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Thread: Emmerdale Spoilers 13 - 17 June 2011

  1. #1
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    Post Emmerdale Spoilers 13 - 17 June 2011

    5944 Monday 13 June 2011 7:00pm – 7:30pm

    • Ashley has unwelcome news for Hazel
    • Jimmy’s disappointed to receive divorce papers from Nicola
    • Jai’s forced to step in and sort Charity’s deal


    5945 Tuesday 14 June 2011 7:00pm – 7:30pm

    • Cain has a proposition for Cameron
    • Aaron is angered by Ashley’s decision
    • Mia starts to wonder if Ella is up to something


    5946 Wednesday 15 June 2011 7:00pm – 7.30pm

    • Will Charity be caught red handed?
    • Rhona is struck by Chas and Paddy’s closeness
    • Declan decides to make an effort with Ella, but is it too little, too late?


    5947 Thursday 16 June 2011 7:00pm – 7:30pm ep 1

    • Jai and Charity remain at odds following her deception
    • Mia’s suspicions about Ella grow
    • Jimmy’s frustrated that Nicola can’t put Angelica first


    5948 Thursday 16 June 2011 8:00pm – 8.30pm ep 2

    • Chas has a proposition for Aaron
    • Victoria’s unimpressed when Amy admits she lied about David
    • Ella’s thrown to return home to a furious Declan


    5949 Friday 17 June 2011 7:00pm – 7:30pm ep 1

    • Rhona feels betrayed by Paddy
    • Adam’s wary that Declan knows Ella’s up to something
    • Victoria gives Amy the cold shoulder

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Perdita For This Useful Post:

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  3. #2
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    The end of the Kings' marriage draws ever closer on Emmerdale as Jimmy receives divorce papers in the post.

    Catching up with Nicola at the pub later, Jimmy lets his estranged wife know that he's received the papers but makes it clear that he's prepared to fight in the divorce.

    Annoyed over Nicola's attempts to stop him from seeing Angelica, Jimmy persuades a sympathetic Rodney to help him spend time with the youngster in secret.

    With Jimmy determined to secure the access to Angelica that he deserves, will Nicola live to regret her attempts to cut him off? And is it really the end for the couple's relationship?

  4. #3
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    What the hell does DimJim expect he did choose Kelly over his Nico

  5. #4
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    13th June

    Nikhil tells Chas that he's there for her if she needs a shoulder to cry on, but he's disappointed by her reaction. Chas is scared that Aaron will end up in prison and is hostile towards Hazel when they see each other. However, Hazel snaps that Aaron is stronger than she's giving him credit for. Later, Bob helps Hazel to go back into Dale Head and comforts her when she breaks down. Aaron arrives and he and Hazel tearfully watch Jackson's final video message to them.

    At the same time, Ashley has been worrying about how to talk to Hazel all day. When she arrives at Mulberry Cottage to discuss Jackson's funeral arrangements, she's hurt and confused when Ashley tells her that he's empathetic with her situation but can't condone what she's done and won't carry out the funeral himself.

    Meanwhile, Jai is furious with Charity when she tells him that her buyer needs the dodgy TVs delivering. Jai tells Carl that he has a job for him and Cain notices something's going on as Charity and Jai talk terms with Carl, who wants a bonus as he's realised the job is dodgy.

    Elsewhere, Jimmy receives divorce papers in the post. He informs Nicola that he's received the papers, but he's going to fight. Later, Jimmy tries to persuade Carl that he has no hope of a reconciliation with Chas.

    14th June

    Charity is taken aback when she realises how angry Jai is with her over the illegal TV scam. Later, she's uncomfortable when Cain is at Tug Ghyll with Debbie and makes an excuse to leave when he probes her over the situation with Carl. Charity warns Carl not to mess the job up, telling him that Cameron is not to find out the details.

    Cain follows Charity and Jai, who take Carl up to the barn conversion to show him the cargo. When they leave, Cain sneaks inside and sees the boxes of TVs. Cain approaches Cameron and tries to persuade him to help rip off Jai and Carl and make a bit of cash. Cameron is clearly tempted but insists Debbie must never find out…

    Meanwhile, Ashley tells Sandy and Laurel that he can't condone what Hazel and Aaron did but will arrange for another vicar to take the service. Aaron is angry when Hazel tells him and confronts Ashley, but is stopped by Hazel. In the pub, Chas defends Aaron's outburst, saying that Jackson deserves to be buried by his vicar.

    Elsewhere, Rodney feels torn when Jimmy asks him to go behind Nicola's back to let him see Angelica; Mia worries that Ella is up to something when she returns from town with sexy underwear and expensive perfume; and Hazel tells Aaron that she's afraid of going to prison.

    15th June

    Carl is smug when he gets Charity to up the price for moving the stolen TVs after she tells him that the job needs to be done ASAP. However when she, Carl, Jimmy and Jai arrive to move the haul, they're shocked to see the police are there, having been tipped off about some stolen goods. As the police search the premises, everyone's relieved to find the barn is empty, but Charity instantly knows Cain is responsible when Jai reveals that he wasn't the one who moved the TVs.

