Jonathan Cake has revealed that his romance on Desperate Housewives will encounter some problems.

Cake's character Chuck arrived on Wisteria Lane in the previous episode of the show and began flirting with Bree (Marcia Cross).

Speaking to TV Guide, Cake explained that Chuck is attracted to Bree's "wild" side.

"As a detective, he's sort of drawn to this woman who seems both quite proper and conservative and yet can't seem to stop herself from being drawn into these sort of crazy, lurid scenarios," he said. "There's sort of a wild streak in Bree somewhere that he thinks is really interesting."

However, Cake suggested that it will be difficult for the pair to figure out what their relationship means.

"They're trying to work out how they go about doing this tango together when they've already had a few other dance partners before," he said. "It's about trying to figure out what that means to them at this stage of life that they're both at... The course of true love doesn't run smooth for these two."

Cake also joked that Bree's previous partners have all faced problems after dating her, saying: "Sometimes, it made me think I better watch my back. Her beaus seem to come to a sticky end or something peculiar happens to them."