Fuming to find themselves incarcerated, they reluctantly head to the classroom to begin their punishment. Nancy's charged with supervising the unruly mob and as they begin to give her stick, she leaves before her tears begin to flow.

    Alone and unsupervised, the gloves come off and Anita and Lauren are soon caught up in a vicious attack on each other. As the fight escalates, Newt throws water over Theresa. When the situation dissipates, an awkward truce is reached when Theresa reveals to the group that Anita bleached her skin. As realisation dawns how much Anita has been affected by the bullying, the friends unite - until Lauren lets slip that she was actually responsible for bullying Anita all along.

    Newt's appalled and leads the furore, but Anita surprises everyone by offering an olive branch, telling Newt and Theresa that she's forgiven Lauren, so they should too. Friendships fully restored, the gang are delighted when Nancy announces they've completed their detention and they head into their half term break re-united.

    The pressure mounts for Zoe about her impending results and although Michaela thinks she should be excited by the prospect of going to film school, Zak's aware that all is not well. Bumping into Mike does little to dispel her fears. Guilt ridden, Zoe agrees to meet him later.

    Zoe feels awful over lunch with Mike and listening to his interest and pride in her film compounds her misery. Her problems later escalate when Michaela insists that she knows what she's been up to. Thinking that she's referring to Zak, she inadvertently tells Michaela about their kiss.

    Devastated, Michaela flees, leaving Zoe feeling even worse than she already did. Confronting Zak about the kiss with Zoe, a devastated Michaela sees no other option than to break up with him. Valiantly fighting his corner, Zak insists that Zoe came on to him, but Michaela can't forgive him and leaves Zak heartbroken…

    Harry's finding life dull and asks Dom to go metal detecting with him, but Tony has other ideas and sends him off alone, saying that he'll follow up once Il Gnosh is sorted.

    While Dom continues to miss Loretta, Tony makes a half-hearted attempt to show interest in Harry's metal detector findings. However, more caught up in the running of the restaurant, he fails to spot a hand grenade as part of Harry's treasure.

    As Harry bandies the grenade about and the pin falls to the floor, Dom runs out into the village, leaving a panic stricken Tony behind. Spreading himself over the grenade, Tony waits for the explosion. Thankfully it never arrives as it transpires that the grenade's actually a toy. Filled with utter respect for his dad, Tony's thrilled to finally be a hero in his son's eyes…

    Nancy's struggling to cope with her emotions and under pressure from the students over her friendship with Russ, she leaves the detention classroom for some air. Collared by Gov, Nancy flounders for an excuse to explain her disappearance, but an intuitive Gov realises that she has Russ on her mind and agrees to let her off.

  4. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to moonstorm For This Useful Post:

    lizann (14-05-2009), sam23 (13-05-2009), sykegirl1 (12-05-2009), tammyy2j (12-05-2009), willow (14-05-2009)

  5. #3
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    I think Abi and Ste will steal baby Lucas

  6. #4
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    I agree with Tammy, it looks like it is leading up to this.

  7. #5
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    Abi and Dnniel will take him, that is what Daniel said on Lucas's naming day ceremony, They were filming themselves like a mum and dad would and they said he will soon be with his rightful parents, not long to wait now love! it was too creepy to be meaning Ste and Amy. Also there child died to cot death, but i'm not sure if she can have another herself or not. I think They are befriending Ste to win his trust so it will be easy for them to kidnap Lucas and Amy being out of the picture is a bonus for them.

    Has Amy left or is she just taking time out of filming for exams or something??
    Last edited by sam23; 13-05-2009 at 15:56.

  8. #6
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    Zoe and her annoying brother should leave

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