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di marco
11-12-2005, 20:02
seeing as the other riddle threads havent been used in a while, i thought id start one for people to do

di marco
11-12-2005, 20:03
there will be a prize of 50 petz money once ive worked out how you transfer money lol! :D

11-12-2005, 20:08
cool just dont make the too harfd for thick old me!!!

di marco
11-12-2005, 20:09
cool just dont make the too harfd for thick old me!!!

haha lol ill try not to, i was doing them this afternoon and couldnt get the answers to most of them!

11-12-2005, 20:09
cool just dont make the too harfd for thick old me!!!haha and me! :lol:Takes me forever to work them out :o

11-12-2005, 20:10
haha and me :lol: Takes me forever to work them out :o

:rotfl: lol takes me even longer

di marco
11-12-2005, 20:10
ok heres the first one:

"Four jolly men sat down to play,
And played all night till break of day.
They played for cash and not for fun,
With a separate score for every one.
When it came time to square accounts,
they all had made quite fair amounts.
Now, not one has lost and all have gained -
Tell me now, this can you explain?"

11-12-2005, 20:12
they are members of a orchestra

di marco
11-12-2005, 20:16
they are members of a orchestra

correct debs, well done! :) (looks like youre cleverer than me!) ok you win 50 petz money (once ive figured out how to transfer it!)

11-12-2005, 20:19
correct debs, well done! :) (looks like youre cleverer than me!) ok you win 50 petz money (once ive figured out how to transfer it!)

seenthat one before!!!

you transfer by getting my bank account number and transferring!!

di marco
11-12-2005, 20:20
seenthat one before!!!

you transfer by getting my bank account number and transferring!!

ok ill do that now thanks

di marco
11-12-2005, 20:21
heres the next one:

"I am the center of gravity, hold a capital situation in Vienna, and as I am foremost in every victory, am allowed by all to be invaluable. Though I am invisible, I am clearly seen in the midst of a river. I could name three who are in love with me and have three associates in vice. It is vain that you seek me for I have long been in heaven yet even now lie embalmed in the grave. What am I?"

di marco
11-12-2005, 20:32
ok hopefully ive successfully given you your money now debs! :)

11-12-2005, 20:33
ok hopefully ive successfully given you your money now debs! :)

cheers have recieved!!!!

that next riddle is hard!

di marco
11-12-2005, 20:34
that next riddle is hard!

yeh i couldnt get this one either! even when i read the answer, i had to go back and read it very slowly again lol!

11-12-2005, 21:13
err the letter v? I cant think of anything else

12-12-2005, 12:13
err the letter v? I cant think of anything else

You have to be right here.... that is all I thought of too

12-12-2005, 13:11
ohhhhhhhh yeah now i see it

12-12-2005, 18:30
seeing as the other riddle threads havent been used in a while, i thought id start one for people to do
Omg!! I forgotten all about that!! Oh well ;)

di marco
12-12-2005, 19:56
err the letter v? I cant think of anything else

yep thats correct, 50 petz money on its way to you! :)

di marco
12-12-2005, 19:57
heres the next one:

"The word 'FACETIOUSLY' contains the six vowels, A-E-I-O-U and Y, in their alphabetical order. Can you find another English word that does the same?"

13-12-2005, 11:57
abstemiously, there are more I am sure

13-12-2005, 12:22
abstemiously, there are more I am sure Y isn't a vowel - is it?

13-12-2005, 12:27
Y isn't a vowel - is it?

no Y is not technically a vowel but the riddle asked for aeiou and y in that order

13-12-2005, 12:28
I didn't think so either!!! Unless its an American Riddle or something, and it is over there!!! I dunno :searchme:

13-12-2005, 12:30
no Y is not technically a vowel but the riddle asked for aeiou and y in that order Oops - quoted the wrong post! I meant to quote this:

... contains the six vowels, A-E-I-O-U and Y

13-12-2005, 12:30
I didn't think so either!!! Unless its an American Riddle or something, and it is over there!!! I dunno :searchme:

y is not a vowel.. but some people consider it one so that you can have Sky, fly and have a vowel in them

13-12-2005, 12:31
I thought they were like....special words because they didn't have any vowels in them?! Goes to show how good my english is, does it?!!!! :rotfl:

13-12-2005, 12:34
I thought they were like....special words because they didn't have any vowels in them?! :rotfl:
They are suppose to be but cause english rules state that all words should have a vowel, it was decided that Y is kind of a vowel.. go figure!!

13-12-2005, 12:35
You learn something new everyday!!!

di marco
13-12-2005, 20:19
abstemiously, there are more I am sure

thats correct siobhan, 50 petz money on its way! :)

di marco
13-12-2005, 20:21
next one:

"Between 2 and 3 o'clock yesterday, I looked at the clock and mistook the minute hand for the hour hand, and the hour hand for the minute hand. Consequently, the time appeared to be 55 minutes earlier than it actually was. What was the correct time?"

