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Thread: Skins 2010

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    Skins 2010

    Skins will return for its fourth series at the end of January, E4 has announced.

    The new series, which sees all of the series three cast reprise their roles, will be comprised of eight episodes - two shorter than the previous.

    "We take great pride in the development of raw young voices in Skins," said executive producer Bryan Elsley.

    "This year, our writers and cast have stepped up and broken through to new levels of boldness. Funny, disrespectful, edgy, but also poignant and heartfelt, these stories try to go to the heart of what it means to be young today."

    The series will feature guest appearances from Chris Addison, Tanya Franks, Paul Kaye, Pauline Quirke, Simon Day, Dudley Sutton, Hugo Speer, Jenny Eclair and Will Young.

    2010 TV Preview: 'Skins' series 4

    When the first trailer for controversial teen drama Skins made its way onto television screens back in January '07 - soundtracked by The Gossip's unforgettable 'Standing In The Way Of Control' - it kick-started a new wave of neons, warehouse raves, and teenage debauchery. Three years on and the original cast (much like the neons, thankfully) are out, but the Skins party is still very much on. Here, Tube Talk chats to one of the show's writers, Georgia Lester, about the upcoming fourth series.
    How does the new series differ from the last?
    "The friendships are more bonded. Series three was about them coming together and being friends, whereas now, the group is formed and they're supporting each other through all the problems that come!"
    Do you take your own experiences to help write the stories you tell?
    "Yeah, sometimes. I've got a younger brother who is 17, and that's the kind of age group we're writing for, so I'm always eavesdropping on conversations to see what's going on in his life. He doesn't have a diary, but I'm often hacking into his Facebook!"
    Will the Freddie/Effy/Cook love triangle finally be resolved?
    "Effy does choose someone, but I can't tell you who! Nothing can be happy when it comes to Effy, so there's a lot of heartbreak. They all become mended at points.."
    Effy's been around since the start of the series. Do you think it'll be odd without her?
    "Yeah, I think she really has grown within Skins and the audience has loved her. But I think it's another challenge for the writers and for the audience to accept - if we do get recommissioned - a completely new cast. I think it will be very sad when she leaves - Kaya's been a massive part of Skins."
    When did you decide to let her speak? She was mute for the first series...
    "She spoke in series two with Michelle on a bench - she said her brother was a wanker, or something like that! I think that once we'd decided she was going to be a major character, it was probably wise to let her speak! I think she didn't speak for that year because she was just bored of life and then starting college, things were happening around her."
    Is there anyone in the current cast who might stick around for a fifth series?
    "I can't imagine anyone at the moment. I just love James Fitch - there's more of him in this coming series, but he's not quite the right age to become the main cast! There's a lot of Fitch in the next series."
    Are there any plans to bring back the first cast for this series? I heard a rumour that Sid was returning...
    "I don't know. I don't think any of the main old cast will be coming back. There might be some special appearances, but I can't say who! I can't ruin in for the fans!"
    The end of series two saw Chris killed off. Can we expect a similar tragedy this time around?
    "The whole series starts with a bang - it's not even a tragedy at the end. From the way episode one opens, there are going to be a lot of shocking things happening. There's a lot of tears, but hopefully a lot of laughter. There's definitely some upset."
    You're introducing a new character called Lara. What can you tell us about her?
    "She's cool. JJ will finally, maybe, find love with her. But this is Skins, this is teenage drama, and everyone's gotta get their heart broken before they can fall properly in love! There's a really sweet episode with JJ - it shows him growing up and accepting who he is. He has to trust someone new who isn't in his comfort zone of the three musketeers!"
    Will Young has been confirmed as a guest star. What will he be getting up to?
    "He is playing the school counsellor. Am I allowed to tell you that?! He's very funny. From what I've heard on set, everyone came away saying how amazing he was. He's got some really funny quirks and he bonds a lot with one of our main characters, and helps that character at a time in need..."
    What about Pauline Quirke?
    "She plays quite a scary character - someone you wouldn't want to mess with! There's an incident that involves everyone, and that's something she's part of."
    Whose episode is your favourite?
    "I don't even know if I could pick a favourite! I think the Cook episode is very powerful - it's great. That comes before [the one I wrote], so I hope people aren't gonna be disappointed. Effy's got one of the biggest stories, but everyone's character has an important journey. I wrote for Katie and I'm quietly confident that by the end of her episode, you'll know who she is - properly. The episodes this year are a lot more single - you really spend a lot of time with each character. There are new friendships formed and they have an impact on each story..."
    How does the writing work - do you each take a character?
    "We each have an episode and then we'll meet weekly to discuss serial elements. So for example, if Katie was in an episode I'd tell them what she would be doing. And then I say what state I see her being in at the end of the series. We have an ownership over our own characters throughout the series, but then we have free reign over the other characters in our episode."
    Will we see a softer side to Katie this series?
    "I wouldn't say she's a soft person! She's very strong, independent, and I think you'll empathise with her a lot. The fans will love her! There's a bit of romance, but I think it's important that everyone knows she doesn't need a boy in her life to be happy."
    Looking back on series three, which stories do you think worked particularly well?
    "From the reaction of the fans, we all know that the Emily/Naomi story worked wonders. We were surprised. It wasn't anything to do with them being lesbians - it was just a heartwarming love story about two people who didn't really know how to explore those feelings at that age. That was one of our strongest stories. There's lot of Naomi/Emily drama to come!"

