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Thread: Adam Barton (Adam Thomas)

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by britgirl View Post
    Ohhh poor Adam. When will Cameron get his comeuppance??
    it should be soon viewers are already sick and bored of him

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by britgirl View Post
    Ohhh poor Adam. When will Cameron get his comeuppance??
    it should be soon viewers are already sick and bored of him

  3. #23
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    Emmerdale's Adam Barton faces a crisis he could never have anticipated next week as he is framed for the murder of Alex Moss.

    The real culprit Cameron Murray (Dominic Power) schemes to put the police spotlight on Adam in a desperate bid to cover his own tracks.

    Cameron initially becomes angry with Adam when he thinks that the farmer is behind some mysterious blackmail texts he is receiving. Although he later discovers that his theory is wrong, it isn't enough to stop him from plotting against Adam…

    Here, Adam Thomas - who plays Adam - reveals details of his character's ordeal.

    Adam feels pretty twitchy with the police around asking questions. Why is that?
    "I think Adam's had a few near misses with the police in the past, so I guess he gets nervous when they're snooping around. Now the police are asking questions about Moira and Alex, as well as Alex and Victoria, and it's just rubbing Adam up the wrong way. His attitude towards them isn't great, and if anything it could make it look like he has something to hide."

    Adam annoys Cameron by claiming that he's not right in the head. Why are they arguing?
    "Because Cameron starts saying that he knows what Adam has been up to. He seems to think Adam is behind something - something which has obviously well and truly narked him. He's saying all of this at The Woolpack and starts making a bit of a scene, to the point that Moira has to get in between them. Adam's just thinking, is this guy crazy or what?"

    Why does Adam later punch Declan in front of the police?
    "Adam hates Declan. They've got a history. Declan had it in for Adam after he slept with Mia and Ella, but Declan managed to get back at Adam through his dad. It's still a sore point for Adam. Now that Declan's trying to call in his investments, which apparently includes the farm, it's like rubbing salt in the wound. The farm was his dad's dream and now Declan's ready to turf his whole family out of it.

    "So anyway, Adam's feeling really rubbish about everything when crazy Cameron starts being all matey, and even mends his quad for him for free. But typical Adam doesn't realise that Cameron has got an ulterior motive as he starts to talk about Declan, winding Adam up further and further. Next thing you know, Adam's in a frenzy and ranting and throwing himself at Declan in front of the police."

    At what point does Adam realise he's being set up?
    "I'm not sure. It's weird really. He's at the station after he's been arrested for punching Declan, but he starts to get freaked when the coppers that are dealing with Alex's murder rock up. They start talking about Adam's grudge towards Declan and how Adam didn't like Alex either. Slowly he starts putting two and two together and realises things aren't looking good for him."

    What evidence do the police confront him with?
    "They've got statements but won't say who from. Both statements are talking about how Adam had a gripe with Declan and Alex. It's not good, not good at all."

    What reaction does Adam get when he tries to plead his innocence?
    "From the police? A bad one. They don't believe him. It's not good cop bad cop, it's bad cop bad cop in this case! Adam's trying to stay calm, but he can tell he's not getting through to them."

    What happens when Adam and Moira finally see each other after he's been released?
    "It's not the reception he would have wanted, to be honest. Moira tells him she'll believe him if he says he didn't do it, but she asks him the question all the same. Just asking is enough to upset Adam - his own mum asking him the question, like there is an element of doubt. He's really gutted by that."

    Why does he think that Declan is behind the plan to set him up?
    "A load of reasons really. It's his land. Him and Declan don't get on. Adam slept with his wife, his daughter and more recently Katie. It hardly bodes for a budding friendship does it?"

    But Cain tries to help Adam out…
    "Who'd have thought it? Cain helping Adam out! But yes, he does help him out in a Cain kind of way."

    Adam makes a run for it, but surely that'll make things worse?
    "Probably. But he's not thinking straight. Someone is trying to set him up for a murder he didn't commit. That's pretty scary if you ask me!"

    Will this change the relationship between him and Cain?
    "That all depends on whether he comes back! They've had a rocky relationship, but it's Cain who's been there for him recently, first with the hit and run, and now with all this stuff."

    Would you be gutted if Adam went down for this?
    "One word - yes! He didn't do it. But hey, this is soap so you just never know what's going to happen..."
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  4. #24
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    Emmerdale's Adam Barton faces a crisis he could never have anticipated next week as he is framed for the murder of Alex Moss.

