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Thread: Robert and Aaron

  1. #11
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    Valentine's Day 2016

    Hey Aaron...

    I'm sorry I killed Katie,
    (But she just slipped and fell).
    I'm glad that we're still matey,
    Even though we went through hell.

    Sorry for my blunder,
    (The hit man on your mum).
    Let's not be torn asunder!
    We can overcome!

    Unfortunate with Paddy
    (That time that he got shot),
    I know it makes you mad, eh?
    But he wasn't hurt a lot.

    But now that's all forgotten,
    I'm still your biggest fan!
    Although I may be rotten,
    Will you let me be your man?

    Love Robert x
    (Inside Soap, 13-19 Feb 2016)

    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    You're so gawjus
    And I love you

    Robert xx

    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    I had a gun,
    But didn't shoot you.

    Rob xxx

    To Aaron,

    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    I love your body,
    Signed, Guess who? xxxx

    To Robert,

    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    You look like a monkey,
    And act like one too.

  2. #12
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    It’s a day of celebration for Robron fans as the reunion confirmation they have been waiting for has come from the best source possible – the Emmerdale boss himself.

    Ryan Hawley had strongly hinted that the relationship would be long term but now Iain MacLeod has put fears to rest for the couple’s bulging fanbase – the boys WILL get back together down the line and, shock, horror, they may even be happy for a bit.

    Robron fans felt uneasy at the announcement of a new Emmerdale producer coming in, wondering if he may split up their TV faves after taking over from Kate Oates, who created the relationship.

    But, speaking to All About Soap, MacLeod sent waves of relief through the fandom by saying: ‘I love Aaron and Robert as a couple – Robron is a real thing. They’re staying together, though it will be a bumpy road as it always is with Aaron.

    ‘Liv, Aaron’s sister, will challenge their relationship because she and Robert won’t get on and will be competing for Aaron’s affections. I want the viewers to see that Aaron can have a bit of stability and happiness. Obviously Robert is a complicated character, and Aaron has a complicated story, but I want to put them together for a while to see what happens – they haven’t been a proper couple yet.’

    But what could the future hold?

    Some plot points fans need to be aware of:

    1. Who will make the first move to make it an official relationship? Both parties have now rejected advances from each other for the right reasons – so who will take the plunge and move things forward? And when will it happen?
    2. How will Aaron’s current storyline involving Gordon develop? Gordon will be charged in coming scenes but there is still a trial to endure and we are still to see some nasty and conniving sides to the abusive dad. As a team, can Aaron and Robert get justice?
    3. How will Robert cope with finally admitting who he is? Going official with Aaron will mean admitting to everyone – and himself – that he is in love with a man, something he has struggled with in the past. However, Robert has grown up a lot in the recent months…
    4. How will everyone involved in the story react? Can Chas accept Robert and Aaron’s reunion after everything or will there be hostility? What about Cain, Adam, Chrissie, Andy and others close to the relationship? At least we know Victoria ships it?
    5. Just how much of a thorn in Robert’s side will Liv be? Aaron is rightfully protective of his sister – but could her antics prove that Robert may actually be right on this one? Is Liv just roubled – or does she have a bit of a malicious side that only someone like Robert could recognise?
    6. Might there even be a wedding on the cards? If they have happiness in store, perhaps they may try and seal the deal…

    MacLeod added: ‘Their relationship will have more ups and downs, and the pay-off to the Gordon story will play a big part in what happens next for the pair. It’s all about whether Robert steps up to the plate for Aaron in his hour of need.

    ‘I hope viewers will be pleased. I really wanted ‘Robron’ to have a happy ending, and to my immense joy, that is going to happen.’

    In the meantime, viewers can enjoy Liv cracking Robert in the nuts in scenes that will air this week. Aaron will also come face to face with Sandra, his stepmum, leading to a bad reaction from the long suffering villager.

