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Thread: LV - Season 7 spoilers/rumours

  1. #81
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    Sorry if it has already been said but do we have a date yet of when channel 5 are going to show season 7 ????? I know it will be at the begginig of the year but have they set a date????

  2. #82
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    In Purgatory.
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    I think i read somewhere on the net that season 7 was returning to the UK screens on Jan 30 but I'm not sure. It will be in the new year some time though

    Thanks to Vicky for my great new banner xxx
    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by chloe o'brien
    I think i read somewhere on the net that season 7 was returning to the UK screens on Jan 30 but I'm not sure. It will be in the new year some time though
    I read that as well, I think it was digi spy

  4. #84
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    whats it called??????????
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    7x14 Meet Market

    Sara, Warrick, Catherine (mostly Sara/Warrick) and Brass work the case of Margo Riley who is murdered. Jesse Hottman is something of a stud and something of a male prostitute, only it's all high class and he and his cohorts pretend it's not prostituting because he has "relationships." How is Jesse important to Margo? Well, read on.

    Jesse has "relationships" with a lot of people, so Sara and Warrick go to visit Jesse at his place of employment. This is all high-dollar - the finest of everything - best champagne, Gucci clothes, nice jewelry, etc. Jesse thinks Sara is there to um, be one of his many "relationships" so he tries to schmooze her, and Sara sort of lets him work his "magic" on her (he's a stud, a stud who is a high-dollar prostitute) and is somewhat amused by it before she gets down to business. He tries to hold her hand and she jerks away, she's not that amused.

    There is MUCH talk about why women pay for his "relationship" services, and Sara is definitely curious and also somewhat disgusted. It's about the dream, it's about perfection, etc.

    The key here -- Margo hired Jesse to work his "relationship" magic on her, only when they got to her place she whipped out a baby photo album. Turns out she gave up a baby many years ago, and has been searching for him. Turns out that baby? Yeah, Margo's baby is Jesse. Whom she hired to have sex with her under false pretenses because she wants a relationship with him, but not that kind of relationship. No, she just wants to be his mama. Jesse? Squicked out to say the least. Margo ends up dead! Who killed her? One of Jesse's other "relationships?" A lot of the women he has relationships with are very jealous, they didn't want Margo moving in on their territory. Did one of them kill Margo?

    Also, Sara and Brass visit Bill, Margo's husband. This is longer dialogue than would normally be posted, but interesting:

    Brass: I remember you telling me you didn't have kids.

    Bill We don't...or I don't. She gave him up right after we met.

    Sara: Why?

    Bill: She was seventeen. And we were in love.

    Sara: And you didn't want kids.

    Bill Riley shakes his head "no."

    Brass: How old were you?

    Bill: Twenty-nine.

    Sara: Pretty selfish. Who did Margo give the baby to?

    Bill: The father. But he was a drunk. Last we heard, the kid ran away.

    Sara: Margo was looking at this photo album when she was killed.

    Bill nods.

    Bill: Ever since she hit menopause, she's been taking it out.

    Brass: Isn't she a little young for menopause?

    Bill: They call it premature menopause. She was having a hard time with it.

    Sara: Dealing with the finality of not being able to have children. But at the same time, knowing you have one somewhere.

    Bill nods, agreeing.

    Nick, Keppler and Spork work the other case in this episode.

  5. #85
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    From Betty: Hey Kristin, any CSI scoop?
    I got a little intel on Liev Schreiber's CSI character, a new addition to the cast next month while William Petersen takes some time off. I'm hearing Liev will be playing an investigator named Michael Keppler, who has an interesting past that may or may not involve avenging a former girlfriend's death. Let's just say he's got a few things in common with Mike Delfino, including the girlfriend's father, who's a bit sinister and on Michael's back to commit more crimes.

  6. #86
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    Question: Please give me some scoop on CSI!— Melinda
    Ausiello: William Petersen's month-long sabbatical kicks in on Jan. 4, and exec producer Carol Mendelsohn told my colleague Craig Tomashoff that his absence will cause tension between Gil and Sara, which will become clear in a future episode when Grissom tries to make things right by "sending Sara something." Another plant, perhaps? Pick up the new TV Guide (our first double issue!) for more on Petersen's exit.

