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Thread: Jade, Jo, Danielle - Enough Is Enough?

  1. #51
    Jojo is offline **Debs Official Stalker**
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Montana View Post
    I disagree about the freedom of speech. There has to be a line between what is acceptable and what is inflammatory. What I find ironic is that people tend to use inflammatory language when faced with a perceived threat. I've seen polish, chinese, and asians verbally insulted for nothing more than the fact they are over here working. If that is what freedom of speech is about then I'm sorry, something has gone badly wrong.
    I was meaning freedom of speech as in being able to hold a private conversation with someone and it being between the two of you, instead of someone walking past overhearing part of a conversation and taking offence to a word, even though they haven't actually heard the conversation.

    Racism is wrong in any shape or form, but I have also walked down my street and had to walk through a group of Polish lads who feel its ok to not allow me to get past them and to then watch me walking by them, quite frankly worried for my own safety.

    I have no problem with anyone, colour, race, sex or creed, never have and never will. When you see a Polish group of 7 people living in a 2 bedroomed rented house, with no furniture, living off of beans and toast, and sending all remaining funds to their families, then you feel for them, but a line should be drawn somewhere, before we live in a silent world worried about what to say in case its deemed as offensive.

    As an afterthought....if people are prosecuted for saying racially abusive things to people etc, does this mean calling someone a slag etc could also mean prosecution in the future? Is this any different?
    Last edited by Jojo; 02-02-2007 at 14:02.

  2. #52
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    I think what gets me is rumour racism.. (ok I made that up) but when we first start getting refugees we were told that they were given houses by local authorities, cars, clothing and everything they needed so it instill a hatred for these people before anyone gets to know them

    I find that the majority of refugees do want to work and do want to get on with life and yet they are been treated bad cause of a few bad one.
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  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoJo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Montana View Post
    I disagree about the freedom of speech. There has to be a line between what is acceptable and what is inflammatory. What I find ironic is that people tend to use inflammatory language when faced with a perceived threat. I've seen polish, chinese, and asians verbally insulted for nothing more than the fact they are over here working. If that is what freedom of speech is about then I'm sorry, something has gone badly wrong.
    I was meaning freedom of speech as in being able to hold a private conversation with someone and it being between the two of you, instead of someone walking past overhearing part of a conversation and taking offence to a word, even though they haven't actually heard the conversation.

    Racism is wrong in any shape or form, but I have also walked down my street and had to walk through a group of Polish lads who feel its ok to not allow me to get past them and to then watch me walking by them, quite frankly worried for my own safety.

    I have no problem with anyone, colour, race, sex or creed, never have and never will. When you see a Polish group of 7 people living in a 2 bedroomed rented house, with no furniture, living off of beans and toast, and sending all remaining funds to their families, then you feel for them, but a line should be drawn somewhere.

    The way Labour are going nothing will be private anymore. Private means exactly that. Tony Blair needs a reality check. I pray this cash for peerage affair finally gets rid of him.

    it doesn't matter if they are polish - surely any group of lads behaving in the same fashion would be a threat?

    Some immigrants that lived down are street were thinking of going back home because cost of living here is so high but now are debating whether its worth going back as the Brits have priced them out of their own housing market.

  4. #54
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    We have a huge amount of Polish workers in Bristol, we've got several in the small company I work in one lives in a house with 11 other poles. The guys I work with are such hard workers they are qualified teachers, accountants etc but they are doing manual jobs.

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siobhan View Post
    I think what gets me is rumour racism.. (ok I made that up) but when we first start getting refugees we were told that they were given houses by local authorities, cars, clothing and everything they needed so it instill a hatred for these people before anyone gets to know them

    I find that the majority of refugees do want to work and do want to get on with life and yet they are been treated bad cause of a few bad one.
    I was working with a woman who was doing her social workers degree, prior to going for this degree she worked with immigrants. Yes they do go to Citizens Advice Buerau and other places, find out what they can get and what they get is alot more than a native Brit gets.

    We held many conversations about this, and she said it's because they are told what they are entitled to we aren't. This is where the whole problem lies, not with the immigrants themselves, but again with govt sectors.

    The sooner people vote the sooner we can get another bunch of numbskulls in power, and we'll have to see what they do with the rubbish that has been brought in under labour.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jade View Post
    We have a huge amount of Polish workers in Bristol, we've got several in the small company I work in one lives in a house with 11 other poles. The guys I work with are such hard workers they are qualified teachers, accountants etc but they are doing manual jobs.
    This is what I dont get if they are such highly qualified why aren't we allowing them to work in their fields???

