Coronation Street's Kym Lomas has revealed details of on-screen son Ryan Connor's latest meltdown.

After being publicly humiliated by Tracy Barlow in the Rovers, Ryan goes on a drink and drugs bender next Wednesday (October 24), playing chicken in dual carriageway traffic, which leads to best friend Sophie being knocked down and seriously hurt.

Speaking to Soaplife, Lomas teased the aftermath of Sophie's accident, divulging that Sophie's dad Kevin will punch her son at the flat she shares with Steve.

"Just as Ryan is about to tearfully explain what happened to Sophie, Kevin arrives and informs a stunned Michelle that Ryan ran off leaving Sophie on her own," Lomas said.

"Kevin can't contain his fury and hits Ryan. Steve has to drag Kevin off him."

The 36-year-old also suggested that there may still be a future for her alter ego Michelle Connor and Steve McDonald, who decides to end their relationship in a failed scheme to persuade Tracy to leave Ryan.

"He begs her to take him back but at first she really doesn't want anything to do with him. Michelle is not the most forgiving person so he has a lot of work to do to make amends," Lomas added. "It's grovelling time for Steve again!"