  2. #2
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    wow what a line up of guest stars! i cant wait for this! love skins!!!! i wonder who Effy choose in the end? If it wasn't Freddie I wont be very happy!

  3. #3
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    Sorry that I have not put spoiler tags around the details, I don't know which one they now are

  4. #4
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    The rumours are true: Skins is returning for its fourth series next month! Last time around, Effy had got herself into a bit of a pickle with Cook and Freddie, Pandora and Thomas decided to call time on their relationship, and Naomi and Emily... well, they weren't really sure what to do for the best. Ahead of the new series, Tube Talk outlines what we can expect from television's most notorious teens.

    1. There's a tragic accident in episode one - and Thomas is left feeling responsible.

    2. Cook and Freddie become a smaller part of JJ's life as he starts to stand on his own two feet. There's even love on the horizon for him!

    3. Pandora's calmed down a lot, and that means less hedonism and a lack of rebellion...

    4. ...whereas Thomas is punching out in all sorts of ways - and his reckless behaviour may last the whole series.

    5. Effy returns to school to find she's no longer Queen Bee. Who might take her place?

    6. The twins are much more separate this time around. While Emily starts off on cloud nine, Katie is left dealing with a family meltdown.

    7. Naomi and Emily are loved up from episode one - but Naomi is hiding something from her which may threaten their relationship.

    8. After standing up for what he feels is right, love pushes Freddie to the brink of insanity.

    9. Cook is up to his usual tricks: turning to drugs and booze to mask his feelings.

    10. One teen turns to God after a devastating turns of events.

    If you're a Skins fan, stand by for some exclusive video interviews - and a set tour! - coming soon!

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    Kathryn Prescott has suggested that Skins fans will not be disappointed by her character's storylines in series four.

    The third series saw Prescott's alter ego Emily begin a lesbian romance with Naomi - played by Lily Loveless - but the series finale suggested they may have broken up.

    Speaking exclusively to Digital Spy, Prescott teased: "She has a bit of a roller-coaster ride in her episode!"

    Asked if Emily/Naomi fans will be disappointed by what happens, she replied: "No, I don't think so. I'm gonna give stuff away if I keep talking, but they won't be disappointed!"

    She added: "Naomi needs to appreciate Emily a bit more and Emily needs to be a bit tougher because otherwise Naomi will walk over her. But I don't know how the series ends yet, so I don't know what's happening."

    Skins returns Thursday, January 28 at 10pm on E4.

  6. #6
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    The show went kinda downhill

  7. #7
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    E4 has renewed Skins for two more series, it has been announced.

    Auditions for series five and six will be held in London and Bristol in April.

    Head of Channel 4 drama Camilla Campbell commented: "Skins has always been about new talent, both on and off screen, and the decision to recast the series every two years is one of the reasons Skins stands out as a truly distinctive show.

    "It’s a testament to the talent and commitment of [creator] Bryan Elsley and his team that they are able to pull this off. Now another group of teenagers will have the rare opportunity to be part of a British drama series that says something about their lives and is one of the most exciting shows on television. I can’t wait to find out who they will be."

    As previously reported, the entire current cast - including Kaya Scodelario and Luke Pasqualino - will leave the show when series four concludes next Thursday.

    Series five, made by Company Pictures and Stormdog Films, will be made up of eight episodes.

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