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Thread: Mackenzie Booth (Emily Weir)

  1. #31
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    Aug 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanked: 7891 article (first part):

    Home and Away: Makenzie fears she will lose Salt while two mysterious Summer Bay arrivals shake Jasmine to her core
    ''It absolutely makes her feel like she is nearing to hitting rock bottom again.''

    With her insurance claim denied and debt piling up, Makenzie is on the brink of losing everything this week. But instead of accepting help, she takes out her frustration on everyone ? until Felicity presents a risky idea that could change her fortune?.

    In Home and Away this week, Mackenzie (Emily Weir) explains her dire situation to brother Dean (Patrick O'Connor). After the gas leak at Salt earlier this year, Mackenzie has been footing the bill for it to be fixed in the hope she will be reimbursed.

    Unfortunately, her insurance policy doesn't cover the damage caused and she can't afford to be out of pocket. Now, her business is on the line.

    "It absolutely makes her feel like she is nearing to hitting rock bottom again," Emily tells TV WEEK.

    "The insurance money was going to cover damages and loss after the gas attack. Without it she is behind on all payments and realises she is in so much more debt than she even realised."

    Dean promises to help her as best he can, but business isn't exactly booming at the surfboard shop. He then does the unthinkable ? calls their estranged father Rick for help. Not only does he not help, but reprimands Mackenzie for being reckless!

    'Mackenzie has a fractured relationship with her dad. He is completely unsupportive, has a history of lying and cheating and is overall apathetic towards his children,' Emily says.

    The next day, Mackenzie goes into damage control and delivers Felicity bad news: she's fired! Felicity is stunned, she did nothing wrong! While she refuses to accept her termination, Ryder (Lukas Radovich) explains the financial strain Mackenzie is facing.

    To his surprise, Felicity smiles and muses at an idea forming in her mind?

    The next day, Felicity approaches Mac with a bold suggestion: an underground poker night. She can make back the money she needs in one night!

    "Initially it's a definitely not in Mackenzie's mind, she thinks Felicity is joking," Emily says. "But as the idea develops and the stress of the huge debt weighing on Mackenzie she sees it as an idea that might be a doable solution?"

    Will Mac gamble everything she's built on an illegal poker night?


    Home and Away star Emily Weir addresses risky new Mackenzie story
    Felicity comes up with a dangerous suggestion.
    Last edited by Pantherboy; 28-03-2022 at 21:59.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanked: 7891 article on the poker night story (first part of the article):

    Home and Away: A desperate Mackenzie gambles everything to get out of debt - including her relationship with Logan
    ''The shame she feels propels her to make the decision to keep him in the dark.''

    Place your bets, folks! This week on Home and Away, a glitzy illegal poker night brings big players to town ? and they mean business.

    With no end in sight to her money woes due to her insurance claim being denied, Mackenzie (Emily Weir) is facing an uphill battle to keep Salt, while continuing to lie about it to boyfriend Logan (Harley Bonner).

    She is so afraid of failing in front of him that she'll cover her tracks at any cost.

    But now, she may be in too deep when she decides to host an underground poker night.

    Felicity recently suggested the idea, explaining how her former boss would make upwards of $10K in one night. Mac rejected the offer, refusing to go to such lengths.

    But when debt collectors arrive on her doorstep seeking payment, she quickly changes her tune.

    "Financial stress makes people behave completely out of character and this is true for Mackenzie in the this case. The poker nights seem like a quick and easy solution to her massive burden," Emily tells TV WEEK.

    Before long, Felicity has secured a list of high rollers and Salt is given a glamorous makeover. Mac keeps the details discreet, telling Logan she's holding a private event. But how long can she keep it a secret?

    "The shame she feels propels her to make the decision to keep him in the dark," Emily says.

    That night, Ryder (Lukas Radovich) offers his bartending services, while Tane is keen to join in the action.

    At the tables, Felicity greets guests, making it look like a breeze. Tane is winning big, raking in the chips ? causing quite the stir. Mac is stunned. The night is a huge success!

    The following morning, however, the guilt sets in. She committed a crime to help herself and she's lying to the man she loves. This can't end well? and yet, she may risk it all again for the fortune.

    And the DS article:

    Home and Away's Mackenzie Booth lies to Logan in risky new storyline
    Mackenzie takes desperate measures to save Salt.
    Last edited by Pantherboy; 04-04-2022 at 23:06.

  3. #33
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    Aug 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanked: 7891 article (2nd part of the article):

    A good deed could see Mac lose everything

    She gambled everything to pay off her debt ? and it worked. But word of her poker nights has spread and not everyone is playing for fun.

