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Thread: Nikki Sanderson joins as Maxine Minniver

  1. #11
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    Hollyoaks star Nikki Sanderson has teased that she will soon be involved in some challenging storylines.

    The former Coronation Street actress, who plays Maxine Minniver in the Channel 4 soap, also thanked fans for their positive reaction to her character.

    "I'm having such a good time and I absolutely love playing Maxine. She's an awesome character," Sanderson told the Daily Star Sunday.

    "I've had such a great reaction from the public. People have been so lovely. They've really taken to Maxine. The storylines coming up are going to challenge me as an actress.

    "Whenever I get a new script, I can't wait to see what she's going to say next. She's feisty and happy but also really naive.

    "She does so many things I would never do in real life. I love playing comedy but the really good thing with Hollyoaks is that they are going to show so many different dimensions to her."

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    Hollyoaks star Nikki Sanderson has predicted that it will take "a while" before her character Maxine Minniver realises that the Blakes aren't what they seem.

    Maxine and Patrick Blake (Jeremy Sheffield) become a proper couple next week after the college headmaster makes a public display of his feelings for her.

    The development doesn't go down well with Patrick's scheming daughter Sienna (Anna Passey), who is quietly seething as she has just paid for Maxine to go and visit her sister Mitzeee in the US - wanting her as far away from her father as possible.

    Sanderson told Inside Soap of the storyline: "Maxine is shocked and delighted that Patrick declares his love so publicly. Much to Sienna's distaste, Maxine is more than happy to give Patrick a kiss and say, 'Let's do this and see how it goes'.

    "They make a very odd love match. She's spirited and feisty - and illiterate! He's intelligent, composed and calm. They are opposites, and that's why it works."

    Discussing the dark side to the Blakes, the actress continued: "The audience knows more than Maxine does, and it will take a while for things to click for her. She's only seen the good sides of Sienna and Patrick.

    "She thinks Sienna is a kind girl who's paid for her to go to the US without any ulterior motive, and that Patrick is a thoughtful, lovely guy. Maxine is such a strong, bubbly character, so it'll be interesting to see what happens if she spots their true colours.

    "It's exciting to wait for the scripts and see what's coming next."

  3. #13
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    Hollyoaks' Maxine Minniver is in for a shock next week as she sees Patrick Blake's nasty side for the first time.

    Maxine is blissfully happy in her new relationship with Patrick (Jeremy Sheffield), but when she embarrasses the college headmaster at an important event, he lets his true colours slip for a moment…

    Nikki Sanderson, who plays Maxine, recently chatted to us about the incident and where the story might be heading in the longer-term.

    How are you finding this new storyline for Maxine?
    "I'm absolutely loving it. There are so many ups and downs in the storyline, both emotionally and physically. It's really interesting for me to play Maxine at the moment, because usually she's so bubbly, lively and happy-go-lucky, but we might start to see a different side of her in this story.

    "I'm excited about what's on screen at the moment, but I'm also really looking forward to what's in store next. I can't reveal too much but what's coming up should be very interesting for me to play, especially how Maxine might adapt and change with it."

    Even though they're so different, can you see why Maxine is attracted to Patrick?
    "Definitely. They are complete opposites, but that's what draws them towards each other. I think Maxine sees something in Patrick that she wants to have in her life, because he's such an upstanding member of the community, very cultured and very intelligent.

    "Maxine is none of that - she's illiterate, she doesn't really know much about the world, and she's never really been anywhere apart from Spain! Maxine is very street-smart, but she's not book-smart. She wants to be more like Patrick in some ways.

    "It's the same with Patrick. He can be so uptight and OCD, but all of a sudden he's got this little wildcard on his hands, who lives life to the full and is very free-spirited. Patrick would like to bring some of that into his life, so even though the two characters are opposites, they each have something that the other craves."

    Are you pleased to see Maxine going up in the world with her new job at College Coffee?
    "I am - it's been fantastic filming all of that stuff. When Maxine becomes the manager of College Coffee, it does go to her head a little bit and she becomes a bit high and mighty! She can be a little bit cruel to the staff - especially George, God bless him!

    "The power goes to Maxine's head and she thinks that she's better than she is, but it is great for me to be involved in the shop because it means Maxine features more in the threads of different people's storylines."