13-12-2005, 22:10
errr don't even understand the question ... lol

13-12-2005, 22:17
ummm 5:15 :S

14-12-2005, 09:47
2.15 (but it would appear as 10 past 3 when read incorrect)

14-12-2005, 11:46
hi. i have some brain teasers you might like to try and solve.
first one:

There are three houses one is red one is blue band one is white. If the red house is to the left of the house in the middle and the blue house is to the right to the house in the middle where is the white house?

14-12-2005, 11:49
here's another

Each day a lady gets the lift from the 12th floor to the ground level so she can go to work. When she comes home however she only goes up the lift to level 8. Why is this and it is not to keep fit?

14-12-2005, 12:08
hi. i have some brain teasers you might like to try and solve.
first one:

There are three houses one is red one is blue band one is white. If the red house is to the left of the house in the middle and the blue house is to the right to the house in the middle where is the white house?


14-12-2005, 12:09
here's another

Each day a lady gets the lift from the 12th floor to the ground level so she can go to work. When she comes home however she only goes up the lift to level 8. Why is this and it is not to keep fit?

she is too small and can't reach the button for the 12th floor

di marco
14-12-2005, 15:43
ummm 5:15 :S

2.15 (but it would appear as 10 past 3 when read incorrect)


14-12-2005, 15:50

damn.. it is earlier so change of time and I will say 2.05

di marco
14-12-2005, 15:57
damn.. it is earlier so change of time and I will say 2.05

yep thats correct (although the answer says five and half minutes past 2?!) 50 petz money on its way :)

14-12-2005, 15:57


di marco
14-12-2005, 15:58
heres the next one:

"Two grandmothers, with their two granddaughters;
Two husbands, with their two wives;
Two fathers, with their two daughters;
Two mothers, with their two sons;
Two maidens, with their two mothers;
Two sisters, with their two brothers;
Yet only six in all lie buried here;
All born legitimate, from incest clear."

Explain this - how is everyone related.

14-12-2005, 16:03
she is too small and can't reach the button for the 12th floor

here is another

The maker doesn't need it, the owner doesn't want it, the user doesn't know he's using it what is it?

di marco
14-12-2005, 16:07
The maker doesn't need it, the owner doesn't want it, the user doesn't know he's using it what is it?

a coffin

14-12-2005, 16:25
heres the next one:

"Two grandmothers, with their two granddaughters;
Two husbands, with their two wives;
Two fathers, with their two daughters;
Two mothers, with their two sons;
Two maidens, with their two mothers;
Two sisters, with their two brothers;
Yet only six in all lie buried here;
All born legitimate, from incest clear."

Explain this - how is everyone related.
ok here goes.. 2 grandmother can also be mothers. 2 husbands are with the grandmothers and they have sons.. grandmothers have 4 kids (2 boys, 2 girls) 2 girls are with the grandmothers as their daughters...

or in short, there Grandmother can be mother and sisters
husbands can be fathers and sons.. maidens can have brothers.. so I say there is 4 women and 2 men buried there

di marco
14-12-2005, 16:27
ok here goes.. 2 grandmother can also be mothers. 2 husbands are with the grandmothers and they have sons.. grandmothers have 4 kids (2 boys, 2 girls) 2 girls are with the grandmothers as their daughters...

or in short, there Grandmother can be mother and sisters
husbands can be fathers and sons.. maidens can have brothers.. so I say there is 4 women and 2 men buried there

erm i dont understand your answer?! :confused:

14-12-2005, 16:34
erm i dont understand your answer?! :confused:

I am trying to explain how they are related but not doing a good job

14-12-2005, 16:51
2 women, have 2 sons (that is 4 so far).. the sons have another 2 daughters. so that is 6.. the sons would have to marry the other women so that there is two wife as per the answer

di marco
15-12-2005, 20:26
2 women, have 2 sons (that is 4 so far).. the sons have another 2 daughters. so that is 6.. the sons would have to marry the other women so that there is two wife as per the answer

yep thats right! :) the answer was:

Two widows each had a son, and each widow married the son of the other and then each had a daughter.

and i think thats basically what you said so 50 petz money on its way

di marco
15-12-2005, 20:27
next one:

"Mr. Grumper grumbles about bad time-keeping trains like everybody else. On one particular morning he was justified, though. The train left on time for the one hour journey and it arrived 5 minutes late. However, Mr. Grumper's watch showed it to be 3 minutes early, so he adjusted his watch by putting it forward 3 minutes. His watch kept time during the day, and on the return journey in the evening the train started on time, according to his watch, and arrived on time, according to the station clock. If the train traveled 25 percent faster on the return journey than it did on the morning journey, was the station clock fast or slow, and by how much?"

16-12-2005, 11:08
next one:

"Mr. Grumper grumbles about bad time-keeping trains like everybody else. On one particular morning he was justified, though. The train left on time for the one hour journey and it arrived 5 minutes late. However, Mr. Grumper's watch showed it to be 3 minutes early, so he adjusted his watch by putting it forward 3 minutes. His watch kept time during the day, and on the return journey in the evening the train started on time, according to his watch, and arrived on time, according to the station clock. If the train traveled 25 percent faster on the return journey than it did on the morning journey, was the station clock fast or slow, and by how much?"

