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Thread: Loving Leo

  1. #151
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    Sorry I've not posted in ages,but I'll try to post more of this soon!
    Good Soaps-
    Coronation Street(its a bit boring but it can be funny,sometimes)
    Emmerdale (Theres no good storylines on at the moment)
    Home and Away

    ~~~~My Demi and Leo Script,Runnig Away

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Thanked: 0
    Aww yay! Can't wait, such a fab script!

  3. #153
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    I was suffering a little writers block with this story,but I eventually managed to come up with this :

    Part Sixteen

    Demi was in school,for a change.She hadn't really felt like going in today,but she decided to because she had english today and secretly couldn't wait to see Leo.It was lunch and she was with Jo and Rach.

    "10 minutes until they lock us back in,"Jo joked,after checking the time.

    "Thats so not funny!"Rach protested.

    "Yeah,"Demi agreed,"'Coz we're in maths next."

    "I hate maths,"Said Rach

    "Me too,"Said Demi

    "It aint that bad I suppose,"Jo said

    Both Demi and Rachel glared at her.

    "Well,it aint!"

    "You know who else doesn't like maths?....uh..."Demi was going to say Leo but quickly changed her mind.


    "Um...uh...Darren."Demi hesitantly answered

    "No he don't.Darren likes maths,he says its great coz he can tell if he's bein' ripped off."

    "How do you know that then Jo?"Asked Rach

    "Do ya fancy my brother?"

    " of course not.I just sit next to him in English!"

    "Yeah,but Demz sits next to Leo in english an' she fancies him."

    " I don't!"

    "Come on demi,"Said Jo,"We know you do."

    "It's alright."Said Rach."I don't mind.Can't blame ya can I,he's gorgeous isn't he?"

    At probably the most convient time the bell rang.Demi was saved by the bell,for now.

    "Uh...maths 'ere we come."Jo sighed.

    "Well if we don't wanna go,"Demi said,"Then lets not."

    "She's right.Lets just bunk off!"Said Rach,with a smile.

    "My Mum would kill me!"

    "Mine too,but they're not gonna find out are they?"Demi had won her over.

    "Ohh,alrigh' then."

    The three headed to the school gates where they saw Darren and his mate David.

    "Hey ladies,"Said David

    "Alrigh' you three."Said Darren

    "Hiya Darren...."Jo said,but quickly added,"And David."

    "So where you goin'?"Asked Demz

    "Bunkin' off,why where are you goin'?"

    "Same."This time it was Rachel who answered

    "Would ya like to come wif?"David asked.

    "Where?"Asked Demi

    "Davids' gaff,his parents are out."

    "Cool,"Said Jo.

    "Well we've nuffing better to do."Rach said.

    Demi thought for a moment."Oh,alrigh' then."


    Not that good I know,but It would still be good to hear your replies.

    Oh and don't worry,I have an idea for the next part and I promise Leo will be in it!
    Good Soaps-
    Coronation Street(its a bit boring but it can be funny,sometimes)
    Emmerdale (Theres no good storylines on at the moment)
    Home and Away

    ~~~~My Demi and Leo Script,Runnig Away

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Thanked: 0
    Fab part Ooo and yay Leo... sounds like it's going to get better! Can't wait for more!

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