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Thread: Big Spoiler: Grant Buys The Vic For Peggy!

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    how can she legally sell the vic when it aint legally hers,when the truth comes out the police will definatly look into everything

  2. #22
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    whats it called??????????
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    See I agree with you callummc she cant do it (well she can but when the police find out, it will legally be dennis and sharon's no matter what deal chrissie has with grant)

  3. #23
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    Does she just sell it without producing the deeds, going through a solicitor havin a land registry search, a surveyors report etc etc. If Gwant is daft enough to buy it for the poison dwarf then he deserves to get stung. How do they explain getting the licence transferred over. How will they manage the legal transactions without Marcus the Superbrief.
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by callummc
    how can she legally sell the vic when it aint legally hers,when the truth comes out the police will definatly look into everything
    as far as it looks on that document, he signed it over to chrissie before he died, and a professional solictotr witnessed this, there is no reason to suggest it is an illegal document, it all is above board... besides little technicalities like this Eastenders always fails to see....i mean if chrissie can get away scotch free with murder than anything can happen!

  5. #25
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    yay mitchells 4 eva hehehe
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by bondboffin
    as far as it looks on that document, he signed it over to chrissie before he died, and a professional solictotr witnessed this, there is no reason to suggest it is an illegal document, it all is above board... besides little technicalities like this Eastenders always fails to see....i mean if chrissie can get away scotch free with murder than anything can happen!
    I must have blinked and missed that part then.

    But has she actually got away with murder????

    EE is not really known for attention to detail is it??
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  7. #27
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    doubt if she has gotten away with it!! they will peice it all together soon enough, could they not have the sigs checked by a handwriting expert???

  8. #28
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    i think sharon will be the key,her sam and zoey all know den refused to sign

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    whats it called??????????
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    But she told the estate agent that she would need to get den to sign the documents so they cant be dated before he died!!!

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Excatly. The deeds were witnessed and signed well after Den's death, and foresnics will be able to pin point his murder.
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