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Thread: Gary Windass (Mikey North)

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    Gary Windass (Mikey North)

    Having rapidly made an enemy in David Platt (Jack P. Shepherd) over kitchengate, Coronation Street's Gary Windass (Mikey North) and his clan - mother Anna (Debbie Rush), father Eddie (Steve Huison) and uncle Len (Conor Ryan) - took root on the Cobbles at the end of November. After their arrival, Anna quickly sought to befriend Gail (Helen Worth), while Gary's animosity with David has continued to escalate. Next week, Gary pushes David to the edge when he jibes at him about his past indiscretions and a vicious scrap breaks out between the pair. So what's it been like settling in at Corrie and what's to come from Gary over the next few weeks? We gave actor Mike North a bell to find out.

    You're still the relative new kid on the block. How's it been like settling in?
    "It's been great. I've had some nice storylines to come in on, too. And being part of a new family, you're all in the same boat settling in. Everyone's been fantastic here - we've all been made to feel very welcome."

    What's it like working with your 'second' family?
    "It's funny because you start to feel that they are your real family. I'm sure they all feel the same way, too. My 'mum' Anna probably feels maternal towards me in a stupid kind of a way!"

    The Windasses seem to have this shady past life. Will we ever learn why they had to leave Spain?
    "I would have thought so. I'm sure that'll come out in a few months. At the moment, I've not read anything that hints as to why we left Spain. We were probably up to no good or were evicted for some reason."

    What's the reason behind Gary's dislike of David?
    "I think it all stems from the kitchen business when Joe sold us a kitchen that we refused to pay for, and to get revenge David, Tina and Graeme trashed the kitchen. So right form the start, David and Gary have been enemies and because he has a good looking girlfriend, Gary sees that as an opportunity to wind David up even more. Any chance Gary gets, he'll wind David up."

    Has Gary always been a bad lad character growing up?
    "I think so, yeah. He gets it all from his uncle Len, who in a way is his idol. Gary copies his uncle and wants to be like him, even though he realises that it's not the best thing to do."

    Has Gary been brought up with Len acting as his dad?
    "Len's someone that he looks up to, but he knows who his dad is. Len's his hero and probably plays more of a brotherly role."

    Does Gary really fancy Tina or is he just winding David up?
    "Course he does. He fancies himself to be honest - he thinks he can get anyone with his one-liners. Fancying Tina isn't the main thing for him, though. His focus is to wind David up. I think he's just playing the game. He knows he's winding Tina up in the process. I'm sure deep down that he hopes one day she'll fall for him."

    Gary has a criminal record doesn't he?
    "Yeah. He got into a scrap with some of the lads on the estate where he used to live and ended up being charged with assault. He ended up with a suspended sentence and if he gets caught again for the same thing, he'll end up going down for I think three years."

    Next week, Gary learns about David's past and starts taunting him, doesn't he?
    "Gary steals loads of copper piping from the builders' yard with his uncle Len to make himself a bit of cash as well as getting at Joe. Gary convinces Jason that he wasn't involved and the pair become quite pally. Jason ends up telling Gary everything about David's past, including pushing his mum down the stairs, giving ecstasy to his niece, driving the car into the canal and not getting on with his dad. Gary keeps going on at David until he snaps and lamps him just as Tina comes into view. Once David throws the first punch, Gary gets stuck in and goes to town on him. Gary hopes that he'll get away with it because she's the one that saw David throw the first punch."

    Who gets hurt?
    "David knows who's boss by the end!"

    After the scuffle, David's taken to hospital. What happens to Gary?
    "Gary storms off and leaves his mum to deal with it all but when he returns home, the police are in the house and arrest him because Rita saw the end of the fight and told the police that it was all Gary's fault. When Gary speaks to Len later in the day, it's only then that Gary realises that his plan was flawed from the outset because Tina would never lie for David, even though she knows the truth."

    Gary Windass talks Rosie and Graeme

    Last week, I caught up with Coronation Street newbie Mikey North to chat about the forthcoming screen fight between his character Gary Windass and resident bad boy David Platt (Jack P. Shepherd). Since he turned up on the Street, Gary's been taking every opportunity to speak to David's girlfriend Tina (Michelle Keegan), winding David up in the process.

    However, Gary soon hears about David's colourful past after a chat with Jason (Ryan Thomas). Armed with plenty of ammunition, Gary continues with his provocative remarks, pushing David further to the edge. At the mention of David's relationship with his dad Martin (Sean Wilson), David snaps and goes for Gary. By the end of the scrap, the young Platt is left in a bloody state. Click here to read what Mikey has to say about the storyline.