    Patrick seems pleased when things go wrong for Maxine at the shop, with George quitting in protest! Does Maxine see that Patrick doesn't really have her best interests at heart?
    "There are definitely glimpses of it, but Patrick is so good at manipulating Maxine and changing her view on things. She could look at a colour and say it's blue, but he would convince her that it's green! Even if she does see those glimpses, Patrick is very good at reversing it and making Maxine think that she's the one in the wrong."

    Things get worse when Maxine hosts an event for Patrick at College Coffee and tries to dance with him in front of the guests…
    "Yeah, Maxine definitely puts Patrick on the spot, if I'm honest! I wouldn't do that in real life! It's a shame, as Maxine does a really good job with the event and Patrick is very impressed with everything that she's done. But then Maxine has a couple of drinks, gets a bit tipsy and ruins it all by grabbing Patrick to dance in front of his colleagues and various VIPs!

    "Maxine pretty much forces him to do it even when he refuses, and she suffers the consequences because it's the first time she sees a nasty side to Patrick. When they're alone, he grabs her and tells her off. She's never seen that side of him before."

    Is Maxine scared?
    "It doesn't necessarily scare her, but more than anything she's very confused. She doesn't know why he's done that, because even though the audience have seen Patrick behave like this before, Maxine hasn't. He later switches back to being Mr Nice Guy again, so it's all very baffling for Maxine."

    Is it true that the Maxine and Patrick story will get bigger over the summer?
    "It is! I can't say much about it, but it's safe to say that it's going to be a slow-burner. You're going to see a lot from Maxine and Patrick and it's going to develop a lot. It's very exciting and I'm glad it's going to be quite a slow one, because it means we can really give the story the time that it deserves."

    Are you worried that Maxine could lose her feisty side if Patrick gets his way?
    "We'll have to wait and see! Maxine is a very feisty, strong and independent woman, so it'll be very interesting to see how she deals with this. Will she stay the same person, or will she be manipulated into changing into somebody else?"

    Do you see this as quite an important storyline to take on?
    "Yes, I think it's an incredibly important storyline for us to be doing. That's why we want to make sure that it's the best and most truthful that it can possibly be. There are women out there in the same situation with controlling partners, so we really want to do it justice and show people what the signs are. That's why it's going to be such a slow-burner."

    What is Jeremy like to work with?
    "Wonderful, although don't tell him I said that! (Laughs.) He's just such a great person to work with and we get along so well. We have some good banter on set as we're always teasing each other! I'm quite lucky, as we're filming quite a long-running and heavy story together, so it's great that we do actually get along."

    Does Maxine worry that she's ruined her friendship with Sienna by dating Patrick?
    "She does, yes. Maxine just keeps trying to keep Sienna on side, because she does care about her a lot. However, Maxine does really love Patrick, so she's in a difficult situation. Ideally she'd like to keep Sienna as a friend, but she doesn't want to lose Patrick either. It's a tricky balancing act!"

    We've all seen how far Sienna will go when she disapproves of someone. Should Maxine be worried?
    "I think Maxine should definitely be worried, but she won't realise that. Maxine still sees Sienna as a friend, so she just doesn't see that side of her. Maxine won't have a clue, but she should be careful because nobody seems to know what Sienna is really capable of…"

    Nancy needs a friend at the moment! With Mitzeee gone, will Maxine take up the mantle?
    "I'd like to think that Maxine would help Nancy out, especially after the friendship that Mitzeee had with her. Even though Maxine can be a bit of a cow, she does care about people and wants to make sure that they're alright.

    "The only problem is that Sienna is the main reason that Nancy is feeling down, and Maxine still sees Sienna as a really good friend. She's stuck between a rock and a hard place, because she can't be more friendly with one over the other!"

    Have you seen much reaction to the Maxine and Patrick story yet? Are the fans worried about Maxine?
    "I think they are and they aren't. It's still really just the beginning of the story, so I'm getting a lot of people saying that Maxine shouldn't get with Patrick. But others are saying they love them together, so it's fantastic that the audience are getting involved either way. It'll be interesting to see if people's opinions change over time!"
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  4. #14
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    Hollyoaks' Maxine Minniver is in for a shock next week as she sees Patrick Blake's nasty side for the first time.

    Maxine is blissfully happy in her new relationship with Patrick (Jeremy Sheffield), but when she embarrasses the college headmaster at an important event, he lets his true colours slip for a moment…

    Nikki Sanderson, who plays Maxine, recently chatted to us about the incident and where the story might be heading in the longer-term.

