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Thread: Neighbours Oz Spoilers, 10th - 14th August

  1. #1
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    Neighbours Oz Spoilers, 10th - 14th August

    Monday 10th August

    Lucas, weighed down by guilt, investigates his local Gambler’s Anonymous meeting, but can’t bring himself to admit that he needs help. Meanwhile, Elle, determined on revenge, ensures that her damning article on Lucas is published, despite her editor’s orders to back off. When the story comes out, Declan publicly turns on Lucas, and then Elle for not telling him what was going on. Lucas, already hating himself, feels even lower. He uses a high-risk ruse to help the Police trap Johnno, but to everyone’s amazement, Johnno walks free: there’s not enough evidence to charge him. And Declan, gutted, disappears. Is he about to take the law into his own hands?

    Tuesday 11th August

    Declan confronts Johnno, desperate to hear him confess. Johnno continues to deny any involvement and Declan is left struggling with his grief and a need for closure. Rebecca urges Declan to remember his responsibility is to India and abandon his quest for personal justice. But Paul understands that’s not enough and finds a way to help Declan move on. Encouraging Declan to return to Johnno’s hotel room, Paul puts a plan into action that will secure the closure Declan requires.

    Wednesday 12th August

    Donna puts out a request on her vlog for help to find her real father. Zeke worries that she's making herself vulnerable by putting personal details on the internet but Donna refuses to be swayed. She appeals to Zeke to understand her need to find her father and seems to get through to him. But when Zeke is the first to see a message Donna receives from someone claiming to be her father, will he betray Donna in order to protect her?

    Thursday 13th August

    After being spurned by Elle, Lucas slides further into self-destruction, pursuing a woman at Charlie’s and bringing her back to Toadie’s House – only for Libby to catch them being watched secretly by Ben and Callum. When Lucas refuses to get help, Dan asks him to leave and he moves in with Steph. Hoping she can succeed where Dan and Libby have failed, Steph is shocked when Lucas tries to kiss her. Hitting rock bottom, Lucas returns to Elle and is brutally honest about his failings. However, with her trust shattered, Elle can’t bring herself to take him back. But with Dan’s support, Lucas goes to his first Gambler’s Anonymous meeting and admits he has a problem. However as he explains his story, Elle sneaks unseen into the back of the meeting just in time to hear that it was being trapped in suburbia that drove Lucas to gamble.

    Friday 14th August

    With the imminent arrival of Rocky’s training supervisor, Toadie begins to worry about the puppy’s progress. Toadie feels an immediate attraction to the new puppy trainer, but his efforts to flirt fall apart when she’s unimpressed by Rocky’s bad habits. Toadie realises that Callum is treating the puppy as a pet rather than a working dog, just as Toadie treats Callum as a mate, rather than a son. It seems that Callum isn’t the only one who needs to learn about tough love.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Jessie Wallace For This Useful Post:

    lizann (31-07-2009), tammyy2j (30-07-2009)

  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Lucas has a gambling problem

  4. #3
    Join Date
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    Yeah well we could see that coming for a while

  5. #4
    Join Date
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    ooooooo wonder what breed of dog toadie has?????

    hope its a bull terrier

  6. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by magicdragon View Post
    ooooooo wonder what breed of dog toadie has?????

    hope its a bull terrier
    He already has the dog, although i couldn't you what type it is!

  7. #6
    Join Date
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    I thought I read somewhere on here that its a lab dog.

  8. #7
    Join Date
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    yeah it is Well I swear it is

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