    This week, Mac is stunned when poker player Nathan (Ryan Panizza) stumbles into Salt bleeding from the head. He gambled all his money on poker, but it wasn't his and he needs to win it back.

    Mac apologises, but insists she won't be holding any more nights ? she can't take the risk. Plus, her rent is overdue and she has to keep her business.

    Nathan begs Mac to keep going and even tries to recruit couple Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) and Dean (Patrick O'Connor) to his cause on his way out.

    A few days later, Mac runs into Nathan again, who looks worse for wear. Taking pity on him, she hands him the rent money she owes the Surf Club.

    The next day, John (Shane Withington) is enraged when Mac arrives empty-handed. Mac tries to reason with him, but John's hands are tied ? further action will be taken. Uh-oh!

  4. #34
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    Aug 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanked: 7891 article (2nd part of the article):

    A wealthy gambler charms Mac

    With each successive poker night, Mac's confidence ? and profits ? have grown. This week, she's set to make more money than ever when a mysterious new player arrives in Summer Bay.

    Mac (Emily Weir) recently helped Nathan (Ryan Panizza) pay off a debt to loan sharks. But now, she's behind in her rent and her business is on the line.

    When Nathan arrives at the next poker night, Mac refuses him entry ? he owes her money. Nathan then introduces his friend PK (Ryan Johnson), a man with means and who's good at cards.

    He offers to triple the buy-in for a seat at the table.

    Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) insists all players be vetted first. Plus, there's something about him that's not quite right. But Mac can see dollar signs.

    "Mac observes PK is someone of status, power and importance," Emily, 30, says. "She initially doesn't warm to him and finds him arrogant, but also intriguing."

    That night, PK rakes in the chips. As Mac delights in another successful event, PK ups the ante: he wants to run an exclusive poker night: one table, 10 players and a $5000 buy-in.

    Suddenly, Felicity is alarmed. Is PK all he seems?

    Home and Away airs Mondays-Thursdays at 7pm on Channel Seven.

  5. #35
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    Aug 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanked: 7891 article:

    Home and Away: The ramifications of Mac's illegal dealings explode when PK shows his true colours
    ''She wants so badly to be out of debt.''

    Despite the warning signs in previous episodes of Home and Away, Mac (Emily Weir) is intrigued by PK (Ryan Johnson) and the money he brings to the table.

    At his request, Mac agrees to host a high roller event at Salt. With a $5000 buy-in, the wealthy clientele will excite the game and boost business.

    There's just one catch: Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) can't come.

    As the sister of local policeman Cash (Nicholas Cartwright), her name doesn't bode well with his clients.

    When Mac counters that she's the only person who knows how to run a poker night ? or the rules of the game for that matter ? PK proposes he take his business elsewhere. Mac nods, she's out.

    Mac braves the conversation with Flick, who implores Mac to see through PK's charm. Something is wrong. But once again, Mac refuses to listen.

    Would Felicity dare go to the police?

    That night, Mac and PK prepare to welcome guests. Since Felicity can't run the tables, Mac is going solo. Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) and Tane (Ethan Browne) arrive to show their support, but the bar owner struggles to keep up.

    Back home, Felicity decides to ignore Mac and prepares to leave for Salt. A knock at the door stops her ? it's poker player Nathan (Ryan Panizza) and a large burly man.

    Nathan suggests she stay home for the night before locking the door behind him?

    Back at Salt, PK is on a hot streak. He then tells Mac that the House lost ? she owes the players $100K! PK says he'll cover the cost if she repays him in another way, handing a card with a hotel address on it.

    Mac's head is spinning.

    "She wants so badly to be out of debt and is thinking that if she gives PK what he wants, all of her stress and problems will disappear. Then, [she feels] disgust at PK's capabilities, fear that he could hurt her, shame because of her love and loyalty to boyfriend Logan."

    The following morning, Felicity is freed. She races to find out what happened at the poker night. She's devastated to learn of PK's deception before explaining that the House can't lose in Poker ? ever.

    Mac's brother Dean (Patrick O'Connor) reels. He knows how desperate Mac is to repay her debt.

    But that's not all: Mac is missing and no one has heard from her.

    Did she go through with PK's proposal?


    Home and Away reveals disturbing twist in Mac and PK storyline
    Things are set to take a worrying turn for Mac...
    Last edited by Pantherboy; 09-05-2022 at 13:51.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanked: 7891
    DS article:

    Home and Away's Mackenzie Booth left devastated after sick PK scam
    Dean tries his best to support her.

    Home and Away spoilers follow from Thursday's Australian episode (May 12), which some UK viewers may prefer to avoid.

