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Thread: Nikki Sanderson joins as Maxine Minniver

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    Nikki Sanderson joins as Maxine Minniver

    Hollyoaks bosses have announced that former Coronation Street star Nikki Sanderson has joined the cast of the soap.

    The actress has landed the part of Maxine Minniver, who is the sister of established character Mitzeee (Rachel Shenton).

    Maxine is billed as a "confident, lively and flirtatious bombshell", who lives her life on the edge and can spot an opportunity a mile off.

    The savvy newcomer is not afraid to take risks, and has been tipped to cause fireworks as she makes her mark on Mitzeee's turf in the village.

    Sanderson commented: "Being a member of the Hollyoaks team has so far been an absolute pleasure, and I am excited about what the future holds for my character. I feel very lucky to be part of such a wonderful show and to be working with an amazing team."

    The 28-year-old is best known for playing Candice Stowe on Coronation Street between 1999 and 2005. She also played Dawn Bellamy on Heartbeat.

    Maxine's first Hollyoaks scenes will air on Tuesday, November 6 at 6.30pm on Channel 4.

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    Hollyoaks' new recruit Nikki Sanderson has confirmed that she will be sticking with the soap until at least August 2013.

    The former Coronation Street actress has been cast in the role of Mitzeee Minniver's sister Maxine, who has been tipped to cause fireworks when she joins the village next month.

    Sanderson told All About Soap of her Hollyoaks part: "Oh, it's very exciting. I had to keep quiet about the role for so long, which wasn't easy because I'm not the best at keeping secrets! So it's nice to be able to shout it from the rooftops now.

    "Everyone's been really friendly at Hollyoaks - I'm having an absolute ball and am looking forward to the future so much."

    She added: "My contract lasts up until next August, so you'll definitely be seeing a lot of Maxine on your screens."

    Sanderson explained that Maxine and Mitzeee do not get along as they previously fell out over a man.

    "Maxine stole Mitzeee's fiancé Gary and ran off to live with him in Spain five years ago," she said. "They haven't seen or spoken to each other since, and their relationship's more than strained.

    "But Maxine is so ignorant she reckons she can swan back into Mitzeee's life and everything will be totally hunky dory."

    When Maxine discovers that the late Riley Costello has left The Dog in the Pond pub to Mitzeee, it gives her an added reason to make amends with her sister - but whether they can become close again remains to be seen.

    Hollyoaks airs weeknights at 6.30pm on Channel 4, with first look screenings at 7pm on E4.

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    Hollyoaks shakes up Mitzeee Minniver's life once again next week as her sister Maxine arrives in the village unexpectedly.

    Played by former Coronation Street actress Nikki Sanderson, newcomer Maxine hasn't been in contact with Mitzeee (Rachel Shenton) for years after they fell out over a man - which leads to fireworks when they come face-to-face again.

    A downbeat Mitzeee has just been released from prison on bail when she realises that Maxine is back in her life. Could Maxine's arrival be just what Mitzeee needs, or will old wounds be reopened?

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Nikki to hear more about the role of Maxine and how she's finding her new soap job.

    How is your time at Hollyoaks going so far?
    "It's going brilliantly and I'm having a fantastic time working with everybody. Hollyoaks is a wonderful place to work as everybody is so nice and welcoming. I feel like I've settled in really well and I've been really lucky with how it's all turned out."

    Were you friends with any of the cast before joining the show?
    "I wasn't friends with anybody, but I have met people briefly in the past at different events. I suppose I was quite lucky in that sense, because it meant that the experience wasn't quite so new to me. Since joining, though, I would actually class some of the cast as my friends now, rather than just work acquaintances.

    "Everyone is so lovely on the show and there's a great atmosphere. Within cast, crew and production, everyone gets on so well. I've made friends with people very quickly."

    What was your first day on set like?
    "My first day was brilliant! I was filming with Rachel Shenton who plays Mitzeee, and Nicole Barber-Lane who plays Myra McQueen. It was brilliant and the pair of them were great with me. I had a really good day and I came away thinking, 'If every day is like this then I'm sorted!' It's been like that every day since then, too.

    "One of those first scenes was filming in the McQueen house and that was quite good, because it's an iconic place for Hollyoaks and I was working with two fantastic people from the show. The scenes weren't too complex so I felt like I was eased in quite well!"

    Did you audition for Hollyoaks or did they approach you to play Maxine?
    "It was actually a bit of both, to be honest. I didn't actually audition at Hollyoaks. I was doing a play in Manchester called Fetish Nights Re:Bound and the writer of that play, Rob Ellis, actually writes for Hollyoaks as well. A few people from Hollyoaks came to watch the show, and it was from watching me in the play that they approached me regarding playing the role of Maxine.

