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Thread: Always

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
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    please review!!! and i'll update as soon as possible!

    Last edited by baby oranges; 26-08-2006 at 21:21.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hants, England.
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    Wow, it's really gd, can't wait for more. Becki x

  3. #93
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thanked: 45
    Argh! More, please! I love it!

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
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    So glad u updated! Its brilliant! Can't wait for the next chapter!

  5. #95
    Join Date
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    Sheffield and home
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    Love the story, so happy you updated! and awww poor sam, bless her. please update soon, and thanks for reviewing my fic! i really appreciate it! xxx

  6. #96
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    After several minutes, Phil gently pushed Sam away a little when she showed no signs of moving herself.

    “Sam, what is it?”

    He received only more sobs by way of answer and so, he pushed her a little further back, so he could crouch a little and force her to look him in the eye. “Sam, I hate seeing you like this. You can tell me you know? Whatever it is.”

    She pulled away completely now walking into a cubicle to retrieve some tissues. Phil watched her wipe her eyes and nose, as she walked right past him to lean against one of the sinks.

    “I know”, she began slowly. “And I want to tell you I really do but . . .”

    “But what?”

    The floor suddenly became very interesting as Sam mumbled “I don’t want to lose you.”

    “Lose me?”

    “There you go I said it”, she almost shouted. “You happy now?”

    “Happy? What? Sam I have to tell you, I love you but right now? You’re not making much sense to me.”

    “You do? Really?”


    “Love me?”

    Phil walked closer to her, putting his arm around her waist. “Of course I do silly. What? You think I hung of your every word for the last 3 years because I hated you?” Cupping her chin with his hand he once again forced her to look up at him. “Sam, I love you more than anything in the world.”

    She wriggled out of his embrace, shouting, “Don’t.”

    Phil frowned, “Ok, again with the crazy talk. Will you please just tell me what’s going on?”

    Sam was ready for exploding now. “I’ve got cancer ok?”

    At Phil’s apparent inability to speak she carried on. “My important meeting this morning finished with a phone call from my doctor, I have a mass on my lung.”

    “And it’s definitely cancer?” Phil forced the words out through the ball which had formed in his throat.

    “Well it’s hardly a broken finger is it? Cancer is cancer Phil.”

    “But the doctor never said cancer?”

    Sam let out a loud sigh. “Phil, you wanted to know. If you can’t handle it . . .”

    “Sam, shhh a minute”, Phil interrupted her ranting. “What exactly did he say? Is it treatable?”

    “I have to go back for tests tomorrow. Don’t see the point myself but . . .”

    “Hey!” Phil interrupted her yet again. Walking over to her he grabbed both her arms and told her. “Listen to me Sam. You are the strongest person I know and we are not going to let this beat you ok?”

    Sam just stood looking up at him.

    “We’ll go in tomorrow for your tests and then we’ll take it from there right?”

    Sam nodded, collapsing into Phil’s arms. “You’ll come with me?” she asked. “You know you don’t have to. I would understand if you . . .”

    “Stop right there. I am not going anywhere Sam, whether you like it or not. I only just got you back and I am not about to let you go without a fight ok?”

    Sam smiled. Phil could do that. He had the ability to make her laugh no matter what the situation. “You know?” she told him. “You keep interrupting me. It’s cute to finish off each others sentences but this is ridiculous.”

    Phil felt so relieved when he saw her smile. She’s so beautiful, she doesn’t deserve this. “I’ll make you a deal. You stop with all the crazy talk and I’ll let you finish a sentence every now and again?”

    “Only every now and again?”
    “Well we wouldn’t wanna lose that cute factor now would we?”

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
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    Awwww! they are so adorable!! Poor Sam! Bless her- i really hope she does beat the cancer (or doesn't have it!). Great storyline. Very well written. You must updated soon!

  8. #98
    Join Date
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    Hants, England.
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    w-o-w! Very good, looking forward to more. poor sam and even poor phil, hope they can cope with this and now see why you were putting every now and then: don't know whether to make this a happy or sad ending. whatever you decided will probably be brill gal! Look forward to more, becki.

