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Thread: Dancing in the moonlight - Another Shannis script by PinkFairy!

  1. #1
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    Dancing in the moonlight - Another Shannis script by PinkFairy!

    Right, well as you may know I've stopped writing midnight, I really felt it was going no where. But here's something I've started writing - hope you like it!

    Dancing in the moonlight
    Part One

    Have you ever wished to capture a moment and keep living it for an eternity? Knowing that things are so perfect is often worse than living a life of misery - at least with the misery you know that it can’t get worse. The anticipation of knowing that undoubtedly that all the harmony and fullness will be taken away from you, life plummeting back to hell can be like murder to the soul. The fear always there like a shadow, every move reminding you of it’s presence. Every moment of every day wondering if this is the time when it’s going to happen, is this the moment when everything will leave and never come back, the only reminder being the painful memories that haunt your mind, making you wish that you had never experienced the joy for the memories that they have left are all so painful? Every moment, even the startling, pure, calm moonlight turns into the shape of fear.
    The young woman smiled. Tonight was the night. The night when all the long nights of careful preparation and planning were finally going to come together. It had been a hard time, all the secrets, all the lies and most of all the anticipation. Knowing that one small blunder would bring a life times worth of receptions.
    She brushed her long, smooth hair back of her face, pulling each long, shinny strand back and twisting it round her long manicured fingers, each nail painted a startling blood red; ideal for tonight she though, catching their sight in a nearby mirror. She pinned her hair back with several small black clips that contrasted strongly with her tight red dress. The dress itself reached down to just above her knee’s, showing off her long slender legs. She hoped that he would approve. She knew he would, he had known her for a long time now.
    She applied some more make-up; startling red lipstick that suited her silky dress and shone in the moonlight, all the light coming in through the window flooded back to where it came form in a spectrum of vivid colours like the essence of a fairy. She blended in her silver eye shadow, blending in each crystal of the crushed substance. She swept the small brush up to her eyebrows, each stroke going higher than the last.
    As she carried on creating a face for her self, one that hid all the fear in her, hoping that the make-up would create a shield for her, repelling all the trouble back to the sender, she remembered why she was doing all of this. For him. Because she craved the way he made her feel. She remembered the way they had danced for the first time, how she had wanted to be in his arms for so long but had to disguise it because he was with someone else. How he had cared for her and made her feel truly loved for the first time. She had thought that her family gave her love, but after being with him, even after such a brief time he had proved her wrong, blowing all her previous misconceptions a million miles away.
    Tonight she was going to get him back. She knew she would. Her eyes glimmered with anticipation, knowing deep down that tonight was the night that would shape her life forever. One night would change a million others. She smiled, making her cheeks crinkle slightly. Her lips shined like a diamond and once again a spectrum of colours emitted from her heart-shaped lips, lighting up the dimmed room.
    She looked in the mirror but did nothing in response to her reflection. It was perfect and she knew it. Dressed to kill she thought, then laughing bitterly about the irony she had created in the one innocent sentence.
    She opened the door, twisting the cold handle tightly and the door slowly opened, creaking slightly for it badly needed oiling. She stepped through and looked around for the person she needed. The person she needed to make every thing possible tonight.
    “Phil.” She said singly.
    “You ready for this” The man replied, looking her straight in the eye. She could see that deep down he was nervous, however hard he tried to hide it, it was clearly present. He had loved her, she knew that, he had told her on their first meeting, all those months ago.
    “Yes, I’m as ready as I could be.” She smiled, trying to show him how grown up she was being about this, how much she wanted it.
    Tonight it’s time for Sharon to pay. Zoë thought, ready for revenge.
    Tonight it’s time for Dennis to pay Phil thought ready for revenge...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    This is fab. Didn't realise who you were talking about at that start, thought it was sharon about Zoe. Though Sharon wouldn't wear red nail polish really. More please
    Hiro: ...but you flying man! WHOOOOSSSHHH!
    Nathan: Would you keep it down?
    Hiro: ...whooooosh.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jake_Moon_Rox
    This is fab. Didn't realise who you were talking about at that start, thought it was sharon about Zoe. Though Sharon wouldn't wear red nail polish really. More please
    I was just thinking that
    This is great
    Post more soon
    Thanks for the AMAZING banner Layneykins!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    This is brilliant hope you post more soon