    "After that, we had a meeting and it went from there because Rob was writing a new character into Hollyoaks. I'm really lucky."

    Had you watched the show much before joining?
    "Yeah, I've always watched Hollyoaks. I must admit, I didn't watch every single episode, but I did watch the show when I could. Once I got the role, that was when I started watching every single episode because I wanted to learn who everybody was, the threads between them and how the characters all worked together. I was cramming a lot in so that I could learn more about it."

    Has it been easy to adjust back into the fast-paced soap world?
    "Yeah, it has been - I think it's like riding a bike! I found it quite easy and it was more a case of learning how everything works at Hollyoaks and getting used to the building, because it's huge and I was trying not to get lost! That's what I had to pick up, but I slotted back into the filming schedule quite quickly."

    How would you describe the character of Maxine?
    "Maxine is a really interesting character to play. I think she has got a heart and she is lovely, but she just doesn't show it at first! When she first arrives, she's more interested in herself and how everyone should fit into her life, rather than her fitting into theirs.

    "She's also a little bit of a conwoman. Maxine comes in with a bang and cons pretty much everybody in the village in her first day. She thinks it's fine as she's never going to see them again, only to see them later on in the pub and have to face the music! Everyone she conned is there, and you'll see that everything goes a little bit wrong for Maxine - especially when she sees her sister…"

    What is the relationship between Maxine and Mitzeee like?
    "In the past, Maxine has done the dirty on her sister by stealing her fiancé five years before. She hasn't actually spoken to Mitzeee since then, but she turns up and expects to be welcomed with open arms - quite ignorantly considering what she's done in the past.

    "So Maxine doesn't quite get the reception she was expecting from Mitzeee. You'll also notice that Maxine calls her sister 'Ann', because she's never known her as Mitzeee."

    Does Maxine now feel guilty for what she did to Mitzeee five years ago?
    "I don't think she does at first, as she's quite ignorant and quite selfish. Maxine thinks that Mitzeee should get over it as it was such a long time ago. It's only as Maxine starts speaking to Ann that she realises the impact it had on her life.

    "That's when Maxine stops and thinks about it. She realises that she actually did cause a lot of pain for her younger sister. I don't think she'd realised what she'd caused until now. Maxine was looking after number one, but she sees that she did the wrong thing and maybe she shouldn't have turned up to see Mitzeee after all."

    There are a few single guys in the village at the moment. Will any of them catch Maxine's eye?
    "I don't think I can tell you that just yet! Let's just say that Maxine has just finished with her fiancé and I'm sure at some point in the future, a few people will catch Maxine's eye. Maybe they'll catch Mitzeee's eye too! I think there's going to be a lot of fun between the sisters."

    Mitzeee has become a lot more serious following her recent troubles. Will Maxine's arrival see Mitzeee back to her old self?
    "We'll have to see! What I will say is that Maxine and Mitzeee are very, very similar, as they grew up together.

    "Through all of the negative and quite horrible stuff that Mitzeee has been through, understandably she's gone a little bit more into her shell. But with the arrival of Maxine, we'll just have to wait and see whether she can cheer her up and bring Mitzeee back."

    Have Hollyoaks given you room to put your own stamp on Maxine?
    "Well to be honest, the character has been fantastic from the beginning and the storylines that I'm getting are brilliant. Hollyoaks are really good in the sense that you can have input and speak to the scriptwriters and story editors, but so far I haven't needed to do anything like that. I'm really enjoying playing the role and doing the things that they've written for her."

    Seven years on from Coronation Street, do you have fond memories of the show?
    "Oh gosh yes, of course I do. I'll always think of Coronation Street very highly and it will always have a special place in my heart. I was there for a long time, I still speak to people there and I still watch the show. I'll always have fond memories of it."

    Have any of your Corrie friends been in touch to congratulate you for your Hollyoaks role?
    "Yeah, I've had a few messages. I'm very grateful that I've had those messages congratulating me and wishing me luck - it's lovely. I think it's always nice when people are there for you and I've had some very encouraging things said to me."
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  4. #4
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    Hollyoaks shakes up Mitzeee Minniver's life once again next week as her sister Maxine arrives in the village unexpectedly.

    Played by former Coronation Street actress Nikki Sanderson, newcomer Maxine hasn't been in contact with Mitzeee (Rachel Shenton) for years after they fell out over a man - which leads to fireworks when they come face-to-face again.