    How are you finding this new storyline for Maxine?
    "I'm absolutely loving it. There are so many ups and downs in the storyline, both emotionally and physically. It's really interesting for me to play Maxine at the moment, because usually she's so bubbly, lively and happy-go-lucky, but we might start to see a different side of her in this story.

    "I'm excited about what's on screen at the moment, but I'm also really looking forward to what's in store next. I can't reveal too much but what's coming up should be very interesting for me to play, especially how Maxine might adapt and change with it."

    Even though they're so different, can you see why Maxine is attracted to Patrick?
    "Definitely. They are complete opposites, but that's what draws them towards each other. I think Maxine sees something in Patrick that she wants to have in her life, because he's such an upstanding member of the community, very cultured and very intelligent.

    "Maxine is none of that - she's illiterate, she doesn't really know much about the world, and she's never really been anywhere apart from Spain! Maxine is very street-smart, but she's not book-smart. She wants to be more like Patrick in some ways.

    "It's the same with Patrick. He can be so uptight and OCD, but all of a sudden he's got this little wildcard on his hands, who lives life to the full and is very free-spirited. Patrick would like to bring some of that into his life, so even though the two characters are opposites, they each have something that the other craves."

    Are you pleased to see Maxine going up in the world with her new job at College Coffee?
    "I am - it's been fantastic filming all of that stuff. When Maxine becomes the manager of College Coffee, it does go to her head a little bit and she becomes a bit high and mighty! She can be a little bit cruel to the staff - especially George, God bless him!

    "The power goes to Maxine's head and she thinks that she's better than she is, but it is great for me to be involved in the shop because it means Maxine features more in the threads of different people's storylines."

    Patrick seems pleased when things go wrong for Maxine at the shop, with George quitting in protest! Does Maxine see that Patrick doesn't really have her best interests at heart?
    "There are definitely glimpses of it, but Patrick is so good at manipulating Maxine and changing her view on things. She could look at a colour and say it's blue, but he would convince her that it's green! Even if she does see those glimpses, Patrick is very good at reversing it and making Maxine think that she's the one in the wrong."

    Things get worse when Maxine hosts an event for Patrick at College Coffee and tries to dance with him in front of the guests…
    "Yeah, Maxine definitely puts Patrick on the spot, if I'm honest! I wouldn't do that in real life! It's a shame, as Maxine does a really good job with the event and Patrick is very impressed with everything that she's done. But then Maxine has a couple of drinks, gets a bit tipsy and ruins it all by grabbing Patrick to dance in front of his colleagues and various VIPs!

    "Maxine pretty much forces him to do it even when he refuses, and she suffers the consequences because it's the first time she sees a nasty side to Patrick. When they're alone, he grabs her and tells her off. She's never seen that side of him before."

    Is Maxine scared?
    "It doesn't necessarily scare her, but more than anything she's very confused. She doesn't know why he's done that, because even though the audience have seen Patrick behave like this before, Maxine hasn't. He later switches back to being Mr Nice Guy again, so it's all very baffling for Maxine."

    Is it true that the Maxine and Patrick story will get bigger over the summer?
    "It is! I can't say much about it, but it's safe to say that it's going to be a slow-burner. You're going to see a lot from Maxine and Patrick and it's going to develop a lot. It's very exciting and I'm glad it's going to be quite a slow one, because it means we can really give the story the time that it deserves."

    Are you worried that Maxine could lose her feisty side if Patrick gets his way?
    "We'll have to wait and see! Maxine is a very feisty, strong and independent woman, so it'll be very interesting to see how she deals with this. Will she stay the same person, or will she be manipulated into changing into somebody else?"

    Do you see this as quite an important storyline to take on?
    "Yes, I think it's an incredibly important storyline for us to be doing. That's why we want to make sure that it's the best and most truthful that it can possibly be. There are women out there in the same situation with controlling partners, so we really want to do it justice and show people what the signs are. That's why it's going to be such a slow-burner."

    What is Jeremy like to work with?
    "Wonderful, although don't tell him I said that! (Laughs.) He's just such a great person to work with and we get along so well. We have some good banter on set as we're always teasing each other! I'm quite lucky, as we're filming quite a long-running and heavy story together, so it's great that we do actually get along."

