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Thread: Sienna Blake (Anna Passey)

  1. #31
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    Hollyoaks' Sienna Blake will learn her fate as she stands trial for her crimes later this month.

    Sienna (Anna Passey) will be discharged from the secure unit following an assessment on her mental health but her release comes at a cost as she is then immediately brought to trial.

    After Dodger (Danny Mac) and Patrick (Jeremy Sheffield) pay Sienna a visit at the secure unit the night before her assessment, Dodger attempts to encourage his twin to tell them about her daughter Sophie.

    Dodger is unaware that a controlling Patrick has already warned Sienna to keep quiet about it, warning her not to use Sophie as an excuse for her behaviour.

    Obeying Patrick's instructions, Sienna's assessment goes well and she is told she can be released from the faculty.

    However, Sienna's future still remains uncertain as she stands trial in court for her actions...

  2. #32
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    peri is sophie

  3. #33
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    Sienna Blake will return to her old tricks next month as she starts targeting the Lomax family.

    With Sienna still convinced that 14-year-old Peri is her long-lost daughter, she resorts to desperate measures to spend time with the youngster.

    In scenes reminiscent of how she manipulated the Osborne family last year, Sienna fakes a shoulder injury so that the Lomax clan will take pity on her and invite her to stay for a while.

    Sienna also looks for further sympathy by pretending that the hate campaign against her in the village has started up again.

    As Sienna starts to settle in with the Lomaxes, she is delighted when Peri confides in her about Danny's affair with John Paul McQueen. Unaware that Sam already knows about the fling, Sienna then spills the beans to her and Danny overhears.

    Anna Passey, who plays Sienna, told All About Soap: "She's got her feet under the table at another family home. Peri starts to confide in Sienna, who's obviously the worst person you can tell your secrets to, and tells her about Danny and John Paul's affair.

    "Sienna decides to use this to break down the family unit and isolate Peri a bit more. She wants to be the person Peri runs to when she's upset.

    "Sienna's crafty - she plays the innocent and makes out that she only has Sam's best interests at heart."

    With her plan working well, Sienna puts the next stage into action by telling Peri that she has a long-lost daughter and needs help to track her down.

    Passey added: "They start to play detective together, which Sienna thinks is amazing. They're bonded by this little secret they share."

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    Last edited by tammyy2j; 22-04-2014 at 22:31.

  6. #35
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    why would sam and her family take her in unless they cause her fake injury

  7. #36
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    Hollyoaks schemer Sienna Blake gets a second chance with her long-lost daughter Nico next week as they come face-to-face again.

    Sienna is delighted when she learns that Nico (Persephone Swales-Dawson) is hiding out at the McQueen house, but her joy turns to horror when the teenager reveals that Sienna's evil father Patrick threatened her to stay away.

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Anna Passey, who plays Sienna, to hear about the drama ahead as Nico makes her return to screens.

    What has this storyline been like for you to film?
    "It's been absolutely brilliant. After the year we had last year with Sienna, everything was building up to this moment of her finding out about her daughter and then trying to track her down.

    "To now actually get to the point where Sienna meets her daughter and shares scenes with her has been amazing. I absolutely adore Persephone who's playing Nico - she's fabulous. It's nice to have someone who's playing a mini-version of me!

    "I get to work with Persephone a lot and it's quite sweet to see her picking up little Sienna-isms. She's also so believable as Sienna's daughter, so I think she's doing a great job."

    How does Sienna react when she comes face-to-face with Nico again next week?
    "Sienna has been waiting for this moment for such a long time, but when it arrives, it's not really what she expected. When Sienna finds Nico, it's a complete surprise as they're reunited out of the blue and it's not something that she could have anticipated.

    "Sienna doesn't really know what to say to Nico. In her head, she has expected a fairytale reunion where mother and daughter meet, everything's perfect and everyone ends up really happy.

    "What Sienna gets is completely different. Nico seems absolutely petrified of her and she can't work out why. That's when Sienna finds out that Patrick has threatened Nico to stay away, which is why she's scared to be anywhere near Sienna."

