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Thread: Sienna Blake (Anna Passey)

  1. #11
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    Hollyoaks schemer Sienna Blake has made a huge impact on screen in recent weeks with her ruthless plot to steal Nancy Osborne's life.

    Viewers have seen that Sienna will stop at nothing to get what she wants, and with no end to her plotting in sight, the ongoing saga looks set to become one of the year's biggest storylines.

    Anna Passey, who plays Sienna, is now reaping the rewards with three nominations in the 2013 Inside Soap Awards longlist.

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Anna to hear her reaction to the nods and all the gossip on what's coming up for Sienna.

    How do you feel about your Inside Soap Award nominations for 'Best Storyline, 'Best Bitch' and 'Best Newcomer'?
    "Very excited! I've been in the show for nine months now, and during that time I've been very busy working on some fab storylines. Until now, I hadn't really had a chance to take a step back and take a look at everything. The nominations have given me the chance to do that, so it's a really nice treat.

    "It's also pretty good timing, as the current storyline is still in full swing, but it's also come to a nice punctuation point where Sienna has been revealed to be completely nuts!"

    Were you surprised to be up for three awards?
    "Definitely, I was really surprised. I'm really, really chuffed with 'Best Newcomer'. 'Best Bitch' and 'Best Storyline' are also great! I feel really lucky to be up for three."

    Have you thought about possibly winning one of the awards?
    "I would really love it if we could win the 'Best Storyline' award. I think that would be the best for me, just because I know that Jess, Ash and myself have been working so hard and putting so much time and effort into it. I think it's a really exciting, gripping storyline and it's quite a long-running one too.

    "I am up against some brilliant people, though. 'Best Bitch' is always a tricky category because there are so many great bitches out there in the soaps! It's the same with 'Best Newcomer', because lots of strong people have started out on screen at a similar time to me."

    Do you think Hollyoaks is in with a good chance in general on the night?
    "I really hope so! There's still such a great buzz around the building after our Soap Awards wins, and there's a real sense of something really special being created here. The show is definitely on the way up and we'll have some amazing storylines playing out on screen this summer. To take home some more prizes at the Inside Soap Awards would be fantastic."

    Since our last interview, your storyline has really stepped up a gear! How are the fans reacting to Sienna's crazy behaviour?
    "Well, people don't like her very much! (Laughs.) I think people had seen Sienna lurking around in the background for quite a few months, and so the audience knew that there was something not quite right about her. On one hand, people are excited that it's all kicked off and they've been proven right! It's been enjoyable for them to see her crazy side unravelling.

    "At the same time, Sienna is breaking up the Osbornes, which is such a well-loved family in soap, so there's obviously a big backlash to that. I'm really flattered, though, because most people seem to understand that it's just a character. If people say that they hate Sienna, it hopefully means that I'm doing a good job of playing her!"

    There are some fans who, despite everything, quite like Sienna and Darren together! Has that come as a surprise?
    "That's been the biggest shock of all, really. Ever since I started, our producer Bryan Kirkwood was preparing me for the fact that people wouldn't like Sienna. He told me, 'We're going to make you the most disliked girl in soap!'

    "It's a big surprise to have a little army of supporters who love 'Dienna' as a couple. Some people think that Darren is a lot more free and easy with Sienna, which is lovely, but I think we can all safely say that Nancy is the one who deserves to be with him."

    Do you think there's room for redemption with Sienna?
    "It's an interesting question, and lots of people have asked it of me. I really don't know, because some of the things that Sienna does are completely outrageous and truly awful. In that respect, I think she makes her bed and she'll have to lie in it.

    "At the same time, Sienna does have her reasons for doing what she's doing. She's not out to just maliciously wreck everything for no reason. I think that's the seed of hope that there could possibly be some redemption for her. Sienna genuinely thinks that she'd be a better wife, mother and family member for the Osbornes.

    "Sienna is doing it for the right reasons, but she has a slightly altered sense of reality and she's going about it in such a terrible way. However, she's not doing it for fun and she's not getting any sense of enjoyment out of it."

    We're all wondering how long Sienna can keep this up! Does the storyline still have a long way to go?
    "Well, Sienna is very clever and I think that's what will prolong the storyline. She plans everything out, and even when it goes wrong, she's just that bit sharper than Darren and the rest of them. Sienna is always one step ahead, and she's not going to let go easily. It'll go on for a little while longer…"

    Have any of the scenes been difficult to film? Sienna breastfeeding Oscar was one which really shocked the audience…
    "Well, I read my scripts like a film and I'm always excited to see what's coming next, but then sometimes it suddenly hits me that I'm the one that's going to have to do the crazy scenes! Particularly the breastfeeding, which was a bit tricky. I've also been moved to tears on set when I've been watching the performances of Jess Fox, Ashley Taylor Dawson and Jimmy McKenna. It's upsetting to see how much destruction Sienna causes, so I can easily see why it affects the audience so much.