    Aaron’s predicament will prompt Robert to then take a big risk as he pays Gordon’s neighbour Ryan to make up an allegation against him…

    By Duncan Lindsay for

    A similar article is by Daniel Kilkelly, Digital Spy
    "Robron fans, rejoice! Emmerdale's new boss reveals Robert and Aaron are getting a happy ending"

  3. #13
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    Emmerdale's Robert Sugden got his chance to reunite with Aaron Livesy in Thursday night's episodes (February 25) - but let it slip through his fingers.

    When Aaron made a move on him during an emotional day, Robert (Ryan Hawley) did the right thing by gently turning him down - explaining that it just wasn't the right time.

    Aaron (Danny Miller) was surprised to be turned down by Robert when he leaned in for a kiss, initially fearing that Robert didn't see him the same way after learning about his child sex abuse ordeal.

    Robert was quick to explain that his feelings hadn't changed at all, but he felt it wasn't right to take advantage of Aaron when he was vulnerable.

    "I still see you like that - I always will," he explained. "I want you, a lot. But in the middle of all this, it wouldn't be fair on you. I'm trying not to mess things up here. I want it to be different this time. I'll wait for you, til you're ready. Then we give it a proper chance, if you still want me."

    Thursday's emotional double bill had seen Robert accompany Aaron as the troubled mechanic paid a visit to his stepmum Sandra, wanting to secure a witness who could back him up against his evil father Gordon in court.

    Although Sandra was clearly hiding knowledge of what happened, she denied everything and stubbornly refused to cooperate.

    Emmerdale's new producer Iain MacLeod confirmed this week that Robert and Aaron will be reuniting later this year, promising a happy ending for the former couple.

    He told All About Soap: "Their relationship will have more ups and downs, and the pay-off to the Gordon story will play a big part in what happens next for the pair. It's all about whether Robert steps up to the plate for Aaron in his hour of need.

    "I hope viewers will be pleased. I really wanted 'Robron' to have a happy ending, and to my immense joy, that is going to happen."

    By Daniel Kilkelly, Digital Spy

    Read more and see scene videos at:

  4. #14
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    That was already posted under the Spoiler section ...

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    That was already posted under the Spoiler section ...
    The DS article I posted earlier today is a new one about Robert and Aaron in last night's episodes. Bits of the Iain MacLeod interview are doing the rounds though. Daniel Kilkelly for Digital Spy can be such a naughty scamp sometimes but always gives good value.

    Iain MacLeod interview article at:

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Telly Watcher View Post
    The DS article I posted earlier today is a new one about Robert and Aaron in last night's episodes. Bits of the Iain MacLeod interview are doing the rounds though. Daniel Kilkelly for Digital Spy can be such a naughty scamp sometimes but always gives good value.

    Iain MacLeod interview article at:
    Should be under spoiler section, surely .. you are posting under General News

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Telly Watcher View Post
    The DS article I posted earlier today is a new one about Robert and Aaron in last night's episodes. Bits of the Iain MacLeod interview are doing the rounds though. Daniel Kilkelly for Digital Spy can be such a naughty scamp sometimes but always gives good value.

    Iain MacLeod interview article at:
    Should be under spoiler section, surely .. you are posting under General News

  8. #18
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    14 reasons why Robert Sugden is the best boyfriend ever

    By Duncan Lindsay for

    There’s a reason why Robron is pretty much THE most popular relationship in soap right now.

    The passion, the bond and the love between Aaron Livesy and Robert Sugden is second to none and, after everything they have been through, they are set for a reunion and will finally make it to the dizzying heights of being an official Emmerdale couple.

    And we reckon that Aaron could find no better way to be happy than giving his heart up to Robert.

    Despite his many flaws, there really is no-one who’d make better boyfriend material in a village of slim pickings (let’s face it, Cain has anger issues, Paddy’s a cheat, Jai’s a sociopath…) than Robert.

    Here's why we would snap him up in an instant.

    1. He’d do anything for you

    Who cares about the little matter of the law? Robert is currently paying someone to lie to the police in order to help Aaron – while it isn’t the best approach to the matter, his heart is in the right place.

    If someone upset you, he’d bury them in some grain for you and if you need rid of someone no questions asked, then he has a handy assassin app on his phone.

