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Thread: Robert Sugden

  1. #101
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    Emmerdale spoilers: Robert Sugden is SHOT – our guide to the suspects

    Duncan Lindsay for
    Monday 14 Sep 2015 11:59 pm

    ‘He had it coming, he had it coming – he only had himself to blame…’

    Frankly, it’s amazing that Robert Sugden has escaped a bullet for so long. No matter what you think of him – whether you’re in the ‘he’s the devil incarnate’ camp or the ‘he’s misunderstood’ camp – there’s no denying that he has rubbed a lot of people up the wrong way. (Don’t go there…)

    And, as the truth about what happened on the night Katie died emerges, he finds himself facing all manners of hate from many angles which leads to one vengeful person taking the ultimate revenge.

    After showdowns with many of his enemies, Robert is having a desperate chat with Chas in the middle of the village when a shot rings out – and blood starts to form on Robert’s chest.

    As he collapses to the ground, who has pulled the trigger? We have lined up who could most want to carry out the attack – but at this stage, it could really be anyone.


    1) Andy Sugden

    (Picture: Metro/ITV)

    Let’s face it, there has never been much love lost between these two warring brothers. But the realisation that Robert had a hand in Katie’s death pushes Andy over the edge and, when Robert appears to evade punishment from the police, Andy could well take the law into his own hands.

    Let’s not forget that Andy is a guy with a volatile temper, having spent a long time needing counselling for his violence in the past. Not to mention that he once pulled the trigger on his dad, Jack! Katie was the love of his life and the discovery of Robert’s involvement is too much for him to take.

    When Robert first confesses to what happened, a fight ensues so it’s clear that Andy’s hatred could develop into something serious.

    With Diane and Victoria already worried about Andy’s state of mind, are they right to conclude that he could be capable of doing something he’ll live to regret?

    What next? As Diane and Victoria keep a vigil at Robert’s hospital bedside, they agree that they should have stopped Andy. Have they decided already that he is to blame? As Andy is missing during the time directly after the shooting, it’s not looking good…

    2) Chrissie Sugden

    (Picture: Metro/ITV)

    Chrissie has endured a lot at the hands of Robert, having had her entire life destroyed by his lies, cheating and betrayal. Since the discovery of his affair with Aaron, Chrissie’s life has spectacularly fallen apart.

    Her grief even drove her to blow up his car, which led to the helicopter crash which she is now facing trial for. Still seething as he continues to be a damaging presence in the village, has Chrissie taken desperate measures to get him out of her life for good?

    When Chas later tells her about a gun in a safe, Chrissie comments that she needs to set everything right.

    Her fears for son Lachlan grow when she discovers from Rakesh that he has been spotted with a gun, with the lad having found Ross’ discarded firearm in the stream. In order to protect her son from his own growing thirst for Robert’s blood, might Chrissie have done the job for him, seeing as she could already be facing jail anyway?

    What next? Lawrence leaves an urgent voicemail on Chrissie’s phone when he learns that Robert has been shot. But why is she not available to take the call? After what happened with the helicopter, there will be those who believe Chrissie to be capable of anything – will that include the police?

    3) Aaron Livesy

    (Picture: Metro/ITV)

    There isn’t a couple in soap with a more powerful love and hate relationship than Robert and Aaron – Robert is most definitely under the mechanic’s skin whether he likes it or not. And there could only be one way to sort it.

    As Aaron struggles with his huge guilt relating to Katie, as well as still recovering from the damage his affair with Robert caused, the impulsive lad looks like he’s heading for the edge. Given that he blames himself for Andy’s pain, perhaps he sees that it has to be him that sorts things out once and for all.

    Aaron finally admits to Chas and Paddy what really happened that night and his state of mind is clear as he battles with his conscience and also the fear that he was complicit in the crime and could be facing a return to prison.

    After being interviewed by police, Robert visits Aaron to boast that he has kept the officers off of the scent and left Aaron’s name out of it. But, when Aaron responds by calling him a pathetic coward, Robert is stung and hits back by goading Aaron. But has he pushed him too far?

    When Aaron also learns that Chas could have murder in mind, he could decide to get there first to protect his mum from doing something that could ruin her life…

    What next? Aaron is on the scene as Robert lies bleeding – but why was he so close? Chas will become terrified that her son was responsible – but is she right?

    4) Lawrence White

    (Picture: Metro/ITV)

    Lawrence has put up with a lot from Robert and, if you recall from the first appearances of the White family, he has never truly trusted or liked him. But after what Robert has done to his family this time, might the normally mild mannered patriarch finally want him out of the picture in a permanent way?

    Seeing Chrissie panic as her trial approaches and worry over another mess Lachlan has gotten into, Lawrence might realise that as head of the family, it falls to him to get rid of Robert.