    A downbeat Mitzeee has just been released from prison on bail when she realises that Maxine is back in her life. Could Maxine's arrival be just what Mitzeee needs, or will old wounds be reopened?

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Nikki to hear more about the role of Maxine and how she's finding her new soap job.

    How is your time at Hollyoaks going so far?
    "It's going brilliantly and I'm having a fantastic time working with everybody. Hollyoaks is a wonderful place to work as everybody is so nice and welcoming. I feel like I've settled in really well and I've been really lucky with how it's all turned out."

    Were you friends with any of the cast before joining the show?
    "I wasn't friends with anybody, but I have met people briefly in the past at different events. I suppose I was quite lucky in that sense, because it meant that the experience wasn't quite so new to me. Since joining, though, I would actually class some of the cast as my friends now, rather than just work acquaintances.

    "Everyone is so lovely on the show and there's a great atmosphere. Within cast, crew and production, everyone gets on so well. I've made friends with people very quickly."

    What was your first day on set like?
    "My first day was brilliant! I was filming with Rachel Shenton who plays Mitzeee, and Nicole Barber-Lane who plays Myra McQueen. It was brilliant and the pair of them were great with me. I had a really good day and I came away thinking, 'If every day is like this then I'm sorted!' It's been like that every day since then, too.

    "One of those first scenes was filming in the McQueen house and that was quite good, because it's an iconic place for Hollyoaks and I was working with two fantastic people from the show. The scenes weren't too complex so I felt like I was eased in quite well!"

    Did you audition for Hollyoaks or did they approach you to play Maxine?
    "It was actually a bit of both, to be honest. I didn't actually audition at Hollyoaks. I was doing a play in Manchester called Fetish Nights Re:Bound and the writer of that play, Rob Ellis, actually writes for Hollyoaks as well. A few people from Hollyoaks came to watch the show, and it was from watching me in the play that they approached me regarding playing the role of Maxine.

    "After that, we had a meeting and it went from there because Rob was writing a new character into Hollyoaks. I'm really lucky."

    Had you watched the show much before joining?
    "Yeah, I've always watched Hollyoaks. I must admit, I didn't watch every single episode, but I did watch the show when I could. Once I got the role, that was when I started watching every single episode because I wanted to learn who everybody was, the threads between them and how the characters all worked together. I was cramming a lot in so that I could learn more about it."

    Has it been easy to adjust back into the fast-paced soap world?
    "Yeah, it has been - I think it's like riding a bike! I found it quite easy and it was more a case of learning how everything works at Hollyoaks and getting used to the building, because it's huge and I was trying not to get lost! That's what I had to pick up, but I slotted back into the filming schedule quite quickly."

    How would you describe the character of Maxine?
    "Maxine is a really interesting character to play. I think she has got a heart and she is lovely, but she just doesn't show it at first! When she first arrives, she's more interested in herself and how everyone should fit into her life, rather than her fitting into theirs.

    "She's also a little bit of a conwoman. Maxine comes in with a bang and cons pretty much everybody in the village in her first day. She thinks it's fine as she's never going to see them again, only to see them later on in the pub and have to face the music! Everyone she conned is there, and you'll see that everything goes a little bit wrong for Maxine - especially when she sees her sister…"

    What is the relationship between Maxine and Mitzeee like?
    "In the past, Maxine has done the dirty on her sister by stealing her fiancé five years before. She hasn't actually spoken to Mitzeee since then, but she turns up and expects to be welcomed with open arms - quite ignorantly considering what she's done in the past.

    "So Maxine doesn't quite get the reception she was expecting from Mitzeee. You'll also notice that Maxine calls her sister 'Ann', because she's never known her as Mitzeee."

    Does Maxine now feel guilty for what she did to Mitzeee five years ago?
    "I don't think she does at first, as she's quite ignorant and quite selfish. Maxine thinks that Mitzeee should get over it as it was such a long time ago. It's only as Maxine starts speaking to Ann that she realises the impact it had on her life.

    "That's when Maxine stops and thinks about it. She realises that she actually did cause a lot of pain for her younger sister. I don't think she'd realised what she'd caused until now. Maxine was looking after number one, but she sees that she did the wrong thing and maybe she shouldn't have turned up to see Mitzeee after all."

    There are a few single guys in the village at the moment. Will any of them catch Maxine's eye?
    "I don't think I can tell you that just yet! Let's just say that Maxine has just finished with her fiancé and I'm sure at some point in the future, a few people will catch Maxine's eye. Maybe they'll catch Mitzeee's eye too! I think there's going to be a lot of fun between the sisters."