    Later, Cain hands Cameron his share of the cash and Cameron tells him that he's not interested in doing any more dodgy jobs for him. Charity's annoyed when Jai agrees to let Carl keep half of their agreed money but she's worried about how angry Jai is when she tells him that Cain must have known about the job…

    Meanwhile, when Ella suggests that Declan should have lunch with her and brings out a bottle of wine, Declan comments on her recent drinking. However, he feels guilty when she storms out and Dermot tells him that he's been neglecting her. Later, Dermot and Mia are pleased when Declan announces that he's throwing Ella a surprise party for their anniversary tomorrow. At the same time, in the pub, Adam is tempted when Ella suggests they meet up tomorrow - unaware of her party.

    Elsewhere, Rhona senses Paddy's unease and urges him to confide in her rather than Chas; Brenda warns Rodney about letting Jimmy see Angelica behind Nicola's back; and Mia tells Adam that she's there for him.

    16th June 7-00 pm

    Nicola and Mia worry about the party when Ella heads out and refuses to say how long she's going to be. Adam and Ella then drive into town and check into a hotel. As the party begins, everyone wonders when Ella will show up and Declan starts to get annoyed.

    Lying in bed, Adam's worried when he sees that he's had several calls from Mia. However, Ella kisses him and assures him that it'll be fine. Later, Mia's uneasy when she calls Ella's salon and finds out that she hasn't been in all day…

    Meanwhile, Rhona tells Marlon and Pearl that she wishes Paddy would put her and Leo first once in a while. Paddy's awkward to return home and find Marlon and Rhona cooing over Leo. He's tempted to visit Aaron, but he eventually asks Marlon to babysit for the evening so he can take Rhona out and she's pleased.

    Elsewhere, Nicola's rattled when Jimmy tells her his solicitor's suggestions about sharing childcare, while Jai prepares to tell Nikhil the truth about Charity's illegal exploits.


    Ella still hasn't turned up for her party, so Declan suggests they wrap it up. As people start to leave, Mia sees that he's embarrassed by the party's failure. When Ella finally returns home, she's defensive when Mia wants to know where she's been. Soon afterwards, Mia listens as Declan and Ella argue. Ella throws a glass at the door as Declan storms out and Mia comes to comfort her mum.

    Later, Adam's mortified when Mia tells him about Ella's surprise party and confesses that Ella's showing the familiar signs of having an affair. Mia asks Ella if she's having an affair in front of Adam and Ella denies it, but Adam's uneasy. Fed up of feeling caught in the middle of Declan and Ella, Mia warns Declan that if he doesn't show Ella he cares then she'll look elsewhere. Declan's left suspicious over her comments…

    Meanwhile, Nikhil warns Charity not to drag Jai down with her. Charity soon notices Cain and Cameron's closeness in the pub and her suspicions are raised when Debbie tells her that Cameron already managed to pay back the money he owed her.

    Elsewhere, Marlon comforts Rhona when she explains her concerns about Paddy; Aaron agrees to think about Chas's suggestion that he moves in with her, but Paddy isn't keen over the idea; and Victoria's furious with Amy when she reluctantly admits that she lied about the David situation.

    17th June

    Paddy feels terrible when Aaron explains that he's in the way at Smithy and thinks moving in with Chas is a good idea. When Paddy arrives home, he tells Rhona and Marlon that Aaron's moving out and Rhona has finally got what she wanted.

    As their argument escalates, Paddy tells Rhona that Chas has been a rock for him, and Rhona realises that Paddy was talking to Chas on the day she was giving birth. She walks out and finds Marlon, tearfully telling him that she has some decisions to make…

    Meanwhile, Ella's hurt when Declan refuses her offer to take him to lunch in an attempt to make up for yesterday. Later, Adam tells Ella that he's worried about them getting caught, so she suggests they have one final goodbye. At the same time, Declan probes Mia about what she meant about Ella finding someone else, but Mia covers, telling him that he's overreacting. She then snaps at Declan for getting her involved in their problems and putting her through this again.

    Elsewhere, Victoria rejects Amy's half-hearted apology, telling her that it's not okay to lie to your mates.

  6. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to alan45 For This Useful Post:

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  7. #5
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    Elsewhere, Victoria rejects Amy's half-hearted apology, telling her that it's not okay to lie to your mates.

    Err, what about the fact that she has screwed up one man's reputation, which could have led to his relationship breaking up, losing his councillor position etc etc? Bizarre.

  8. #6
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    Victoria should tell Val and the whole village that Amy lied about David

  9. #7
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    Why dont Rhona want Aaron in Paddy's house?

  10. #8
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    Wrong mistake for Rhona to make. Paddy will always choose Aaron over her and Leo.

    Thanks to Vicky for my great new banner xxx
    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

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