    And, when Chrissie admits that it was Robert that set up the raid which almost killed him, Lawrence sees red and confronts him. But he is left with another bombshell when Robert tells him he also set up Connor, the rent boy who falsely accused Lawrence.

    After being left vulnerable by that ordeal, Lawrence is stung by Robert’s revelation and furious by the damage he continues to do. Will the admission from a smug Robert push Lawrence to seize the gun Lachlan has found and shoot down his enemy; ending the feud once and for all?

    What next? Lawrence leaves a voicemail on Chrissie’s phone after hearing about the shooting but could this just be a form of covering his own tracks? Lawrence will do anything to protect his family – but will he become a suspect?

    5) Paddy Kirk

    (Picture: Metro/ITV)

    Paddy wouldn’t normally harm a fly- but he would do anything for Aaron and Chas. Robert has put Paddy through a great deal over recent months, with Paddy having been buried in grain and shot by the villain.

    Knowing that Aaron could face prison for Robert’s role in Katie’s death, Paddy has his reasons for not wanting Robert to go down for that crime. Nevertheless he needs punished and out of Aaron’s life before he falls deeper into another cycle of self destruction.

    Paddy is also aware of Chas’ rage against Robert and might decide he has to do something completely extraordinary to get them all out of Robert’s grip.

    It would be utterly out of character – but desperate times call for desperate measures…

    What next? Paddy is looking a bit shifty straight after the shooting – and something he says could put the suspicion on him…

    6) Lachlan White

    (Picture: Metro/ITV)

    Lachlan could be capable of anything. We have seen him creepily stalk Belle Dingle, sexually assault Alicia and pretend to have almost set fire to himself in order to worry his mum Chrissie so there is no doubt he is capable of shooting Robert.

    Lachlan has never hidden his loathing for Robert in the wake of the reveal of his affair with Aaron and it is Lachlan who first gets his hands on a gun.

    He discovers the firearm after Ross chucks it into the stream and it’s clear an idea is forming in his mind as he stashes the gun away. As he later overhears further revelations about Robert, including that he set up the raid on Home Farm, Lachlan is pushed even closer to the edge.

    As Chrissie and Lawrence focus on protecting him, might they take the eye off the ball and allow him to slip out and take a killer revenge?

    Having once asked Belle what it is like to kill someone, is Lachlan about to find out?

    What next? Walking nearby, Lachlan discovers what has happened to Robert and discards something in the bushes. Could it be the weapon used to gun down Robert?

    7) Chastity Dingle

    (Picture: Metro/ITV)

    Chastity is with Robert when he is shot – but don’t let that rule her out. Everyone has shady contacts in Emmerdale!

    When she learns that Aaron was involved in Katie’s final moments, a devastated Chas realises her long suffering son could be brought down with Robert and will do anything to save him from prison.

    Later discovering that Robert also shot Paddy, Chas wants Robert to pay but knows that him being in prison could end up dragging Aaron down too. If she decides not to go to the police, could she be planning a more final punishment?

    She asks Cain to deal with Robert and, while Cain seems to refuse, could she eventually persuade him? Or might she have another contact, like the one Robert almost used to take her out?

    Having already told Robert to ‘drop dead’, Chas’ motive is clear and in what could be Robert’s final moments, she is telling him to leave the village tonight if he values his life.

    As it transpires, it becomes too late for him to take this advice, but how much of a hand does Chas have in what happens?

    What next? Chas steps back, blood on her hands, as Robert drops to the ground. She is deeply shaken – but could it be due to guilt as well as the trauma over what she has witnessed?

    8) Cain Dingle

    (Picture: Metro/ITV)

    Cain and Robert aren’t exactly BFFs – Robert once tried to break him up from Moira after blackmailing him so Cain would probably not think twice about putting a bullet in his enemy.

    But with Robert”s recent actions affecting both Chas and Aaron, Cain has even more of a reason for sorting him, particularly as Chas asks him outright to do something.

    Although he points out the consequences to Chas, we know that Cain will go to extreme lengths to protect his family. Might his talking Chas out of it be a mere cover as he plans to make short work of Robert?

    What next? Cain is absent from the scene – but then any decent assassin worth his salt would be…

    Will Robert die?

    As Robert slumps to the ground with a gunshot wound in his chest, Chas steps back in horror.

    Lawrence arrives on the scene, along with Dan, who leaps into action and tries to save Robert, who is in a bad way.

    As Robert is rushed to hospital, Diane and Victoria fear the worst.

    Robert’s life hangs by a thread as medics fight to rescue him but when he flat-lines and is rushed into emergency surgery, it could finally be the end for the local villain.

    Has whoever pulled the trigger become a murderer?