  7. #87
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    7x15 -- Law of Gravity

    I guess we could all learn a lot from Sir Isaac Newton. Including Johannes Keppler Kepler. Keppy #1 needed some help explaining planetary motions.

    As for Keppy #2? He gets a visit from a blue collar version of his own Phillip Gerard -- that's the best description I can come up with. His name is Jack McCarty and Keppy loves him like a father. Aw. Jack is a retired Trenton cop (Brass is a cop from Jersey! Maybe they'll get together and, I don't know, go to a Springsteen concert. Or rent a copy of Garden State and cuddle on the couch) whose phone calls Keppy has not been returning. Okay, we've seen Catherine's father and her father figure (remember that episode where she tried to solve the murder of her stripper friend?). We've met Grissom's father figure (the treacherous Gerard!), Warrick's father figure (Random Acts of Violence), and Nick's actual dad (they had nicknames for each other! And we know those nicknames! I could've lived my life without hearing a grown man be called Pancho). I'm sensing a theme here. Four out of five of those guys ended episodes falling from grace in the eyes of their proteges/progeny. What goes up, must come down.

    Anyway, I don't have much on the rest of the episode yet, but Keppler does go out to lunch with Wendy "Captain Liberty" Sims. Naomi Watts should watch her back!

  8. #88
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    7x16 -- Monster in a Box

    So what've we got here? The MCSK puts the cart before the horse and sends the mini before committing the crime. What's the setting? Barbara Glass' condo. Barbie -- mid-50s, a retired psychotherapist -- is none too happy to have her place teeming with officers as she goes about her regimented day. Upon seeing the replica -- and who wouldn't be creeped out (and a little psyched!) to see a mini model of their own living room? -- she and her husband, Peyton, cooperate with Brass. They form a band called Brass & Glass, and tour the country, performing at bluegrass festivals. The end.

    Not really. An undercover officer poses as Barbara and gets killed in the process. I guess she was too good.

    N-E-WAY, we learn that Barbara did a lot of pro-bono work (not to be confused with pro-Bono work) -- which included helping those in a halfway house. One of the former halfway house residents? Mr. Mitch Jones, a.k.a. Lionel Dell. Ohmigosh, does that last name sound familiar? <rolls eyes> Mitch/Lionel is none other than the only biological child of the late, train-crazy Ernie Dell. The dots are starting to connect...

    Mitch/Lionel used to work at Mannleigh Chicken Plant, but got laid off thanks in part to Izzy Delancey's PSA. Raymundo Suarez took over his job. Mitch/Lionel turned to drugs (like the spiders...), which means Penny Garden's stash would've been mighty attractive to him.

    Sara (and Sofia) rationalize that Ernie pretty much admitted to the crimes to save his son. Mitch/Lionel is having none of it, and then goes all David Copperfield on them: Ernie and his wife (the also late Mrs. Dell) could not have children, so they foster parented "a ton" of kids. Lionel was a surprise -- hey, so was my cousin, but we love him anyway -- and was added to the already crowded mix of kids. Mrs. Dell died and Ernie became absorbed in his trains. Mitch/Lionel is bitter, indeed.

    Every boy needs a father.
    If this isn't complicated enough for y'all, Barbara Glass (the real one, not the undercover one) also ends up dead. But Catherine deduces that there's more to Dr. Glass' murder than meets the eye.

    Sara and Grissom start looking through tapes of parties the Dells threw for their foster kids. They count at least a dozen children, and speculate on the difficulty they'll have finding these kids -- now adults who have possibly changed their names, like Lionel Dell did.

    We call it "graduation."

  9. #89
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    Is this before or after Grissom takes his sabbatical?

  10. #90
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    Grissom takes his sabbatical in 'Leaving Las Vegas' then he returns about 4 episodes after... I think it's 4.
    Last edited by CrazyLea; 13-01-2007 at 22:07.

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