    How does Sienna react to the news about Patrick?
    "It breaks Sienna's heart that her dad would do that. She storms straight over to find him in his office and is furious. Sienna says, 'That's it for you and me now - I'm taking my daughter and I don't want anything else to do with you'. But in true Patrick Blake style, he ends up manipulating the situation into what he wants it to be.

    "Patrick talks to Sienna with an edge of threat. He points out that she's got her whole family now that Nico is in the village, so they should just let sleeping dogs lie. There's an underlying threat because Patrick is hinting at what could happen to Nico if Sienna doesn't play ball.

    "Sienna decides that it's best for her and Nico to just grin and bear it - so they need to smile and pretend that everything is fine."

    Patrick and Nico then start to plot against each other in secret. Is Sienna aware of that?
    "I think Sienna is so busy running around trying to fix everything and make everything perfect, so she doesn't really see what's going on between Patrick and Nico. Patrick is a pro and he doesn't want Nico anywhere near the family, so he starts creating all of these little situations to cause trouble.

    "It also turns out that Nico is just as good at scheming as Patrick is, so she's throwing it straight back at him! But at this point, Sienna is just hoping everyone will be at peace and she doesn't necessarily see everything that's going on."

    What kind of relationship do you think Sienna and Nico will have?
    "It's quite difficult to call it, but what's interesting is that in the past with Sienna, everything has been aimed towards finding her daughter. She's been so convinced in her head that she's going to be the perfect mum, but anyone who's watched Sienna will know that she's not necessarily mum material! She's not really the person that you'd want to be bringing up your children!

    "Sienna and Nico have an interesting relationship, especially as Nico is nothing like the way Sienna had expected her daughter to be. That's true for Nico as well, because Sienna isn't what Nico had pictured her mum to be. But what's interesting is seeing them both finding where they stand with each other and how the relationship is going to work."

    For a long time, the fans expected Peri to be Sienna's daughter. How would you have felt if the story had gone that way?
    "I would have loved that equally. I absolutely adore the character of Peri, as well as Ruby who plays her. She's so sweet and Peri is such a brilliant little character. I would have really loved that story, but I'm also incredibly happy with the daughter that I've got! If Peri ever needs another mum, though, I'll take both of them!"

    Did you always know that Peri was a red herring in the storyline?
    "Yes, I did know that from the start actually, as we always knew that Leela would turn out to be Peri's real mum. Sienna and Leela have also formed quite a nice relationship over the last few months, and now both of them are going to end up with 'new' daughters when they're not sure how to cope.

    "I think there's definitely more to be seen between Sienna and Leela as they both try to muddle their way through being a mum out of the blue!"

    There's been a big turnaround in opinion on Sienna. Has it taken you by surprise that she's become popular with the fans?
    "It has, yes! It's quite overwhelming. When I first started this job and was learning about what kind of character Sienna was going to be, the writers and the producers did say to me that we had to make people hate her. I was told that she'd be so unlikeable, everyone would hate her and I'd have to just take it!

    "But they also told me very early on that further down the line, there'd be a shift and people would see why Sienna is the way she is. They hoped that would get people interested and the viewers would change their opinions, so I trusted that but I did wonder how anyone would forgive her when she was doing such terrible things!

    "It turned out that the producers and the writers were completely right. They've done such a fantastic job of writing for Sienna and I think the reason people do forgive her is that the writers give full explanation for her behaviour."

    Do you hope Sienna carries on scheming in future storylines?
    "I love that side of Sienna as it's loads of fun to play someone who does bad things, so I'm excited to see what else they can come up with next for her. I'm sure they've got tons of stuff planned upstairs!"

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    Sienna Blake hopes that her troubles are behind her on Hollyoaks next week when her latest scheming leads to Tom Cunningham deciding not to give evidence against her.

    The news means that Sienna is unlikely to be jailed over her antics last year, but will she leave the Osborne family alone in return?

    Here, Anna Passey - who plays Sienna - reveals more about her character's future in the second part of her interview with Digital Spy.

