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Thread: Robert and Aaron

  1. #21
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    When a new abuse victim came forward in Friday’s episode (26 Feb) of Emmerdale it looked like Aaron’s worries about Gordon being convicted were over.

    But unfortunately for Aaron, the ‘victim’ Ryan was paid by none other than Robert to come forward and give a false statement!

    But why would Robert risk Aaron’s case?

    Actor Ryan Hawley, who plays the character of Robert, explains to STV: “I don’t think he’d do it if he thought it would destroy Aaron’s case, he just wants what’s best for Aaron... setting up a false victim has risks, and Robert could go to jail for doing that."

    But why would he go to such lengths for Aaron? We know the pair have a complicated past, and by Ryan’s admission Robert “twists or manipulates or bribes - anything he can do to get what he wants."

    So is all this just his way of getting what he wants? Ryan disagrees.

    "At the moment the relationship is very much about Robert supporting him and being there for him, which I think is really nice, because we’re seeing a different side of Robert.

    “I think he’s facing the fact that he loves him, and he’s admitted that... I think he really does want to be with Aaron."

    It doesn’t seem likely that there’s going to be a happy future for ‘Robron’, as fans have termed the couple , with Ryan explaining that in soapland “there needs to be ups and downs."

    But he added: "We really enjoy working with each other and we have chemistry so I really hope there’s a long future for the relationship."

    STV, 29 Feb 2016
    Read more at:
    (Video preview (1m 1s) for Wed 2 March of Robert in the pub with Ryan requires valid Scottish postcode to watch)

  2. #22
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    Emmerdale: Ryan Hawley and Danny Miller discuss Robron future – including a potential wedding.

    It’s one of the most popular soap relationships of recent times and fans are practically aching for that long awaited reunion of Robert Sugden and Aaron Livesy aka Robron.

    And now, with Robert having proven himself as someone who genuinely loves his tortured soulmate, there has been a massive shift and a happy future looks more possible than it ever did before.

    With a Robron reunion just over that very close horizon, Danny Miller and Ryan Hawley joined us for a catch up to reflect on the couple’s journey so far and, more importantly, to tease what the future could hold?

    What’s that we hear? Wedding bells? Apparently, it may be possible…

    So is Robron back on?

    Ryan: You’ll have to wait and see. I’m not going to give anything away – unless Danny wants to?

    Danny: Their relationship is very popular with fans – so we’ve been told – so I don’t know if they’re going to be happy forever but it’s certainly a big step. Aaron allowing it for a start shows there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

    Is Aaron over the fact Robert nearly killed Paddy?

    Danny: He knows people make mistakes – maybe not that big – but in his own selfish way he wants Robert to be the one he loves and wants to block out what’s happened and start again. He knew Robert was in a dark place when it happened and was someone he didn’t really want to be. I think a lot of it was him struggling with his own sexuality and a marriage he didn’t want to be in. It’s not an excuse but a catalyst to why he was making stupid mistakes.

    Ryan: And also, Aaron has been able to see what Robert’s really like when they’re alone. Robert is himself and he doesn’t have to put on an act. Aaron can see there is good in him, which makes it easier for him to give Robert another chance.

    Aaron can look past Robert’s past mistakes but can Chas?

    Danny: That’s a different ball game with Chas. She’s very strong minded. She wants to give Aaron whatever he wants to be happy. If he feels Robert is the person he needs to get through this I don’t think Chas is going to argue with him at this time. I think she’ll probably always have those reservations about Robert but it’s something that I think time will tell. If Aaron wants to make a go of it with Robert, she’ll have to get on with him otherwise she’ll have lost him again.

    What about Paddy, will he be won over or did he go too far shooting him?!

    Danny: Paddy will always have that undying hatred for him shooting him…and the grain pit! He might need to do a little bit more making up with Robert. As time moves on you move on, we’ll see. Especially now taking it away from the character Robert used to be and seeing the support he’s single-handedly shown Aaron, he’s been that rock. There’s room for some forgiveness, there’s remorse there clearly. So I just hope the viewers can kind of give Robert the chance to earn back the love again. I think he will through this, watching how Ryan’s played it.