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    A.M.A.Z.I.N.G, honestly this is great!
    I didn't have a clue who you were on about,
    Please post more, need to know what the revenge is
    Luv ya
    x x x

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    In my brand new house
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    great! loving the script already! you cant leave us in suspense! post more soon please, cant wait
    A fool and his money are a girl's best friend

    thanks to vicky for making the banna!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    wow i wasn't sure who you were talking about then i thought it might be Chrissie after the dressed to kill comment!!! i never expected it to be Zoe!!!

    this brill really fanastic, i hope you post more of this!!!!!
    Dennis Rickman 28/08/1974 - 31/12/2005

  8. #8
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    Thanks, I didn't know if anyone would loike this, I found it a bit weird!
    Here's the next part.
    Dancing in the moonlight
    Part Two

    How do you know when a moment is perfect? How do you know that this moment that you’re experiencing right now is going to be the best of your life? How can you tell that once it’s over that you will never fell so happy, light and free ever again? Do you ever know?
    ‘You don’t know what you have until you lose it’ my mother used to tell me. ‘You don’t know what perfect is until it no longer exists. Until it’s working it’s magic on somewhere else, not bracing them either for the longing sensation that will follow when it retires’.
    She used to say that maybe life would be better if it didn't exist. If we were never completely happy then maybe would feel better. Because we would never have to experience the dragging withdraw when it departs.

    Sharon prepared the house for her husbands return. She laid the table artistically, working everything out so each piece would be symmetrical with the next, giving a professional effect. Each piece of cutlery glimmered it was so shinny and polished, the light from the tall gold candles reflecting off it like the moonlight that seeped romantically through the window. The soft material that was laid between the table and it’s contents like a thin sheet, protecting the table hung to the top of the wooden surface, yet flowed like a smooth river off the edge, reaching the hard floor beneath, skimming slightly across the floor, covering it with it’s passionate red shades.
    The tiny lily petals were scattered randomly, yet gave the impression of having some thought somewhere in their layout. Their colour was pure, like that of a dove, symbolizing love, peace and mutual understanding. The soft edges curled over, bending back flexibly like a gymnast, all the petals blending together, yet still each one standing out, adding something to the general overall effect.
    The soft music played soothingly in the background, it’s tune washing itself around Sharon, relaxing her and making her feel refreshed and composed. The only other sound apart from the gentle tones of the music was Sharon humming quietly, yet happily in the background, unaware that she was doing it, but still nevertheless but relaxed her even more, even if it was subconsciously.
    Dennis liked it when she hummed to herself, he thought that it was sweet. She always seemed so calm, compared to the times when he had known her to get so worried it scared him. He knew that below that cool, calm, collected exterior she was volatile and fragile like a butterfly. One tiny thing could make her snap and break her forever.
    It was his birthday today. He was 31 today. Sharon had been planning today for weeks, from the food they ate and what she wore, right down to what music was played and when. She wanted everything to be perfect.
    They had decided to stay in alone for the evening because of the pregnancy. Dennis was worried that having a party somewhere would be bad for her and the baby so late on in the pregnancy. However, staying in wasn’t going to stop Sharon's plans of making this one of the most memorable night of their lives.
    She was wrong. It wasn’t going to be one of the most memorable. It was going to be the most memorable nights of their lives. But was it for a good reason…?
    The door clicked open and Sharon sat up quickly from the chair she had been sat in previously. She hadn’t realised that Dennis would be this early.
    “Dennis” She called out excitedly. “Come I here, the food will be ready soon. Happy birthday baby.”
    She waited for a reply but there was none. Just footsteps. That wasn’t like Dennis. She was just about to say something else, ask him if her was alright when she heard a familiar voice.
    “I’m afraid Dennis won’t be here tonight, darling. In fact, I doubt he will be here for a long time now. But don’t worry, I’m here.”
    Sharon went cold. It felt like all the blood had rushed to her head, and she could feel it pumping around quickly. She felt freezing. Then she saw him.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Thanked: 8
    brill brill brill.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Thanked: 92
    WOW this is so good, your very good at writing these script, there so powerful and you go into loads of detail (which is good)
    That was good how Phil cam in, Plkease post more soon
    Luv ya Loads
    x x x

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