Fast by about 12 mins I guess

di marco
16-12-2005, 21:02
Fast by about 12 mins I guess

youre right that its fast but the time is wrong

17-12-2005, 22:52
4 mins fast i think but it is a guess!!

di marco
19-12-2005, 11:55
4 mins fast i think but it is a guess!!

oh youre soooooooooo close! :)

19-12-2005, 12:00
i am not allowed guess anymore :-(

di marco
19-12-2005, 12:18
i am not allowed guess anymore :-(

yeh you can guess again :)

19-12-2005, 12:33
yeh you can guess again :)

gonna say fast 3 mins... (and I am saying this cause it is already give to us in the riddle)

di marco
19-12-2005, 12:37
gonna say fast 3 mins... (and I am saying this cause it is already give to us in the riddle)

correct answer! 50 petz money on its way to you! :)

19-12-2005, 12:39
correct answer! 50 petz money on its way to you! :)

duh.. it was only after reading it again that i realised that he put his watch forward 3 mins to match the station clock..

di marco
19-12-2005, 12:39
heres the next one:

"This is an unusual day, and so is this paragraph. How quickly can you find out what is so uncommon about it? It looks so ordinary that you may think nothing is odd about it until you match it with most paragraphs this long. If you put your mind to it, and study it, you will find out, but nobody may assist you. Do it without any coaching. Go to work and try your skill at figuring it out. Par on it is about half an hour. Good Luck!"

19-12-2005, 12:49
heres the next one:

"This is an unusual day, and so is this paragraph. How quickly can you find out what is so uncommon about it? It looks so ordinary that you may think nothing is odd about it until you match it with most paragraphs this long. If you put your mind to it, and study it, you will find out, but nobody may assist you. Do it without any coaching. Go to work and try your skill at figuring it out. Par on it is about half an hour. Good Luck!"

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: it is missing the letter E... so funny I thought that maybe it contained all the letters of the alphabet in the order they appear but I didn't find any e's... :rotfl::rotfl:

di marco
19-12-2005, 12:52
:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: it is missing the letter E... so funny I thought that maybe it contained all the letters of the alphabet in the order they appear but I didn't find any e's... :rotfl::rotfl:

lol! well done thats the correct answer, i didnt even notice there werent any e's when i read it! and apparently "e" is the most common letter in the english language. 50 petz money on its way to you :)

19-12-2005, 12:54
lol! well done thats the correct answer, i didnt even notice there werent any e's when i read it! and apparently "e" is the most common letter in the english language. 50 petz money on its way to you :)

same here.. I read it and thought I can't find anything unusual so I decided to see if the letter of the alphabet was there.. I am no good at english puzzles and my solution is always to check for the alphabet :rotfl::rotfl:

di marco
19-12-2005, 12:56
same here.. I read it and thought I can't find anything unusual so I decided to see if the letter of the alphabet was there.. I am no good at english puzzles and my solution is always to check for the alphabet :rotfl::rotfl:

lol! ill remember that for next time :) *note to self: if a riddle asks for something unusual check alphabet*

di marco
19-12-2005, 12:57
next one:

"A hiker comes to a fork in the road and doesn't know which way to go to reach his destination. There are two men at the fork, one of whom always tells the truth while the other always lies. The hiker doesn't know which is which, though. He may ask one of the men only one question to find his way. Which man does he ask, and what is the question?"

19-12-2005, 13:20
next one:

"A hiker comes to a fork in the road and doesn't know which way to go to reach his destination. There are two men at the fork, one of whom always tells the truth while the other always lies. The hiker doesn't know which is which, though. He may ask one of the men only one question to find his way. Which man does he ask, and what is the question?"

he askes the guy who lies, is this the way to armarillo :rotfl::rotfl:
seriously, does he know one is a liar?

di marco
19-12-2005, 13:29
he askes the guy who lies, is this the way to armarillo :rotfl::rotfl:
seriously, does he know one is a liar?

lol! :D yeh i think he does

19-12-2005, 13:31
lol! :D yeh i think he does

If he know then he asks the Liar, "am I on the right road", if the answer is yes, then he choose the other road, if no then he continues on with the path the liar is on....

di marco
19-12-2005, 13:37
If he know then he asks the Liar, "am I on the right road", if the answer is yes, then he choose the other road, if no then he continues on with the path the liar is on....

i dont think he knows which one is the liar though

19-12-2005, 13:38
i dont think he knows which one is the liar though

ah ok, then it is back to my original answer...

di marco
19-12-2005, 13:42
ah ok, then it is back to my original answer...

what the amirillo one lol?!

