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Thread: Neighbours' Tash goes too far, new doctor Rhys debut - Spoiler Pictures

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    Neighbours' Tash goes too far, new doctor Rhys debut - Spoiler Pictures

    This is the moment that Neighbours' rebellious student Natasha Williams resorts to desperate measures to win sympathy, spraying derogatory graffiti about herself all over Ramsay Street.

    In the aftermath of her raunchy photo scandal, Tash (Valentina Novakovic) hopes to get dad Michael (Sandy Winton) back on her side and successfully secures his attention and comfort with her latest stunt.

    However, it doesn't take long for Michael to discover that Tash has set the whole thing up and, at breaking point with his daughter, he considers reporting her to the police.

    When Jade encourages him not to involve the authorities, Michael comes up with a shocking Plan B - telling Tash that he's no longer going to parent her, she can do whatever she likes and she'll have to deal with the consequences… Will Tash ever win her father back?

    Also next week, Ben Barber makes his on-screen debut as new doctor Rhys Lawson in scenes with Susan Kennedy and Jim Dolan.

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    Neighbours headteacher Michael Williams reaches the end of his tether with daughter Natasha in next week's episodes when she resorts to desperate measures to win sympathy. In the aftermath of her saucy photos causing a stir in Erinsborough, Tash decides to spray derogatory graffiti about herself all over Ramsay Street - well aware that Michael will be devastated on her behalf when he spots it.

    However, it's not long until Michael discovers Tash's bizarre behaviour and he later makes a shocking decision by telling her that he's going to stop parenting her - she's on her own from now on and can live with the consequences of her actions. Here, Sandy Winton, who plays Michael, chats to Digital Spy about his character's surprise move.

    How does Michael feel in the aftermath of Tash's raunchy photo scandal?
    "After the photo scandal, Michael is feeling a little at his wits' end. He feels he's failing as a father and he's very disappointed in the choices that his daughter is making."

    What's Michael's reaction to the graffiti that's all over the street? Does it make him feel sorry for Tash?
    "Absolutely. Regardless to what has happened, it is totally unfair that people would react that way and he feels it amounts basically to bullying or intimidation. He is very concerned and feels extremely sorry for his daughter."

    The gloves that Tash wears while doing the graffiti prove to be her downfall, though…
    "Yes, the gloves are found in the Robinsons' bin and they're Michael's gloves so he realises pretty quickly who the real culprit is when he puts two and two together."

    Michael then considers reporting Tash to the police until Jade talks him out of it. What does Jade say to change his mind?
    "Jade explains how Sonya had to take responsibility for her actions as opposed to hitting rock bottom. When she was finding her way out of it, she had to do that herself. Michael is at a stage where he's just reaching out for anything that will get through to Tash and he realises that may not be the way to go. It's the last option to be going to the police but he's thinking, 'Right, I'm going to make her take responsibility for her own actions'."

    Michael's decision to revoke all responsibility for Tash is quite a shocking one! Do you think he's making the right choice?
    "I think that Michael is at the end of his tether. I think Michael has tried different options and he feels he has run out of options, and thinks she's 18 now and needs to deal with her own mistakes herself. I think it's a valid choice but whether it is the right choice, who knows? But you can understand why he has come to this decision."

    You've filmed some quite heated scenes with Valentina, who plays Tash, for the storyline! Do you both enjoy filming those dramatic moments?
    "We are both very volatile characters and we enjoy having those moments. Even when she is making Michael pull his hair out, as an actor it's always a pleasure to be working with Val, so it is sort of nice when she needs to be yelled at!"

    Tash's behaviour seems to be getting more and more erratic. Could the storyline go on to explore why she's acting out so much?
    "I think the storyline will and does explore that. If you look at the fact she has a single father who is raising her and she's a woman at the age where she is wanting to discover herself, it is a tough time. I think not having a good cop, bad cop or not having a mother around to help with the disciplining in order to look after her as a woman coming into the world, it's got to be a fairly tough thing. She has moved around a lot and only been in Erinsborough for 18 months, so you can understand some of the behaviour."

    How easy do you think it will be for Tash to get back on her father's good side?
    "Well, Tash is Michael's everything. Michael would like her to think that it wouldn't be easy to get back on his good side, but I think he is a bit of a softie in the way that he can always see the positive in Tash. He loves her more than anything."

    Valentina has said a few times that she'd like to explore a nicer side to Tash. Do you also hope that's the way the storylines are heading?
    "Yeah, I suppose so, but that suggests that Michael doesn't see the nice side in Tash, and that is possibly his weakness or Achilles heel - he continually does see the nice side and continues to forgive her! Everyone else says she is a difficult person and I think Michael can understand why she is like that, and takes a lot of the responsibility on to himself."

    Here, though, Soap Scoop asks Sandy for some teasers on the long-term future for Michael and Tash following the recent announcement that her long-lost aunt is on the way to Erinsborough and confirmation that we'll be learning all about Tash's dead mum later this year…

    Freya Stafford has recently started filming at Neighbours as Tash's long-lost aunt Emilia. Are you enjoying working with her?
    "Absolutely and I've been lucky enough to work with her in the past on White Collar Blue. I'm very excited to have her on board."

    We've heard that Freya's character Emilia will bring up a lot of baggage for Michael! What can we expect from their interactions?
    "Emilia certainly knows a lot more about Michael and his late wife than anyone else, and he is scared about what she will reveal to Tash. Michael has never really spoken to Tash about her mother. What happened in the past has been left in the past, so I think bringing her aunt in opens up a lot of baggage that Michael has put to one side - he has happily let that happen."

    We've also been promised that Neighbours will be exploring what happened to Tash's mum and we'll find out all the secrets. Are you excited about where this storyline is heading?
    "Yes, absolutely. This is really going to uncover some deep, dark secrets and it happens in stages, building up to a monumental reveal… I can't wait."

    Would you like to see a new love interest for Michael now that Rebecca has gone?
    "I think Michael could do with someone to talk to, poor guy. Portugal is a long way and Rebecca never calls. Just pick up the phone if you're listening, Bec!"

    There's been lots of new guest castings announced for Neighbours recently. Does that make it an exciting time for the show?
    "Yeah, it's always exciting to have new energy on board and there has been a big changing of the guard in the last 12 months or so, but it doesn't take long for people to feel like they have been here forever. And having Freya on board, I'm very excited about what this character will bring to the table."

    Are there more rivalry scenes coming up for Michael and Paul?
    "The rivalry sort of disappeared when Rebecca left. Paul, being the small-minded person that he is, has got himself involved with the school to sort of maintain some rivalry, but I think Michael's focus is much more on his daughter than what Paul Robinson is plotting next."

    Finally, if you could give us one last cryptic teaser on what's coming up for Michael and Tash, what would it be?
    "I have a funny feeling that the status might be turned on its head when Tash realises some of the things from the past that Michael has kept from her…"

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    Quote Originally Posted by alan45 View Post
    Michael comes up with a shocking Plan B - telling Tash that he's no longer going to parent her, she can do whatever she likes and she'll have to deal with the consequences… Will Tash ever win her father back?
    i seem to remember Joe Scully trying that with Flick years ago. it does seem to actually mean anything though, is he just going to ignore her for a while? what impact will it actually have on her life? is he going to make her move out, for example?
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    Tash does my head in wish she would leave
    Last edited by lizann; 04-08-2011 at 21:07.

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