    Here, however, are a few extra quotes from my time with Mikey. By the sounds of it, we've probably not seen the end of Rosie and Gary, and we'll probably be delving a little deeper into the family's past.

    Are there any similarities between you both?
    "Most of the characters that I play are the bad lads and I'm not like that at all. I've no idea where I get it from - it must be the guys I went to school with!"

    Gary had a bit of a thing over Christmas with Rosie Webster. Does he actually like her or was she just a means to an end?
    "To be honest, I think Gary saw that he had sex on tap next door and so thought he might as well try and get in there. It was only a quick bit over Christmas, but I wouldn't rule out a potential reconciliation. They're quite a match, really."

    Who haven't you had scenes yet that you'd love to film with?
    "In real life, I live with Crag Gazey who plays Graeme and he introduced the Windasses onto the Cobbles because Graeme knew of the family. I'm hoping that things might develop along that strand and we might find out how Gary and Graeme know each other. The scripts have mentioned some names of Gary's estate mates as well as other Windass family members. So I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing a few people from the family's past sailing through."

    Corrie seem to have played the Windass arrival a better than they did with the Mortons - they actually have a storyline, which is a good start! One question that I'm still pondering, though, is whether there's still room for the Mortons on the Cobbles. Have the Windass clan successfully usurped their position in Weatherfield? Or would the Mortons be welcomed back with open arms?

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    Where did they find the Windass clan, not one of them can act. I have seen better at a school production.

    Hurry up and get rid of them......

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    alvinsduckie (21-01-2009)

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    I agree, I wish they had left the Mortons stay and give them decent storylines.

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    Mikey North has claimed that his Coronation Street character has become a "legend" after taking on David Platt.

    The 22-year-old actor's alter-ego Gary Windass has become a huge hit with the soap's younger fans since he fought with David (Jack P. Shepherd) in an episode which was broadcast last month.

    "Younger people seem to think I'm a legend because I'm smacking David Platt," North told the Daily Record. "People come up and say: 'Make sure you give him one from me next time'.

    "But it's difficult going out with my pals. It's at the point now where I've got to be careful. It can be a nightmare. You are very aware of it, but sometimes I forget and wonder why people are looking at me or coming up to me, before I realise they think I'm Corrie's Gary."

    "I do take it as a compliment though when people come up and say they hate my character or are scared of him," he continued. "But I'm nothing like him. I'm a mummy's boy."

    North added that he was glad when the ITV1 soap's producers started to focus on Gary's "nicer side", which will continue to be explored over the coming weeks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by heardki View Post
    Where did they find the Windass clan, not one of them can act. I have seen better at a school production.

    Hurry up and get rid of them......
    I agree. The Morons didnt get many good storylines but even so they were TEN times better than the Windasses and the wannabe gangsta brother.
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  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    Mikey North has claimed that his Coronation Street character has become a "legend" after taking on David Platt.

    The 22-year-old actor's alter-ego Gary Windass has become a huge hit with the soap's younger fans since he fought with David (Jack P. Shepherd) in an episode which was broadcast last month.
    who made up that blatant lie? i dont think i've met a single person who likes the Windass family!
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    A teenager has pleaded guilty to attacking Coronation Street star Mikey North last month.

    Stuart Stocks, 19, was charged with grievous bodily harm after punching North as he returned home from a nightclub in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, on April 11.

    The 22-year-old actor, who plays Gary Windass in the ITV1 soap, was left with a broken jaw in two places and required emergency surgery following the incident.

    Appearing at Scarborough Magistrates' Court this morning, Stocks admitted to the offence. His lawyer said: "My client is bitterly regretful of what has happened. He is extremely contrite and full of remorse. It was one blow."

    Sentencing has been adjourned until June 11. Stocks, from Sherburn, North Yorkshire, has been remanded on unconditional bail.

    In a statement to the court made on May 13, North said that he has been experiencing painful headaches leading to anxiety and has maintained regular contact with the hospital since the incident.

    The statement added: "I was due to have some large parts over the next three weeks. Some [Corrie] storylines will be lost and I may not be able to get them back and I am paid according to the storylines."

  10. #8
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    It's the Dad Eddie he is totally gormless. How on earth did he get a job as an actor.

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  11. #9
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    Don't like the Windasses at all, Gary seems to be the only good actor out of the whole Family, the Mum reminds me of Myra out of Hollyoaks.

  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by angel_eyes87 View Post
    the Mum reminds me of Myra out of Hollyoaks.
    I know same here, they're really alike
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