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Thread: spoilers gallore!!*2

  1. #1
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    spoilers gallore!!*2/Press Office Spoilers Week 12

    Monday, March 21

    Sonia is determined to attend the funeral to make sure that it was Chloe’s adoptive parents who were killed. Martin tries to talk her out of going but she insists that she needs to know that Chloe is being cared for.

    Adi is devastated when he sees Sasha saying goodbye to Billy outside his flat. Adi later confronts her and tells her he wants her out of his flat, his business and his life.

    Elsewhere, Mickey challenges Juley over his betrayal with Kareena, Tariq tries his luck with Tina, and Johnny gives Ash and Ronny a deadline to replace the missing cars.

    Tuesday, March 22

    Johnny reads Ruby the riot act when he discovers why she ran away from school. Later, angry at being stood up, Tina arrives at Johnny’s. Not wanting Ruby to know about Tina, Johnny closes the door in her face, despite Tina’s offer of help.

    Elsewhere, Sonia is stunned when she comes face to face with Chloe at the funeral. Sonia lies about her identity in the hope of getting more information.

    Ash admits to Johnny that there’s no way they can pay for the missing cars. Johnny informs Ash that he’ll take Toucan cars as payment and that he expects the Ferreiras to leave Walford.

    Thursday, March 24

    When Sonia confesses to Martin that she’s seen Chloe, Martin becomes angry. He tells Sonia that Chloe is no longer their daughter and storms out of the house.

    Elsewhere, Stacey boasts to Ruby about grassing up the Millers for benefit fraud, Juley sells knocked-off jewellery on the stall and Stacey baby-sits Ruby while Johnny secretly takes Tina shopping.

    Friday, March 25

    Stacey tries her best to persuade Johnny not to send Ruby back to school. Johnny later tells Charlie that Stacey should still be attending school, but she’s quick to point out that if she’s in trouble for truanting, then they’ll pay the price with the authorities for letting her.

    Meanwhile, Rosie and Keith storm into the Vic, when Ruby accidentally tells Mickey who grassed them up for benefit fraud.

    Elsewhere, Martin pleads with Sonia to leave Chloe alone, and Little Mo is jealous when Alfie enlists the help of Tina to sell his bunny girl outfits on his stall.
    Last edited by judejude; 04-03-2005 at 16:20.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    these are brilliant
    thank you for posting

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    I thought Jonny had something to do with Ferreiers exit ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Leicestershire in the middle of the United Kingdom
    Thanked: 1
    Sounds brill just read them on BBC Press office my self
    Thanks Jessie Wallace For My Fab Banner

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    Cheers! Sounds Good!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    In my brand new house
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    "Stacey baby-sits Ruby "
    arent they like the same age, how can she babysit her?
    and i always thought that stacey should still be going to school
    great spoilers thanks

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Leicestershire in the middle of the United Kingdom
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    Stacey is sixteen Ruby i think is 15 but I know I laughed when I read that they'd both be as abd as each other
    Thanks Jessie Wallace For My Fab Banner

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
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    Thanks for posting

    Im glad that Natalie Cassidy is finally getting her teeth into a juicy storyline. She was so underused last year and she is a great actress but instead we have been subjected to winey Zoe in almost every episode in the last 10 months.

    Looks like Ruby is about to cause a stir.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    Press office spoilers posted twice!! So merged threads. *Xeni* - If you are first to post Press Office Spoilers please can you name you post "Press Office Spoilers Week ??. Chance - Sorry deleated yours as it was a duplicate

    Last edited by judejude; 04-03-2005 at 16:19.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    The Sonia/Marin/Chole story looks good

    YaY! The Ferreiers are going
    Last edited by Claire; 05-03-2005 at 10:11.

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