    "More than anything, though, to get a part like this is fantastic, and for Bryan to have created something so rich is brilliant."

    Do you think Esther will continue to be a thorn in Sienna's side?
    "Absolutely. They do say that kids sense evil, don't they?! Tom and Esther have never really been sold on Sienna, so you can definitely expect to see more from that."

    Is Patrick to blame for the way Sienna has turned out?
    "Now that the audience are seeing Patrick's true colours, I think there's definitely a link there which can be made. Sienna is definitely a product of her parents and her upbringing. Obviously it can't all be blamed on that as Sienna can make her own choices, but she had quite an unusual upbringing which has definitely made an impact. Patrick and Anna certainly have a lot to answer for!"

  2. #12
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    Hollyoaks schemer Sienna Blake has made a huge impact on screen in recent weeks with her ruthless plot to steal Nancy Osborne's life.

    Viewers have seen that Sienna will stop at nothing to get what she wants, and with no end to her plotting in sight, the ongoing saga looks set to become one of the year's biggest storylines.

    Anna Passey, who plays Sienna, is now reaping the rewards with three nominations in the 2013 Inside Soap Awards longlist.

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Anna to hear her reaction to the nods and all the gossip on what's coming up for Sienna.

    How do you feel about your Inside Soap Award nominations for 'Best Storyline, 'Best Bitch' and 'Best Newcomer'?
    "Very excited! I've been in the show for nine months now, and during that time I've been very busy working on some fab storylines. Until now, I hadn't really had a chance to take a step back and take a look at everything. The nominations have given me the chance to do that, so it's a really nice treat.

    "It's also pretty good timing, as the current storyline is still in full swing, but it's also come to a nice punctuation point where Sienna has been revealed to be completely nuts!"

    Were you surprised to be up for three awards?
    "Definitely, I was really surprised. I'm really, really chuffed with 'Best Newcomer'. 'Best Bitch' and 'Best Storyline' are also great! I feel really lucky to be up for three."

    Have you thought about possibly winning one of the awards?
    "I would really love it if we could win the 'Best Storyline' award. I think that would be the best for me, just because I know that Jess, Ash and myself have been working so hard and putting so much time and effort into it. I think it's a really exciting, gripping storyline and it's quite a long-running one too.

    "I am up against some brilliant people, though. 'Best Bitch' is always a tricky category because there are so many great bitches out there in the soaps! It's the same with 'Best Newcomer', because lots of strong people have started out on screen at a similar time to me."

    Do you think Hollyoaks is in with a good chance in general on the night?
    "I really hope so! There's still such a great buzz around the building after our Soap Awards wins, and there's a real sense of something really special being created here. The show is definitely on the way up and we'll have some amazing storylines playing out on screen this summer. To take home some more prizes at the Inside Soap Awards would be fantastic."

    Since our last interview, your storyline has really stepped up a gear! How are the fans reacting to Sienna's crazy behaviour?
    "Well, people don't like her very much! (Laughs.) I think people had seen Sienna lurking around in the background for quite a few months, and so the audience knew that there was something not quite right about her. On one hand, people are excited that it's all kicked off and they've been proven right! It's been enjoyable for them to see her crazy side unravelling.

    "At the same time, Sienna is breaking up the Osbornes, which is such a well-loved family in soap, so there's obviously a big backlash to that. I'm really flattered, though, because most people seem to understand that it's just a character. If people say that they hate Sienna, it hopefully means that I'm doing a good job of playing her!"

    There are some fans who, despite everything, quite like Sienna and Darren together! Has that come as a surprise?
    "That's been the biggest shock of all, really. Ever since I started, our producer Bryan Kirkwood was preparing me for the fact that people wouldn't like Sienna. He told me, 'We're going to make you the most disliked girl in soap!'

    "It's a big surprise to have a little army of supporters who love 'Dienna' as a couple. Some people think that Darren is a lot more free and easy with Sienna, which is lovely, but I think we can all safely say that Nancy is the one who deserves to be with him."

    Do you think there's room for redemption with Sienna?
    "It's an interesting question, and lots of people have asked it of me. I really don't know, because some of the things that Sienna does are completely outrageous and truly awful. In that respect, I think she makes her bed and she'll have to lie in it.

    "At the same time, Sienna does have her reasons for doing what she's doing. She's not out to just maliciously wreck everything for no reason. I think that's the seed of hope that there could possibly be some redemption for her. Sienna genuinely thinks that she'd be a better wife, mother and family member for the Osbornes.

    "Sienna is doing it for the right reasons, but she has a slightly altered sense of reality and she's going about it in such a terrible way. However, she's not doing it for fun and she's not getting any sense of enjoyment out of it."