    Mitzeee has become a lot more serious following her recent troubles. Will Maxine's arrival see Mitzeee back to her old self?
    "We'll have to see! What I will say is that Maxine and Mitzeee are very, very similar, as they grew up together.

    "Through all of the negative and quite horrible stuff that Mitzeee has been through, understandably she's gone a little bit more into her shell. But with the arrival of Maxine, we'll just have to wait and see whether she can cheer her up and bring Mitzeee back."

    Have Hollyoaks given you room to put your own stamp on Maxine?
    "Well to be honest, the character has been fantastic from the beginning and the storylines that I'm getting are brilliant. Hollyoaks are really good in the sense that you can have input and speak to the scriptwriters and story editors, but so far I haven't needed to do anything like that. I'm really enjoying playing the role and doing the things that they've written for her."

    Seven years on from Coronation Street, do you have fond memories of the show?
    "Oh gosh yes, of course I do. I'll always think of Coronation Street very highly and it will always have a special place in my heart. I was there for a long time, I still speak to people there and I still watch the show. I'll always have fond memories of it."

    Have any of your Corrie friends been in touch to congratulate you for your Hollyoaks role?
    "Yeah, I've had a few messages. I'm very grateful that I've had those messages congratulating me and wishing me luck - it's lovely. I think it's always nice when people are there for you and I've had some very encouraging things said to me."
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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    Jorgie Porter has praised Nikki Sanderson, saying that the actress is a "great addition" to Hollyoaks.

    Former Coronation Street star Sanderson has joined the soap as Maxine Minniver, sister to Mitzeee, and Porter predicted a bright future for her in the village.

    "I absolutely love Nikki. I think she's so grounded, normal and down-to-earth, a really lovely girl. She'll be a great little addition to us all. She's going to be really fun and fit in really well I think," she told What's on TV.

    Porter, who plays Theresa McQueen, also hinted at Theresa and Maxine's relationship on-screen.

    "Theresa used to absolutely be in awe of Mitzeee so hopefully she'll be in awe of Maxine too. Because sometimes girls do that, don't they - have girl crushes," she explained.

    Sanderson is due to appear in Chester from next week.

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    Nikki Sanderson has revealed that she would consider a return to Coronation Street if asked.

    The soap star, who played Candice Stowe for six years from 1999 until 2005, was recently cast as Maxine Minniver in Hollyoaks.

    Of her career choices, Sanderson reflected to new! Magazine: "I try not to regret anything. Every choice I've made has brought me to this point.

    "I had the most amazing time at Corrie, but I'd been there a long time, was still a child actor and I wanted to learn my craft and try new things.

    "Never say never [though]. But I'm happy at Hollyoaks and as long as they like me, I'm hoping they'll keep me on!"

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    i like her in hollyoaks hated her in corrie myself

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    Hollyoaks star Nikki Sanderson has said that she wants her character Maxine Minniver to find a boyfriend this year.

    Maxine has shown her flirtatious side since joining the village in November, but she is yet to have a serious relationship.

    Sanderson told What's On TV: "That'd be nice for Maxine, to meet somebody. So we'll just have to see what the New Year brings.

    "Hopefully Maxine will find somebody nice to settle with, but I don't know if someone would want her. I don't know if anyone could put up with her!"

    The 28-year-old also revealed that she has made several New Year's resolutions for 2013.

    She explained: "I've got a million New Year's resolutions. There are loads. There are so many things that I need to get sorted and done.

    "But I need to be more organised. Sometimes people tell me something and it goes in one ear and out the other."

    Hollyoaks airs weeknights at 6.30pm on Channel 4, with first look screenings at 7pm on E4.

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    Maxine Minniver is currently facing a frightening ordeal on screen as Kevin Foster holds her captive in her own flat.

    Kevin (Elliot Balchin) is trying his best to protect Maxine from Simon Walker (Neil Newbon) after the ruthless villain made it clear that he wanted her dead.

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Nikki Sanderson, who plays Maxine, to hear how the storyline intensifies over the rest of this week.

    How did you feel about getting such a dramatic storyline?
    "I was really pleased when I read these scripts and I saw that this would happen to Maxine. She's such a lively and happy-go-lucky character, so it was great for me as an actress - and also for Maxine - to be seen doing something completely different.

    "It's been fantastic to play something that's polar opposite to the way I've been since I've joined Hollyoaks. Obviously it's also much more fun not having to sit in the make-up chair for an hour - it only took about 15 minutes for these scenes!"

