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Thread: Leela, Tegan, Peri Lomax

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by tammyy2j View Post
    Tegan’s baby’s father is a well known resident of the village, any ideas?
    one of the young roscoes robbie or jason

  2. #12
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    leela and ziggy are a good match

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizann View Post
    one of the young roscoes robbie or jason
    Now I think it could be Fraser
    Last edited by tammyy2j; 28-11-2013 at 22:11.

  4. #14
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    Last edited by tammyy2j; 28-11-2013 at 22:11.

  5. #15
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    New mum Tegan Lomax has a dramatic week ahead on Hollyoaks as her baby mystery intensifies.

    Show bosses have confirmed that the father of Tegan's daughter Rose is someone in the village, and her sister Leela is about to turn detective as she tries to find out who it is.

    Tegan also has darker times ahead as she is attacked unexpectedly, throwing the Lomax family into turmoil...

    Here, Jessica Ellis - who plays Tegan - chats to Digital Spy about what's in store.

    How's it going for you at Hollyoaks so far?
    "I'm really enjoying it - especially now that I've moved into my house in Liverpool and feel a bit more settled. I hate being new - I'd always rather just fast-forward a month so I know everyone! To be honest, though, everyone has just been so welcoming to me. There's no divide between actors, crew, make-up or anyone else - everyone just gets along, which I really like.

    "I've done TV before, but I'm mainly a theatre actor, so this is my first big TV role. It's quite daunting but I'm having a ball."

    Are you pleased with the reaction to the Lomax family?
    "Definitely. Obviously I came in with a quite a big story straight away when Tegan gave birth. I was on screen for about four days, and then there were about three weeks where I was off again. I've been back on screen recently and now will be back on every week for the next four weeks.

    "Considering I haven't been on all that much, the reaction on Twitter has been really positive. People seem to have really taken to Tegan and the Lomaxes, and I hope that Tegan is a different character than what people have seen before."

    What was the audition process like for Hollyoaks?
    "Last year I did a job for seven months in Keswick in the Lake District and then in January I moved back to London, as that's where I'd been living before. I was working as a nanny and a special needs teacher as well.

    "Once I was settled back in London, I hadn't done any acting work since November so I was getting itchy feet, but then I got my audition for Hollyoaks. I even remember changing my audition so that it was after work, because I couldn't miss out on pay and I really didn't expect to get this job.

    "Fortunately the audition went really well and then I got a call-back. After that it was a waiting game. Eventually I heard back and was called in to help audition actresses who would play our younger sister, Peri. Myself and Kirsty [who plays Leela] were both brought in for those auditions and we hit it off straight away. It turned out that we had the job, but they'd just wanted to see whether we had chemistry. It was the next day when my agent told me I definitely had the part."

    We know that the father of Tegan's baby is someone in the village, and at first Dennis is in the frame! What can you tell us about that?
    "Well, Tegan has moved to this small village and really doesn't expect to bump into Dennis. When they see each other, their lives are not the same as when they first met. Dennis's wife has died, while Tegan has a baby now. What I can say is that they do have a secret that they don't want anyone to know, so it's really awkward - but whether it's because Dennis is the father, you'll have to wait and see!

    "You'll also see that Leela is desperate to know who the father is. She's probably quite hurt, because they're usually so close and this is the one thing Tegan won't tell her. As Leela sees Tegan and Dennis acting suspiciously, she invites him round to dinner and confronts him in front of the family…"

    How does Tegan end up being attacked?
    "It's a case of mistaken identity. Afterwards, Tegan can't remember anything about what happened, but the doctors tell her that her memories might return as time goes on."

    How would Tegan feel if she knew about Danny's secret life?
    "The Lomaxes seem to have a great family life. They're not perfect, but everyone is happy and has a good job. Tegan loves her dad and gets along really well with him, so she'd be absolutely heartbroken if she knew what was going on - not just for herself, but also for her mum. Leela and Tegan are of that age where they're involved in relationships and they understand more about love, so they'd know what Sam was going through.