    We're all wondering how long Sienna can keep this up! Does the storyline still have a long way to go?
    "Well, Sienna is very clever and I think that's what will prolong the storyline. She plans everything out, and even when it goes wrong, she's just that bit sharper than Darren and the rest of them. Sienna is always one step ahead, and she's not going to let go easily. It'll go on for a little while longer…"

    Have any of the scenes been difficult to film? Sienna breastfeeding Oscar was one which really shocked the audience…
    "Well, I read my scripts like a film and I'm always excited to see what's coming next, but then sometimes it suddenly hits me that I'm the one that's going to have to do the crazy scenes! Particularly the breastfeeding, which was a bit tricky. I've also been moved to tears on set when I've been watching the performances of Jess Fox, Ashley Taylor Dawson and Jimmy McKenna. It's upsetting to see how much destruction Sienna causes, so I can easily see why it affects the audience so much.

    "More than anything, though, to get a part like this is fantastic, and for Bryan to have created something so rich is brilliant."

    Do you think Esther will continue to be a thorn in Sienna's side?
    "Absolutely. They do say that kids sense evil, don't they?! Tom and Esther have never really been sold on Sienna, so you can definitely expect to see more from that."

    Is Patrick to blame for the way Sienna has turned out?
    "Now that the audience are seeing Patrick's true colours, I think there's definitely a link there which can be made. Sienna is definitely a product of her parents and her upbringing. Obviously it can't all be blamed on that as Sienna can make her own choices, but she had quite an unusual upbringing which has definitely made an impact. Patrick and Anna certainly have a lot to answer for!"

  3. #13
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    Hollyoaks star Anna Passey has revealed that insecurity and fear are to blame for her character Sienna Blake's latest shocking scheme.

    Next week's dramatic episodes see Sienna's manipulations reach new heights as she lands Nancy Osborne (Jessica Fox) in huge trouble with the police.

    After encouraging Nancy to leave the village with her son Oscar and nephew Charlie, ruthless Sienna claims that Nancy assaulted her before kidnapping the children.

    The scenes form part of a long-running storyline which has seen Sienna try to steal Nancy's husband Darren (Ashley Taylor Dawson) and every other aspect of her life.

    Speaking to Digital Spy about Sienna's plan, Passey explained: "It seems like Sienna has got everything she wants. Darren is believing everything that she's saying, they're together as a couple and Sienna is living at The Dog.

    "However, Sienna can sense that Nancy is always going to be in the picture. Darren is always thinking of Nancy and they're obviously connected by the children. Sienna realises for the first time that Nancy is always going to be part of Darren's life no matter what, and that really frightens her.

    "Sienna is very insecure over her relationship with Darren, so that's why she comes up with all of this. It's her worst scheme yet. She really wants to remove Nancy from the picture altogether. Sienna is gunning to either have Nancy arrested or blocked from having any access to the children."

    When Nancy becomes a wanted woman, she ends up at the centre of a frightening police chase, which culminates in her car hanging over the roof of a multi-storey car park.

    Passey continued: "Sienna's scheme is such a terrible thing to do, but with Nancy's history of drugs, everyone thinks she's been lying and is a really bad mother. They all believe Sienna, that's the awful thing!

    "The scenes were so much fun to film, though - I really loved it. I wasn't involved in the car chase itself, but Ashley and I were involved in the car scenes on the roof. It was really exciting. Anything on-location with stunts is always really good. Jess was fantastic at it - she's really good with stunts."

    With Sienna's behaviour spiralling out of control, some fans have wondered whether she would ever resort to killing Nancy to get what she wants.

    However, Passey said: "I genuinely don't know about that. It's Hollyoaks and there seems to be a murderer around every corner, so never say never! My gut instinct is that she would stop before she got that far, but you never know in soap, do you?"

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    Hollyoaks schemer Sienna Blake will be left humiliated when she wrongly assumes that Darren Osborne is proposing to her.

    Sienna jumps to the wrong conclusion when she arrives at The Dog to find a huge banner which reads: "Will you marry me?"

    In reality, Darren's father Jack has put the romantic gesture together for wife Frankie as he wants them to renew their wedding vows.

    Anna Passey, who plays Sienna, told All About Soap: "Darren's there holding a ring and Sienna assumes he's proposing, but really Jack's planning to pop the question to Frankie.

    "As she wants this so badly and is so blinkered, Sienna doesn't even wait for Darren to ask - she says yes in front of a pub full of people!"

    Sienna's embarrassing moment comes at the start of a tough week for her, as her carefully-laid plans start to go awry.

    Passey continued: "Sienna becomes very stressed out and Tom starts winding her up saying, 'You're not part of our family - you don't fit in'. This makes her feel genuinely unwell, so when Darren comes out, Sienna takes this mild pain she has in her stomach and falls to the ground in 'agony'.