    Is it gratifying for you both to play such an immense story? Its been a long road…

    Danny: It has. Ryan has been here 18 months now so its crazy how fast it’s gone. I could never imagine anyone else playing Robert now. He’s done a great job with the character and I’ve enjoyed watching us develop. As corny as it sounds, the relationship between us has come on – not just with Robert and Aaron.

    Ryan: I’ve been very lucky that I was paired with Danny because not only is he a great actor but I’ve learnt so much from him. It has been a gift for me to work with him and the fact we get on as well makes it easier and a lot more fun.

    Could you see Aaron and Robert getting married?

    Danny: Married? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe but I reckon he’d want to do it in Vegas where no one was watching. I’m not trying to get a spin off [laughs]. I think he’d be embarrassed by the whole wedding thing. They want to be together, though.

    Ryan: In a continuing drama there can’t be a happy ending as such, can there? So if anyone is hoping for that I don’t think it will be the case…

    Has Iain MacLeod [show producer] made changes to the storyline?

    Danny: A new producer’s going to want to add his twists and turns but Iain thought very highly of the storyline and has left it kind of how it was until Kate [Oates]’s stuff ran out and he took it on. So I’m not aware of anything that’s been changed. I think it’s a credit to Kate and Iain who’ve stuck by it.

    How does Robert feel about Chrissie and Andy being together?

    He’s quite shocked. Robert’s jealous and bitter about a lot of things – especially Andy, his adoptive brother who he felt his dad loved more than him. So it is another dig at Robert. It brings out a nasty side. He’s certainly not happy about it.

    By Duncan Lindsay for

  3. #23
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    Thursday's double bill ended on a heartwarming note for Robert Sugden and Aaron Livesy as they finally got back together, sealing their reunion with a tender kiss.

    It was the moment that 'Robron' fans have been waiting impatiently for, but what's next for the show's popular pairing? Digital Spy caught up with Ryan Hawley, who plays Robert, to hear some teasers.

    Are you pleased that 'Robron' are finally back together?

    "Definitely - it's great. Me and Danny [Miller, who plays Aaron] love working together, so it's nice that we get to spend more time on set and play off each other now. It seems to be something that a portion of the viewers are interested in, too, so it's great for everyone."

    The writers definitely kept the 'Robron' fans waiting for this big moment, though!

    "I guess in any drama it's nice to see the struggle and the tension that builds up to two characters becoming a couple. It's good to see that play out, rather than getting two characters together in a heartbeat.

    "There's a lot that Robert and Aaron have had to overcome in their relationship and trust that had to be rebuilt. I think the storyline we've had recently has allowed for that."

    Can a guy like Robert really be a good boyfriend to Aaron?

    "I'm sure there'll be ups and downs and it'll be a rocky road. But from what I've seen in the scripts, it seems that Robert does really care about Aaron and wants to be there for him. So it appears that they could be good together.

    "Perhaps the unseen story is Robert's relationship with Chrissie - maybe he was like this in some degree with her. Then we saw how that panned out with Robert having an extramarital affair! So we'll just have to see what happens in the future. But I'm sure there's a bright future for Aaron and Robert."

    Is it important to you that Robert keeps his ruthless edge?

    "I think it's always interesting to have a character that's on the edge and can be a bit unpredictable. Robert has those dimensions to him where he is a loving and caring person, but he also has a moral elasticity. There's still always the chance that he may justify it in his own mind and go and do some evil deed!

    "I think it's always more interesting when a character is complex like that. So I hope he stays rounded."

    It sounds like Liv could be a big obstacle in the way for 'Robron'...

    "Yes, some of the stuff that we've been filming recently has shown that tension. Liv comes in between Robert and Aaron and causes friction. It's wonderful to work with Izzy, who plays Liv. She's a great little actress and we're very blessed to have her here. Her character is throwing a spanner in the works for 'Robron', so maybe we might even have a Roblivion!"

    Did you ever expect the 'Robron' story to develop such a following?

