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Thread: Emmerdale Spoilers 21 - 25 February 2011

  1. #11
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    Jane Cox has said that the hardest thing her Emmerdale alter-ego Lisa Dingle has had to do is to tell husband Zak she was raped.

    The factory worker was assaulted by Derek Benrose when they were alone in the factory, but the emotions were too raw for her to reveal what happened.

    "It's incredibly difficult - Lisa realises she should have told Zak ages ago but it was too difficult at the time," she said.

    "Like any kind of lies, the truth always outs in the end. Zak's devastated that he couldn't do anything to help her or stop it from happening. Zak welcomed Derek in to their home so he feels a pang of guilt and a sense of responsibility."

    Lisa's secret comes out in the open, and Jane is relieved for her.

    "It's a relief to her. I don't think she could have gone on much longer in that situation alone," she continued.

    "The burden has been like a volcano ready to erupt so there's definitely a sense of relief. However it opens a whole new can of worms, there's a whole host of new problems as obviously she has to tell Zak and explain what's happened to Belle and Sam in the best way she can."


  2. #12
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    Emmerdale’s Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) and Carl (Tom Lister) will be relived to find Jimmy (Nick Miles) alive but in hospital tonight after his disappearance last week, but are shocked by the news that the haulage boss has amnesia.

    Whilst he is out of danger, the head injury he sustained, caused by a blow to the head delivered by his ex-fiancee Kelly Windsor (Adele Silva), has caused him to not remember anything, including what happened, or who anyone is.

    Whilst originally not deterred by such information, and making it her personal challenge to make him remember, it would seem that Nicola’s pushy personality is to much for a newly introduced Jimmy, who breaks her heart by recoiling from her touch and refusing to share a bed with her.

    It has not yet been revealed if this memory loss is temporary or permanent, nor has it been said what Kelly will make of the situation. Kelly is due to rejoin the cast very soon, so this could be her best chance to win back Jimmy.

  3. #13
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    Emmerdale star Jane Cox has praised her character's current storyline for helping to dispel misconceptions surrounding the issue of rape.

    The actress's alter ego Lisa Dingle was sexually attacked by work colleague Derek Benrose (Stephen Bent) earlier this year, but most of her loved ones are unaware of her ordeal because she is suffering in silence.

    Lisa is currently experiencing the torment of still having to work alongside Derek at the Sharma & Sharma sweet factory. She has also become concerned about his growing bond with her good friend Lizzie Lakely (Kitty McGeever).

    Speaking to The Mirror about the plotline, Cox commented: "[The producers] didn't want it to be a stranger rape - they wanted it to be someone Lisa knew quite well. They thought it was an interesting story and I agreed. It explodes a lot of myths. People don't imagine women like Lisa - in their 50s and not particularly racy - being raped, but it does happen.

    "They assume it is always a stranger who attacks a woman when it's not. Another myth is it's about sex. It's actually about power and also control. I've seen some unpleasant comments online saying, 'Who would want to rape Lisa Dingle?' But it's not just young women who are raped - it happens to everyone from children to people who are in their 90s."

    Cox carried out extensive research in preparation for the storyline, including speaking to real-life rape victims and consulting a counsellor at a rape crisis centre.

    Discussing what it was like to shoot the hard-hitting scenes, she said: "It was hard and very upsetting to film as it made me think of other people who have really been through that. I was in tears as I filmed it because it was so intense.

    "And it can be quite hard to switch off. There have been scenes when Lisa is holding it together for her family and I've come off set and burst into tears just thinking about it. In some scenes I've deliberately not cried because I've worried that if I did start I wouldn't stop."

    Lisa finally tells her family and friends the truth in tomorrow night's double bill of the soap, before finally reporting Derek to the police. However, whether Derek will be brought to justice remains to be seen.


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    Lisa continues to feel helpless as Derek and Lizzie grow ever closer in tonight's episode of Emmerdale.

    Deeply concerned for her friend, Lisa is desperate to warn Lizzie off Derek - but she knows that she won't get anywhere unless she reveals the full story.

    As she's not yet ready to discuss her rape ordeal, Lisa is forced to confront Derek directly - angrily ordering him to stay away from Lizzie.

    However, Derek leaves Lisa sickened by retorting that she can't tell him what to do just because they 'had a fling'. With her attempts to protect Lizzie failing, what will Lisa do next?

  5. #15
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    ^ sneak peak for tonight - Lisa tells

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