    Home and Away's Mackenzie Booth has hit rock bottom after being targeted in a disturbing scam in the show's latest Australian episodes.

    Mac is currently at the centre of a huge storyline, as she has been trying to solve her financial crisis at Salt by hosting illegal gambling nights at the restaurant.

    In this week's Australian episodes, Mac organised another event and hoped it would run as smoothly as the others, but mysterious newcomer PK found a sickening way to manipulate her.

    PK told Mac that the house had lost, so she supposedly owed $100,000 to the poker players. He then stepped in by claiming that he'd cover the debt for her, but demanded that she slept with him as repayment.

    A horrified Mac felt pressured into joining PK at a hotel room, but she ultimately refused to go through with his loathsome demands and walked out.

    Back home in Summer Bay, Mac was horrified as her brother Dean Thompson explained that the house doesn't lose in poker, so PK had tricked her.

    As Mac considered how to take revenge on PK, Dean urged her to concentrate on fixing her debt crisis instead. He pointed out that she could still consider asking her boyfriend Logan Bennett for a loan.

    Mac briefly considered it, but felt too guilty when Logan warmly declared his love for her.

    Later, a distraught Mac told Dean that seeking help from Logan was still off the table.

    She said: "PK made me feel disgusting. I still chose to be there. I can't escape that. I have to live with it.

    "You might not understand, but there is no way I'm asking for Logan's help when I nearly cheated on him."

    Dean tried to make Mac see that she wasn't at fault for PK's terrible behaviour, but she refused to discuss the matter any further and walked off. What will she do now?

    Home and Away fans in the UK will see these scenes air on Channel 5 in June.

    Home and Away airs weekdays at 1.15pm on Channel 5 and 6pm on 5STAR. First-look screenings air at 6.30pm on 5STAR and the show also streams on My5.

    In Australia, the show airs Mondays to Thursdays at 7pm on Channel 7 and streams on 7plus.

  7. #37
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    Aug 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanked: 7891 article:

    Home and Away: Mackenzie and Dean are held hostage while Tane fights for his life
    ''There is a very real and terrifying chance that Tane could die from the stabbing.''

    Mac faces the wrath of PK this week when his band of thugs burst into Salt and issue a stern warning: deliver the money ? or else.

    The frightening week unfolds in the wake of PK's manipulation of Mac (Emily Weir) at the last poker night where he used her naivety of the game to score big and claimed she owed him $100,000.

    PK (Ryan Johnson) tried to seduce her as a way to pay off her debt, but Mac couldn't go through with it.

    Now she wants revenge and he wants payback for being rejected.

    "PK wants to win, to control and to come out on top," Emily, 30, tells TV WEEK. "He is a egomaniac who doesn't like to be told no. He wants revenge for her deception and to make her suffer?"

    At Salt, Mac and Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) hatch a plan to rid Salt of debt and PK out of their lives.

    Dean (Patrick O'Connor) doesn't like their idea and offers to bring the River Boys in to "take care of it", but Mac wants to do it on her own.

    She decides to go along with his scheme and plans another poker night in his honour. PK will reap the profits ? at least that's what she'll tell him. Mac plans to use the money to pay off her debt.

    Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) listens in and fears both Mac and her boyfriend Dean are playing a dangerous game?

    Later that day, PK's associate Nathan (Ryan Panizza) arrives and warns Mac to call off whatever revenge plan she has brewing ? she's in serious danger.

    Mac scoffs and orders him out. But that night, Nathan's warning proves true when two men ambush Mac and Dean while they're closing up Salt.

    Brandishing a knife, one man orders them on the ground while he ransacks the restaurant for money and valuables.

    Downstairs, Tane and Felicity decide to check on Mac after closing up the gym. Their arrival causes the men to become distracted and Dean pounces, knocking one man to the ground. Tane wrestles with the other.

    The crims flee Salt but Tane's been hurt. Felicity races over and is horrified to see blood. Tane has been stabbed!

    Tane needs medical attention but a hospital will bring to light Mac's illegal activity. Felicity suggests they call Logan ? time is running out!

    If Mac brings her boyfriend into this, he'll not only discover her secret but become part of her illegal activity.

    "There is a very real and terrifying chance that Tane could die from the stabbing," Emily says.

    "Being put in a situation where Tane needs urgent medical help, but by doing so reveals the criminal activity that's been transpiring at Salt is the position Mackenzie is put in."

    Suddenly, everything she holds dear is hanging by a thread.


    Home and Away confirms full details of dramatic stabbing storyline
    Tane's life is on the line as Mac's plan backfires.
    Last edited by Pantherboy; 16-05-2022 at 14:00.

