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Thread: Amit

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    eastenders ranveer is now emmerdale amit the father of suni and jai

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    Amit Sharma

    Emmerdale newcomer Anil Goutam has hinted that his character Amit Sharma could become the show's next villain.

    The former EastEnders actor is about to make his debut as Amit, who's the father of Jai and Suni Sharma and the younger brother of the late Rishi Sharma.

    Amit was initially mentioned when Suni joined the village back in the summer. In Rishi's tragic final episode, it was confirmed that Amit is Jai's biological father as Georgia once had an affair with him when she was working as his secretary.

    In Monday's episode (October 9), Jai and Suni are both in for a shock when Amit arrives at The Hide and tries to make amends with them.

    Speaking to Digital Spy and other media about the new character, Anil revealed: "I'm really pleased with how it's been written, because there are lots of complexities in this guy.

    "Emmerdale allowed me that freedom and they spent time talking to me ? the show's producer Laura Shaw spoke to me about the character and asked what my thoughts on him were as well.

    "Amit has a darker side to him, but not in his own mind! In his own mind, Amit does what he does to protect his family ? but it's a question of what he thinks is the right thing. I think he can convince himself of pretty much anything being the right thing to protect them."

    Discussing the existing father-son relationship between Amit and Suni, Anil continued: "Amit looks out for his family and that is his raison d'?tre. Amit will look out for Suni, but in Amit's mind, Suni's sister has taken the role that Suni should have done.

    "Amit thinks that Suni should have been the right-hand man in the business. He should be the person who takes over, but he hasn't wanted to do any of that.

    "Amit is comfortable with Suni being gay. He may give the impression that he's not the sort of person who is comfortable with it, but he is. It just bugs him that, given all the advantages Suni has, he's decided to be a chef.

    "To be fair to Suni, he wants to live his own life but that's not something Amit can easily let happen because then things drift out of control. I'd say it is a controlling relationship, but underneath that, Amit needs to look out for Suni and protect him."

    Anil also shared an insight into how Amit and Jai's relationship will develop now that the truth is out.

    He said: "Amit views Jai as the sort of son he should have. It's almost like, in a strange way, Amit is trying to impress Jai. Obviously Amit has to make up for the years lost, where there was no connection or relationship at all.

    "There's that guilt there, but on top of that, maybe Amit sees something of himself in Jai because he's a success. Amit wants to build a relationship because of all that time that's gone, but on top of that, I think there's a connection there that he feels in himself."

    Fuelling the drama further, Emmerdale will reveal a second secret about Amit early in his time on the show.

    Teasing this mystery plot development, Anil added: "It allows an insight into Amit which, when you first meet him, you probably won't expect. It's not something you would first guess is this person.

    "There is a darker side as I've just said. It's always nice for an actor to explore a darkness. But if it was purely written like that, I don't think it would be as much fun because it would be a caricature. It's not written like that, it's written as a complex person."

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    Emmerdale schemer Amit Sharma could cause big trouble for Eric Pollard in a new storyline twist. Amit decides to make an unexpected offer to Eric next month, which is sure to spark suspicion over his true intentions.

    In upcoming scenes, Amit is curious when he learns that Eric is one of the wealthiest residents of the village. Before long, Amit swoops in to offer Eric a business opportunity, hyping it up as one that's not to be missed.

    The show has previously revealed that Amit isn't to be trusted, so could he be trying to manipulate Eric with a con? Only time will tell.

    Last week, Amit's sinister side was revealed as he consulted with his solicitor in a secret meeting. Amit boasted over the progress he was making as he tried to make amends with his family.

    Amit confirmed that the death of his brother Rishi had proved financially lucrative for him, getting him "out of a bind". His solicitor agreed that it seemed "massively convenient".

    "Every cloud [has a silver lining]," Amit added, seeming smug over his own behaviour.

    Amit's remarks sparked fresh fan speculation over whether he deliberately killed Rishi when they argued at the top of the stairs at Holdgate last year. The businessman had always previously claimed that this was an accident.

    Meanwhile, Eric has recently been taking centre stage in his own big storyline, as he revealed that he'd been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease last November.

    Emmerdale's producer Laura Shaw said at the time: "When Eric Pollard is diagnosed with Parkinson's he's naturally very scared and unsure of what the condition means for his future.

    "The unique position of a show like Emmerdale means we can tell this story really authentically over a long period of time and we can really shine a light on what a diagnosis like this means and follow Pollard on his journey of learning to live with it.

    "Working closely with Parkinson's UK, who have been guiding us through every step of the way, we hope seeing Pollard's story helps to raise awareness of Parkinson's and show the day to day reality of those living with it, as well as the impact it can have on friends, family and the local community."

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