    The real culprit Cameron Murray (Dominic Power) schemes to put the police spotlight on Adam in a desperate bid to cover his own tracks.

    Cameron initially becomes angry with Adam when he thinks that the farmer is behind some mysterious blackmail texts he is receiving. Although he later discovers that his theory is wrong, it isn't enough to stop him from plotting against Adam…

    Here, Adam Thomas - who plays Adam - reveals details of his character's ordeal.

    Adam feels pretty twitchy with the police around asking questions. Why is that?
    "I think Adam's had a few near misses with the police in the past, so I guess he gets nervous when they're snooping around. Now the police are asking questions about Moira and Alex, as well as Alex and Victoria, and it's just rubbing Adam up the wrong way. His attitude towards them isn't great, and if anything it could make it look like he has something to hide."

    Adam annoys Cameron by claiming that he's not right in the head. Why are they arguing?
    "Because Cameron starts saying that he knows what Adam has been up to. He seems to think Adam is behind something - something which has obviously well and truly narked him. He's saying all of this at The Woolpack and starts making a bit of a scene, to the point that Moira has to get in between them. Adam's just thinking, is this guy crazy or what?"

    Why does Adam later punch Declan in front of the police?
    "Adam hates Declan. They've got a history. Declan had it in for Adam after he slept with Mia and Ella, but Declan managed to get back at Adam through his dad. It's still a sore point for Adam. Now that Declan's trying to call in his investments, which apparently includes the farm, it's like rubbing salt in the wound. The farm was his dad's dream and now Declan's ready to turf his whole family out of it.

    "So anyway, Adam's feeling really rubbish about everything when crazy Cameron starts being all matey, and even mends his quad for him for free. But typical Adam doesn't realise that Cameron has got an ulterior motive as he starts to talk about Declan, winding Adam up further and further. Next thing you know, Adam's in a frenzy and ranting and throwing himself at Declan in front of the police."

    At what point does Adam realise he's being set up?
    "I'm not sure. It's weird really. He's at the station after he's been arrested for punching Declan, but he starts to get freaked when the coppers that are dealing with Alex's murder rock up. They start talking about Adam's grudge towards Declan and how Adam didn't like Alex either. Slowly he starts putting two and two together and realises things aren't looking good for him."

    What evidence do the police confront him with?
    "They've got statements but won't say who from. Both statements are talking about how Adam had a gripe with Declan and Alex. It's not good, not good at all."

    What reaction does Adam get when he tries to plead his innocence?
    "From the police? A bad one. They don't believe him. It's not good cop bad cop, it's bad cop bad cop in this case! Adam's trying to stay calm, but he can tell he's not getting through to them."

    What happens when Adam and Moira finally see each other after he's been released?
    "It's not the reception he would have wanted, to be honest. Moira tells him she'll believe him if he says he didn't do it, but she asks him the question all the same. Just asking is enough to upset Adam - his own mum asking him the question, like there is an element of doubt. He's really gutted by that."

    Why does he think that Declan is behind the plan to set him up?
    "A load of reasons really. It's his land. Him and Declan don't get on. Adam slept with his wife, his daughter and more recently Katie. It hardly bodes for a budding friendship does it?"

    But Cain tries to help Adam out…
    "Who'd have thought it? Cain helping Adam out! But yes, he does help him out in a Cain kind of way."

    Adam makes a run for it, but surely that'll make things worse?
    "Probably. But he's not thinking straight. Someone is trying to set him up for a murder he didn't commit. That's pretty scary if you ask me!"

    Will this change the relationship between him and Cain?
    "That all depends on whether he comes back! They've had a rocky relationship, but it's Cain who's been there for him recently, first with the hit and run, and now with all this stuff."

    Would you be gutted if Adam went down for this?
    "One word - yes! He didn't do it. But hey, this is soap so you just never know what's going to happen..."
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  5. #25
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    Adam Barton's life changes forever on Emmerdale next week as he finally discovers the truth about his paternity.

    The truth comes out after a revealing home movie is played during Finn's birthday party at the farm, which forces Moira and James to reveal their secret at last.

    Here, Adam Thomas - who plays Adam - previews the big moment for the Bartons and how his character will react to the bombshell news.

    Adam and James have always struggled to get along. Why doesn't Adam like him?
    "Adam just thinks that James turned up at the farm and tried to take over. This is Adam's farm, but James has come in and turned the whole business upside down. Adam wants to keep it the way that John kept it, so he didn't like James coming in trying to change things. That wound Adam up a little bit.