  8. #38
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    Aug 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanked: 7891 article:

    Home and Away's Mac faces jail time as she heads to court over her illegal poker nights
    It's time for Mackenzie to face the music...

    It's time for Mackenzie to face the music ? or in this case, a court sentencing hearing ? in the wake of her illegal poker nights.

    A hefty fine is likely ? or worse, jail. Will the fallout cost Mac her freedom?

    In emotional scenes in Home And Away, bar owner Mac (Emily Weir) is convinced she's going to prison ? and believes she deserves to.

    Her brother Dean (Patrick O'Connor), who has spent time behind bars, assures her she'll be OK. But expecting the worst outcome, Mackenzie decides to tie up loose ends ? including selling Salt.

    "A lot of relationships are thrust into immediate strain from the poker nights," Emily, 30, tells TV WEEK.

    "Mackenzie feels responsible for most of it, given that her heavy debt birthed all of this into fruition to begin with."

    The next day, Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) arrives at work to find a letter from Mac instructing her to take over the business. Felicity is stunned and feels the weight of responsibility. Plus, she feels guilty for helping run the poker nights.

    Back home, Mac stews on every bad decision she's made. She asks Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) to take care of her brother and apologises for acting selfishly.

    The day of the sentencing arrives, but Mac can't seem to move her feet. Dean reassures her, declaring he'll be there every step of the way. Together, they drive to court and await her fate?

    "Filming this storyline was an incredible whirlwind," Emily says. "It was high intensity and full of emotion all the way through."

  9. #39
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    Sydney, Australia
    Thanked: 7891 article:

    "Mac's Salt saga continues

    She may have kept herself out of jail, but Mac is still in enormous financial debt. This week, the owner of Salt comes to a heartbreaking decision about her future: she's going to sell her business.

    Returning from the city with no bites from potential investors, Mac (Emily Weir) is at a loss as to how to fix her finances.

    After getting caught up in illegal poker nights and PK's (Ryan Johnson) schemes, Mac has learnt her lesson and won't borrow or bargain with anyone for money.

    Now, she has to face her failures.

    The following day, Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) arrives at Salt to find Mac holding a "For Sale" sign. The friends agree it's the end of an era ? but is it?

    With a fresh idea in mind, Felicity races off to find her brother Cash, leaving Mac to wine and dine potential buyers. Can Salt be saved?"
    Last edited by Pantherboy; 26-06-2022 at 22:48.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanked: 7891
    DS article:

    Home and Away's Mackenzie Booth left devastated in latest episode
    She's left alone again.

    Home and Away spoilers follow from Thursday's Australian episode (March 16), which some UK viewers may prefer to avoid.

    Home and Away's Mackenzie Booth has faced another setback on Australian screens, with her boyfriend Gabe Miller making an abrupt departure from Summer Bay.

    Mac turned to Mali Hudson as a confidant in Thursday's episode on Channel 7 (March 16), revealing that Gabe had left town without saying goodbye.

    A recent storyline on air in Australia has seen Gabe discover that his cancer has returned. He had previously been treated for non-Hodgkin lymphoma before moving to the Bay.

    Mac has been supporting Gabe as he starts chemotherapy and struggles with the side-effects.

    However, this week's episodes saw the story take a turn when Gabe witnessed Mac crying when she thought she was alone. Feeling like a burden to her, Gabe sent Mac out on an errand and took the opportunity to quickly leave.

    In Thursday's episode, Mac told Mali that Gabe had left a note behind to explain his decision.

    It read: "Dear Mac, I'm sorry. I wish I could give you a future but we both know I can't. And I can't stand what it's doing to you."

    Gabe's decision meant that history was repeating itself for Mac, as it was the second time that he'd unexpectedly walked out on her.

    First time around, Gabe had accepted a bribe from Mac's meddling father Rick to end his relationship with her.

    Mac told Mali: "I can't believe that I am back here again. I guess I should have known better.

    "I tried calling him but he's not answering his phone. Gabe doesn't think that he has time ? and whatever time he does have, he doesn't want to spend it with me."

    Mac later announced to Mali that she planned to take her own break from the Bay and wasn't sure when she'd be back.

    As there's clearly still unfinished business here, is it really the end of Mac's story with Gabe?

    Home and Away fans in the UK will see these scenes on Channel 5 in May.

    Home and Away airs weekdays at 1.45pm on Channel 5 and 6pm on 5STAR. First-look screenings air at 6.30pm on 5STAR and the show also streams on My5.

    In Australia, the show airs Mondays to Thursdays at 7pm on Channel 7 and streams on 7plus.

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