    "No, I've always just been a hit and hope kind of guy! I just see what happens, but thankfully there seems to be a lot of support for this relationship and it's impossible to ignore. There are even people wearing T-shirts with 'Robron' on - it's quite something else!

    "I've never been involved in anything like this. It's incredible that people care so much about what me and Danny do - and also about our show."

    You're not on Twitter, but do you ever take a sneaky look online to see what fans are saying?

    "I do get shown things from time to time! Recently a big gang of fans turned up at the studios to show their support and ask for autographs. They also gave us a book which was full of messages, which we've actually kept in the studio.

    "Me and Danny share a dressing room wall together, so we put all our bits of support up that people send in. The book had all of their comments from their Google chatroom. So I had a flick through that and they were very complimentary and supportive - it was really amazing."

    How's it been working with a new producer now that Iain MacLeod has taken over from Kate Oates at ​Emmerdale?

    "It's my first experience of going through that change. Kate brought me into the show, so I have a great deal of gratitude towards her. She put a lot of faith and trust in me and gave me some great storylines. Luckily that seems to be continuing under Iain's reign. We've got some nice scenes and some nice stories coming up, so it seems to be going great."

    How does the fast-paced soap world compare to your previous work?

    "I think the best thing about it is that you're here every day and you feel like you're a family. We're all so familiar with each other, so it's a huge comfort to have that environment to be productive and creative in. Everyone is so encouraging.

    "When you turn up on another TV job where you may only have a few days to film, it's really hard to find your place and it can be quite intimidating. I can't speak highly enough of it and I really enjoy working in this environment."

    We imagine you're rooting for Danny to win Best Actor at the Soap Awards...

    "I've got my fingers crossed and he certainly gets my vote! I really hope he gets recognition for the work he's done. I'm sure he'll have a lot of support from the fans, who have been fantastic so far with their support towards our on-screen relationship and will be voting for him."

    Maybe 'Robron' could stand a chance at the Best On-Screen Partnership prize too?

    "That'd be fantastic, wouldn't it? It'd also be a lovely chance to show our support back to the fans if we were nominated for or won something like that. We'll see what happens!"

    By Daniel Kilkelly, Digital Spy

    Read more and see video clip of Robert and Aaron kissing after returning from court last night at:

  4. #24
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    Emmerdale's Robron forever! 10 of Robert Sugden and Aaron Livesy's best ever couply moments.

    Whether you devote hours of your day to shipping (and giffing) them or just can't see what the fuss is all about (heaven forbid!), there's no denying the impact that Robron have had on Emmerdale over the past year or so.

    Robert and Aaron's devoted followers were overjoyed last week when the #RobronReunion finally hit our screens after months of waiting for them to be a proper couple. And with new producer Iain MacLeod championing them all the way, it seems their journey is only just beginning.

    Still need some convincing? Or do you just want to enjoy a trip down Robron memory lane? Check out our guide to 10 of their best moments.

    1. The first kiss (December 2014)

    When Emmerdale first started teasing a possible romantic connection between Robron, it's fair to say we had our doubts. Was superbaddie Robert just conning the troubled mechanic for some evil purpose? Was he even gay? Such was the early interest in the storyline, Digital Spy even had to pushily demand answers on Robert's sexuality from producer Kate Oates at a press event!

    Robron was officially born when Kate confirmed to us that the village's hottest new romance would be based on genuine feelings. And any confusion was quickly settled when Robert called Aaron out to a remote country road under false pretences, all just to share a passionate kiss with him. Aaron wasn't complaining. Well, not once the kissing part started.

    2. 'Upstairs now' (December 2014)

    The early days of Robron after that first kiss were far from plain sailing. Jumping back into the closet, Robert preferred to pretend that the steamy smooch had never happened and went back to his wife Chrissie. Aaron retaliated by feigning an interest in the only other gay in the village - Finn Barton.

    Robert wasn't happy. And 'Finron' just didn't sound right. So when Robron argued angrily at The Woolpack and rushed upstairs to take things further, it was a happy ending for all. Well, apart from Finn and Chrissie.