  9. #99
    Join Date
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    Sheffield and home
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    wow that was soo cool, and very well written, i loved it, i hops sams gonna be ok tho! and how cute was phil bless him! xxx

  10. #100
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    “Miss Nixon”, Phil told the young lady who was sat behind the reception desk at doctor’s surgery the next morning. “We have an appointment with Doctor Barnes at 10 o’clock.”

    After typing in a few keys on her keyboard, she looked up and gave a polite smile telling them, “If you would like to take a seat, Doctor Barnes will see you soon.”

    Placing an arm around Sam’s waist, Phil guided her towards the waiting area after thanking the receptionist for her help. Sam had hardly said a word all morning.

    That’s understandable, he thought, I don’t know how she’s holding it all together as well as she is.

    “So . . .” Phil had been about to ask how Sam was really holding up but never got the chance, as a young man popped his head around the far door and called Sam’s name.

    Sam still seemed a little dazed and Phil had to jolt her out of her thoughts and gesture the direction in which the doctor had now disappeared again.

    “Morning, Miss Nixon”, he said with a smile.

    Oh God, it’s bad, Sam panicked immediately. He’s trying to break it to me gently so he doesn’t have yet another hysterical patient on his hands. Oh my God Phil. She turned to look Phil in the eye and could tell by the fear and worry she saw there that he thought the same.

    Obviously noticing her hesitation, the doctor quickly moved on. “Yes well, I imagine you don’t want to waste time on pleasantries. I have your results here.” He seemed to ponder them for a moment. To Sam it felt lie an eternity.

    “Doctor?” Phil asked.

    “Yes, well it seems the mass on your wife’s lung is removable with a simple surgical procedure.”

    Phil couldn’t believe his ears. “Removable? As in, cured?”

    Sam had noticed the mistake on the doctor’s part, thinking she and Phil were married but she was now distracted by what Phil was saying. She thought she had hard the doctor wrong, but the excitement in Phil’s voice agreed with her.

    “Yes. Once the surgery is over. Miss Nixon will have to come in for a check up every 6 months for 3 years to make sure the cancer is still in remission. However, that is just procedure and judging from these test results, I see no reason why a successful operation would not be the end of this.”

    “What?” Sam didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “I’m not going to die?”

    “Not just yet Miss Nixon, no.”

    Sam felt tears come now; tears of fear she had been holding in, and tears of relief as she hugged Phil and kept holding him like she would never let go.

    “Come on, I’m taking you out for dinner. To celebrate”, Phil told Sam as they got in Phil’s car outside the surgery.

    Sitting in he passenger seat she replied. “Phil, we can’t, what about work?”

    “Work can wait. You’re more important”, he told her, lifting his hand to cup her cheek.

    Unable to resist a smile Sam told him, “That’s sweet Phil. Really it is, but I’ll be taking enough time off for this operation.”

    “If it’s what you need, then that’s what you’ll have.”

    “Yeah, I know, it’s just . . .”

    “Just nothing Mrs. Just do as you’re told for once, ok? Do you think you can manage that?”

    Sam smiled. Phil calling her Mrs had reminded her of the doctor’s mistake. “Hey, did you hear when the doctor called me your wife?”

    Phil nodded. “I too busy worrying about you though, to correct his mistake.”

    Sam took his hand and began to play with his fingers. “Why does it have to be a mistake?”

    “’Scuse me?” Phil was confused.

    “Phil, all morning the only thing I could think about was dying and . . .”


    “No Phil, let me finish. All I could think about was dying and . . . and leaving you behind.”

    “You’re not going anywhere.”

    “That’s what I mean. I don’t want to go anywhere . . . ever . . . that’s not with you.”

    “You think we should get married?”

    “Don’t you want to?”

    “Of course I do. Are you mad? I just never thought you’d say yes.”

    “Ask me.”

    “You serious?”

    Sam only smiled.

    Taking her hand in his own, Phil looked her in the eye and asked, “Miss Samantha Nixon, would you do me the great honour of becoming my wife?”

    Sam pretended to consider. “Well, I’ll have to think about it.”

    “O yeah?”

    “Yeah. It’s a huge decision.”

    “Come here”, Phil leant over starting poking her in all the places she was ticklish., making her squirm and wriggle.

    After a few seconds Sam gave up. “Ok, ok, ok, I will, yes Phil, the answers yes.”

    Phil gave up tickling her and pulled her into a long, passionate kiss. “Good answer.”

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