19-12-2005, 13:43
what the amirillo one lol?!
yeah I am no good at the english riddles.. but it doesn't contain all the letters of the alphabet :rotfl::rotfl:

19-12-2005, 13:49
think I have it cause i asked one of my friend here in the office

he said that the guy can ask either one of them "which way would the other person tell me to go"

di marco
19-12-2005, 13:52
think I have it cause i asked one of my friend here in the office

he said that the guy can ask either one of them "which way would the other person tell me to go"

tut tut cheating lol! yep thats roughly what the answer was, 50 petz money on its way! :)

19-12-2005, 13:53
tut tut cheating lol! yep thats roughly what the answer was, 50 petz money on its way! :)

sorry but it was bugging me for an hour... I even thought of asking one of them are they a liar.. at least I tried and didn't use the net to find answer.. I work as a team

di marco
19-12-2005, 13:55
sorry but it was bugging me for an hour... I even thought of asking one of them are they a liar.. at least I tried and didn't use the net to find answer.. I work as a team

ok ill forgive you then seeing as you worked as a team! :D

di marco
19-12-2005, 14:00
next one:

"QWERTYUIOP are the letters on the top row of letters on a standard typing keyboard. What is the longest word that can be typed using just those letters? Pepper is one but you should be able to come up with a longer one ( or several longer ones)."

19-12-2005, 14:04
Any clues as to the number of letters??

di marco
19-12-2005, 14:06
Any clues as to the number of letters??

3 10 letter words, and 1 11 letter word :)

19-12-2005, 14:10
3 10 letter words, and 1 11 letter word :):hmm: Need to think about this :hmm:

19-12-2005, 14:10
:hmm: Need to think about this :hmm:

me too.. I can get some really good words but I am a terrible speller

19-12-2005, 14:11
my spelling isn't too bad - i just have my pregnancy brain still so can't think for the life of me lol *rushes off to find a dictionary*

di marco
19-12-2005, 14:49
*rushes off to find a dictionary*

cheat lol! i couldnt make any words, im rubbish at that sort of thing!

19-12-2005, 15:01
proprietor (sp?) guy would own a house or pub etc...

di marco
19-12-2005, 15:06
proprietor (sp?) guy would own a house or pub etc...

yep well done, thats one of the 10 letter words, 50 petz money on its way! :) and i will give 50 petz money to anyone who can get the 11 letter word. other 10 letter words were typewriter and repertoire

19-12-2005, 15:07
cheat lol! i couldnt make any words, im rubbish at that sort of thing!lol - i didn't really - I'm useless at this

How about proprietory???

di marco
19-12-2005, 15:07
heres another one:

Punctuate the following group of words:

I said that that that that that man wrote shoud have been underlined

di marco
19-12-2005, 15:08
lol - i didn't really - I'm useless at this

How about proprietory???

yep correct! :) are you sure you didnt cheat? 50 petz money on its way to you

19-12-2005, 15:10
yep correct! :) are you sure you didnt cheat? 50 petz money on its way to youWell, I did in a way, coz as soon as Siobhan said proprietor I thought, hey hey, I can add the y to that!!! lol

So thanks Siobhan!!! :clap: :lol:

19-12-2005, 15:14
heres another one:

Punctuate the following group of words:

I said that that that that that man wrote shoud have been underlined

I said that, that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined

hows that?? any good??

di marco
19-12-2005, 15:19
I said that, that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined

hows that?? any good??

erm sort of but its not fully correct

di marco
19-12-2005, 15:19
Well, I did in a way, coz as soon as Siobhan said proprietor I thought, hey hey, I can add the y to that!!! lol

So thanks Siobhan!!! :clap: :lol:

i thought that might have happened!

19-12-2005, 15:26
I said that, that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined.

I've put my full stop in now, is that better lol

di marco
19-12-2005, 15:44
I said that, that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined.

I've put my full stop in now, is that better lol

nope, thats not what the answer says! i didnt even notice the fullstop werent there lol!

19-12-2005, 15:47
I said that that, that that, that man wrote, should have been underlined.

I will try this

19-12-2005, 15:49
I said that, that, that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined.

And I'll try this one as a slightly different variation lol

di marco
19-12-2005, 15:50
nope both wrong! ill give you a clue: think of other punctuation other than commas :)

19-12-2005, 15:50
I said that, that, that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined.

And I'll try this one as a slightly different variation lol

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: sounds like you have a stutter now

19-12-2005, 15:52
I said that; that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined.


19-12-2005, 15:54
I said that, that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined.


I said that that that, that that man wrote, should have benn underlined.

di marco
19-12-2005, 16:01
nope still both wrong

19-12-2005, 16:05
I said that that, that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined.

19-12-2005, 16:05
:crying: lets try again!! lol

I said that; "that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined."

I think I am starting to confuse myself now :rotfl:

19-12-2005, 16:07

I said "that that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined".