    Does Maxine worry that she's ruined her friendship with Sienna by dating Patrick?
    "She does, yes. Maxine just keeps trying to keep Sienna on side, because she does care about her a lot. However, Maxine does really love Patrick, so she's in a difficult situation. Ideally she'd like to keep Sienna as a friend, but she doesn't want to lose Patrick either. It's a tricky balancing act!"

    We've all seen how far Sienna will go when she disapproves of someone. Should Maxine be worried?
    "I think Maxine should definitely be worried, but she won't realise that. Maxine still sees Sienna as a friend, so she just doesn't see that side of her. Maxine won't have a clue, but she should be careful because nobody seems to know what Sienna is really capable of…"

    Nancy needs a friend at the moment! With Mitzeee gone, will Maxine take up the mantle?
    "I'd like to think that Maxine would help Nancy out, especially after the friendship that Mitzeee had with her. Even though Maxine can be a bit of a cow, she does care about people and wants to make sure that they're alright.

    "The only problem is that Sienna is the main reason that Nancy is feeling down, and Maxine still sees Sienna as a really good friend. She's stuck between a rock and a hard place, because she can't be more friendly with one over the other!"

    Have you seen much reaction to the Maxine and Patrick story yet? Are the fans worried about Maxine?
    "I think they are and they aren't. It's still really just the beginning of the story, so I'm getting a lot of people saying that Maxine shouldn't get with Patrick. But others are saying they love them together, so it's fantastic that the audience are getting involved either way. It'll be interesting to see if people's opinions change over time!"
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  5. #15
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    Hollyoaks star Nikki Sanderson has revealed that Maxine Minniver's troubles with Patrick Blake are only just beginning.

    The actress's bubbly character has been dating Patrick for a few months, but the Hollyoaks High headteacher has shown glimpses of a dark side with his attempts to control her.

    Speaking to PA, Sanderson confirmed that the plot is expected to run for another seven months.

    She explained: "Everybody loves to get a great storyline like I've been given. We're still in the beginning stages of it. It's going to be a very long-term storyline, probably on screen until next March.

    "It's going to be a slow burner, but when you get into it you'll see why it needed to be slow burning. We want to do the storyline justice and do what would actually happen in real life rather than speeding through things.

    "I'm very fortunate that they really took their time with this storyline."

    Sanderson suggested that feisty Maxine was an ideal character to choose for the story.

    She said: "I think that's why it's great they've chosen Maxine, because in real life you don't think strong, independent women can be manipulated, and it just goes to prove that just because you're strong doesn't mean you can't be moulded into something else."

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    Last edited by tammyy2j; 01-08-2013 at 16:59.

  7. #17
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    she is pregnant by dodger

  8. #18
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    Maxine Minniver terminates Dodger Savage's baby next week, after their shock one-night stand last month.

    Despite the fact that Maxine (Nikki Sanderson) and Patrick (Jeremy Sheffield) seem to be back on track, Maxine secretly heads to a family planning clinic where she bumps into Cindy.

    As Maxine heads back home after having the termination, she is greeted by an unknowing Patrick.

    However, when Patrick finds a post-care leaflet in her bag, he realises what she has been up to and his shock turns to rage.

    Knowing Maxine is in pain after her procedure, Patrick decides to make her pay, so tells Sienna they will both look after Oscar for the day. However, later on, Patrick finds Maxine unconscious on the floor.

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    Last edited by tammyy2j; 15-10-2013 at 13:35.

  10. #20
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    Maxine Minniver's relationship with Patrick Blake took a dark turn on Hollyoaks this evening (October 29) as her controlling partner turned violent.

    A furious Patrick (Jeremy Sheffield) lashed out at Maxine as he confronted her for sleeping with his son Dodger when they were separated last month.

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Nikki Sanderson, who plays Maxine, to hear her thoughts on tackling the dark story.

    Did you always know this storyline was coming up?
    "Yes, Jeremy and I have had an idea of how the story would progress for quite a while. The writers have been playing out this storyline very subtly for many months on screen, with Patrick's manipulation of Maxine. We've seen that he's been changing the clothes she wears, and he's bought the flat that she rented so that she has no home of her own. Patrick has also encouraged Maxine to quit her job so that she has no financial independence, as well as alienating her friends away from her.

