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Thread: Hollyoaks fiction, Unexpected visitors and surprises

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
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    Quote Originally Posted by Footie_Chick
    AHHH wow, sensing something else will happen maybe a dash to the airport!!!! Can't wait to read more!!!!
    i am glad you are enjoying it, here is the next chapter (i will be posting the last chapter of the story tomorrow,)

    Chapter 13

    Russ got back to the flat, to find the last person he wanted to see right now. Mercedes was sitting outside the flat, obviously waiting for him to return.

    “We need to talk Russ,”

    “Please Mercedes not now, I have just said good bye to my daughter, this is not the time”

    “Yes it is the time Russ, you can’t keep doing this to me”

    “Doing what?”

    “Since she’s been back, I’ve been treated like I am second, actually no make that third, with her and the baby coming first and second”

    “Its not like that, I’ve just had a lot to deal with”

    “I know you have, it’s more than that isn’t it? I’ve been thinking, until she showed up, you never even mentioned her, I have heard of some of your other exes, but why not her? At first I thought that it was because she meant nothing to you, but now I think it is the exact opposite, that she still means something to you”

    “I am sorry Mercedes, but things that happened between Dani and I before, well, its complicated, and it is not easy for me to talk about.”

    “ I love you Russ, and I know you care about me, but I need to ask you one thing, please, if you feel anything for me at all, I need you to be honest”

    “What is it?” Russ asks, hesitantly

    “Do you love me” at this question, Russ is unable to answer, Mercedes realising that he is unable to say it, sighs, realising that she has lost.

    “I thought as much, since she has been here, you’ve been distant. You’re still in love with her aren’t you?”

    For the first time, Russ is able to admit it to both himself and Mercedes, and replies, “yes I do” realising that only an hour before he hurt the one person he truly loved.
    “I am sorry Mercedes, I never meant to hurt you, I care about you I…” Mercedes interrupts Russ, and says “I know, I am sorry too” With that Mercedes kisses Russ on the cheek, and tells him goodbye.

    As Mercedes walks away from the flat, she accidentally walks into Steve, Russ’s flat mate, “sorry Steve” noticing that Mercedes is obviously upset, he asks her what is wrong, Mercedes is not in the mood for conversation, so she just tells him that she is fine, and rushes away.

    As lets himself into the flat, he can see that Russ is obviously upset, assuming that he and Mercedes had another fight, Steve cant resist asking “what you fighting over now” Russ however was not listening, so replied “sorry mate what was that” “I just asked what you and Mercedes had fallen out over this time,” “we’ve not fallen out, we have broken up”
    “Sorry mate, I didn’t realise”
    “Don’t worry, its for the best, it was not fair on her, especially how I feel about” Russ stops, not really wanting to carry on.
    “Feel about what”
    “Forget it, it does not matter” Russ replied
    “It obviously does, you look awful mate”

    Needing someone to talk to, that would not judge him, Russ told Steve the whole story, from him and Dani getting together to the cancer, then what had happened because of Andy and his brother, and how he treated her afterwards, him not believing her, and how he felt when he found out about her going to the college roof, right up to her leaving and thinking that he had killed Andy, even telling him when begging her to stay with him, he told her he wanted her to marry him, and he would go with her to Italy.

    He also told him of Dani’s confession earlier in the day, that she still loved him and wanted the three of them to be a family. Steve, as the voice of reason, could not help but ask what is he still doing here, why is he not with Dani.

    “I cant, I have caused her so much pain over the years, I cant risk hurting her again, especially not now that Lucy is involved, I cant hurt our daughter, too much time has passed, and too much hurt and misery has happened.”

    “Sound to me, that you have hurt her anyway, by telling her that you cant be with them, why don’t you give it ago, you said yourself you still love her, and want to be with her, and she has made her choice, she was strong enough to put her heart on the line and tell you how she feels”

    “Its too late, she is going tomorrow morning, besides, I don’t think I could handle it, if we gave it ago, and it doesn’t work out,”

    “So that’s why you said no to Dani then was it?” stated Steve

    “What do you mean?”

