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Thread: The Max Carter Show formerly known as The Bill spoilers 22 June 2010

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    The Max Carter Show formerly known as The Bill spoilers 22 June 2010

    Successful businessman Ajay Kapur has been abducted by an armed gang, his family are reluctant to involve the police. Back at Sun HillD.I Neil Manson reveals to the team the reason behind his uncharacteristic behaviour of late – his son has been suffering with Leukaemia.

    D.I. Neil Manson (Andrew Lancel)]finally tells the team about his son Jake’s Leukaemia and apologises for his recent absence and lack of concentration at work.

    Reports come in of an abandoned car that has traces of blood leading from the scene, there’s no sign of any victims and the vehicle hasn’t been reported as stolen. The car is registered to Mr AJ Kapur (Alex King). P.C Benjamin Gayle (Micah Balfour) and P.C. Nate Roberts (Ben Richards) visit Mr Kapur’s home where they are told by his wife Nalira (Shelley King) and daughter Arshia (Meneca Das) that Mr Kapour boarded a flight to India earlier that day. The family seem unconcerned and don’t wish to pursue the case any further.

    D.S. Max Carter (Christopher Fox) is not convinced by the Kapur’s account of events and demands the team look into the case further. D.C. Grace Dasari (Amita Dhiri)discovers that Mr Kapur hasn’t boarded a plane that day and also discovers that the Kapur family business was featured in the press as one of the country’s top businesses six weeks ago.

    D.S. Max Carter’s suspicions are confirmed when CCTV reveals that the vehicle following Mr Kapur’s car is on false plates. D.S. Max Carter and D.C. Terry Perkins (Bruce Byron)visit the family home to re-question Nalira and Arshia. When they arrive, Mr Kapur’s accountant Roland Haines (Michael Webber) is there, he is also adamant that they should hand the money over to the kidnappers with no questions asked.

    Mrs Kapur eventually breaks down and tells them that Mr Kapur has been abducted and is being held for ransom. Arshia is furious with her mother for involving the police and is insistent that they will deal with it on their own. D.S. Max Carter tells her they have to get involved and sets up traces on all of the family phones. A call comes through from the kidnappers demanding that the ransom money is dropped at a nearby shopping centre. The family want to play it straight and hand the money over but D.S. Max Carter is insistent that they put a tracker in the holdall with the money. The team surround the shopping centre but the cash drop goes wrong when Arshia panics. D.S. Max Carter suggests that Grace gets involved posing as Arshia’s sister Faiza, but will the gang call back and will they get a second opportunity to deliver the ransom money?

    ]D.C. Terry Perkins forces D.S. Max Carter to speak to D.I. Manson about his cocaine habit, he requests some time off but has he told D.I. Manson the full story?
    Last edited by alan45; 07-06-2010 at 11:49.

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