    "Adam also knows that James fancies Moira, so he's just had enough of it. He doesn't want to give James the time of day, so they keep falling out. James tries to reach out but Adam isn't having any of it."

    Is Adam feeling happier about Moira and Cain's relationship now?
    "Adam didn't like Cain at all at first. When it comes to his mum, Adam is very protective. He had some drama with Cain, but now he's come to terms with the relationship. As long as Moira is happy, Adam is happy too. Now that Moira and Cain are married, Adam is over the moon for them both and he's trying to keep James away from them both."

    Can you tell us how Moira and James's secrets start coming to light?
    "It's Finn's birthday and the Bartons are having a nice little party at the farm. Finn decides to bring out some old video tapes, so it's all quite happy and funny as they're watching footage of the Barton boys when they were younger.

    "They keep the tapes playing but then they hear James and his wife arguing in some of the footage. James's wife shouts about how he's slept with Moira, so Moira has to admit that it's the truth - they had a one-night stand together."

    What kind of reaction does the revelation get?
    "It doesn't go down well with Adam or the other lads either. All hell breaks loose. Adam knew something was going on, but he didn't know it was to this extent. As this all happened behind John's back, Adam just feels that the whole family set-up was a lie. He's absolutely livid over the situation and he's really upset too."

    What happens next?
    "Not only does Adam find out that Moira and James slept together, about half an hour later, Moira tells Cain the whole story. Cain decides to spill the beans and puts Moira on the spot, so she has to tell Adam that James is his father.

    "Adam is in utter disbelief at this point. He's in shock, angry and upset. Adam doesn't know where his head is at. He doesn't want to direct his anger towards his mother, so he directs it towards James instead."

    How does Cain feel about the situation?
    "Cain is not happy. Moira has lied to everyone, so everyone feels betrayed. It's a real mess."

    Adam then gets a gun and seems to have revenge in mind!
    "Yeah, Adam gets Zak's shotgun from the Dingles'. He wants to take his anger out on James, as ever since James has turned up, Adam's life has been hell. Adam wants to deal with James, so he goes to get a shotgun and goes to get him.

    "Adam finds James in the village and starts stalking him through the woods. He has just seen red, so he wants to teach James a lesson…"

    Can Adam ever get over this news?
    "More than anything it's just a trust issue now with Adam. His mum has lied to him, so he just feels that he's been lied to for his whole life. His sisters are actually his half-sisters, while his dad wasn't really his dad. He's also found out that he's got three half-brothers!

    "It's a massive thing for Adam, so he feels that he can't trust anybody now. Everybody else seems to be getting on with their lives and pretending like nothing has happened, but Adam is in a little world of his own, thinking that nobody really seems to care about what has just happened in his life."

    Could Adam go off the rails?
    "Yeah, he definitely has a dark side when it comes down to family. If anything interferes with the family, then Adam will go to any means to sort it out…"

    What has the story been like to film?
    "It's always good to get your teeth stuck into a storyline like this. All the lads are brilliant to work with, so it's been brilliant fun. It's been dramatic so it hasn't all been laughs and giggles, but it's been good. It's just a pleasure to work with such great actors.

    "You're always buzzing when you get a storyline. I don't get many, so it's nice to have one! I think this one will go on for a long time as Adam goes off the rails, but I find it hard to play a bad guy because I'm usually having such a laugh on set. I've had to reel that in a little bit to get into the mood, but hopefully I'm doing it justice."

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    Last edited by tammyy2j; 17-06-2014 at 00:23.

  8. #27
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    This is gonna be goooood... can't wait for next week..

  9. #28
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    what do we think?

    is Adam Thomas a really fantastic actor in that he is taking the writing of Adam Barton as a gormless f**kwit and really portraying it well


    is Adam Thomas just a gormless f**kwit that cant act for toffee?

  10. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarah c View Post
    what do we think?

    is Adam Thomas a really fantastic actor in that he is taking the writing of Adam Barton as a gormless f**kwit and really portraying it well


    is Adam Thomas just a gormless f**kwit that cant act for toffee?
    He can act, I liked him in Waterloo Road and he is doing well playing Adam Barton

    I think in the end Adam will hand himself in to the police

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  12. #30
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    Last edited by tammyy2j; 14-08-2014 at 15:07.

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