    “Fear. It sounds to me that you are too afraid to try and make this work, afraid that you will loose her again, and that you would be back to square one, and if that’s the case, you are going to spend the rest of your life with regrets that you have not taken a chance, Either that or by the time you have come to your senses she will have move on and it will be too late”

    Later that night, Russ went to bed, with Steve’s words going around his mind, and Russ questioned his own motives, was Steve right? Was fear clouding his judgement?

  2. #22
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    Author Note: Well here is it the final chapter, hope you enjoy it, thankyou to everyone who has submitted feedback for the story, maybe one day I will get around to doing a sequel.

    Chapter 14

    “Oh well Lucy, its just you and me again, of course your grand parents and the rest of our family will spoil us both, I just wish I could give you your daddy, but his life is not with us in Rome” Dani says sadly to the baby, just they are waiting yet again for another announcement for their flight, this time the flight is back home, and away from him. “Your daddy is a good man Lucy, I am sure he will be there for you whenever you need him, and he will come and visit you”

    Dani sighs, she cant help but wonder what might have been, had she stayed in the village all that time ago, and never moved to Rome. She wonders whether the three of them could have been a proper family, but as a tear almost falls from her eye, she pulls herself out of her thoughts, not wanting to humiliate herself in public, by bursting into tears, even though that is what she felt like doing.

    She looks at the announcement board, and sees that her flight is delayed, “great this is the last thing I need right now” she thinks to herself as Lucy gets fidgety yet again. She decides to go over to the café and get something to eat, not knowing how long it would be before her flight was going to be announced.

    An hour later, the an announcement is made, that her flight is about to board, she gathers her things and carries Lucy to the boarding gate, just as she arrives at the gate she hears someone call her name. She turns around, not daring to believe her eyes. When she realises she is not seeing things, and he is really there. She asks him what he is doing here, and he replies, “If the offer is still open, I want to be with you both”

    “What about everything you said yesterday, about it being for the wrong reasons, that we had separate lives”

    “If I’m honest, I was scared, scared that it wont work out, that I will end up hurting you all over again, and Lucy in the process.”

    “But what changed, why are you here now”

    “Because I realised that I am more scared of loosing you, and not giving it a go, than anything else. I still love you, and always have done, even if I could not admit it to myself, these last couple of week, whilst they’ve been difficult, the same time they’ve been amazing. I want to try again with you, and not because we have a child together, but because I need you in my life.”

    “What about your life here, your friends, your degree, you belongings, what about Mercedes?”

    “My life has not been the same since Sam, that’s why mum, dad and Nic left, I stuck it out and it got better, but people still see me as his brother, as for my friends, I can still stay in touch with them and visit, besides I have done most of the stuff for the degree anyway, I have spoken to college on the phone on the way here all I have to do is fly back for a week for the finals, and they will still let me graduate. Mercedes and I talked last night, and we broke up, its not fair on her, she would always have been second best, and she realised that. I have a bag packed, and tickets for this flight in my hand, all you have to do is say yes, that you want us together, please don’t tell me you have changed your…”

    Dani interrupted him with a deep, passionate kiss, “I take that is a yes then” Russ joked, “it’s defiantly a yes” Dani replied. To that Russ kissed Dani once again, and then took Lucy out of her mums’ arms, and kissed his daughter on her head, then carried her to the plane.

    The young family went off to start their new life together, full of promise, knowing that the path would not be easy but together they would manage it.

    The End

    Thank you to everyone for your reviews, I appreciated it.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Ahhh wow, that was so sweet!!! Knew something was going to happen at the airport. Love it!!!!

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  5. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Footie_Chick View Post
    Ahhh wow, that was so sweet!!! Knew something was going to happen at the airport. Love it!!!!
    glad you enjoyed it, and if the digi spy spoilers are right, we may be seeing a return on our screens very soon!!!

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