Bridget struggles
Airs on Monday, January 28 2008 at 17:35 GMT on BBC One

Determined not to live out life in a wheelchair, Bridget readily embraces her physiotherapy and successfully pleads her case to be discharged from hospital. Her family tries to be as supportive and loving as they can, but sensitive Bridget begins to feel suffocated by their excessive attention.

Declan refuses to accept his counsellor’s diagnosis of post-traumatic stress, and lies to Rebecca about how well he’s coping in the aftermath of his kidnapping, hiding his fears that he’s an inherently bad person - like his father – which is why bad things happen to him. When Harold expresses his relief that Declan is back after ‘running away’, Rebecca stops short of mentioning the kidnap and inadvertently gives Declan the impression it’s something she’s ashamed of.

After a family discussion, Declan retreats even further into himself. Oliver can see Declan’s carrying a lot of anger over the incident and suggests he find an outlet for it. Declan returns to Nick and Laura’s caravan and trashes it, but still can’t wipe away his fears. Things take a darker turn when Declan finds kerosene and matches inside. Will he give in to his vengeful thoughts and set the van ablaze? Oliver arrives in time to confront him but a fight breaks out and Declan is poised to inflict serious damage on his well-intentioned ‘good’ brother.

Mickey’s rapt when Jake recovers from his poisoning, but isn’t so thrilled with Janae, whom he blames for making Jake ill. Janae and Ned can’t work out why Mickey is giving Janae the cold shoulder, but hope he’ll continue his new breakthrough of sharing his feelings with them. Janae is hurt when Mickey rejects her efforts to connect, reminding her in no uncertain terms she’s not his mother.

Oliver confronts Declan
Airs on Tuesday, January 29 2008 at 17:35 GMT on BBC One

Bridget feels suffocated by her parents’ overwhelming need to help and protect her, especially when it makes her feel completely useless. Her breaking point is reached when Miranda and Steve start to discuss home care options - to Bridget, it seems they’ve already sentenced her to life as an invalid. Seeking refuge in Rachel’s friendship and understanding, Bridget makes it known that she just wants her life to return to normal – which means taking on her recovery by herself. But will her stubbornness be her undoing?

Declan’s attempt to burn Nick’s caravan reveals a deeper fear in Declan that he’s bad like his father, which is why bad things happen to him. Oliver is devastated by Declan’s heartbreaking admission and helps his brother face his demons. But when Declan makes Oliver promise to keep the caravan incident and his Richard fears a secret from Rebecca, Oliver’s loyalty is torn. He’ll stay quiet for now, but is this a promise he can keep?

Mickey continues to punish remorseful Janae for accidentally poisoning Jake; in his mind it was no accident. Despite Ned’s efforts to resolve the conflict Mickey remains unforgiving - until he unwittingly makes a mistake and realises how easy it is for accidents to happen.

Karl vents his anger at Miranda
Airs on Wednesday, January 30 2008 at 17:35 GMT on BBC One

Oliver’s jealousy gets the better of him when he thinks Elle may be romantically interested in Riley. He and Riley lock antlers and their rivalry escalates during the marathon, culminating with Riley physically retaliating at the finish line - much to Elle’s horror.

Declan’s ‘rescue’ of Bridget only fuels her embarrassment – and his confusion – as she pushes him away, humiliated.

The Kennedy-Kinski/Parker conflict continues with Karl witnessing Miranda’s misjudged confrontation with Rachel. Swift to Rachel’s defence, Karl vents his anger and resentment about the persecution of his family. But his words have little impact on unforgiving Miranda.

When Frazer bans Ringo from competing in the marathon he unwittingly takes away Ringo’s one solace. Defiant Ringo enters the competition anyway, and fuelled by inner demons, pushes himself to the limit in his quest for first place.

Harold is mortified when competitive Lou employs some underhand race tactics in order to beat Valda to the finish line.

Karl tries to keep Susan out of prison
Airs on Thursday, January 31 2008 at 17:35 GMT on BBC One

Toadie breaks the news that Susan’s guilty plea at her committal hearing will most likely land her in prison – driving Karl to plead with her to change her mind. But Susan’s determined to pay for her crime, causing tension between the pair. Karl’s desperation leads him to the Parkers to beg Miranda and Steve to convince Susan to fight for her freedom – but can Miranda be swayed?

Elle’s disgusted when she discovers Riley and Oliver’s fight at the marathon was inspired by rivalry over her – and decides that neither of them is worth her attention.

Carmella needs another $10,000 to set up her on-line business and Rosie comes to her rescue – offering part of Frazer’s compensation payout (that’s currently sitting in a Rebecchi / Cameniti business account). But before she can discuss the offer with Frazer, Toadie unwittingly lets the cat out of the bag. Frazer’s affronted she didn’t check with him first. Carmella, not wanting to cause further friction between the pair, decides to turn down the offer, effectively abandoning her dreams to expand her business.

Pepper tries to help Ringo
Airs on Friday, February 1 2008 at 17:35 GMT on BBC One

Despite Karl’s plea, Miranda refuses to persuade Susan to change her plea to not guilty. Though Steve is starting to find some empathy for Susan and Karl, Miranda is intent on punishing Susan for the accident, reminding Bridget that the accident will affect Bridget for the rest of her life. Bridget is crushed that her mother has seemingly given up all hope of a recovery.

When the Kennedy/Kinskis bump into the Parkers at the pool, it’s tense for Susan and Miranda, but the other family members try to get on with their lives. As Miranda sees Susan enjoying her family, her conscience is finally pricked. She tells Susan that she wants her to change her plea. Susan is relieved and assumes this means their friendship can be restored; however Miranda sets her straight – she can never forgive Susan.

Confronted by Pepper’s understanding of his control issues and his resulting eating disorder, Ringo lashes out. Pepper doesn’t give up and admits she too suffered from an eating disorder in her teens, striking a chord in Ringo. Setting some strict ground rules, Pepper is relieved that Ringo is seemingly going to comply. However it becomes clear that helping Ringo is going to be an uphill battle…

Carmella attracts more than a business interest in Marco Silvani. Marco offers her a partnership deal with the on-line fruit and vege business. Carmella takes up his offer and signs the contract.