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Thread: Corrie Spoilers 5th - 9th September

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    Corrie Spoilers 5th - 9th September

    Toyah's caught up in a situation that spirals out of control

    More of Stephen's secret life is revealed - What is he up to?

    A harmless game of football ends up in a medical emergency
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  2. #2
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    Thanked: 8737

    Roy, Nina and Toyah warn Carla about the protest and urge her to take a closer look at Nadeem?s business practices. With the protest underway, Nadeem arrives at the factory, where apologising Carla confirms that the deal is off.

    The police arrive but as Craig Tinker urges the protestors to disperse, Griff rallies the crowd. As Carla and Nadeem emerge, Spider watches in horror as Griff pulls out a bottle and hurls it, hitting Craig on the head. Griff?s arrested whilst a terrified Toyah finds herself caught up in the mel?e!

    Jenny is feeling the pressure as she meets with the pub?s charity football team, knowing the Flying Horse are looking for revenge. At Tim?s suggestion, she enlists the help of James to give the team some coaching.

    Meanwhile, when Peter catches Tim hiding from Trina in the cab office, he confides that Trina?s his sex therapist and that since his heart op, he?s suffered from impotence. Will Peter agree to keep his secret?


    As James Bailey puts the Rovers team through their paces, Dev gives a pre-match pep talk. But when Tim misconstrues his words and thinks Dev?s making a dig at his impotence, he accuses Peter of betraying his confidence and storms out. With little choice, James agrees to step in. As they set off, Aggie spots a glum Tim and invites him for a brew. As he opens up to Aggie, the match kicks off.

    The Flying Horse take the lead but with only minutes remaining, James gives the game his all, putting the Rovers in front, but suddenly he collapses. Ed rushes across the pitch frantically calling an ambulance as Michael performs CPR on James. Will James survive? And will Aggie make it in time to see him?

    Stephen lets himself into No.8 and taking out the trust fund papers, practises Audrey?s signature. Suddenly Audrey appears - has she caught him in the act or will he talk his way out of trouble again?

    Carla?s unimpressed to see Griff chatting to Toyah but Griff lies and asserts that he wasn?t the one who threw the bottle and he doesn?t condone that sort of behaviour. Carla?s further worried when she finds Griff lecturing Peter about his conspiracy theory on big pharma companies. But will Peter tell her to butt out when she makes it clear that she disapproves of him fraternising with Griff?

    Brian, Wendy and Mary discover they all have parts in the am dram production, whilst Ken and Evelyn failed to make the grade.

    At Hope?s suggestion, Sam makes out he loves gaming and invites Jack and Liam round after school. But as the kids embark on a football computer game, Sam remarks that it?s pointless as it requires no skill or strategy and Liam and Jack look at him in disbelief. As Sam does his best to make conversation, it?s clear he finds it difficult and when they quiz him about the letters he writes he?s quick to change the subject.


    Saira approaches Toyah in the street and accuses her of murdering Imran so that she could be with her new boyfriend. Toyah assures her that?s not true but Griff steps in as Saira refuses to let it go. Griff suggests they teach Saira a lesson by letting the tyres down on her gas guzzling car but Spider warns Toyah that with her trial looming, she?d best not get involved, especially when Griff shows Spider a petrol canister and suggests they torch Saira?s car instead.

    He begs Toyah to cut ties with Griff, revealing he?s in love with her and his marriage is over. As they kiss on the balcony, agreeing to keep their relationship under wraps until after the trial, a furious Saira stares up at them. How will she get her revenge?

    James is told he has a condition called cardiomyopathy and will be fitted with an ICD to prevent further cardiac arrests. As James is wheeled away to theatre, Aggie breaks down. Will James? surgery be a success?

    In Speed Daal, Zeedan surveys the empty bookings diary, worrying that Stu?s reputation is ruining the business. As Stu heads home, two lads harrass him in the street, branding him a murderer.

    Later, Roy tells Zeedan about the attack.

    With Liam and Jake fighting over the Xbox, Kelly suggests they watch videos on her laptop instead. But when they spot she?s been researching Gretna Green, she quickly changes the subject.

    Having heard about Gretna Green, Maria?s adamant they need to put a stop to Kelly?s crazy plan. But Gary warns her that if they try to stop Kelly marrying Aadi, they could end up driving her away for good?

    In a bid to impress, Sam turns up at Jalena?s party sporting a football top and trainers. Jalena reveals she has no interest in football and was going to suggest they meet up for a game of chess, but now he?s into football she?s invited John instead and Sam?s crushed?

    Sarah tells Stephen that she?s arranged a meeting with a couple of potential investors. However Stephen?s shaken when his wife, Gabrielle, arrives on the street, telling him she wants the ?200,000 euros back that he stole from her company or she?s going to the police! How will Stephen get the cash?

    Daisy returns from a weekend away, and Jenny confesses that she snogged Stephen. How will Daisy react?

    Sam does a class presentation about chess. When one boy, Owen, tells Sam how much he enjoyed it Sam offers to teach him later. Oblivious to Owen?s sarcasm, Sam sets up at the caf? ready for him to show up.

    Ken and Wendy rehearse their audition scene for the play. As Tracy enters, she?s horrified to hear Wendy delivering the line ?Just as I love you? and rails at Wendy for canoodling with Ken.
    Last edited by alan45; 30-08-2022 at 15:47.
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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