    "Then everyone is rushing around terrified that she might be losing the baby. I can't reveal too much, but [at the hospital], Sienna overhears Darren saying the baby is the only thing holding them together. That completely bursts her bubble and breaks her heart."

    Hollyoaks airs these scenes on Monday, August 26 at 6.30pm on Channel 4.

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    tammyy2j (13-08-2013)

  6. #15
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    Hollyoaks schemer Sienna Blake will be left humiliated when she wrongly assumes that Darren Osborne is proposing to her.

    Sienna jumps to the wrong conclusion when she arrives at The Dog to find a huge banner which reads: "Will you marry me?"

    In reality, Darren's father Jack has put the romantic gesture together for wife Frankie as he wants them to renew their wedding vows.

    Anna Passey, who plays Sienna, told All About Soap: "Darren's there holding a ring and Sienna assumes he's proposing, but really Jack's planning to pop the question to Frankie.

    "As she wants this so badly and is so blinkered, Sienna doesn't even wait for Darren to ask - she says yes in front of a pub full of people!"

    Sienna's embarrassing moment comes at the start of a tough week for her, as her carefully-laid plans start to go awry.

    Passey continued: "Sienna becomes very stressed out and Tom starts winding her up saying, 'You're not part of our family - you don't fit in'. This makes her feel genuinely unwell, so when Darren comes out, Sienna takes this mild pain she has in her stomach and falls to the ground in 'agony'.

    "Then everyone is rushing around terrified that she might be losing the baby. I can't reveal too much, but [at the hospital], Sienna overhears Darren saying the baby is the only thing holding them together. That completely bursts her bubble and breaks her heart."

    Hollyoaks airs these scenes on Monday, August 26 at 6.30pm on Channel 4.

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    Hollyoaks schemer Sienna Blake will be forced to push Darren Osborne away as her baby deception continues.

    Sienna is currently still pretending to be pregnant, knowing that Darren (Ashley Taylor Dawson) will leave her if he doesn't think she is expecting his child.

    Next month, Sienna is forced to take her plan a step further as she starts to wear a fake baby bump underneath her clothes. However, this means that she can't let Darren get too close.

    Anna Passey, who plays Sienna, told All About Soap: "Sienna can't let Darren anywhere near her, so asks him to sleep in the spare room until the baby's been born. That's going to have a devastating effect on them as a couple, though.

    "Sienna's plan was to try to bring them closer together, and now she's insisting they must avoid any physical intimacy. How does that work?"

    She continued: "For the first time, Sienna is starting to live day-by-day. She's panicking because she doesn't have all the answers, and things are becoming increasingly dangerous.

    "Sienna is still hoping somehow she'll get pregnant, but if a baby doesn't arrive at the end of all this, who knows what Sienna will resort to next?"

    Hollyoaks' autumn trailer, which was released earlier this week, shows that Tom Cunningham (Ellis Hollins) will manage to catch evidence of Sienna's fake bump on a secret spy camera. However, whether the truth will be revealed to Darren remains to be seen.

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    lizann (26-09-2013)

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  11. #19
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    Hollyoaks star Jessica Fox has suggested that there could still be time for her character Nancy Osborne's arch enemy Sienna Blake to redeem herself.

    Sienna is currently pretending to be pregnant with Darren's baby after her ruthless scheming over the summer resulted in the breakdown of his marriage to Nancy.

    However, Fox believes that there could still be a way back for Sienna (Anna Passey) once her secrets are exposed.

    Speaking to, Fox said: "I don't think the writers and fans want Sienna to go anywhere, and I certainly don't, because I love Anna to pieces.

    "There's always a way back, but I think it will be difficult for that character because she has done some horrific things. Maybe she needs to save Nancy's life or something!"

    Fox also suggested that it will take a long time for Nancy to fully trust her estranged husband Darren (Ashley Taylor Dawson) again.

    "She never stopped loving Darren and was always faithful, and he was the one who got her locked away and is now shacked up with the nanny.

    "He's betrayed and hurt her a lot, but she can't help that she does still have feelings for him. I think it's going to take a long time and a lot of re-bonding. If they were to get back together it wouldn't be overnight, and Nancy would want to have a bit of revenge.

    "He's been really nasty. He needs to suffer and he needs to do some serious making up. I think it would be a disservice to Nancy if she forgave him straight away."

    Speaking about Nancy's new outlook now that she is back in the village, Fox added: "Nancy's got a lot of bravado at the moment - her new haircut, new clothes, new attitude.

    "She wants to come back and make her mark, get her kids back, make Sienna suffer as much as she possibly can, find Tom and get life back on track.

    "When you've played a character for eight years, to have that character go through such an emotional breakdown is really interesting to play.

    "You almost have to fight every natural Nancy instinct, and that was quite difficult. But now having her back in the village, all guns blazing, is very enjoyable."

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    Last edited by tammyy2j; 19-11-2013 at 13:52.

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