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Thread: Emmerdale Spoilers 23rd - 27th May

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    Emmerdale Spoilers 23rd - 27th May

    Suzy wonders whether Vanessa would be better off without her

    Guilty Noah has to face the consequences of his actions

    One resident plans a romantic gesture for their partner
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  2. #2
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    With her romance with Suzy going strong, Vanessa's feeling pretty good.

    Everything seems to be going so well between them, unlike Vanessa's rollercoaster relationship with Charity which was riddled with lies and betrayal.

    So when Leyla lets it slip to Vanessa that Suzy knew Moira's daughter Holly, who died of a heroin overdose, she's stunned that she wasn't in the know.

    Triggered into remembering those past hurts, Vanessa is sent into a spin.

    Knowing there's way more to the story about Holly but not wanting to go into it, Suzy backs off and decides Vanessa would be better off without her.

    Horrified, Vanessa tries to backtrack, fearing she's come on too strong. But will Suzy listen to her pleas for them to stay together?

    Later, Leyla's relieved when she hears the couple have sorted things. But it's not because she's happy for them. She's happy for herself as she needs Suzy around so she can keep supplying her with coke.

    The doctor's wife's relief is short-lived.

    In a bid to build a solid relationship with Vanessa, Suzy's decided to live a cleaner life, to quit partying and getting high.

    When the coast is clear, Suzy informs Leyla whose face falls when she hears her drug supply is no more.

    Will Suzy's plan push Leyla to follow suit - or is she going to end up finding a new source?


    Emmerdale shopkeeper David Metcalfe just can't help himself where women are concerned. He's had almost as many flings as he's sold pints of semi-skimmed!

    His lady-loving past has caused real problems with his son Jacob who's witnessed a long line of lovers troop in ? and out ? of their home.

    But David reckons he's really cracked it this time round with Victoria Sugden.

    When Vic comments about how happy she is with him, it's a red rag to a bull to David who runs with it and decides he'd ready to commit to her forevs!

    Pollard's face says it all when excited David confides his idea.

    But will the shopkeeper listen to what his dad's got to say?

    Elsewhere, Samson has his work cut out when he tries to cheer up Amelia.

    She's in a spin about a negative comments about a post she's put up on her socials.

    Is Amelia's anxiety getting worse? Is it about time her dad Dan started noticing what's happening under his nose?

    Leyla wants to do some team building but Suzy suspects that's not the only reason the wedding planner has gathered the troops.

    To Leyla's horror, Suzy reiterates her plan to keep her nose clean and backs it up by tipping the last of her coke stash down the sink!

    Will Leyla listen when Suzy urges her to quit getting high while she's ahead? Is it even possible for secret drug taker Leyla to stop?

    At the Dingles', Lydia's got her eye on a clapped-out caravan and has no idea that her husband Sam is already on the case with it?


    David Metcalfe has decided he wants to make Victoria his wife and isn't about to listen to Pollard's naysaying.

    Strong-arming his dad into minding the shop, David shoots out the door and into town where he's seen the perfect ring.

    Meanwhile, at the Hide, Victoria tells her bessie Amy that David's asked to meet her for a 'serious chat'. As the mates joke about what it could mean, will marriage make their list?

    Later, Vic arrives in the woods where David's asked to meet her.

    Taking stock of the romantic spread he's organised, Victoria can barely believe her eyes when her boyfriend bobs down on one knee and proposes!

    Will she say yes? Is she even divorced from her fugitive ex, Adam Barton?

    At Charity's, Noah's situation continues to dog the Dingle mum.

    Though she knows she did the right thing in reporting her son to the police for stalking Chloe, she's riddled with guilt.

    Her son is headed for court which is something she never thought would happen when she spoke out.

    Simmering with resentment about the position he's in, Noah manages to keep quiet as his solicitor runs him through the plan ahead of tomorrow's plea hearing.

    But when Noah gets home, he's got plenty to say. Charity reels as he insists he's done nothing wrong and isn't going to plead guilty.

    Can Charity get through to her boy and make him see he's committed a serious crime, no matter his intention?


    When Charity shopped Noah to the police for stalking Chloe it wasn't a decision she made lightly.

    Not only did the move put her at odds with Cain ? who couldn't believe she'd gone against the Dingle code and shopped one of their own ? she wasn't sure if her son would ever forgive her.

    But Charity knew she had to do right by Noah, for once, and to show him right from wrong.

    Noah doesn't see it like that at all, however. He can't believe his mum has done something which could land him in prison.

    With the plea hearing about to happen, Charity's panicking about the consequences as Noah's said he's not going to plead guilty despite the huge amount of evidence stacked against him.

    But things get even more stressful for the mum when Noah has a clash with Amy and announces he's not going to court ? he's going on the run!

    To Charity's relief, Sarah gets through to Noah and makes him see sense.

    In court, with boyfriend Mackenzie by her side, Charity's in bits as the charges against her son are read out.

    Will Noah plead guilty?

    At the hospital, Moira delivers Faith to her appointment.

    After another attempt at persuading the proud Dingle nan to tell Cain and Chas that her cancer has returned and is terminal, Moira leaves Faith to it.

    Later, Faith gets stressed when she struggles to get hold of her daughter-in-law who's said she'll collect her.

    When she bumps into Wendy, will Faith tell the village nurse why she's there?

    There's more teenage angst for Amelia who's bought some dodgy supplements online and has got Cathy on her case about it?


    Seeing Noah stand in court for his plea hearing has almost tipped Charity Dingle over the edge.

    With his trial a week away anything could happen as the pressure mounts on the family.

    Charity wasn't sure if her lad would even turn up to court and face up to his crimes against Chloe, who he stalked obsessively long after she ended their romance.

    Thankfully, Charity's granddaughter Sarah made Noah see sense and give up on his plan to flee.

    But fresh horror is about to hit the Dingle mum, just as she's trying to catch her breath.

    What's Noah done now?

    Has he learned his lesson and stayed well away from Chloe?

    Is Noah gunning for his mum for reporting him to the police?

    Is Charity about to lose her troubled boy before he even gets to trial?

    Elsewhere, Sam's excited when Vinny mentions there's an old motorhome up at the scrapyard. Knowing Lydia's always wanted one, he leaps at the chance of making his wife's dream come true?

    Cathy's lied to by her increasingly insecure mate, Amelia.
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  3. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to alan45 For This Useful Post:

    haraway (27-11-2022), johntrevor (17-05-2022), lizann (18-05-2022)

  4. #3
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    has cathy's twin heath gone missing

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