19-12-2005, 16:08
At least we are determined eh Siobhan - though no doubt we are still wrong and someone else will come along and get it right lol

19-12-2005, 16:10
At least we are determined eh Siobhan - though no doubt we are still wrong and someone else will come along and get it right lol

I understand the sentence but I cannot puntuate (sp) it

19-12-2005, 16:13
I understand the sentence but I cannot puntuate (sp) itlol I am the same - maybe we should google it!! :rotfl:

19-12-2005, 16:26
lol I am the same - maybe we should google it!! :rotfl:

I am sure Di Marco would be cross :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

19-12-2005, 16:27
I am sure Di Marco would be cross :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:lol - yeah - will just have to keep on trying to say it aloud, to then be able to punctuate it (but i doubt that will work still)

19-12-2005, 18:39
I said that; that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined.

i dont think its right but oh well!!!

di marco
19-12-2005, 20:06
I am sure Di Marco would be cross :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

yes i will be cross! *puts on cross face while trying not to laugh*

di marco
19-12-2005, 20:07
ok no ones got it right so far but ill give you a clue:

I said that; "that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined."

^ ^ this is the closest to the right answer ^ ^

19-12-2005, 21:19
I said that: "That that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined."

worth a guess!

di marco
19-12-2005, 21:42
nope sorry!

19-12-2005, 22:03
yes i will be cross! *puts on cross face while trying not to laugh*
I do that alot :rotfl: :angry:

di marco
20-12-2005, 07:19
I do that alot :rotfl: :angry:

well you are one big joke arent you spicy lol! :D

20-12-2005, 10:03
I said that "that that", that that man wrote, should have been underlined

di marco
20-12-2005, 10:07
I said that "that that", that that man wrote, should have been underlined


20-12-2005, 10:29
I said that "that that!", that that man wrote, should have been underlined.

di marco
20-12-2005, 10:37
I said that "that that!", that that man wrote, should have been underlined.


20-12-2005, 10:42

aaaaaaaaarhhhhhhhhh.. i am going mad here, I have repeated that sentence so many times in my head that that that that i am going mad

I said that , "that that", that that man wrote, should have been underlined.

di marco
20-12-2005, 10:45
aaaaaaaaarhhhhhhhhh.. i am going mad here, I have repeated that sentence so many times in my head that that that that i am going mad

I said that , "that that", that that man wrote, should have been underlined.

haha lol! :D still not right!

20-12-2005, 11:23
correct debs, well done! :) (looks like youre cleverer than me!) ok you win 50 petz money (once ive figured out how to transfer it!)

how the hell is it an orchrestra !!!??? im confused already ha

di marco
20-12-2005, 11:26
how the hell is it an orchrestra !!!??? im confused already ha

erm i dunno, what was the question again?!

20-12-2005, 11:32
One last go!!!

I said that "that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined"

di marco
20-12-2005, 11:33
One last go!!!

I said that "that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined"

omg youre so close its unbelievable!

20-12-2005, 12:18
I said that; "that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined"

20-12-2005, 12:44
I said that - that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined.

This is my last and final attempt - coz my brain seriously hurts now!!! :rotfl:

di marco
20-12-2005, 14:41
I said that; "that that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined"

youre still so close..............

20-12-2005, 14:51
I said that! "That that, that that man wrote, should have been underlined"

20-12-2005, 14:54
I said that, that 'that,' that, that man wrote, should have been underlined.


di marco
20-12-2005, 14:58
I said that, that 'that,' that, that man wrote, should have been underlined.


so so so close!

20-12-2005, 14:59
I said that, "that 'that,' that, that man wrote, should have been underlined"

di marco
20-12-2005, 15:04
I said that, "that 'that,' that, that man wrote, should have been underlined"

yep im going to give you that! :) the actual answer was:

I said that,"that 'that' that that man wrote should have been underlined."

so 50 petz money on its way to siobhan, and cos im nice im going to give 20 petz money to jojo and lea as well! :)

di marco
20-12-2005, 15:05
next one:

"My first is a number, my second another,
And each, I assure you, wil rhyme with the other.
My first you will find is one-fifth of my second,
And trly my whole a long period reckoned.
Yet my first and my seond(nay, think not I cozen),
When added together will make but two dozen."

20-12-2005, 15:06
yep im going to give you that! :) the actual answer was:

I said that,"that 'that' that that man wrote should have been underlined."

so 50 petz money on its way to siobhan, and cos im nice im going to give 20 petz money to jojo and lea as well! :)

horray... yeah lea and jojo deserve it too as it was both of their that helped me.. thanks guy and thank god that is over :cheer::cheer:

20-12-2005, 15:07
next one:

"My first is a number, my second another,
And each, I assure you, wil rhyme with the other.
My first you will find is one-fifth of my second,
And trly my whole a long period reckoned.
Yet my first and my seond(nay, think not I cozen),
When added together will make but two dozen."

I won't answer this cause I know it and seen it before so I will give others a chance

20-12-2005, 15:24
im still trying to get my head round it :S its well confusing haha

di marco
20-12-2005, 15:28
im still trying to get my head round it :S its well confusing haha

yeh i know lol half of them i have no idea how to do!