    How does Sienna feel next week when Tom makes his big decision?
    "It's just the best news possible for Sienna. She's focused all of her energies on finding her daughter, so now that she's got Nico in her life, she's well aware that it could all be taken away if she ends up in prison. If that happened, Nico would be left with nobody but Patrick, which Sienna doesn't want.

    "When Sienna hears that Tom isn't going to give evidence, it's literally the best news that she could hear. She knows that she can get on and build a relationship with her daughter, which is everything she wants."

    Tom makes a deal with Sienna beforehand, wanting her to leave the Osbornes alone. Will she stick to her word?
    "When Sienna says she will leave the Osbornes alone, she does mean it at the time - but we know what Sienna's like! If the opportunity arises, I'm sure she'd get chucked back in with the Osbornes!"

    How do you think Sienna would cope if Patrick's true colours were exposed in the future?
    "They have a funny relationship because Sienna really hates him for a lot of the stuff that he's done, but no matter how terrible a person he is, there's some hold that he has over her and Sienna can't let go of him.

    "If it all came out, I'm not 100% sure that Sienna would abandon him completely. There's something there with Patrick that she can't let go of - and she does love him."

    Would you like Sienna to get a new love interest in the future?
    "Definitely. I think it's a funny one with Sienna, because she isn't the type of girl to have a relationship just for the sake of it. If she pursues someone, it's usually because she wants something out of the situation.

    "I did really enjoy playing all of the stuff with Sienna and Darren last year, and I think it adds a new dynamic to the character when she has that sort of figure in her life. I would really like to see them write something like that, but no doubt it would be full of problems and difficulties!"

    How did you feel about winning Villain of the Year at the Soap Awards?
    "It was amazing. I still can't quite believe it actually! I finally got my award last week so it's sitting at home now. It's the best award I could have won because I've had such a fun journey creating the villainous Sienna, so to win that when there were such strong actors and characters also nominated was amazing."

    What was that moment like when Hollyoaks was named Best Soap at the end of the night?
    "That was crazy! I think it just didn't sink in and we thought we'd all heard it wrong or there'd been a mistake! Obviously that award is the one that all of the soaps dream of getting, but nobody had ever won it except for EastEnders and Coronation Street. When Ian McKellen announced that Hollyoaks had won, everybody was over the moon.

    "After the Hayley and Roy storyline did so well, I assumed that Coronation Street would be taking the Best Soap prize home. That storyline was incredible and took home most of the awards, but I think for us to win Best Soap shows that we're doing lots of good things across the board - it's not necessarily just one storyline or one character.

    "It's a real team effort at Hollyoaks and it meant a lot to us that we're recognised as one of the big soaps now."

  9. #38
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    Hollyoaks schemer Sienna Blake will stoop to shocking depths later this month as she lies that her daughter Nico has cancer.

    Sienna (Anna Passey) makes the false claim as she gets jealous when Maxine Minniver returns to the village following her recent escape to the US.

    Wanting her twin brother Dodger Savage (Danny Mac) all to herself, Sienna starts coming up with ways to distract his attention away from pregnant Maxine.

    When Maxine (Nikki Sanderson) attends a midwife appointment, loyal Dodger wants to be there in support of her - but Sienna deliberately delays him and gives her abusive father Patrick the chance to turn up at the hospital instead.

    After coming face-to-face with her violent husband again, a frightened Maxine makes it clear to Dodger that she needs to leave the village for good.

    Dodger vows to go with Maxine as he still has strong feelings for her, but he is stopped in his tracks when Sienna lies that Nico is seriously ill.

    Nico is furious when she learns of her mother's twisted deception, but Sienna is confident that her plan will be enough to stop Dodger from leaving.

    Patrick is also full of concern when Dodger fills him in on Nico's 'illness', but Hollyoaks fans will be left to wonder just how far Sienna can take her latest lie as Nico remains disgusted.

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    Last edited by tammyy2j; 13-08-2014 at 00:00.

  11. #40
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    Hollyoaks Overdose:

    Sienna tries to stop Dodger leaving with Maxine - by stabbing him in the leg! Dodger loses a lot of blood, and Sienna tells him she'd rather let him die than for someone to take him away from her.

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