A month has passed and it’s a sad day for Conrad and Amber as they bury their dead son, Pundarik. Meanwhile, Tanya sheds a secret tear for the loss of her true son. But if Tanya thought that Pundarik’s death would mean Amber disappearing from her and Conrad’s life forever, she is sorely mistaken. Amber makes a point of taking her to one side and telling her that she isn’t going anywhere.
Shannon and Harley have moved into their new pink pad and life is looking rosy for Shannon who promises to be his perfect footballer’s wife. Despite Shannon’s enthusiasm, Harley is quickly discovering that he’s disillusioned with the football world.

Tanya and Conrad are determined to find a good nanny for their baby Troy, and after some rigorous interviewing, find the perfect candidate in Miss Katie Jones AKA Barbarella! But what is Katie’s fixation with trying to peek at Conrad’s bare bum? One traumatic flashback later and we discover that the only clue Katie has to her rapist’s identity is the distinctive tattoo she remembers seeing on his rear end.

It is time to celebrate! Roger and Jackie have tied the knot and the team and their wives flock to the beautiful garden wedding reception. Bruno doesn’t want his wife showing him up with her eclectic fashion sense and makes Lucy change before they leave to join the others at the reception. As the assembled guests look on, Roger makes a moving speech about his new wife and it is obvious that they are head-over-heels in love. Later, Jackie and Lucy plan Hazel’s upcoming birthday dinner only to be interrupted by an over-keen Shannon who insists that she be allowed to play hostess. Shannon is determined to prove herself but is soon regretting her offer when early attempts to cook end in complete disaster. She even visits a sommelier in an attempt to better herself, but she’s still none the wiser and when Harley finds her distraught over a burnt meal, he takes her to top restaurant ‘Notting Grill’ as a treat. At the restaurant, they meet the owner, Anthony Worral Thompson and enlist his help to prepare the feast.

Says Anthony: “It has always been a distant ambition to follow in my parents’ footsteps and tread the boards. However whilst the show ran like clockwork and everyone was very pleasant to work with and indeed very understanding I am not sure I will be continuing with this acting profession…. Heaps of fun though”.

Noah has found new meaning in his life – he has joined the Church of the Found who promise that they are able to cure him of his homosexuality. The leader Tim, a reformed gay, proudly introduces his own wife Sarah and daughter, Bethany – proof that he now lives a straight life. Deciding to follow Tim’s example, Noah surprises the rest of the lads by tagging along when they go to ‘Stringfellows’. But however hard he tries to concentrate on eying up the ladies, he can’t stop lusting after the fit bouncers. Realising that he might be setting his sights too high, he asks Bethany out on a date. Later, when he meets up with her, he’s surprised to find that he really likes her – maybe his therapy is beginning to work.

Tanya won’t rest until Amber is out of the house and her and Conrad’s lives, but she covers her true feelings and instead, hints to Conrad that Amber might be a threat to Troy. After developing a new plan of attack, Tanya takes Amber out to dinner and tells her that she wants to be friends, maybe Amber could even show her how to be a better mother to Troy. Amber falls for it, hook, line and sinker.

While Katie whiles away her sleepless nights practising with her meat cutters, Harley has his own suspicions about the identity of the rapist and after training, he and Bruno fight. Katie is delighted when she finds the lads where she wanted them – in the shower – and grips her meat cutters with intent. But to her horror, she notices that all of the players have tattoos on their bums! Fleeing, she runs straight into Harley who can’t believe what she was just about to do, but agrees to help her as long as she throws the meat cutters away.

The wives flock to Hazel’s party, even Lucy turns up, despite Bruno ordering her to stay away. Over at Conrad’s, the lads are having a get-together, giving Harley the opportunity to prove to Katie that he is definitely not the rapist – his bum is tattoo-free because of his fear of needles! Bruno is more than a little pissed off when he hears that Lucy has defied him and makes a surprise visit to Hazel’s party. Hiding her shock and fear, Lucy prepares to leave but Hazel won’t hear of it and gives Bruno his marching orders.

A cheerful Lucy arrives home to find that Bruno has cooked up a harsh punishment for her. He’s having a bonfire in the back garden, with all of her clothes! That’ll stop her going out without his permission.

Poor Amber is still stricken with grief over Pundarik’s death and in her desperation, goes to his nursery to find something that smells of him. The facts around her son’s light complexion begin to make sense when she finds a bottle of fake tan hidden in his belongings.