21-12-2005, 11:21
next one:

"My first is a number, my second another,
And each, I assure you, wil rhyme with the other.
My first you will find is one-fifth of my second,
And trly my whole a long period reckoned.
Yet my first and my seond(nay, think not I cozen),
When added together will make but two dozen."
Well this I have not a clue - I can't do this type of em at all :confused:

Thanks for the 20 Di M :D

di marco
21-12-2005, 14:37
Well this I have not a clue - I can't do this type of em at all :confused:

Thanks for the 20 Di M :D

youre welcome! :) and i couldnt do this one either, come to think of it, i couldnt answer most of them lol!

21-12-2005, 16:11
Well this I have not a clue - I can't do this type of em at all :confused:

Thanks for the 20 Di M :D

I can give you a clue kinda.... 2 dozen is 24 so try say this a different way (ie like a George Washinton way)

28-12-2005, 12:43
is the first-4
and the second -20

di marco
01-01-2006, 13:59
is the first-4
and the second -20

yep thats correct! :) i would send you your 50 petz money prize but you dont have a bank account

di marco
01-01-2006, 14:00
ok next riddle:

"A man ordered a length of rope by telephone from his hardware store. But when he went to collect the rope, he found that the assistant had miswritten the order by interchanging feet and inches. As a result of this, the rope was only 30 % of the length that the man wanted. So, what length did he want and what length did he get?"

01-01-2006, 20:34
di marco is it possible to have my 50 petz money now because i have opened a bank account

di marco
01-01-2006, 20:37
di marco is it possible to have my 50 petz money now because i have opened a bank account

yep ill send it to you now :)

di marco
02-01-2006, 08:05
sorry i forgot to send it yesterday but ive done it now :)

09-01-2006, 15:53
ok next riddle:

"A man ordered a length of rope by telephone from his hardware store. But when he went to collect the rope, he found that the assistant had miswritten the order by interchanging feet and inches. As a result of this, the rope was only 30 % of the length that the man wanted. So, what length did he want and what length did he get?"

7 foot 2inches and he got 2 foot 7

di marco
09-01-2006, 16:10
7 foot 2inches and he got 2 foot 7

nope but youre close

09-01-2006, 16:11
nope but youre close

s**t.. just mis-calculated... 9ft 2 in... and he got 2ft 9 inches

di marco
09-01-2006, 16:12
s**t.. just mis-calculated... 9ft 2 in... and he got 2ft 9 inches

yep lol! 50 petz money on its way! :) (although you shouldnt be getting it cos of your bad language!)

di marco
09-01-2006, 16:14
next riddle:

"What is it that stands aloft and regulates our daily movements, yet feels no interest in our concerns; directs us when to go and when to come. Yet cares not whether we attend or not; still, thus indifferent to our fate, often strikes a blow to urge us on, though we feel no resentment when the reproff is given?"

09-01-2006, 16:26
next riddle:

"What is it that stands aloft and regulates our daily movements, yet feels no interest in our concerns; directs us when to go and when to come. Yet cares not whether we attend or not; still, thus indifferent to our fate, often strikes a blow to urge us on, though we feel no resentment when the reproff is given?"


09-01-2006, 16:33
watch or clock???

di marco
09-01-2006, 19:58
watch or clock???

yep clock was correct! 50 petz money on its way to you! and cos im feeling nice today cos i finished my performing arts exam, im going to give trinity 20 petz money as she was close! :)

di marco
09-01-2006, 20:39
heres the next one:

"All but one of the following words require clarification as to their exact meaning and usage. Which word is therefore the odd one and why?

suspect - drive - dive - race - borrow - taste"

10-01-2006, 09:15

di marco
10-01-2006, 19:47

yep correct! :) i cant give you your 50 petz money prize cos you dont have a bank account

di marco
10-01-2006, 19:48
next one:

"Which number comes next in this sequence: (hint: it is smaller than 19)

1 - 4- 7 - 11 - 15 - 19 - ?"

10-01-2006, 19:59

di marco
10-01-2006, 20:23


11-01-2006, 10:15

di marco
11-01-2006, 10:24


11-01-2006, 10:47
16? pattern is 3 - 3 - 4- 4- 4 so I guess you go back 3 spaces?

11-01-2006, 11:45

di marco
11-01-2006, 11:57

yep correct! :) 50 petz money on its way!

11-01-2006, 11:58
yep correct! :) 50 petz money on its way!


di marco
11-01-2006, 11:59

"17 - it has 9 letters; 19 has 8 letters, 15 has 7 letters, etc."

di marco
11-01-2006, 12:01
heres the next one:

"Name 6 three letter words spelled with 2 different letters and pronounced as if spelled with 1."

11-01-2006, 12:03
heres the next one:

"Name 6 three letter words spelled with 2 different letters and pronounced as if spelled with 1."

do we have to name all six to get the money???

Bee, sea, eye, ess, emm, dee

did i get any right?

di marco
11-01-2006, 12:06
do we have to name all six to get the money???