    3. When we realised Aaron was falling for Robert (January 2015)

    Robron's steamy (well, for 7pm) scenes went down a storm, but would their connection develop into something stronger? Their growing army of fans certainly hoped so. And as time went on, it became clear that Aaron did too.

    Sadly, after they got frisky in a barn one afternoon, Robert made it clear to Aaron that things would end between them once he was married to Chrissie. Aaron tried his best to hide his hurt feelings, but he looked even more surly than usual, so his face said it all. He needn't have worried though, as it was a promise Robert was just never going to keep.

    4. When we realised Robert was falling for Aaron too (January 2015)

    There wasn't long to wait before Robert's blasé attitude towards Aaron started to change. Just a couple of weeks after dismissing the idea of sticking with Aaron long term, Robert let his true feelings slip.

    Angry when Aaron looked set to bail on their business plans, Robert told him: "Don't get cold feet - you'll make me think I fell for a quitter". This prompted fans across the land to reach for the rewind button - did he really just say "fell for"? Even Robert couldn't believe what he'd said for a moment. Although he did seem quite proud of himself afterwards...

    5. The two "I love you" scenes (February and March 2015)

    It all started to turn sour for Robron again in the build-up to Robert's wedding to Chrissie. Then on the day of the ceremony, Aaron met up with Robert in yet another abandoned barn, urging him not to go ahead with the nuptials.

    This was the moment that Aaron confessed his love for Robert for the very first time (hurrah!), but since it was immediately followed by the pair's involvement in Katie Sugden's death and the inevitable angst and turmoil that followed (boo!), there wasn't much time to celebrate.

    Robert also later told Aaron that he loved him too, but sceptical Aaron wasn't too sure whether Rob was telling the truth or just trying to keep him sweet. Would ruthless Robert Sugden ever lie? Well, probably. Just not about this.

    6. When we saw Robron get domestic (April 2015)

    Forget the clandestine hotel (and barn) meetings. When everyone at Home Farm except for Robert went away on a very convenient holiday, it gave producers the chance to show Robron in a whole new light - sharing a home together for the first time.

    The cosy set-up gave Robert and Aaron a tantalising taste of what life as a proper couple would be like - so much so that Robert couldn't hide his disappointment when Chrissie texted him to remind him that she'd be back the next day. Was this the first sign that the trappings of life at Home Farm weren't enough to keep Robert happy?

    7. When their next kiss was so good we nominated it for an award (July 2015)

    Here's where it gets a bit awkward. Robert went a bit crazy for a few months last year, even hiring a hitman to deal with Chas and nearly killing Paddy in a grain pit. (As you do in ​Emmerdale​.) But let's not dwell on the negatives: these are supposed to be the highlights!

    Despite everything, Aaron and Robert just couldn't stay apart. Following yet another break-up, they ended up reigniting their relationship in the Portakabin at the scrapyard. This scene was even nominated for Best Soap Kiss in our Digital Spy Reader Awards last year, but lost out to an equally passionate smooch between Hollyoaks' Ste and Harry. And no, don't demand a recount – we did count and verify the votes.

    8. When Aaron outed Robert (July 2015)

    This reunion didn't last for long either. After Robert went mad again by tying Aaron up (no, not like that) and shooting Paddy, Aaron decided he'd had enough. Even though it was a risk, Aaron went ahead and told a devastated Chrissie about his affair with Robert.

    Granted, it wasn't a great moment for poor Rob – but in retrospect, it did mark a major turning point in the Robron story. First of all, Danny Miller delivered a perfect mix of anger and tears in the scene. And without it, we'd never have had the number one catchphrase of the whole Robron saga – Chrissie's constant cries of: "You cheated on me with a MAN!"

    9. When Aaron told Robert the truth about his past (January 2016)

    Robron fans had their patience tested yet again once the truth about the affair was out. When Robert was shot by a mystery culprit and Aaron became a top suspect in the mystery, it was difficult to see how they'd ever get back on track.