    "Tegan hasn't got a problem with anyone being gay, but the fact it hasn't been mentioned before means that the truth would be hard to take."

    Has Kieron Richardson (Ste) been helping you to settle in?
    "Definitely - me and Kieron got on straight away. In the show too, it was always the plan that Tegan and Ste would meet each other and become best mates, whereas Leela would struggle to get to that place. Kieron has been really welcoming and it's just been a pleasure to work with him. We really look forward to our scenes together and we have such a laugh. I think he likes having a full family unit in the show, because he's never really had that before."

    How much have the bosses told you about future plans for Tegan and the family?
    "I've had two meetings recently and there's loads of exciting stuff coming up for me. I came in with a bang and then I had little things after that, but there's lots more interesting stuff that will be happening with Tegan and the family unit. Some of that will involve me and Kirsty. I think Tegan will come into her own and show her funny side a lot more. It's very exciting."

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    Last edited by tammyy2j; 10-12-2013 at 21:38.

  7. #17
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    Hollyoaks actress Jessica Ellis has spoken to Digital Spy about the revelation that Fraser Black is the father of her character's newborn daughter Rose.

    Tonight's Channel 4 airing of the soap (December 12) saw the actress's alter ego Tegan Lomax tell Fraser (Jesse Birdsall) the truth after he visited her in hospital.

    Tegan was recovering after being attacked by Fraser's daughter Grace in a case of mistaken identity.

    Discussing the Tegan and Fraser twist, Ellis told Digital Spy: "I knew that Tegan was having a baby and I always thought that the father would be someone in the village. If it hadn't been, it would have just been a waste of an opportunity.

    "I found out when I was having my one-on-one character meeting and I said, 'Who's my baby daddy? I just want to know!' They agreed to tell me but said they hadn't told him yet! When they told me it was Jesse Birdsall, I was like, 'Oh my God - I used to watch him in Eldorado!' I was on the phone to my mum straight away to tell her. This was before I'd even started filming.

    "Once I started filming, I started seeing Jesse in the corridor and then we had this moment in the green room where we both looked at each other thinking, 'Do you know what I know?' He's been brilliant to work with and we've had a lot of fun.

    "The first scenes we filmed together were not the College Coffee ones where Tegan and Fraser were seen interacting for the first time, our first scenes were the reveal ones. We filmed them ages ago, so my first day with Jesse was all the full-on scenes of the reveal."

    Ellis said that Fraser, Dennis Savage and Trevor Royle were all under suspicion among fans before the big reveal moment.

    She explained: "At first when it came out that the father of the baby was someone in the village, nobody mentioned Fraser's name. That was really good, but then there was the episode with Tony's celebration at College Coffee, where Tegan had a brief moment with Fraser.

    "Fraser was only asking Tegan how her mum was, but when that happened, there were quite a few people wondering how Tegan and Fraser knew each other and speculating a bit! But there were also people suggesting that the father could be Dennis or Trevor. So there were a few people suggesting Fraser, but not many."

    The actress revealed that she is also looking forward to seeing how involved Tegan gets in the dark side of Fraser's life.

    "The Fraser story goes in a really interesting direction," she said. "All I can say is that she is not fully aware of the extent of what Fraser does. Whether that's a conscious choice to turn a blind eye, or whether she's genuinely not in the loop, I'm not sure yet.

    "The objective behind anything that Tegan does in regards to Fraser is all down to Rose, so she gets a bit nasty and tells a few lies when he's horrible to her. She tells a few fibs and tries to get him into trouble. It's definitely going to be an ongoing thing."

  8. #18
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    I knew it was going to be Fraser as soon as Sam was saying how they were old friends! He is horrible. I hope he is uncovered soon, but I doubt he will do.

  9. #19
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    peri falls down the stairs by her house after finding her dad kissing john paul

  10. #20
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    peri is leela's daughter so had already guessed

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