    2. He has loads of contacts

    Yep, he won’t just protect you with assassins. If you need to find someone you haven’t seen for a while or have lost your car keys, he has plenty of moles waiting to do some digging. And, if the mood carries you, he even has a rent boy or two on the books willing to exploit the vulnerable or naive.

    3. He is a snappy dresser

    From his jackets to his jumpers, this man has style…

    4. In fact, just look at him in his entirety

    You wouldn’t kick him out of a hay barn would you?

    5. He’s good at keeping secrets

    If you really don’t want someone to find something out, feel free to confide in your bae Robert. When he keeps things quiet, he will go to any lengths – such as covering up a death by rotting floorboard for example – to keep it under wraps.

    6. He’s exciting

    Life is never dull when Robert Sugden around. You just never know when you will be spending the night in a hotel room or the hospital after witnessing him being shot by one of his many enemies.

    7. He’s kinky

    Remember when Robert tied Aaron up in a lodge? Think of the bondage and role play opportunities. Please just make sure there is a safe word. Robert can take things a bit far when there is a gun involved and a hapless vet accidentally interrupts.

    8. He is good with business

    He can run a massive estate and a scrapyard while juggling the most explosive personal life in the world. Robert will keep you financially steady and, even when he is down and out, he will always find a way to blackmail his way right up again.

    9. He’s good with kids

    Whether it’s trying to fake deaths with Lachlan or getting punched in the crown jewels by Liv, Robert will keep any offspring you might have entertained.

    10. He will get you out of awkward family meals

    Parents of his partners never seem to like him to there’s always an excuse to give Sunday lunch a swerve – you won’t be invited.

    11. He takes things slow

    Even at your most vulnerable, if Robert cares about you, he will not take advantage of you as proven when Aaron tried to kiss him recently. He will not leave you feeling embarrassed or rejected either as he will assure you that he does want you – just when the time is right.

    12. He genuinely cares

    No matter what mistakes he makes in the past, Robert is capable of loving. It might not always be obvious (and, let’s be honest, would we really want to lose that edge that he has?) but if you work at things with him, then it pays off. When Robert finally gives his heart to you, no-one will love you more.

    13. He will change for you

    If you are his one, you are so important that he will mend his ways and spend all the time it takes proving that he is a reformed man. That’s not just persistence, that’s love.

    14. Oh, and he will kiss you like this:
    "Aaron and Robert - THE KISSES (1)"

    Read more at:
    Last edited by Telly Watcher; 29-02-2016 at 23:58.

  9. #19
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    Fans of Robert and Aaron's Dales romance will be thrilled to learn that true love really does conquer all! New Dales boss Iain MacLeod has promised that the smitten fellas will finally become an item...

    "I really want 'Robron' to have a happy ending - and to my immense joy, it's going to happen!" he says. "Obviously Robert is a complicated character and Aaron has a complicated story, but I want to put them together and see what happens. They haven't been a proper couple yet."

    That's not to say that there won't be a few bumps along the road, though...

    "Their relationship will have more ups and downs, and the pay-off to the Gordon story will play a big part in what happens next for the pair," explains Iain. "Also, Aaron's sister, Liv, is going to challenge them. She and Robert don't get on, and will compete for Aaron's affections!"

    Inside Soap,
    5-11 Mar 2016

  10. #20
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    There was a heart-stopping moment in Thursday night's Emmerdale ​episodes, when Aaron Livesy told Robert Sugden they should just stay friends.

    © ITV
    Aaron tells Robert they should just stay mates for now

    Things have been getting complicated between the pair, ever since Robert jeopardised his whole future with Aaron after his plan to engineer a false sex abuse allegation against Gordon unravelled recently.

    Tonight's episode saw Aaron convince false accuser Ryan to withdraw his claims, before telling Robert they should be mates.

    ​Aaron told Robert: "The other day you were right to keep your distance. After everything we've had thrown at us, I guess we should take the hint we're not good for each other.

    "All I need for us right now is for us to be mates."

    It's another obstacle for Robron fans, who'll be hoping their reunion isn't far away.

    By Harry Fletcher, Digital Spy

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