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Thread: pain relief

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    pain relief

    what in your opinion is good and what wasnt?

    pethidine made me sick and did absolutley nothing.
    gas and air was great
    epidural brilliant

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Grossmaischeid, Germany
    Thanked: 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by chance
    what in your opinion is good and what wasnt?

    pethidine made me sick and did absolutley nothing.
    gas and air was great
    epidural brilliant
    agree.. Morphine worked the best for me in the end. I was not given any pain relief for a day and all I was told was to have a bath.. that was a waste of time

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    on my computer of course
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    i found when i had my 3rd girl i had no pain relief compard to my other i was on gas and air so iam hoping to go through this one with no pain relief

    thank you ems for making the banner

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    i had a bath too,waste of time!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    i had gas and air and found it awful!!!
    the epidural was great i didnt feel anything!!! but it slowed down my labour a bit!!

  6. #6
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    Red face

    Im a big baby and so with my first 2 I begged for an epidural from the first twinge. My second one only worked on one side and that was bad, but it still didnt put me off. With number 3 I was all ready for another epidural but I really got caught out. By the time the midwife came out to me I was 8 centimetres dilated and so after getting to the hospital like bats out of hell it was too late. I ended up with just gas and air, and it was the most fab thing ever. After that I never asked for anything else during my next 3 labours. If you think you cant do it you wont, but if you are confident it will be over much easier. Epidurals prolong labour also xx.
    Black Country Gal

  7. #7
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    I am lucky I have a good thrushold on pain so went without anything,wasn't to bad and I think all the different drugs make the baby sleepy on arrival.I did my breathing and squeezed hubbys hand.

  8. #8
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    with niall i had gas and air and a epidural it was horrid i was in labour for 14 hours and it really lowered my blood pressure (i have low blood pressure anyway) to a dangerous level so i was certain that when i had niamh i was going to try and do it with as little as poss, so i got to the hospial at 9/12 cm and had her within 1 hour of getting there with just a bit of gas and air!! i was in labour for abpour 3 hours! i have decided if i have any more i am having them at home!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    good for you!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    With my son I had the perfect epidural, it was fantastic, they sited it before enducing me and it was the most lovely afternoon, just sitting around chatting with my hubby,

    With my daughter they tried 3 times they all failed ended up slowing my labour down to the point we nearly had a section but managed to use suction to get her out, but in the attempts to get the epidural in they badly bruised my back and gave me a chemical burn with the iodine......if there is a next time we will stick with the gas and air!!

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