Bee, sea, eye, ess, emm, dee

did i get any right?

you got 3 right, one of your answers uses 3 different letters

11-01-2006, 12:07
you got 3 right, one of your answers uses 3 different letters

ah ok.. See instead of Sea, so that will be 4 right???

di marco
11-01-2006, 12:09
ah ok.. See instead of Sea, so that will be 4 right???

yep 4 right

11-01-2006, 12:10
yep 4 right

but you are not saying which 4....

so bee, see, eye, dee, ewe, ess

di marco
11-01-2006, 12:13
but you are not saying which 4....

so bee, see, eye, dee, ewe, ess

ok you have 5 right now, the only one you have wrong is dee, actually i think thats prob right as well, even though it didnt say it in the solution, so you can have 50 petz money! :)

11-01-2006, 12:15
ok you have 5 right now, the only one you have wrong is dee, actually i think thats prob right as well, even though it didnt say it in the solution, so you can have 50 petz money! :)

what was the last one in the solution???

di marco
11-01-2006, 12:18
what was the last one in the solution???

yeh the last one was

di marco
11-01-2006, 12:18
next riddle:

"What is it that you can take away the whole and still have some left; and that you can take away some and still have the whole left?"

11-01-2006, 12:19
next riddle:

"What is it that you can take away the whole and still have some left; and that you can take away some and still have the whole left?"

a hole?

di marco
11-01-2006, 12:22
a hole?


11-01-2006, 13:14

di marco
11-01-2006, 15:29

yep correct! :) 50 petz money on its way to you

11-01-2006, 17:30

d'oh.. now it is obvious

di marco
11-01-2006, 20:58
next one:

"Dr. John Smith is Dr. Leslie Smith's father. Mrs. John Smith is Dr. Leslie Smith's mother. Dr. Leslie Smith is not Dr. John Smith's son. How is this explained?"

11-01-2006, 22:03
Dr John Smith is Dr Leslie Smith's step dad, and he adopted him? I'm probably wrong lol

di marco
12-01-2006, 06:15
Dr John Smith is Dr Leslie Smith's step dad, and he adopted him? I'm probably wrong lol


12-01-2006, 08:57
it's his daughter

di marco
12-01-2006, 09:30
it's his daughter

correct! :) you still dont have a bank account though so i cant give you your prize money

12-01-2006, 09:31
it's alright. I just like doing them

di marco
12-01-2006, 09:37
it's alright. I just like doing them

oh ok cool, but if you do decide to open a bank account tell so i can give the money to you, if not, then that dont matter :)

di marco
12-01-2006, 09:39
heres the next one:

"What is the closest relation the son of your father's brother's sister-in-law could be to you?"

12-01-2006, 09:45
heres the next one:

"What is the closest relation the son of your father's brother's sister-in-law could be to you?" Mother

di marco
12-01-2006, 09:45


12-01-2006, 09:46

12-01-2006, 09:50
heres the next one:

"What is the closest relation the son of your father's brother's sister-in-law could be to you?"

you or your brother??? (you if your a man)

di marco
12-01-2006, 09:54

you or your brother??? (you if your a man)

both of you are correct, it could either be you or your brother, so im going to give you both 50 petz money! :)

di marco
12-01-2006, 09:54
next one:

"On the way to a watering hole, a pony met 6 giraffes. Each giraffe had 3 monkeys hanging from its neck. Each monkey had 2 squirrels on its tail.Each squirrel had 2 birds on its back. How many animals were going to the watering hole?"

12-01-2006, 09:59
next one:

"On the way to a watering hole, a pony met 6 giraffes. Each giraffe had 3 monkeys hanging from its neck. Each monkey had 2 squirrels on its tail.Each squirrel had 2 birds on its back. How many animals were going to the watering hole?"

one, the pony

12-01-2006, 09:59
Just one, the pony!

di marco
12-01-2006, 10:05
you 2 are just too good at these! seeing as you posted at the same time, you can both have the money again! :)

di marco
12-01-2006, 10:06
next one:

"Name five days of the week without saying - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday"

12-01-2006, 10:06
Yeeey! To clever eh, Siobhan?

12-01-2006, 10:16
De Luain, De Mairt, De Ceadaoin, De Deardaoin, De Aoine!!

di marco
12-01-2006, 10:19
De Luain, De Mairt, De Ceadaoin, De Deardaoin, De Aoine!!

hmmm some foreign language? very clever, although that wasnt the answer! but you can have 30 petz money for being clever lol! and for everyone else, youre not allowed to say the words monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday or sunday in any language at all!
(well i would if you had a bank account lol!)

12-01-2006, 10:28
yeah it's irish. thanks for the offer anyway! i'll open a bank account someday!

12-01-2006, 10:48
yeah it's irish. thanks for the offer anyway! i'll open a bank account someday!
that's not fair.. i am irish too, do I get money for understanding the answer?? :rotfl:

ok back to the riddle... today, yesterday, day before yesterday, day after tomorrow :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
oh and holiday??

di marco
12-01-2006, 11:33
that's not fair.. i am irish too, do I get money for understanding the answer?? :rotfl:

ok back to the riddle... today, yesterday, day before yesterday, day after tomorrow :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
oh and holiday??

you got 4 right!
(and no you dont get any money for understanding it lol!)