    We need teachers etc and they need the quickest way to help their families back home, oh hang on I'm being practical here sorry I'll have to go retrain as a govt official

  7. #57
    Jojo is offline **Debs Official Stalker**
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Montana View Post
    The way Labour are going nothing will be private anymore. Private means exactly that. Tony Blair needs a reality check. I pray this cash for peerage affair finally gets rid of him.

    it doesn't matter if they are polish - surely any group of lads behaving in the same fashion would be a threat?

    Some immigrants that lived down are street were thinking of going back home because cost of living here is so high but now are debating whether its worth going back as the Brits have priced them out of their own housing market.
    Its not the fact they are Polish that makes them a threat, you're right, but they have outcast themselves. Not through being Polish of course, but I mean the whole situation. Saturdays nights in a small town of probably 5,000 people if that, involve riot police sitting in the middle of the road between the Polish lads on one side and the Local lads on the other side, who are upset as they can't get a house in our town anymore as DSS etc have rented them to the Polish people.

    The groups of lads I mean with trying to get past them, eye you up and down, speaking to each other in Polish and it makes you feel generally uncomfortable. These lads might not even being talking about me, but because I can't understand what they are saying, it makes me feel threatened.

    Everywhere, we have posters in both English and Polish, Polish being the first language on the posters.

    I hope I'm sounding racist here as I'm truly not, its just trying to explain a situation we have

    P.S. From what was said on the news this lunchtime, he'll be here till the end.

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoJo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Montana View Post
    The way Labour are going nothing will be private anymore. Private means exactly that. Tony Blair needs a reality check. I pray this cash for peerage affair finally gets rid of him.

    it doesn't matter if they are polish - surely any group of lads behaving in the same fashion would be a threat?

    Some immigrants that lived down are street were thinking of going back home because cost of living here is so high but now are debating whether its worth going back as the Brits have priced them out of their own housing market.
    Its not the fact they are Polish that makes them a threat, you're right, but they have outcast themselves. Not through being Polish of course, but I mean the whole situation. Saturdays nights in a small town of probably 5,000 people if that, involve riot police sitting in the middle of the road between the Polish lads on one side and the Local lads on the other side, who are upset as they can't get a house in our town anymore as DSS etc have rented them to the Polish people.

    The groups of lads I mean with trying to get past them, eye you up and down, speaking to each other in Polish and it makes you feel generally uncomfortable. These lads might not even being talking about me, but because I can't understand what they are saying, it makes me feel threatened.

    Everywhere, we have posters in both English and Polish, Polish being the first language on the posters.

    I hope I'm sounding racist here as I'm truly not, its just trying to explain a situation we have

    P.S. From what was said on the news this lunchtime, he'll be here till the end.
    What you say is not racist, it's fact because you see it yourself. How else are you going to type it??

    This is how WW2 started, the perceived threat of immigrants & jews etc and it's happening here again today. It's not the immigrants fault it's the govt fault for not having stricter immigration laws and allowing Brussels to tell us what we can and can not do.

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to soapyclean For This Useful Post:

    ChelseaFC (02-02-2007), Jojo (02-02-2007)

  10. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoJo View Post
    P.S. From what was said on the news this lunchtime, he'll be here till the end.
    Well lets hope those God fearing people who wave their placards saying The End is Nigh are talking about Tony Bliar and his cronies
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  11. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by soapyclean View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Siobhan View Post
    I think what gets me is rumour racism.. (ok I made that up) but when we first start getting refugees we were told that they were given houses by local authorities, cars, clothing and everything they needed so it instill a hatred for these people before anyone gets to know them

    I find that the majority of refugees do want to work and do want to get on with life and yet they are been treated bad cause of a few bad one.
    I was working with a woman who was doing her social workers degree, prior to going for this degree she worked with immigrants. Yes they do go to Citizens Advice Buerau and other places, find out what they can get and what they get is alot more than a native Brit gets.

    We held many conversations about this, and she said it's because they are told what they are entitled to we aren't. This is where the whole problem lies, not with the immigrants themselves, but again with govt sectors.

    The sooner people vote the sooner we can get another bunch of numbskulls in power, and we'll have to see what they do with the rubbish that has been brought in under labour.
    The benefits system in this country is crazy!

    There are so many British people abusing the benfits system.

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