    Were the scenes challenging to film?
    "They were challenging, because obviously I've never been in a position where I've been held captive and drugged by somebody before! That made it more difficult, because you can't rely on playing the scenes as you would react in real life. But they were also a lot more fun and I'm very grateful that Hollyoaks have given me the chance to do this.

    "Reading the scripts, I wanted to make this storyline as real as possible so the audience would fully believe in it. Also, with the way the storyline played out, a lot of the audience thought Maxine was dead for quite a few days last week. I thought that worked really well."

    Will Maxine come to accept that Kevin, in his own twisted way, is trying to help her?
    "At first Maxine doesn't see this at all, because she just doesn't understand what's going on. Kevin is supposed to be a friend, so she's really upset, hurt and mad that he would do something like this.

    "It's only when he sits and explains the reasons behind everything that she actually sympathises with him. She understands the position that he's in - that he was forced into having to do this. The options were to kill Maxine or do what he's done - keep her locked away and drugged. She understands that and even though she thinks he could have just spoken to her about it, she can see that he's trying to protect her."

    Can she ever forgive him for this?
    "I think Maxine and Kevin have a brotherly-sisterly relationship. She wants so much to believe in him. Kevin comes from quite a sad past, going from foster home to foster home. Maxine wants to mother him and she can even see the results facially, because he gets beaten up so many times!

    "Maxine won't forget what he's done, but I think she'll be able to forgive him because his heart was in the right place."

    As they remain holed up in the flat, we'll soon see Maxine and Kevin planning to run away together. Is Maxine being genuine or just plotting her escape?
    "At first, I think Maxine is just looking for a way to escape. However, Maxine has a heart-to-heart with Kevin and realises that they're both stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    "Maxine knows that if she's seen out in the village again, she's going to be murdered by Walker. In the end, she thinks if she's going to run away, she's going to do it with Kevin. She's fully prepared to run away with him, but it doesn't work out like that!"

    Walker then catches Maxine and Kevin as they're about to leave, and she ends up trapped in a disused petrol station!
    "She does, and those scenes were really interesting to film. Walker has set up home there, so he keeps Maxine under lock and key and continues to drug her. So poor Maxine's in a really bad condition because she can't escape. Kevin is having to pretend that he's still working for Walker, because he doesn't want Walker to kill him. I think it really hurts Kevin to do that, and it really hurts Maxine that he won't stand up to Walker.

    "It's also clear that Maxine is getting ill - she's depleted of everything after being drugged so many times. It's Kevin who actually lets Maxine go in the end, and he suffers the consequences from Walker because of it…"

    Could Maxine and Kevin become a couple? Stranger things have happened in soapland!
    "I don't think so. They have love for each other, but it's not relationship love - it's more of a brotherly-sisterly connection. I don't think they'd get together, but Maxine does want to mother Kevin and look after him. I can see it definitely blossoming into a stronger relationship friends-wise."

    Would you like Kevin to stick around in the show?
    "Yes, definitely! I love Elliot, I think he's such a lovely lad. It'd be great if he stayed for a lot longer."

    Are there big plans for Maxine beyond this storyline?
    "There might be, but I can't divulge it! There might be more interesting stuff to come for Maxine over the coming months…"

    How did you feel about saying goodbye to your on-screen sister Rachel Shenton (Mitzeee)?
    "Oh, it was awful! I love Rachel and she's amazing. She's such a lovely girl. We did lots of crying scenes and it was all real tears, because we were really upset! But I think Rachel is just going to fly now and do so well. We still stay in touch and she's a wonderful girl. I was very honoured to play her sister."

    Do you wish you'd had longer on set with Rachel?
    "Definitely - a million per cent! I always say to her that I wish she hadn't gone!"

    Are you pleased with the audience's response to Maxine?
    "I am pleased with the response, as everyone's been really nice. I'm very, very grateful for that. I think Maxine is a character people like and find endearing, so I've been very lucky that people are warming to her. I hope that I can continue with that and people will enjoy what I'm doing!"

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    Hollyoaks' Patrick will suffer a huge setback when Maxine ends things with him, in an upcoming storyline.

    Concerned that Patrick's daughter Sienna (Anna Passey) is not happy with the couple's new-found closeness, Maxine (Nikki Sanderson) calls time on the relationship in order to save her friendship.

    Torn by her decision, Maxine goes on a date with newcomer Freddie (Charlie Clapham), who has turned up in the village to look for his younger brother Robbie.

    The pair end up spending the night together as Maxine tries to forget her troubles.

    This will be a huge blow for Patrick who has already gone to great extremes to get rid of Kevin from Maxine's life.

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