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Thread: Emmerdale Spoilers 6th - 10th June

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    Emmerdale Spoilers 6th - 10th June

    Mack defends charity as Noah's fate is revealed

    Will hides his search for Jamie from a suspicious Kim

    Take a Vow begins to suffer with Layla unable to focus
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  2. #2
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    Leyla Cavanagh's secret coke binges have got way out of control.

    What started as an attempt to forget about all the stress she and her doctor husband Liam have been through, has developed into an addiction. But Leyla's in denial that things are that bad.

    But with savvy Suzy around she's getting needled about her problem.

    When Suzy decided to quit getting high and concentrate on her relationship with Vanessa instead, Leyla's coke supply dried up. But an enlightening chat with recovering addict Jai opened druggy doors for Leyla who soon had a new contact to hit up.

    At home, getting ready for the day ahead, Leyla sneakily has a line only for Liam to notice her jittery behaviour, which he's quietly picked up on before.

    Liam keeps his counsel, but Suzy doesn't.

    At Take A Vow, things quickly go down for peaky Leyla who has to back out of an interview with a journalist.

    When Suzy goes on to find coke in Leyla's bag and learns she's been buying from an unknown dealer, she flips. After warning Leyla she's putting herself in serious danger, the events planner rushes out to try to rectify things with the writer.

    Alone in the office, Leyla feels wretched. Finally biting the bullet, she tips her stash down the sink. But is it going to be as easy as that to kick the habit?

    With Noah's sentencing looming, the Dingles are on edge. In the Woolpack, Charity's boyfriend Mack spots Ethan and asks the lawyer for his opinion on the teen's chances.

    The problem is, Kerry is in earshot and she's not happy. As a row about Noah's stalker crime against Chloe kicks off, Charity has to kick out Chloe's feisty protective mother figure.

    The argument only serves to make more problems for Noah and Charity who are totally at odds over the Dingle teen's dramas.

    Elsewhere, David tries to cut costs to save his shop and tells Kerry he's got to let her go.


    When Charity turns up in court, she can't fail to notice the look of disgust on Noah's face.

    Her teen son has cut all ties with his mum, blaming her for landing him in trouble with the police.

    But Charity felt she had to report him for stalking Chloe in a bid to teach him right from wrong.

    Having been staying at Wishing Well and leaning on Belle, Noah braces himself for the judge's decision?

    Will Charity's prediction turn out right? Will he get community service or is Noah going behind bars?

    Back in the village, Sarah gutted. It's her birthday and thanks to Noah's drama, her gran Charity has totally forgotten.

    Elsewhere, Nicola's beginning to regret getting her sister Bernice involved in council business. But Bernice is loving it. As the siblings compete in a meeting, Nicola does the dirty and delivers Bernice's ideas as her own!

    At Home Farm, Kim's noticed Will's jumpy behaviour and starts to worry he's hiding something. He is of course, but he's not about to tell Kim he's trying to find out if her son Jamie faked his death and is still alive!


    Kim Tate has a radar for shady activity and she's been getting suss about Will.

    She's sure her fianc? is hiding something from her.

    At the scrapyard, the engaged couple agree to go out for dinner later on. Will's all in ? until his dodgy ex-prison pal Mike turns up soon after Kim's left.

    Mike's been tasked by Will to track down Jamie Tate, Kim's son who supposedly died in a watery car crash.

    But Gabby, who's since given birth to Jamie's love child, has been given cause to think he's still alive.

    Will's on a mission to find out if it's true (it is) and Mike has an update. A man fitting Jamie's description has been spotted around the same area where his daughter Millie and mother-in-law Hazel live.

    Mike wants some DNA from Thomas Tate so he can find out if the man in question is Jamie.

    Back at Home Farm, Will conspires to get his mitts on Thomas, offering exhausted single mum Gabby an unexpected break.

    Breaking out the DNA test kit, Will follows the necessary steps and then calls Mike.

    Knowing he's had to blow out Kim to get this sorted, Will frostily tells Mike he's got 24 hours to get the results for him.

    Meanwhile, at Tenants', Jacob turns up wanting to talk about his uni plans with his mum Leyla. But Leyla's cranky as she's not had any coke for a while.

    As Leyla tries to act as normally as possible she's unaware that her doctor husband Liam's noticed yet more strange behaviour in his wife and suspects she's suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

    Can Leyla keep up the act or is she about to crack?

    Elsewhere, as Chloe throws Sarah a birthday party, Charity breaks down blaming herself for the state her family is in.


    Charity Dingle's had a lot on her plate since her son Noah stalked Chloe and ended up in court.

    All sorts of drama has hit the fan since and Charity's been consumed by it all.

    But Sarah, who lives with her gran Charity, feels her needs have fallen by the wayside especially as Charity forgot her blimmin' birthday.

    Feeling as if Charity's still completely fixated on all things Noah, Sarah decides she's done and secretly packs her things.

    Stashing her bag, Sarah's on track to go when Faith twigs and tips off Charity.

    It's another blow for Charity who fully blames herself for the mess her family is in.

    Can she convince Sarah to stay?

    At Home Farm, Will is waiting on the DNA results from Mike. He's desperate to find out if his fianc?e Kim's son Jamie Tate is still alive so he can stop sneaking around behind Kim's back and get it sorted.

    But Will reels when his dodgy pal Mike demands ?3K for the DNA results!

    Will hasn't got that kind of money but he knows someone who has? Feeling sick to his stomach, Will nabs funds from Kim's haulage business and to pay Mike.

    Unaware that already Kim's twigged that he's up to something, how will she react when she goes on to find the cash and her haulage accounts open on his laptop?

    Amelia's obsession with her image swerves into dangerous territory when she collapses in front of her mates.

    Cathy knows slender Amelia's been taking a supplement to try to put on weight so she can look slim but will she tell a grown-up... or at least Samson?


    Will Taylor is in big trouble. Not only did he sack off a date night he and fianc?e Kim Tate had planned ? but he's taken out a chunk of money from the haulage company and she's found out?

    Seeing as Kim was already suss before the discovery, she's now certain something dodgy is going on with Will. But does she think he's cheating on her? Swindling her?

    Will, of course, has been secretly trying to find out if Kim's son Jamie is still alive, and he's kept it from her because he knows Jamie's dreadful deception would kill her.

    With Kim demanding answers, will he come clean and tell her that Gabby is convinced Jamie faked his watery death? or will he invent a story to keep Kim away from the painful truth of the matter?

    Is Kim in a listening mood or is Will about to get cast out of her affections and out of the Tate empire?

    In the cafe, there's a different kind of confrontation going on.

    With Amelia having collapsed, her dad Dan is going out of his mind with worry and wants to know what his teenage daughter has been getting up to?

    As he and Bob interrogate Cathy's brother Heath, will the adults get anywhere?

    At Smithy, Marlon has physio.

    Will the chef ? whose speech and mobility have been severely impaired since his stroke back in March ? make any progress with his therapist?
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  3. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to alan45 For This Useful Post:

    haraway (02-12-2022), johntrevor (31-05-2022), lizann (31-05-2022)

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    noah locked up

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