    Opinion poll = 'Who is your initial suspect?'

    Choose between:
    Edna (well, you never know)
    Someone else...

    See news article and opinion poll at:

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Telly Watcher For This Useful Post:

    KiwiElle (16-09-2015), swatson (16-09-2015), tammyy2j (16-09-2015)

  3. #102
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    Emmerdale has launched its next big whodunit storyline - who shoots Robert Sugden?

    The soap has released the first trailer for the mysterious plot, which you can watch below:

    The culprit could be anyone, from secret lover Aaron to brother Andy after he reveals his part in Katie's death.

    Father-in-law Lawrence isn't a fan either, after Robert set up a trap involving a rent boy to blackmail him.

    It will be the latest in a series of dramatic storylines for the soap, which has already featured Robert's (Ryan Hawley) affair and the helicopter crash during Debbie Dingle's wedding.

    What's not clear is if Robert will die from the shooting and the Dales police will end up searching for a murderer - or if he will survive and eventually find out who shot him.

    Read more:

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Perdita For This Useful Post:

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  5. #103
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    Andy is too obvious as is Lachlan and Chas is with Robert when he is shot so perhaps Paddy or Lawrence

  6. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by tammyy2j View Post
    Andy is too obvious as is Lachlan and Chas is with Robert when he is shot so perhaps Paddy or Lawrence
    I think the shooter is a hit man it would need to be a professional to get a clean shot. The gun man would be far away and no one could see him. Only a professional could have that accuracy. Maybe Lawrence or Chrissie is behind the shooting they hired a hit man to take Robert out. It would be too easy for it to be Lachlan or Andy too predictable.
    Last edited by Serena Williams; 17-09-2015 at 17:19.

  7. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serena Williams View Post
    I think the shooter is a hit man it would need to be a professional to get a clean shot. The gun man would be far away and no one could see him. Only a professional could have that accuracy. Maybe Lawrence or Chrissie is behind the shooting they hired a hit man to take Robert out. It would be too easy for it to be Lachlan or Andy too predictable.
    Emmerdale is still meant to be a trad rural
    village*-with a large estate that organised
    "shoot" as a source of income( not sure if
    they still do)
    So more people may have guns and be
    handy with them - than may be supposed.

    If a hitman has been hired- then Lawrence
    could be a possibility to do that??

    I doubt it would be Chrissie- who would
    probably put hitman into search - and
    end up wih a video game!!
    If she actually managed to do it- it would
    be a surprise - as shes not been very bright
    so far! A missed opportunity to create an
    interesting female character at Home Farm.

    * i.e. not a dormitory village for commuters.

  8. #106
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    Last edited by maidmarian; 17-09-2015 at 18:12.

  9. #107
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  10. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by maidmarian View Post
    Emmerdale is still meant to be a trad rural
    village*-with a large estate that organised
    "shoot" as a source of income( not sure if
    they still do)
    So more people may have guns and be
    handy with them - than may be supposed.

    If a hitman has been hired- then Lawrence
    could be a possibility to do that??

    I doubt it would be Chrissie- who would
    probably put hitman into search - and
    end up wih a video game!!
    If she actually managed to do it- it would
    be a surprise - as shes not been very bright
    so far! A missed opportunity to create an
    interesting female character at Home Farm.

    * i.e. not a dormitory village for commuters.
    There are supposed to be a scene next week with Chrissie taking a gun out of a safe.

  11. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by maidmarian View Post
    Emmerdale is still meant to be a trad rural
    village*-with a large estate that organised
    "shoot" as a source of income( not sure if
    they still do)
    So more people may have guns and be
    handy with them - than may be supposed.

    If a hitman has been hired- then Lawrence
    could be a possibility to do that??

    I doubt it would be Chrissie- who would
    probably put hitman into search - and
    end up wih a video game!!
    If she actually managed to do it- it would
    be a surprise - as shes not been very bright
    so far! A missed opportunity to create an
    interesting female character at Home Farm.

    * i.e. not a dormitory village for commuters.
    There are supposed to be a scene next week with Chrissie taking a gun out of a safe.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Serena Williams For This Useful Post:

    maidmarian (18-09-2015)

  13. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serena Williams View Post
    There are supposed to be a scene next week with Chrissie taking a gun out of a safe.
    I' that with interest;I wouldnt be
    surprised if we see similar with other
    characters - as they be hyping
    up a list of suspects and there will be
    quite a lot of guns in.such a village!

    It will certainly make her character more
    interesting if she shoots Robert-tho there
    are several I would prefer were shot first!!
    So far she just been.dire ( to me)

    Id still.have doubts about her ability to
    handle gun correctly? but we shall

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to maidmarian For This Useful Post:

    Perdita (18-09-2015)

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