    "We always knew that this was going to progress into a domestic violence storyline, although we obviously haven't been able to say anything until now. I think the reason they've given it such a slow build-up is to make it more realistic. In real life, domestic violence is usually not an overnight thing - it often starts off in a happy and loving relationship and builds to something like this."

    Are you grateful that Hollyoaks gave you such a long time to prepare?
    "I'm very, very grateful for the preparation. The Hollyoaks team have been fantastic with us. Jeremy and I have been given so much research material and we've been to lots of different meetings with people. I visited a women's refuge and spoke to victims of domestic violence, hearing all of their stories. We've also spoken to domestic violence charities.

    "Hollyoaks have really been fantastic in educating us on the subject so that we can play it as true to life as possible."

    Has anything from the research surprised you?
    "Everything has surprised me, to be honest. When you hear 'domestic violence', you often just think of a partner hitting their partner - you don't think of the other things that come with it. I didn't realise that domestic abuse doesn't have to be physical, it can be emotional as well. I also didn't realise that it doesn't necessarily have to be between romantic partners - it could be between a mother and a son. There are so many things that I didn't realise about it and what can happen in these situations. Our story is about a man hitting a woman, but it isn't always that way.

    "A lot has really shocked me to the core and I've met some amazing people who, in my opinion, are extremely strong for speaking up about it. It's been a very enlightening process, so Jeremy and I really want to get behind this now and raise awareness. We want to get a positive message out there to help people."

    Are you feeling any pressure to be taking on such a serious story?
    "I'm not really feeling any pressure, just because we've got a fantastic team around us. Obviously I want to portray the storyline as realistically as I can. I also want people to believe in the story and for it to make a real impact. I hope people watching the storyline who might be in the initial stages of a similar situation will be able to spot the signs."

    How does Maxine feel after Patrick has hit her for the first time?
    "She's devastated - absolutely devastated. She's also extremely confused. Here's this man who she's in love with and is fantastic, but then he can do this horrific thing to her. Maxine's confidence is shattered because she doesn't know what to do.

    "She's intelligent enough to know that she should leave Patrick because of what he's done, but it's hard for her because she loves him and he's the only person she has. It's a massive battle within herself, because she doesn't know what to do. Her heart is breaking, because the man she loves has physically abused her."

    Does Maxine stand up for herself at all, or has she become too fearful of upsetting Patrick?
    "It's hard. One of the reasons the writers chose Maxine and Patrick for this story is that they're complete opposites. Maxine was a very vibrant, happy character and a strong woman. You've seen that gradually chipped away by Patrick. There are still elements of that in Maxine, but she isn't herself at the moment. She's like a really watered down version of herself.

    "Maxine wants to fight back and become that really strong character again, but it's hard when you've got someone who's even stronger knocking you down."

    Does Patrick show any remorse afterwards?
    "Patrick knows that he's done something wrong, but he justifies it in his own head - thinking that it wouldn't have happened if Maxine hadn't caused it. Even though nobody ever deserves to be hit, Patrick twists the situation to make it Maxine's fault. He feels remorse, but he doesn't accept the blame."

    Will this continue to be a long-running storyline?
    "Yes. I can't tell you what's going to be happening in the future, but it will be a long-running story because that is true-to-life."

    How are the domestic abuse scenes to film? Are they complex to do?
    "They are, because again we're trying to make the storyline as real as possible. Sometimes you might get a little bump or bruise here or there, but fortunately myself and Jeremy get along really well in real life, so we really trust each other. Sometimes I'll tell Jeremy to grab me harder or push things further, because we want it to look real. We're really invested in this storyline and it's worth it because the scenes look so much better."

    Do you think Maxine and Dodger could make a good couple in the future?
    "I think they make the perfect couple, and that's what is so sad about this situation. Maxine knows that Dodger is the right person for her, and Dodger wants to be with Maxine. But Maxine is already at the point where she'd do anything to be with Patrick, because she's been so heavily manipulated by him.

    "It's like a 'head or heart?' situation. Her head is telling her that she should be with Patrick, but her heart is telling her that she belongs with Dodger."

    What advice would you give to anyone experiencing domestic violence in real life?
    "My advice would be to speak up. Don't speak up to the person who is responsible for the violence, instead speak up to somebody else by phoning a helpline or a refuge. They can speak to you with confidentiality and privacy. They're fully trained and professional people who can give excellent advice."

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