    But it was in January that the Robron tale took another huge shift, with the heartbreaking revelation that Aaron was sexually abused by his father Gordon as a child. Robert was the first person Aaron chose to confide in over his past trauma – leading to some of the show's most moving performances in years from both Danny and Ryan. For this episode at least, surely everyone was a Robron fan.

    10. When Robron finally reunited (April 2016)

    When Robert loyally supported Aaron through his fight to see Gordon punished for his evil crimes, it was only a matter of time before they'd reunite. And when Gordon's court case was nearing its conclusion, it was Robert who surprisingly took the lead by laying his heart on the line.

    Since good old Rob appeared to have shed most of his evil ways (along with his mop of hair), Aaron was quietly convinced and they shared a kiss. We do love a happy ending. Proving himself as proper boyfriend material, Robert has since got his feet firmly under the table at The Woolpack for some rare Robron domestic scenes - and there was even talk of a trip to Barcelona.

    Despite now being on board with the ship, a one-hour #RobronDoBarcelona special was a step too far even for Emmerdale. Thankfully for the show's budget, Liv helpfully came along to throw a spanner in the works and forced Rob to 'postpone' the trip.

    What's next for Robron with this unusual family set-up? Well, it's been a day and Robert hasn't tried to kill Liv yet, so we'll call that progress!

    By Daniel Kilkelly, Digital Spy

    Read more and see the ten video scenes at:

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  6. #25
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    Emmerdale star Danny Miller has some good news to share with 'Robron' fans - he's tipping the pair for a very bright future.

    The couple's devoted supporters were delighted last month when Robert and Aaron finally reunited - and even though there's some fireworks ahead for them in the near future, it looks like there's no need to lose hope.

    Viewers will see Aaron left furious with Robert (Ryan Hawley) next week, as he discovers that the schemer has burned a letter that his evil father Gordon sent to him from prison.

    Robert thinks that he's just protecting his boyfriend, but Aaron is furious as he feels that it was his decision to make.

    However, sharing some welcome words of assurance for fans, Miller commented: "There's hopefully got to be a bright future for Robert and Aaron. I think Aaron will never forget that Robert has been there for him.

    "There's probably a little bit in there that Robert needs to admit that he's gay to Aaron. Me and Ryan often discuss that, because it's a bit dubious as to whether or not Robert could run off with a woman or a man!

    "But I think they've got the potential to be really happy. I think they can be, and I think the viewers are rooting for them to be happy, so it'd be nice for them to have a happy ending."

    Promising lots of drama too, he continued: "What would be nice is not seeing them just become a regular couple. It'd be nice to keep that fire and angst in there.

    "The arguments and the make-ups are what have made people love them. So long as they keep that and stay true to their personalities, they've got a very bright future. But you've got to have a bit more in there as well, which always makes for a bit of drama."

    Aaron has even more heartache in store next week when DS Wise arrives at The Woolpack with some shocking news to share with him, but Miller added that he wants his character to have a happier future in the long-run.

    He said: "I'd like to see Aaron mature that little bit more, take care of his sister Liv and really look at getting involved in her education.

    "He wants to help Liv progress in life and become the best person she can be. And that's better than Aaron - he says that a lot, that she can be better than him and do better things than he has. I'd like to see him do that and have a laugh with her along the way."

    The other big piece of good news for fans is that Miller and Hawley are up for the Best On-Screen Partnership prize on the British Soap Awards 2016 shortlist, which was announced today (May 3).

    By Daniel Kilkelly, Digital Spy

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    If you are a fan of Emmerdale supercouple 'Robron' then you're in for a treat - a very dedicated fan has been posting some seriously impressive artwork on Twitter.

    Jenny Slife, a New York based cartoonist, has been keeping the duo's shippers entertained by uploading a number of her Robron drawings on to her Twitter account.

    The artwork includes ideas for future scenes and storylines, as well as the scenarios we didn't see on screen.

    One particular image shows Charity Dingle catching the popular pair taking a shower together - following rumours that this could happen in a future episode.