12-01-2006, 11:35
you got 4 right!
(and no you dont get any money for understanding it lol!)

lol! I was joking...

ok lets try for the 5th: the day after this/that??

12-01-2006, 11:38
today, yesterday, day before yesterday, tomorrow, day after tomorrow

12-01-2006, 11:40
today, yesterday, day before yesterday, tomorrow, day after tomorrow

tomorrow doesn't have day in it...

12-01-2006, 11:42
I was just thinking of days not things with day in it

12-01-2006, 11:45
I was just thinking of days not things with day in it

I am not sure.. I assume that it meant to have day in it.. that is why I said holiday but you could be right

12-01-2006, 11:47
yeah. I see where you're coming from. I'm probably totally wrong lol

di marco
12-01-2006, 11:48
today, yesterday, day before yesterday, tomorrow, day after tomorrow

yay correct, well done! :) 50 petz money on its way to you! and siobhan, it didnt say it had to have the word day in it, just be names of days!

12-01-2006, 11:50
yay correct, well done! :) 50 petz money on its way to you! and siobhan, it didnt say it had to have the word day in it, just be names of days!

ah right.. that is why I left tommorow out in my first answer.. well done Dragoneye... and D'oh for me been blond :D

12-01-2006, 11:51
lol. sorry about that siobhan. It was you that gave me the idea (and most of the answer) lol

di marco
12-01-2006, 11:51
next one:

"A man went on a trip with a fox, a goose and a sack of corn. He came upon a stream which he had to cross and found a tiny boat to use to cross the stream. He could only take himself and one other - the fox, the goose, or the corn - at a time. He could not leave the fox alone with the goose or the goose alone with the corn. How does he get all safely over the stream?"

12-01-2006, 11:53
he takes the goose, come back, takes the corn, takes the goose back, then takes the fox across then goes back and takes the goose across

di marco
12-01-2006, 11:54
he takes the goose, come back, takes the corn, takes the goose back, then takes the fox across then goes back and takes the goose across

yep well done that was quick! 50 petz money on its way! :)

di marco
12-01-2006, 11:55

"If you had a million dollars and gave away one quarter, and then another quarter, how much would you have left?"

12-01-2006, 11:58
he takes the goose, come back, takes the corn, takes the goose back, then takes the fox across then goes back and takes the goose across

you were too quick for me

12-01-2006, 12:53
$187, 500

12-01-2006, 12:56

"If you had a million dollars and gave away one quarter, and then another quarter, how much would you have left?"

a quater of the money or a quarter?

if just a quarter then you have million less 50 cent
if the other then you have, 187, 500

12-01-2006, 13:00
Oooh yeah, I didn't think about a quarter being American money!

12-01-2006, 13:16
you were too quick for me

I know lol. Just had a break away from computer. Thought I'd give everyone else a chance lol

di marco
12-01-2006, 15:58
if just a quarter then you have million less 50 cent

correct! :) 50 petz money on its way

di marco
12-01-2006, 15:59
another one:

"What can be caught and heard, but never seen?"

12-01-2006, 16:01
another one:

"What can be caught and heard, but never seen?"

a cold?

di marco
12-01-2006, 16:02
a cold?

nope, well thats not the solution on the thing anyway

12-01-2006, 16:06
nope, well thats not the solution on the thing anyway

sneeze or flu???

or possibly wind?

12-01-2006, 16:07
your breath?

di marco
12-01-2006, 20:42

12-01-2006, 20:53
Im not sure but is it a remark

di marco
12-01-2006, 21:13
Im not sure but is it a remark

yep correct! :) 50 petz money on its way to you

di marco
12-01-2006, 21:19
heres another one:

"What is brought to the table and cut, but never eaten?"

12-01-2006, 21:31

12-01-2006, 22:20
Playing cards

di marco
13-01-2006, 12:37
Playing cards

yep correct hazey, 50 petz money on its way to you! :)

di marco
13-01-2006, 12:37
next one:

"Why do you always find something you've lost in the last place you look?"

13-01-2006, 12:38
next one:

"Why do you always find something you've lost in the last place you look?"

cause once you find it, you don't need to look anymore so it is the last place

di marco
13-01-2006, 20:25
cause once you find it, you don't need to look anymore so it is the last place

correct! :) 50 petz money on its way

di marco
13-01-2006, 20:26
heres another one:

"Women don't have it and don't want it. Men get it and think it's a good thing but sometimes they try to get rid of it. What is it?"

13-01-2006, 21:01
yep correct hazey, 50 petz money on its way to you! :) Thanks yippee I got one right :cheer:

di marco
13-01-2006, 21:12
Thanks yippee I got one right :cheer:

did you get the money? cos i cant remember if i sent it to you or not!

15-01-2006, 19:55
is it a beard

di marco
15-01-2006, 20:42
is it a beard

yep correct, 50 petz money on its way! :)

di marco
15-01-2006, 20:43
next riddle:

"You have 9 tennis balls and 4 shopping bags. Can you put all the balls in the bags to that there is an odd number of balls in each bag? - each bag must contain 1,3,4,7, or 9 balls"