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Thread: Corrie Spoilers 24th - 28th October

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    Corrie Spoilers 24th - 28th October

    George and Sean are shocked when Eileen has an accident

    Daisy makes a tough admission to Daniel - How will he react?

    Fix receives a phone call and knows she needs to have a chat with Hope
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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    Exclamation Corrie Spoilers 24th - 28th October 2022

    Monday 24 October 2022 at 20:00 on ITV

    Stephen is worried as Jenny and Teddy arrange to meet up at the Bistro to discuss finding Leo. He takes a photo of them together in the street and sends them to Teddy from Leo's phone, with a message telling him that a mate saw them and thought he might be interested. The message reads "don't contact me again".

    To Stephen's horror, Teddy says he is going to go to Canada to speak to Leo face to face. What will Stephen do next?

    Later, Gabrielle corners Stephen and demands her money. Stephen does his best to fob her off, but Gabrielle makes it clear she's running out of patience.

    Meanwhile, Summer tells Aaron that she has made an appointment with Dr Gaddas to book an abortion. Having seen the doctor, Summer admits to Aaron she can't help feeling upset.

    Esther's gutted to learn about the planned termination and offers her money in a bid to change her mind. Billy appears and is horrified to realise that Esther was trying to buy Summer's baby and orders her to leave.

    When Billy infers that he disapproves of abortion, Summer heads to her room, upset. Todd speaks to Billy about how Summer feels and tells him he must support her. How will Billy react?

    Elsewhere, when Glenda calls at Number 11 with a huge pumpkin to carve and display at The Rovers, Eileen's annoyed that she's treating her house like a workshop. Eileen picks up Glenda's pumpkin and heads out with it.

    As Eileen strides down the street, she collides with Gail, trips over the pumpkin and knocks herself out. George and Sean rush to Eileen's aid but are shocked as she comes round appearing uncharacteristically chilled and pleasant.

    Also today, when Daisy admits that she's uncomfortable at the idea of moving into the flat when it holds so many memories of Sinead, Daniel snaps at her. When Adam reveals that tomorrow is the anniversary of Sinead's death, Daisy feels terrible.

    Finally, with Dev's help, Bernie sifts through the recycling until she finds the label from the clothes packaging with Fern's address on it. All that remains legible is 493C Church Lane. Dev and a despondent Bernie return to the street having failed to locate 493C Church Lane. Sympathetic Dev tells Bernie she can move into Number 5 as her family are not making her welcome.

    Wednesday 26 October 2022 at 20:00 on ITV

    Stephen can't believe his luck with Audrey hands him her phone and asks him to turn off notifications as it is driving her mad.

    Stephen meets up with Gabrielle and tells her he's expecting the mortgage broker to call on Audrey's phone. He needs her to pretend to be Audrey and that way she'll get her money.

    Convinced he is going to get the equity release money, Stephen tells Gail that he has decided it might be time for him to move on now Audrey is feeling better. But he is shocked by an announcement from Audrey.

    Meanwhile, it is the anniversary of Sinead's death. Daniel takes Bertie to Victoria Gardens before dropping him with Beth and heading for The Rovers, where he tells Daisy it has been an emotional day but he'd very much like it if the three of them could live together. Daisy tells him she'd like that too.

    Beth calls at the flat with Bertie and recounts their day together. When Bertie calls Daisy "Mummy", Daniel's surprised whilst Beth's horrified

    Daisy confides in Jenny how Bertie called her "Mummy" and she's not sure she's ready for such a commitment. Jenny warns her that she'll regret it if she walks away. What will she do?

    Elsewhere, Griff meets up with Toyah, Spider and Peter in the caf? and invites them to a gig. He explains that it's a mystery band who announce their gigs via social media.

    Toyah and Spider agree to swerve Griff's gig and spend some time together instead. But when Spider speaks to his boss who tells him it's imperative he attends the gig with Griff. When Spider reveals that he's going to the gig after all, Toyah's put out.

    Also today, Tyrone reveals he has joined a taekwondo class. Fiz is bemused. When Fiz reveals that Tyrone's taken up taekwondo, Sean reminds her that last time he joined a yoga class, he copped off with Alina. Fiz is left worried.

    Finally, at Number 11, a smiley Eileen tells George that she intends to spoil him rotten. George admits to Sean that Eileen's friendly demeanour is starting to scare him.

    Eileen explains to George how when she came round after her accident, she caught a glimpse of heaven and ever since, she's felt calm and peaceful.

    Eileen opens up to George and Sean about her 'heaven' experience and how she saw a bright light, smelt something sweet and heard strange music.

    Friday 28 October 2022 at 20:00 on ITV

    A stressed Fiz calls in the pub and tells Tyrone she's had a call from a journalist wanting to run an article about John Stape.

    Fiz ends a call with the journalist and tells Tyrone that they're planning to serialise a book about John Stape in the paper. Tyrone reckons Phill's behind it.

    Meanwhile, Audrey and Sam suggest they could see the Northern Lights in Canada and stay in one of his properties to save money, Stephen is thrown into panic.

    In a bid to scupper Audrey and Sam's Canadian plans, Stephen convinces Gail that the weather is too harsh for them and they'd be better off in Norway on a cruise and he will book it.

    Elsewhere, Daisy prepares to move in with Daniel, and Daniel prepares to move into The Rovers with Daisy. Paul offers Dee Dee Daniel's old room whilst Glenda has her eye on Daisy's room at the Rovers.

    Daniel and Daisy collide on the street, each carrying their worldly possessions. Daniel reveals that he thought he was moving to the Rovers, whilst Daisy reveals that she thought they were moving into his house.

    When it dawns on Daniel and Daisy they've nowhere to live, Ken offers to put them up at No.1. Tracy's fuming.

    Also today, when Eileen staggers in with the shopping and reveals her plan to do a cook-up for the soup kitchen, Todd tells George there's obviously something wrong with her.

    When Mary suggests she writes up Eileen's heavenly experience for The Inexplicable, George is forced to tell her the truth. How will Eileen react to what really happened and find out it wasn't divine intervention?

    Sam confides in Hope that he's worried a letter might turn up from Harvey while he's away and it might be best to tell Nick the truth. But Hope's adamant that would be a mistake and that according to her gaming friend, Mad Dog, you should never tell adults any secrets.

    Spider meets up with his boss and tells them he wants out, but his boss won't hear of it.

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