    Another drawing shows the couple getting married in Las Vegas – something that both Ryan Hawley, who plays Robert, and Danny Miller, who plays Aaron, have joked about in the past.

    Emmerdale Robert and Aaron fan art

    Emmerdale Robert and Aaron fan art

    Emmerdale Robert and Aaron fan art
    Last edited by Perdita; 17-06-2016 at 05:36.

  8. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    If you are a fan of Emmerdale supercouple 'Robron' then you're in for a treat - a very dedicated fan has been posting some seriously impressive artwork on Twitter.

    Jenny Slife, a New York based cartoonist, has been keeping the duo's shippers entertained by uploading a number of her Robron drawings on to her Twitter account.

    The artwork includes ideas for future scenes and storylines, as well as the scenarios we didn't see on screen.

    One particular image shows Charity Dingle catching the popular pair taking a shower together - following rumours that this could happen in a future episode.

    Another drawing shows the couple getting married in Las Vegas – something that both Ryan Hawley, who plays Robert, and Danny Miller, who plays Aaron, have joked about in the past.

    Emmerdale Robert and Aaron fan art

    Emmerdale Robert and Aaron fan art

    Emmerdale Robert and Aaron fan art
    deary me

  9. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    If you are a fan of Emmerdale supercouple 'Robron' then you're in for a treat - a very dedicated fan has been posting some seriously impressive artwork on Twitter.

    Jenny Slife, a New York based cartoonist, has been keeping the duo's shippers entertained by uploading a number of her Robron drawings on to her Twitter account.

    The artwork includes ideas for future scenes and storylines, as well as the scenarios we didn't see on screen.

    One particular image shows Charity Dingle catching the popular pair taking a shower together - following rumours that this could happen in a future episode.

    Another drawing shows the couple getting married in Las Vegas – something that both Ryan Hawley, who plays Robert, and Danny Miller, who plays Aaron, have joked about in the past.

    Emmerdale Robert and Aaron fan art

    Emmerdale Robert and Aaron fan art

    Emmerdale Robert and Aaron fan art
    deary me

  10. #29
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    The good news just keeps on coming for Robron fans - Emmerdale favourites Ryan Hawley and Danny Miller are now in the running for a major soap award.

    Digital Spy can exclusively reveal that Ryan and Danny have made it onto the shortlist for the Best Partnership prize at the Inside Soap Awards 2016, after an unforgettable year of drama for their characters Robert Sugden and Aaron Dingle.

    Ryan and Danny have been nominated alongside their fellow Emmerdale stars Nicola Wheeler and Nick Miles, who play Nicola and Jimmy King.

    EastEnders stars Lacey Turner and James Bye have also been recognised for their portrayal of popular Walford couple Martin and Stacey Fowler.

    Completing the shortlist are Coronation Street's Sally Dynevor and Joe Duttine, who play bickering Sally and Tim Metcalfe. This comes hot on the heels of their victory in the same category at the British Soap Awards in May.

    With four major soap couples in the mix, there's sure to be some fierce competition on the night - we certainly wouldn't want to call this one...

    Since June, Inside Soap readers have been voting in their thousands to back their favourites in a number of categories from the longlist, including Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Newcomer.

    Voting has now closed in all categories except Best Soap, which remains open until midday on the day of the event.

    The Inside Soap Awards 2016 will take place on Monday, October 3 at London's historic Hippodrome Casino. As always, Soapland's biggest names will be in attendance to claim prizes, support their co-stars and - of course - enjoy the afterparty.

    We've got in there early with Best Partnership, but the full Inside Soap Awards shortlist won't be revealed until Tuesday (September 27). If you want to vote for Best Soap right now, simply head over to the Inside Soap website.

    Digital Spy
    Last edited by Perdita; 25-09-2016 at 05:25.

  11. #30
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    More pandering to Robron fanbase. Why make this article about Danny and Ryan?

    Don't the other actors mentioned deserve the same amount of respect for their work? Danny and Ryan are a miserable pair to watch together. I don't get the hype. Ryan/Robert on his own is better.

    Sally and Joe in Corrie are a joy to watch. I hope they win this.

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