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Thread: Holby Spoilers 15th March

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    Holby Spoilers 15th March

    After months of scheming, manipulating, and killing people it looks like Cameron may finally get his comeuppance

    After getting suspended over the death of Bobby Edwards Chloe confides in her mum Ange about her suspicions about Cameron

    Ange goes missing but her car and belongings are still in the hospital. While Cameron plays the innocent Chloe insists he saw her last
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    Exclamation Holby City Spoilers 15th March 2021

    Next week on Holby City, Cameron takes sinister action when Ange and Chloe get closer to the truth, while Henrik takes matters into his own hands and Sahira begins to spiral.

    Here are the seven biggest moments to watch out for:

    1. Chloe gets closer to the truth

    The aftermath of Cameron's latest killer act reverberates through the hospital next week, with Chloe in the firing line.

    Unable to explain why her patient died, Chloe is suspended. Before leaving, Chloe confides her suspicion to Ange that Cameron was involved in Bobby's death.

    2. Skylar is back

    Another victim of Cameron's scheming ? Skylar ? will return to the hospital next week, just in time for his web of lies to unravel.

    Max calls Skylar in for a meeting to invite her back to the hospital, insisting that they are closing the case as there's no conclusive evidence.

    As Skylar contemplates Max's offer, she shares a brief exchange with an increasingly suspicious Chloe ? warning her that Cameron is capable of much worse than they are imagining.

    3. Sahira is left devastated

    With her father in desperate need of a transplant, Sahira is left crushed to learn that she's not a match.

    Knowing he won't live that much longer without one, Sahira begins to unravel ? and her day only gets worse when her ex-husband leaves her a nasty message.

    Needing a distraction, Sahira channels her emotions into trying to resolve a case of a young girl who wants to give up her baby. However, Nicky is forced to step in when she goes too far.

    4. Henrik considers a shock move

    Despite his harrowing history with Reyah, Henrik will take matters into his own hands in order to help him get better.

    Desperate to help her dad, Sahira considers fiddling with his levels in order to bump him up the transplant list.

    Wanting to protect Sahira from getting caught, Henrik makes the shocking decision to step up instead. But will he go through with it?

    5. Lucky fights to stay

    It's Lucky's last day at the hospital, but she's keen for Max to extend her contract.

    When a patient arrives with a phobia of hospitals, Lucky pulls out all the stops and convinces them to let Max treat her. Will this be enough for Max to keep Lucky on at Holby?

    6. Ange connects the dots

    After being tipped off by Chloe, Ange decides to do some digging. Determined to help her daughter, Ange searches back through old case notes and makes some incriminating findings.

    Ange then summons Cameron into the office, explaining that she's found a pattern in a handful of recent hospital deaths and will be encouraging Max to open an investigation. Is the game finally up for Cameron?

    7. Cameron makes his most shocking move yet

    That's right, if you think Cameron is bad then you really have seen nothing yet.

    With Ange threatening to reveal all, Cameron takes shocking action to make sure she doesn't get the chance, and possibly never will...

    Holby City airs these scenes on Tuesday, March at 7.50pm on BBC One.

    Digital Spy

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    Cameron?s downfall must be coming!

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